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История Великобритании и США (ИФЖиМКК)
1.The physical background of Great Britain. 2
2.Welcome to Britain. 4
3.Welcome to Britain. (Scotland, wales so on) 5
4.Waves of Invasion. 7
5.First 3 Stages of social development of England. 9
6 вопрос. From the reign of Henry the seventh till Early Stuart England 12
7. The rise and fall of British Empire. The Restoration. The eighteenth century 15
8. glimpse of history 21
9. four nations, the dominance of England, national loyalties, ethnic identity 23
10. geographical, religious and political identity of Britain 26
11. Population of the USA. Formation of the American nation. 27
Post-war baby boom 29
12. Being British and American 29
13. Social profile of contemporary Britain: social classes, ethnic groups 31
14. The Social profile of contemporary Britain and America^relationships 33
15. Political life in Britain 39
16. The british constitution and of usa 40
Primaries and caucuses 46
17.Party system in Britain 47
19) British Parliament. 50
20) British Government. The Cabinet. Central and local blabla 53
21) The civil service in Britain and state service in the USA 56
23) Branches of the USA 59
24) political parties of the USA 62
26) Economic Outline of the UK 64
27) Agriculture in the UK and USA 65
28. The Structure of industry and trade in the USA 67
29. Historical background of the British and American education 68
30. Organization and style of British and American systems of education. Recent developments. 70
31. British & American school life & public exams 73
32. The system of Higher Education in Britain & America. Admittance & Graduation 76
33. Oxbrige. The history and present day life. Their opposition to Redbrick universities. 79
34. American colleges and Universities. 81
35. The history of the British press. The BBC. Television: organization and style. 83
36. Arts in society. The characteristics of British arts. 86
37. Art museums and galleries in Britain and America. 88
38. Outline of the development of Victorian art in Britain. Modern movements in British art 89
Conceptual Art 90
Performance Art 90
39. British and American architecture. Outstanding Br. Architects 90
40. British and American stereotypes and (акцент) Modern holidays and other notable annual occasions 92
41. Development of the Br and Am Theater 94
42. Foundation and history of the oldest national theaters progressive theatres in Br 97
43. Making of British nation. Nationalities and languages in modern Britain. 98
44. Population of Britain. Density, natural growth, migration. 99
45. The USA physical background. 100
46. Problems of post-war economic development, the fall of empire, monopolization, reasons and consequences. 101
47. The influence of the conversion to Christianity on the cultural development of Britain. 102
48. The importance of national newspapers. Types of national newspapers. 103
История Великобритании и США (ИФЖиМКК)
История Великобритании и США (ИФЖиМКК)
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История Великобритании и США (ИФЖиМКК)
1.The physical background of Great Britain. 2
2.Welcome to Britain. 4
3.Welcome to Britain. (Scotland, wales so on) 5
4.Waves of Invasion. 7
5.First 3 Stages of social development of England. 9
6 вопрос. From the reign of Henry the seventh till Early Stuart England 12
7. The rise and fall of British Empire. The Restoration. The eighteenth century 15
8. glimpse of history 21
9. four nations, the dominance of England, national loyalties, ethnic identity 23
10. geographical, religious and political identity of Britain 26
11. Population of the USA. Formation of the American nation. 27
Post-war baby boom 29
12. Being British and American 29
13. Social profile of contemporary Britain: social classes, ethnic groups 31
14. The Social profile of contemporary Britain and America^relationships 33
15. Political life in Britain 39
16. The british constitution and of usa 40
Primaries and caucuses 46
17.Party system in Britain 47
19) British Parliament. 50
20) British Government. The Cabinet. Central and local blabla 53
21) The civil service in Britain and state service in the USA 56
23) Branches of the USA 59
24) political parties of the USA 62
26) Economic Outline of the UK 64
27) Agriculture in the UK and USA 65
28. The Structure of industry and trade in the USA 67
29. Historical background of the British and American education 68
30. Organization and style of British and American systems of education. Recent developments. 70
31. British & American school life & public exams 73
32. The system of Higher Education in Britain & America. Admittance & Graduation 76
33. Oxbrige. The history and present day life. Their opposition to Redbrick universities. 79
34. American colleges and Universities. 81
35. The history of the British press. The BBC. Television: organization and style. 83
36. Arts in society. The characteristics of British arts. 86
37. Art museums and galleries in Britain and America. 88
38. Outline of the development of Victorian art in Britain. Modern movements in British art 89
Conceptual Art 90
Performance Art 90
39. British and American architecture. Outstanding Br. Architects 90
40. British and American stereotypes and (акцент) Modern holidays and other notable annual occasions 92
41. Development of the Br and Am Theater 94
42. Foundation and history of the oldest national theaters progressive theatres in Br 97
43. Making of British nation. Nationalities and languages in modern Britain. 98
44. Population of Britain. Density, natural growth, migration. 99
45. The USA physical background. 100
46. Problems of post-war economic development, the fall of empire, monopolization, reasons and consequences. 101
47. The influence of the conversion to Christianity on the cultural development of Britain. 102
48. The importance of national newspapers. Types of national newspapers. 103
История Великобритании и США (ИФЖиМКК)
История Великобритании и США (ИФЖиМКК)
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