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In the present millennium, business companies are constantly facing a huge number of competitions. Firms must deal with challenges like how best to come up to their rivals, rapid hi-tech change, the emergence of latest industries and serving their clients. Thus, to stay alive and be successful in the present millennium, the call for building and sustaining competitive benefit will be much greater than ever.
Airline business is a very competitive industry. Currently, in order to carry on and build up, more and more airline firms are seeking for competitive advantages. Normally, for an airline firm, competitive advantage can be gained by two ways: improving client service and cutting down operational expenses.
In this essay, the focus will be on how international airlines firms achieve competitive in the course of quality of service and lower cost. The biggest Russian airlines company Aeroflot is taken as an example for the analysis of the current competitiveness and the ways of its improvement in the short-term and the long-term prospects.
The geographic position of Russia is an ordinary competitive benefit of Russian airlines as regards to the recent Russian ascension to WTO. Actually the question on Russia's ascension to WTO was the question of the competitiveness of Russian firms.
In addition to the benefit of the geographic position, all Russian airlines, including Aeroflot, should progress their quality of service. As
Aeroflot general director A. Okulov once stressed, “This is the only way to confront global world airline alliances”. Only 20 % of Russian airports match the world standards to some extent. The ground-based communications of airports is another necessary provision for the competitiveness of present Russian aviation.
Table of contents
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..3
Basic ways of improving competitiveness of a firm 4
Conclusions 8
List of references 10
List of references
1. Arthur Thompson “Crafting and Executing Strategy”, 16th edition, published by McGraw-Hill, 2008.
2. Oakland, J. (2005), “From quality to excellence in the 21st century”, Total quality management & business excellence, Vol.16, Iss.8, 9, pp.1053-1060.
3. Porter, M. (1980), Competitive Strategy, Free Press, NY.
4. Rogers, E.M. (1995), Diffusion of innovations, 4th ed., Free Press, NY.
5. Slack, N. & M. Lewis. (2002). Operations Strategy. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
6. http://aeroflot.ru
7. http://www.airlinequality.com/Airlines/SU.htm
8. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QXQ/is_/ai_n27065024
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In the present millennium, business companies are constantly facing a huge number of competitions. Firms must deal with challenges like how best to come up to their rivals, rapid hi-tech change, the emergence of latest industries and serving their clients. Thus, to stay alive and be successful in the present millennium, the call for building and sustaining competitive benefit will be much greater than ever.
Airline business is a very competitive industry. Currently, in order to carry on and build up, more and more airline firms are seeking for competitive advantages. Normally, for an airline firm, competitive advantage can be gained by two ways: improving client service and cutting down operational expenses.
In this essay, the focus will be on how international airlines firms achieve competitive in the course of quality of service and lower cost. The biggest Russian airlines company Aeroflot is taken as an example for the analysis of the current competitiveness and the ways of its improvement in the short-term and the long-term prospects.
The geographic position of Russia is an ordinary competitive benefit of Russian airlines as regards to the recent Russian ascension to WTO. Actually the question on Russia's ascension to WTO was the question of the competitiveness of Russian firms.
In addition to the benefit of the geographic position, all Russian airlines, including Aeroflot, should progress their quality of service. As
Aeroflot general director A. Okulov once stressed, “This is the only way to confront global world airline alliances”. Only 20 % of Russian airports match the world standards to some extent. The ground-based communications of airports is another necessary provision for the competitiveness of present Russian aviation.
Table of contents
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..3
Basic ways of improving competitiveness of a firm 4
Conclusions 8
List of references 10
List of references
1. Arthur Thompson “Crafting and Executing Strategy”, 16th edition, published by McGraw-Hill, 2008.
2. Oakland, J. (2005), “From quality to excellence in the 21st century”, Total quality management & business excellence, Vol.16, Iss.8, 9, pp.1053-1060.
3. Porter, M. (1980), Competitive Strategy, Free Press, NY.
4. Rogers, E.M. (1995), Diffusion of innovations, 4th ed., Free Press, NY.
5. Slack, N. & M. Lewis. (2002). Operations Strategy. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
6. http://aeroflot.ru
7. http://www.airlinequality.com/Airlines/SU.htm
8. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QXQ/is_/ai_n27065024
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