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The story under the headline Getting Known written by D. H. Barber tells us about a writer, who wants badly to become famous, but chooses not the best way of achieving his goal. Barber was a British journalist and magazine editor-publisher.
The text represents Belles Letters style, the genre is a short story. The narration is done in the 1st person and is interlaced with dialogs. To my mind the main is the sincerity, and the main idea is that we should always say straight what we want and not hope that people will read our thoughts.
Анализ лексики и синтаксиса текста, стилистических приемов, темы, проблемы и посыла автора.
Стилистический анализ короткой истории Getting Known (на английском языке)
Getting Known by D. H. Barber
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The story under the headline Getting Known written by D. H. Barber tells us about a writer, who wants badly to become famous, but chooses not the best way of achieving his goal. Barber was a British journalist and magazine editor-publisher.
The text represents Belles Letters style, the genre is a short story. The narration is done in the 1st person and is interlaced with dialogs. To my mind the main is the sincerity, and the main idea is that we should always say straight what we want and not hope that people will read our thoughts.
Анализ лексики и синтаксиса текста, стилистических приемов, темы, проблемы и посыла автора.
Стилистический анализ короткой истории Getting Known (на английском языке)
Getting Known by D. H. Barber
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550 ₽ | Цена | от 300 ₽ |
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