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At all times and in all Nations, transport has played an important role. At the present stage, its importance has grown immeasurably. Today, the existence of any state is unthinkable without a powerful transport.
The further progress of transport requires the use of the latest, constantly updated results of science and advanced technology and technology. The necessity of development of the growing cargo and passenger traffic, the complication of conditions for the construction of transportation lines in uninhabited, difficult topography, regions and cities. The desire to increase the speed of communication and the frequency of departure of transport units, the need to improve comfort and reduce the cost of transportation – all this requires improving not only the existing vehicles, but also the search for new ones that could more fully meet the requirements than traditional modes of transport. To date, several new types of vehicles have been developed and implemented in the form of permanent or pilot plants, and much more exist in the form of projects, patents or simply ideas.
All of the above is fully applicable to air transport, which is one of the most dynamically developing modes of transport. In accordance with the main directions of development of the national economy of civil aviation, there will be a further increase in the volume of transportation of passengers and cargo mainly over long distances and in difficult to reach areas. At the same time, the requirements for efficiency, regularity, comfort and full safety of flights are increasing for air transport. Under these conditions, it is necessary to expand and deepen research and development to solve complex scientific and technical problems.
The purpose of this work is to consider the issue of supersonic aircraft in the world from the moment of creation of the world's first supersonic aircraft and ending with the results of our days.
Introduction. 4
Chapter 1. History of supersonic aircraft 6
1.1. Where and when the first supersonic aircraft was produced and the history of their development 6
1.1.1. The first generation of supersonic aircraft 6
1.1.2. The second generation of supersonic aircraft 7
1.2. What challenges faced the designers of aircraft 8
Operation problem: 11
Chapter 2. Leading countries in the production of supersonic aircraft 12
2.1. Leading countries in the world in the creation of supersonic aircraft 12
2.2. Leading companies in the aircraft market 14
2.2.1. Boeing. 14
2.2. 2. Company Airbus. 16
2.2. 3. Embraer 17
2.2. 4. United aviation Corporation of Russia (UAC). 18
2.3. The relationship between the leaders of aircraft constructors 20
Chapter 3. The cost of production of supersonic aircraft 24
Chapter 3.1. The cost and duration of the development of the aircraft 24
Chapter 3.2. The cost of supersonic passenger aircraft on the example of “Concorde” 27
3.2.1. The cost of a supersonic aircraft Concorde. 28
3.2.2. The cost of refueling a supersonic aircraft Concorde 29
3.2.3. What profit has brought a supersonic aircraft Concorde 30
Chapter 3.3. Production and the cost of supersonic aircraft on the example of F-35. 30
3.3.1. Cost 30
3.3.2. Production 31
Conclusion 35
List of references 36
List of tables 38
List of figures 39
На английском языке
1. Aircraft building. /Ser. Results of science and technology. - M.: VINITI, 1977, vol. 4, 222 p.
2. Antselovich D. Reliability, safety and survivability of aircraft: Textbook for students of high schools trained on a speciality “Aircraft construction”. - Moscow: Machine Building, 1985. - 296 p.
3. Andreev ia Combat aircraft / hood. Zakharov. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1981 – 128.
4. G. Bratukhin,The priorities of aviation technology: In 2 vol. ed. - Moscow: Publishing house MAI, 2004. kN. 2: 640 p.
5. Bogatinov Valery, “Supersonic aircraft in the world. The complete illustrated encyclopedia”
6. B.R. Wright, F. Bruckman and N.A. Radovcich, “Arrow Wings for Supersonic Cruise Aircraft,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 15, No12, Dec. 1978 pp. 829-836.
7. Courant, R., Friedrich, Supersonic flow and shock waves 1950.
8. Combat effectiveness and technical perfection of fighters//technical information TSAGI, 1983 - №2.
9. David C. Aronstein and Kurt L. Schuler, “Conceptual Design of a Sonic Boom Constrained Supersonic Business Jet,” AIAA Paper 2004-0697, Reno, NV, Jan. 2004
10. Dr. inz. EDMUND CICHOSZ Rozwuj samolotuw naddzwiekowych Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Lacznosci Warszawa 1980 - 424 p.
11. Green V., Cross, R. the Jet aircraft of the world. – M.: Foreign literature, 1957 – 284 C.
12. Kurziner P. I., Jet engines for high supersonic flight speeds. - M. Mechanical Engineering, 1977
13. Kurziner P. I., Jet engines for high supersonic flight speeds. Mechanical Engineering
14. Kotik M. G. Critical modes of supersonic aircraft Edition: mechanical engineering p. 228
15. Makarov O. “and again on supersonic” / Makarov O. “Popular mechanics” 2017 No. 5. - P. 41-45.
16. Morris D. Friedman, “Arrangement of Bodies of Revolution in Supersonic Flow to Reduce Wave Drag,” NACA RM A51I20, 1961
17. Max A. Heaslet and Harvard Lomax, “Supersonic and Transonic Small Perturbation Theory,” in General Theory of High Speed Aerodynamics, W.R. Sear, Ed., Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1954, pg. 240-249.
