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The story under analysis is called Can-can and was written by Arturo Vivante. Vivante was born in Italy but became famous as an American author of short stories and novels. In his story Can-can Vivante tells us about a husband who regularly cheats on his wife, but one night he starts seeing all things he is used to in a new light.
The text belongs to Belles-Lettres Style, the genre is a short story. The story is a 3rd person narration, the narrator is omniscient. As far as discourse types are concerned, there are dialog, narration, interior monologue and elements of description.
Анализ лексики, синтаксиса, стилистических приемов, темы, идеи текста.
Стилистический анализ на английском языке короткой истории Can Can
Can-can by Arturo Vivante
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The story under analysis is called Can-can and was written by Arturo Vivante. Vivante was born in Italy but became famous as an American author of short stories and novels. In his story Can-can Vivante tells us about a husband who regularly cheats on his wife, but one night he starts seeing all things he is used to in a new light.
The text belongs to Belles-Lettres Style, the genre is a short story. The story is a 3rd person narration, the narrator is omniscient. As far as discourse types are concerned, there are dialog, narration, interior monologue and elements of description.
Анализ лексики, синтаксиса, стилистических приемов, темы, идеи текста.
Стилистический анализ на английском языке короткой истории Can Can
Can-can by Arturo Vivante
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350 ₽ | Цена | от 300 ₽ |
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