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Россия и исламский мир.
Chapter 1. The present level of cooperation between Russia and the Islamic world
1.1 Russia policy towards the Islamic world
1.2 Islamic policy towards Russia
Chapter 2. Threats and opportunities of Russian-Islamic cooperation
2.1 Mutual interests and the field for cooperation
2.2 The main problems and challenges and possible solutions to them.
Chapter 3. The influence of the process of the globalization on Russian-Islamic relations
1.Alyautdinova D. Rossiya I Islamskii mir – ravnopravnoe sotrudnichestvo // URL: http://www.tatar.ru/?node_id=3386 09.01.11
2.Exported weapons from Russia in 1995-2005 // URL: http://www.web.sipri.org/contents/armstrad/at_data.html 05.01.11
3.Fomine A. Islamic world, Russia and the West. Oriental Review // URL: http://orientalreview.org/2010/04/27/islamic-world-russia-and-the-west/ 07.01.11
4.Laqueur W. Russian’s Muslim Strategy // URL: http://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/walter-laqueur/russias-muslim-strategy-foreign-policy 08.01.11
5.Malashenko A. Islam and Russia. M. Carnegie endowment for international peace. 2007.
6.Muhametov P. Kak globalizaya menyaet islamskii mir? // URL: http://www.analitika.org/article.php?story=2007101223023965 04.11.01
7.Naumkin V. Rossiya I Islamskii mir // URL: http://www.journal-neo.com/?q=node/278 04.01.11
8.Nekrasov A. Wikileaks: “Eksport rossiiskogo voorujeniya” // URL: http://udmvoice.livejournal.com/28561.html
9.Opening Speech to the OPEC – Russia Meeting. Russian Minister of Industry & Energy, HE Victor Khristenko, Moscow, 26 December 2005 // URL: http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/press_room/879.htm 08.01.11
10.Russia and Islamic world // URL: http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20060630/50746969.html 07.11.01
11.Zjiznin S. Z. Energeticheskaya Diplomatiya. M, 1999.
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Россия и исламский мир.
Chapter 1. The present level of cooperation between Russia and the Islamic world
1.1 Russia policy towards the Islamic world
1.2 Islamic policy towards Russia
Chapter 2. Threats and opportunities of Russian-Islamic cooperation
2.1 Mutual interests and the field for cooperation
2.2 The main problems and challenges and possible solutions to them.
Chapter 3. The influence of the process of the globalization on Russian-Islamic relations
1.Alyautdinova D. Rossiya I Islamskii mir – ravnopravnoe sotrudnichestvo // URL: http://www.tatar.ru/?node_id=3386 09.01.11
2.Exported weapons from Russia in 1995-2005 // URL: http://www.web.sipri.org/contents/armstrad/at_data.html 05.01.11
3.Fomine A. Islamic world, Russia and the West. Oriental Review // URL: http://orientalreview.org/2010/04/27/islamic-world-russia-and-the-west/ 07.01.11
4.Laqueur W. Russian’s Muslim Strategy // URL: http://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/walter-laqueur/russias-muslim-strategy-foreign-policy 08.01.11
5.Malashenko A. Islam and Russia. M. Carnegie endowment for international peace. 2007.
6.Muhametov P. Kak globalizaya menyaet islamskii mir? // URL: http://www.analitika.org/article.php?story=2007101223023965 04.11.01
7.Naumkin V. Rossiya I Islamskii mir // URL: http://www.journal-neo.com/?q=node/278 04.01.11
8.Nekrasov A. Wikileaks: “Eksport rossiiskogo voorujeniya” // URL: http://udmvoice.livejournal.com/28561.html
9.Opening Speech to the OPEC – Russia Meeting. Russian Minister of Industry & Energy, HE Victor Khristenko, Moscow, 26 December 2005 // URL: http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/press_room/879.htm 08.01.11
10.Russia and Islamic world // URL: http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20060630/50746969.html 07.11.01
11.Zjiznin S. Z. Energeticheskaya Diplomatiya. M, 1999.
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