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Even in the "most technical" university of Nizhny Novgorod - Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva the most popular are the specialties “Organization Management”, “Economics and Enterprise Management”, “Innovation Management”. However, the current demand for today's popular specialties does not guarantee graduates successful employment and a cloudless career in the future. Often, applicants believe: "even if I do not become an economist or a marketer, I will gain knowledge that is really applicable in business." But such an installation makes the graduate uncompetitive in the labor market. To survive in the competitive struggle for a decent job, graduates of even prestigious specialties have to spend a lot of money on training and additional education.
Engineer-Manager, career, demand.
Not every graduate is able to innovate even after completion of training.
1. Vusovich OV, Babkina OV, Semashko OA Formation of competencies required by the labor market for graduates of engineering / manager specialties // Innovation Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice. 2012. № 2. S. 187-190.
2. Bakhracheva Yu.S. Project activity as a methodological basis for preparing students in the direction of "Innovation" // Bulletin of Volgograd State University. Series 10: Innovative activities. 2014. No. 2. S. 94-96.
3. Zhogova S.S. Pedagogical innovation in the practice of training management personnel // In the collection: Training of professional management personnel: experience, problems, innovative educational technologies, collection of scientific papers. Scientific editor E.I. Semushina. Chelyabinsk, 2014. P. 40-45.
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Even in the "most technical" university of Nizhny Novgorod - Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva the most popular are the specialties “Organization Management”, “Economics and Enterprise Management”, “Innovation Management”. However, the current demand for today's popular specialties does not guarantee graduates successful employment and a cloudless career in the future. Often, applicants believe: "even if I do not become an economist or a marketer, I will gain knowledge that is really applicable in business." But such an installation makes the graduate uncompetitive in the labor market. To survive in the competitive struggle for a decent job, graduates of even prestigious specialties have to spend a lot of money on training and additional education.
Engineer-Manager, career, demand.
Not every graduate is able to innovate even after completion of training.
1. Vusovich OV, Babkina OV, Semashko OA Formation of competencies required by the labor market for graduates of engineering / manager specialties // Innovation Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice. 2012. № 2. S. 187-190.
2. Bakhracheva Yu.S. Project activity as a methodological basis for preparing students in the direction of "Innovation" // Bulletin of Volgograd State University. Series 10: Innovative activities. 2014. No. 2. S. 94-96.
3. Zhogova S.S. Pedagogical innovation in the practice of training management personnel // In the collection: Training of professional management personnel: experience, problems, innovative educational technologies, collection of scientific papers. Scientific editor E.I. Semushina. Chelyabinsk, 2014. P. 40-45.
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