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The abstract from A Parliamentary Affair written by former MP Edwina Currie narrates about a girl named Karen who decides to take desperate measures because her parents don’t pay her any attention. The novel can be called autobiographical, because Currie served as Conservative Party Member of Parliament from 1983 until 1997 and she is also famous for her affair with John Major.
The text represents Belles Letters style and is written in the 3rd person. The whole passage is the narration with elements of description, however the main effect is achieved by the interaction of the author’s speech with the represented speech of the main character.
Введение, посыл автора, стилистические приемы, тема, идея, анализ лексики, грамматики
Стилистический анализ на английском языке отрывка из произведения A Parliamentary Affair
A Parliamentary Affair - Edwina Currie
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The abstract from A Parliamentary Affair written by former MP Edwina Currie narrates about a girl named Karen who decides to take desperate measures because her parents don’t pay her any attention. The novel can be called autobiographical, because Currie served as Conservative Party Member of Parliament from 1983 until 1997 and she is also famous for her affair with John Major.
The text represents Belles Letters style and is written in the 3rd person. The whole passage is the narration with elements of description, however the main effect is achieved by the interaction of the author’s speech with the represented speech of the main character.
Введение, посыл автора, стилистические приемы, тема, идея, анализ лексики, грамматики
Стилистический анализ на английском языке отрывка из произведения A Parliamentary Affair
A Parliamentary Affair - Edwina Currie
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Уникальность | Выполняется индивидуально |
Сразу в личном кабинете | Доступность | Срок 1—5 дней |
400 ₽ | Цена | от 300 ₽ |
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