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There are many different ways to approach the problems of meaning, since meaning is related to many different functions of language. The meanings of words in a language are interrelated and they are defined in part by their relations with other words in the language. Analyzed in the same semantic domain, words can be classified according to shared and differentiating features.
A lexeme can be analyzed and described in terms of its semantic components, which help to define different lexical relations, grammatical and syntactic processes. The semantic structure of a lexeme is treated as a system of meanings. To some extent, we can define a lexeme by telling what set it belongs to and how it differs from other members of the same set.
1.1 Basic principles of grouping words 4
2.1. Synonymy 7
2.2. Euphemisms 9
2.3. Antonymy 9
2.4. Homonyms 11
2.5. The lexical and terminological sets 11
2.6. The lexico-semantic group 12
2.7. The semantic fields 13
The subject of my paper is the semantic classification of vocabulary items and the object is the analysis of vocabulary items.
1. Allan K., Burridge K. Forbidden words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - 2006. - P. 314.
2. Baghana J., Taranova E. The Role of Subject Classification in Terminological Studies // Вестник. - 2014. - № 5.
3. Brinton L. The structure of modern English: a linguistic introduction. California: John Benjamins Publishing, – 2010. – P. 335.
4. Chunming G. A Linguistic Study of Antonymy in English Texts // Journal of Language Teaching and Research. - 2014. – Vol. 5. - №1.
5. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, - 2003. – P. 488
6. Dafydd G., Inge M., Roger K. Handbook of Multimodal and Spoken Dialogue Systems. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, - 2000. – P. 279.
7. Hirst G. The semantic and stylistic diffeantiation of synonyms and near-synonyms. – 2001. – ftp http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2001/SS-93-02/SS93-02-025.pdf (29 March 2015).
8. Kandola J. Learning Semantic Similarity. Canada: MIT Press, – 2005. – P. 270
9. Lyons J. Linguistic semantics: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. – P. 356.
10. Manfred S. The hyperonym problem revisited: Conceptual and lexical hierarchies in language generation // Association for Computational Linguistics. - 2014. – ftp http://aclweb.org/anthology//W/W00/W00-1413.pdf (29 April 2015)
11. Murphy M. Semantic Relations and the Lexicon: Antonymy, Synonymy and other Paradigms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, - 2003. - P. 274.
12. Palmer F. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, - 1995. – P. 164.
13. Parent K. The Most Frequent English Homonyms // RELC Journal. – 2012. – Vol. 42. - №1.
14. Thipa H. Semantic Field Analysis. English in Africa. Grahamstown: Rhodes University, - 1980. - P. 260.
15. Thüne E., Bazzanella C., Leonardi S. Gender, Language and New Literacy: A Multilingual Analysis. Italy: Continuum, - 2009. – P. 256.
16. Zeng X. Semantic relationships between contextual synonyms // US-China Education. – 2007. – Vol. 4. - №9.
17. Zhelyazova E.P. Vocabulary perceptions and principles in foreign language. v. 6. 3, - 2011. – ftp http://conf.uni-ruse.bg/bg/docs/cp11/6.3/6.3-24.pdf (30 April 2015).
18. Арзамасцева Н.Ю. Особенности идентификации фразеологической доминанты в синонимической парадигме // Вестник ТГПУ. - 2012. - №10.
19. Вардзелашвили Ж. Принципы исследования лексической системы языка // Русское слово. – 2001. - №19.
20. Демидович Т.В. К вопросу о лексико-семантических группах военной лексики // Известия ВГПУ. - 2013. - №9.
21. Литвин Ф.А. Многозначность слова в языке и речи. - М.: КомКнигa, - 2005. – 120 c.
22. Уфимцева А.А. Лексическое значение. Принцип семиологического описания лексики / под. ред. Ю.С. Степанова. – 2-е изд., стер. – М.: Едиториал УРСС, - 2002. – 240 с.
