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Investment clustering

  • 2 страниц
  • 2017 год
  • 114 просмотров
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Фрагменты работ

The increasing complexity of economic life requires a change in approaches to the formation of investment policy. For many organizations, the burning problem is the economical, ergonomic and socially safe increase of competitiveness and efficiency of the production of goods, works and services. The existing problem initiates scientific research and empirical research in the field of investment. The theoretical basis for the emergence and development of modern concepts of economic development of the territories was the scientific works of the largest researchers in the field of economic science: W. Petty, D. Ricardo, A. Smith, J. B. Say J. St. Mill, K. Marx, V. Lenin, Makkonel K., Bru S., O. Cournot, V. Pareto, US Jevons, A. Marshall, C. Menger, O. Bem - Bawerk, F. von Vizer , L. Walras, J. B. Clark, C. Wicksell, J. Hicks, SchumpeterJ. M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky, A.N. Rich. In the future, these studies were continued in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, analysts, specialists on the formation of modern concepts of innovative development of territories, the formation of the company's intellectual potential in a post-industrial economy.

Economic development, innovative clusters.

Cluster approach assumes existence of special structuring economic system. A cluster - group of the organizations concentrating near "kernel" which is often defined by branch scientific research institutes in many economies of the world. In Russia it is not the research organizations. And the infrastructure and associations of the organizations which have faced homogeneous factors of the market.

1. Arrow, K. (2013). The nature and importance of innovation. Journal of technology and society winter. Princeton University Press: 91.
2. Dudin M.N., Frolova Е.Е., Gryzunova N.V., Shuvalova E.B.
Asian Social Science. 2015. Т. 11. № 1. С. 239-246.

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Фрагменты работ

The increasing complexity of economic life requires a change in approaches to the formation of investment policy. For many organizations, the burning problem is the economical, ergonomic and socially safe increase of competitiveness and efficiency of the production of goods, works and services. The existing problem initiates scientific research and empirical research in the field of investment. The theoretical basis for the emergence and development of modern concepts of economic development of the territories was the scientific works of the largest researchers in the field of economic science: W. Petty, D. Ricardo, A. Smith, J. B. Say J. St. Mill, K. Marx, V. Lenin, Makkonel K., Bru S., O. Cournot, V. Pareto, US Jevons, A. Marshall, C. Menger, O. Bem - Bawerk, F. von Vizer , L. Walras, J. B. Clark, C. Wicksell, J. Hicks, SchumpeterJ. M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky, A.N. Rich. In the future, these studies were continued in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, analysts, specialists on the formation of modern concepts of innovative development of territories, the formation of the company's intellectual potential in a post-industrial economy.

Economic development, innovative clusters.

Cluster approach assumes existence of special structuring economic system. A cluster - group of the organizations concentrating near "kernel" which is often defined by branch scientific research institutes in many economies of the world. In Russia it is not the research organizations. And the infrastructure and associations of the organizations which have faced homogeneous factors of the market.

1. Arrow, K. (2013). The nature and importance of innovation. Journal of technology and society winter. Princeton University Press: 91.
2. Dudin M.N., Frolova Е.Е., Gryzunova N.V., Shuvalova E.B.
Asian Social Science. 2015. Т. 11. № 1. С. 239-246.

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Investment clustering

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Отзыв king21 об авторе etxtk 2019-07-18

Все понравилось. Сделано на высшем уровне. Спасибо большое!!!

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Отзыв Александр Суханов об авторе etxtk 2017-05-17

Все работы автора на самом высшем уровне. По всем работам обращаюсь только к нему. Пригласил в новый заказ, подтверди пожалуйста.

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Отзыв sancho94 об авторе etxtk 2017-12-23

Огромное спасибо!

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Отзыв AnastasiaKis об авторе etxtk 2014-12-02

Рекомендую автора!

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