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2.Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in grammar.
The sign is a meaningful unit in the system of language. It means that any sign has 2 planes: the plane (уровень) of content and the plane of expression.
The plane of content comprises the purely semantic elements, while the plane of expression comprises the material or formal elements.
These 2 planes are inseparably connected: no meaning can be realized without some material form (единство формы и содержания), but in real life the relationship between 2 planes is often violated and as a result of this violation we have such linguistic phenomena as homonymy, synonymy and polysemy.
Homonymy means: to one plane of expression correspond several planes of content (it prevents us from understanding): ex: verbals, participle I, gerund and verbal nouns are typical homonyms(-ing); -er- worker, faster(doer of the action and comparison).
Synonymy- one plane of content-several planes of expression.
Future action in English can be expressed by: Present Continuous (personally planned action), Present Indefinite (officially planned action according to the schedule), Future Indefinite (inevitable actions), to be going to. Ex: It is about… (Вот-вот…)
Вопросы к экзамену по теоретической грамматике
1. Grammar and semantics
2. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations
3. Levels of language
4. The word and the morpheme
5. Traditional (functional) classification of morphemes
6. Distributional classification of morphemes
7. Synthetical and analytical forms in grammar
8. Identification of parts of speech
9. Notional parts of speech in English
10. Functional parts of speech in English
11. Syntactic classes of words (Ch. Fries)
12. The three layer structure of the vocabulary (M. Blokh)
13. The structure of grammatical category (opposition)
14. The category of number
15. The category of case
16. The English article
17. The category of gender
18. Non-finite forms of the verb (verbids)
19. The category of tense
20. The category of aspect
21. The category of mood
22. The sentence as a syntactic unit
23. The phrase, its relation to the word and the sentence
24. The actual division of the sentence
25. The communicative types of sentences
26. The simple sentence and its parts
27. The concept of paradigmatic syntax
28. The kernel sentence in paradigmatic syntax
29. Syntactic paradigm of predicative functions
30. Syntactic nominalization
31. The composite sentence, its structure and derivation
32. The complex sentence
33. The compound sentence
34. The Semi-compound sentence
35. Utterance (Dicteme) as the elementary unit of text.
36. Categorial aspect of text
37. Informational aspect of text
М.Я. Блох
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2.Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in grammar.
The sign is a meaningful unit in the system of language. It means that any sign has 2 planes: the plane (уровень) of content and the plane of expression.
The plane of content comprises the purely semantic elements, while the plane of expression comprises the material or formal elements.
These 2 planes are inseparably connected: no meaning can be realized without some material form (единство формы и содержания), but in real life the relationship between 2 planes is often violated and as a result of this violation we have such linguistic phenomena as homonymy, synonymy and polysemy.
Homonymy means: to one plane of expression correspond several planes of content (it prevents us from understanding): ex: verbals, participle I, gerund and verbal nouns are typical homonyms(-ing); -er- worker, faster(doer of the action and comparison).
Synonymy- one plane of content-several planes of expression.
Future action in English can be expressed by: Present Continuous (personally planned action), Present Indefinite (officially planned action according to the schedule), Future Indefinite (inevitable actions), to be going to. Ex: It is about… (Вот-вот…)
Вопросы к экзамену по теоретической грамматике
1. Grammar and semantics
2. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations
3. Levels of language
4. The word and the morpheme
5. Traditional (functional) classification of morphemes
6. Distributional classification of morphemes
7. Synthetical and analytical forms in grammar
8. Identification of parts of speech
9. Notional parts of speech in English
10. Functional parts of speech in English
11. Syntactic classes of words (Ch. Fries)
12. The three layer structure of the vocabulary (M. Blokh)
13. The structure of grammatical category (opposition)
14. The category of number
15. The category of case
16. The English article
17. The category of gender
18. Non-finite forms of the verb (verbids)
19. The category of tense
20. The category of aspect
21. The category of mood
22. The sentence as a syntactic unit
23. The phrase, its relation to the word and the sentence
24. The actual division of the sentence
25. The communicative types of sentences
26. The simple sentence and its parts
27. The concept of paradigmatic syntax
28. The kernel sentence in paradigmatic syntax
29. Syntactic paradigm of predicative functions
30. Syntactic nominalization
31. The composite sentence, its structure and derivation
32. The complex sentence
33. The compound sentence
34. The Semi-compound sentence
35. Utterance (Dicteme) as the elementary unit of text.
36. Categorial aspect of text
37. Informational aspect of text
М.Я. Блох
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