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Even the most ambitious advertising budgets can be considered abandoned, if the manufacturer does not take care of stimulating interest in the product from intermediate buyers - wholesalers and retailers. How to induce a retailer to buy a product and effectively promote it along the links of the distribution network to the final consumer is a task that companies solve with the help of trade marketing [1, 2].
Trade marketing, sales promotion, advertising budget, wholesale and retail trade, dealer award.
Even the massive advertising budgets can be considered thrown to the wind, if the manufacturer does not take care of stimulating interest in the product from the intermediate buyers - wholesalers and retailers.
1. Krasyuk, IA, Medvedev, Yu.Yu., Magomedov, MG Own trademarks as a tool for marketing development of retail chains // Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Krasyuk I.A., Rostov-on-Don, 2013.
2. Korchagova LA, Prishina M.A. Features of product promotion in retail trade // Distribution channel management. 2012. № 1. P. 20-26.
3. Zakharova Yu.A. Trade marketing. Effective sales organization // Moscow, 2011.
4. Romanenkova ON Methods of sales planning and the preparation of the trade-marketing budget // Vector science of Togliatti State University. Series: Economics and Management. 2012. № 4 (11). Pp. 141-144.
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Even the most ambitious advertising budgets can be considered abandoned, if the manufacturer does not take care of stimulating interest in the product from intermediate buyers - wholesalers and retailers. How to induce a retailer to buy a product and effectively promote it along the links of the distribution network to the final consumer is a task that companies solve with the help of trade marketing [1, 2].
Trade marketing, sales promotion, advertising budget, wholesale and retail trade, dealer award.
Even the massive advertising budgets can be considered thrown to the wind, if the manufacturer does not take care of stimulating interest in the product from the intermediate buyers - wholesalers and retailers.
1. Krasyuk, IA, Medvedev, Yu.Yu., Magomedov, MG Own trademarks as a tool for marketing development of retail chains // Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Krasyuk I.A., Rostov-on-Don, 2013.
2. Korchagova LA, Prishina M.A. Features of product promotion in retail trade // Distribution channel management. 2012. № 1. P. 20-26.
3. Zakharova Yu.A. Trade marketing. Effective sales organization // Moscow, 2011.
4. Romanenkova ON Methods of sales planning and the preparation of the trade-marketing budget // Vector science of Togliatti State University. Series: Economics and Management. 2012. № 4 (11). Pp. 141-144.
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