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There are many different ways to approach the problems of meaning, since meaning is related to many different functions of language. The meanings of words in a language are interrelated and they are defined in part by their relations with other words in the language. Analyzed in the same semantic domain, words can be classified according to shared and differentiating features.
A lexeme can be analyzed and described in terms of its semantic components, which help to define different lexical relations, grammatical and syntactic processes. The semantic structure of a lexeme is treated as a system of meanings. To some extent, we can define a lexeme by telling what set it belongs to and how it differs from other members of the same set.
1.1 Basic principles of grouping words 4
2.1. Synonymy 7
2.2. Euphemisms 9
2.3. Antonymy 9
2.4. Homonyms 11
2.5. The lexical and terminological sets 11
2.6. The lexico-semantic group 12
2.7. The semantic fields 13
The subject of my paper is the semantic classification of vocabulary items and the object is the analysis of vocabulary items.
1. Allan K., Burridge K. Forbidden words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - 2006. - P. 314.
2. Baghana J., Taranova E. The Role of Subject Classification in Terminological Studies // Вестник. - 2014. - № 5.
3. Brinton L. The structure of modern English: a linguistic introduction. California: John Benjamins Publishing, – 2010. – P. 335.
4. Chunming G. A Linguistic Study of Antonymy in English Texts // Journal of Language Teaching and Research. - 2014. – Vol. 5. - №1.
5. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, - 2003. – P. 488
6. Dafydd G., Inge M., Roger K. Handbook of Multimodal and Spoken Dialogue Systems. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, - 2000. – P. 279.
7. Hirst G. The semantic and stylistic diffeantiation of synonyms and near-synonyms. – 2001. – ftp http://www.aaai.org/Papers/Symposia/Spring/2001/SS-93-02/SS93-02-025.pdf (29 March 2015).
8. Kandola J. Learning Semantic Similarity. Canada: MIT Press, – 2005. – P. 270
9. Lyons J. Linguistic semantics: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. – P. 356.
10. Manfred S. The hyperonym problem revisited: Conceptual and lexical hierarchies in language generation // Association for Computational Linguistics. - 2014. – ftp http://aclweb.org/anthology//W/W00/W00-1413.pdf (29 April 2015)
11. Murphy M. Semantic Relations and the Lexicon: Antonymy, Synonymy and other Paradigms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, - 2003. - P. 274.
12. Palmer F. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, - 1995. – P. 164.
13. Parent K. The Most Frequent English Homonyms // RELC Journal. – 2012. – Vol. 42. - №1.
14. Thipa H. Semantic Field Analysis. English in Africa. Grahamstown: Rhodes University, - 1980. - P. 260.
15. Thüne E., Bazzanella C., Leonardi S. Gender, Language and New Literacy: A Multilingual Analysis. Italy: Continuum, - 2009. – P. 256.
16. Zeng X. Semantic relationships between contextual synonyms // US-China Education. – 2007. – Vol. 4. - №9.
17. Zhelyazova E.P. Vocabulary perceptions and principles in foreign language. v. 6. 3, - 2011. – ftp http://conf.uni-ruse.bg/bg/docs/cp11/6.3/6.3-24.pdf (30 April 2015).
18. Арзамасцева Н.Ю. Особенности идентификации фразеологической доминанты в синонимической парадигме // Вестник ТГПУ. - 2012. - №10.
19. Вардзелашвили Ж. Принципы исследования лексической системы языка // Русское слово. – 2001. - №19.
20. Демидович Т.В. К вопросу о лексико-семантических группах военной лексики // Известия ВГПУ. - 2013. - №9.
21. Литвин Ф.А. Многозначность слова в языке и речи. - М.: КомКнигa, - 2005. – 120 c.
22. Уфимцева А.А. Лексическое значение. Принцип семиологического описания лексики / под. ред. Ю.С. Степанова. – 2-е изд., стер. – М.: Едиториал УРСС, - 2002. – 240 с.
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