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Перевод статьи, название: The days of amateur selling are over

  • 2 страниц
  • 2021 год
  • 0 просмотров
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Переводчик, репетитор английского языка, экономист

59 ₽

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Пример перевода первого абзаца:
Нравится ли вам, когда вы проходите через зал ожидания в аэропорту, и видите ожидающего вас водителя, держащего табличку с вашим именем? Сколько стоит такая услуга? Если это деловая поездка и ее оплачивает ваша компания, знаете ли вы, сколько они за это заплатили?

Don’t you just love it when you come through the arrivals gate at the airport and you see a driver there waiting for you, holding up a board with your name on it? How much is that service worth to you? If it is a business trip and your company is paying, do you know what price you will be charged?
I Didn’t think so. The individual customer doesn’t have this sort of information. The travel department in your company can handle it. But what if the travel agency that they are buying from doesn’t know the price either? Good news for your company’s purchasing department: they can gat a better all-in deal. But the travel agency, through its amateur approach to buying and selling, is throwing away a large amount of money.
That is the story of a real travel business as told to me by Michael Moorman, headl of ZS Associates, a Chicago-based sales and marketing consultancy. Mr Moorman is critical of some of the old-fashioned, amateur selling techniques that go on in many businesses that are unsuited to today’s commercial environment.
A new report from the UK’s Cranfield School of Management has also described some of the problems. “The average sales person is a pleasant individual who knows a lot about their products,” the report says, “but is not able to show how their products are different from the competition, or to solve the customer’s problems.”
This game has changed. “Today sales people have to go in and negotiate with professional negotiators,” Mr Moorman says. “You have to be able to speak the language of finance.” It is not good enough to be a “born salesman” any more. It is the smart salesmen and women who will keep their businesses afloat in the months ahead.

Перевод данной статьи под названием "The days of amateur selling are over" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Фрагменты работ

Пример перевода первого абзаца:
Нравится ли вам, когда вы проходите через зал ожидания в аэропорту, и видите ожидающего вас водителя, держащего табличку с вашим именем? Сколько стоит такая услуга? Если это деловая поездка и ее оплачивает ваша компания, знаете ли вы, сколько они за это заплатили?

Don’t you just love it when you come through the arrivals gate at the airport and you see a driver there waiting for you, holding up a board with your name on it? How much is that service worth to you? If it is a business trip and your company is paying, do you know what price you will be charged?
I Didn’t think so. The individual customer doesn’t have this sort of information. The travel department in your company can handle it. But what if the travel agency that they are buying from doesn’t know the price either? Good news for your company’s purchasing department: they can gat a better all-in deal. But the travel agency, through its amateur approach to buying and selling, is throwing away a large amount of money.
That is the story of a real travel business as told to me by Michael Moorman, headl of ZS Associates, a Chicago-based sales and marketing consultancy. Mr Moorman is critical of some of the old-fashioned, amateur selling techniques that go on in many businesses that are unsuited to today’s commercial environment.
A new report from the UK’s Cranfield School of Management has also described some of the problems. “The average sales person is a pleasant individual who knows a lot about their products,” the report says, “but is not able to show how their products are different from the competition, or to solve the customer’s problems.”
This game has changed. “Today sales people have to go in and negotiate with professional negotiators,” Mr Moorman says. “You have to be able to speak the language of finance.” It is not good enough to be a “born salesman” any more. It is the smart salesmen and women who will keep their businesses afloat in the months ahead.

Перевод данной статьи под названием "The days of amateur selling are over" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Перевод статьи, название: The days of amateur selling are over

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Автор работы
Переводчик, репетитор английского языка, экономист
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0 раз Куплено Выполняется индивидуально
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Исполнитель, загружая работу в «Банк готовых работ» подтверждает, что уровень оригинальности работы составляет не менее 40%
Уникальность Выполняется индивидуально
Сразу в личном кабинете Доступность Срок 1—3 дня
59 ₽ Цена от 200 ₽

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Отзыв ttt2121 об авторе Noitanicks 2019-03-15

Переводом доволен. Автор знает свое дело

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Отзыв ЦГиТН об авторе Noitanicks 2017-09-28

все отлично!

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Отзыв Людмила388 об авторе Noitanicks 2018-05-12

Спасибо за работу, очень довольна. Очень быстро и качественно. Всем советую этого автора. Еще раз спасибо.

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