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Due to the specifics of the development of the Russian economy, the raw materials industries largely determine the formation of the budget, the volume of exports and industry growth, the level of prices for resources, and also have a significant impact on the ruble exchange rate.
Exchange rate, price trends, exports, exchange rate, oil prices.
In this article the dynamics of changes in international oil prices, the ruble dependent on these changes, and also identified factors that have a direct impact on global oil prices. The main factor considered in the analysis of the ruble exchange rate and the impact on the cost of oil has served as the volume of oil production and export in the country, as in our country, these figures are significant in relation to the volume of industrial production and a total volume of export-import operations.
1. Anisimov, A.A., Artemyev, N.V. Macroeconomics [Text]: study guide / A. A. Anisimov, N. V. Artemyev. - M .: Unity, 2013. - 402 p.
2. The dynamics of oil prices since 1990 [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://tass.ru/ekonomika/1572991/
3. Dependence of the ruble on oil [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http: //24smi.org/news/20530-pochemu-rubl-zavisit-ot-cen-na-neft-kak_spect.html/
4. Federal State Statistics Service [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://www.gks.ru/
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Due to the specifics of the development of the Russian economy, the raw materials industries largely determine the formation of the budget, the volume of exports and industry growth, the level of prices for resources, and also have a significant impact on the ruble exchange rate.
Exchange rate, price trends, exports, exchange rate, oil prices.
In this article the dynamics of changes in international oil prices, the ruble dependent on these changes, and also identified factors that have a direct impact on global oil prices. The main factor considered in the analysis of the ruble exchange rate and the impact on the cost of oil has served as the volume of oil production and export in the country, as in our country, these figures are significant in relation to the volume of industrial production and a total volume of export-import operations.
1. Anisimov, A.A., Artemyev, N.V. Macroeconomics [Text]: study guide / A. A. Anisimov, N. V. Artemyev. - M .: Unity, 2013. - 402 p.
2. The dynamics of oil prices since 1990 [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://tass.ru/ekonomika/1572991/
3. Dependence of the ruble on oil [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http: //24smi.org/news/20530-pochemu-rubl-zavisit-ot-cen-na-neft-kak_spect.html/
4. Federal State Statistics Service [Electronic resource] // Access mode: http://www.gks.ru/
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