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Перевод статьи, название: Business brief 2 Multinationals are the most visible of companies

  • 3 страниц
  • 2021 год
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Переводчик, репетитор английского языка, экономист

40 ₽

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Пример перевода двух предложений:
Multinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries can give them global reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their country of origin.
Транснациональные корпорации являются наиболее заметными компаниями. Их местные дочерние компании позволяют им расти до мировых масштабов, хотя их корпоративная культура, то, каким образом они работают, во многом зависит от страны происхождения корпорации.

Multinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries can give them global reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their country of origin. But the tissue of most national economies is made up of much smaller organisations. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) with tens or hundreds of employees, rather than tens of thousands employed by large corporations. Small businesses with just a few employees are also important. Many governments hope that the small businesses of today will become the multinationals of tomorrow, but many owners of small companies choose to work that way because they find it more congenial and do not want to expand. And then of course there are the sole traders, one-man or one-woman businesses. In the professional world, these freelancers are often people who have left (or been forced to leave) large organisations and who have set up on their own, taking the expertise they have gained with them. But in every case the principle is the same: to survive – the money coming in has to be more than the money going out. Companies with shareholders are looking for more than survival – they want return on investment. Shares in the company rise and fall in relation to how investors see the future profitability of the company; they demand shareholder value in the way the company is run to maximise profitability for investors, in terms of increased dividends and a rising share price. Publicly quoted companies, with their shares listed or quoted on a stock exchange, come under a lot of scrutiny in this area. Some large companies (often family-owned or dominated) are private: they choose not to have their shares openly bought and sold, perhaps because they do not want this scrutiny. But they may have trouble raising the capital they need to grow and develop. Profitability is key. Formulas for success are the subject of thousands of business courses and business books. Of course, what works for one person may not work for others. See below for books on two styles of running a company that might be hard to imitate!

Перевод данной статьи "Business brief 2 Multinationals are the most visible of companies" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Фрагменты работ

Пример перевода двух предложений:
Multinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries can give them global reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their country of origin.
Транснациональные корпорации являются наиболее заметными компаниями. Их местные дочерние компании позволяют им расти до мировых масштабов, хотя их корпоративная культура, то, каким образом они работают, во многом зависит от страны происхождения корпорации.

Multinationals are the most visible of companies. Their local subsidiaries can give them global reach, even if their corporate culture, the way they do things, depends largely on their country of origin. But the tissue of most national economies is made up of much smaller organisations. Many countries owe much of their prosperity to SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) with tens or hundreds of employees, rather than tens of thousands employed by large corporations. Small businesses with just a few employees are also important. Many governments hope that the small businesses of today will become the multinationals of tomorrow, but many owners of small companies choose to work that way because they find it more congenial and do not want to expand. And then of course there are the sole traders, one-man or one-woman businesses. In the professional world, these freelancers are often people who have left (or been forced to leave) large organisations and who have set up on their own, taking the expertise they have gained with them. But in every case the principle is the same: to survive – the money coming in has to be more than the money going out. Companies with shareholders are looking for more than survival – they want return on investment. Shares in the company rise and fall in relation to how investors see the future profitability of the company; they demand shareholder value in the way the company is run to maximise profitability for investors, in terms of increased dividends and a rising share price. Publicly quoted companies, with their shares listed or quoted on a stock exchange, come under a lot of scrutiny in this area. Some large companies (often family-owned or dominated) are private: they choose not to have their shares openly bought and sold, perhaps because they do not want this scrutiny. But they may have trouble raising the capital they need to grow and develop. Profitability is key. Formulas for success are the subject of thousands of business courses and business books. Of course, what works for one person may not work for others. See below for books on two styles of running a company that might be hard to imitate!

Перевод данной статьи "Business brief 2 Multinationals are the most visible of companies" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Отзыв ttt2121 об авторе Noitanicks 2019-03-15

Переводом доволен. Автор знает свое дело

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Отзыв ЦГиТН об авторе Noitanicks 2017-09-28

все отлично!

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Отзыв Людмила388 об авторе Noitanicks 2018-05-12

Спасибо за работу, очень довольна. Очень быстро и качественно. Всем советую этого автора. Еще раз спасибо.

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