18. Ponomarev A. N. Aviation of the present and future. M.: Voenizdat, 1984 – 256 C. B. C. Pyshnov mechanical engineering, 1984. - 96 p.
19. Philippe Poisson-Quinton, “First Generation Supersonic Transport,” Princeton University Conference Mtg. On the Future of Aeronautical Transportation, Nov. 10-11, 1975
20. Robert T. Jones and Doris Cohen, High Speed Wing Theory, Princeton Aeronautical Paperbacks, Princeton, 1960
21. Roy V. Haris, Jr., “An Analysis and Correlation of Aircraft Wave Drag,” NASA TM X-947, 1964
22. R. I. Vinogradov, A. N. Ponomarev,Development of the world's aircraft/ M.: machine building, 1991 -384 p.
23. Sargsyan S. A. Minaev E. S. Economic evaluation of aircraft. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1972
24. Sklyarsky F. I.: Control of supersonic aircraft. - M.: Engineering, 1964
25. S. M. Yeager, V. A. Gilewski, J. P. Strukov, E. P. Tolstobrov, A. M. Shevchenko,Aircraft building. Aircraft abroad. Volume 9 (Results of science and technology, VINITI an SSSR)/ M.: VINITI, 1986.-268 p.
26. Theodore von Karman, “Supersonic Aerodynamics - Principles and Applications,” Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 14, No 7, July 1947, pp. 373-402.
27. Vasin S. I., Egorov V. I., Murav'ev, G. G., Aerodynamics of the aircraft Il-76T/ edited by G. V. Novozhilov. – M.: Transport, 1983 - 165 C.
28. V. F. Bolkhovitinov ways of development of aircraft M: Oborongiz, 1962 - 132 C.
29. Wei-Lin Li and Eli Livne, “Design-Oriented Leading-Edge Thrust Force Prediction for Supersonic Lifting Surfaces,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 34, No. 4, July-Aug. 1997, pp. 457-464.
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At all times and in all Nations, transport has played an important role. At the present stage, its importance has grown immeasurably. Today, the existence of any state is unthinkable without a powerful transport.
The further progress of transport requires the use of the latest, constantly updated results of science and advanced technology and technology. The necessity of development of the growing cargo and passenger traffic, the complication of conditions for the construction of transportation lines in uninhabited, difficult topography, regions and cities. The desire to increase the speed of communication and the frequency of departure of transport units, the need to improve comfort and reduce the cost of transportation – all this requires improving not only the existing vehicles, but also the search for new ones that could more fully meet the requirements than traditional modes of transport. To date, several new types of vehicles have been developed and implemented in the form of permanent or pilot plants, and much more exist in the form of projects, patents or simply ideas.
All of the above is fully applicable to air transport, which is one of the most dynamically developing modes of transport. In accordance with the main directions of development of the national economy of civil aviation, there will be a further increase in the volume of transportation of passengers and cargo mainly over long distances and in difficult to reach areas. At the same time, the requirements for efficiency, regularity, comfort and full safety of flights are increasing for air transport. Under these conditions, it is necessary to expand and deepen research and development to solve complex scientific and technical problems.
The purpose of this work is to consider the issue of supersonic aircraft in the world from the moment of creation of the world's first supersonic aircraft and ending with the results of our days.
Introduction. 4
Chapter 1. History of supersonic aircraft 6
1.1. Where and when the first supersonic aircraft was produced and the history of their development 6
1.1.1. The first generation of supersonic aircraft 6
1.1.2. The second generation of supersonic aircraft 7
1.2. What challenges faced the designers of aircraft 8
Operation problem: 11
Chapter 2. Leading countries in the production of supersonic aircraft 12
2.1. Leading countries in the world in the creation of supersonic aircraft 12
2.2. Leading companies in the aircraft market 14
2.2.1. Boeing. 14
2.2. 2. Company Airbus. 16
2.2. 3. Embraer 17
2.2. 4. United aviation Corporation of Russia (UAC). 18
2.3. The relationship between the leaders of aircraft constructors 20
Chapter 3. The cost of production of supersonic aircraft 24
Chapter 3.1. The cost and duration of the development of the aircraft 24
Chapter 3.2. The cost of supersonic passenger aircraft on the example of “Concorde” 27
3.2.1. The cost of a supersonic aircraft Concorde. 28
3.2.2. The cost of refueling a supersonic aircraft Concorde 29
3.2.3. What profit has brought a supersonic aircraft Concorde 30
Chapter 3.3. Production and the cost of supersonic aircraft on the example of F-35. 30
3.3.1. Cost 30
3.3.2. Production 31
Conclusion 35
List of references 36
List of tables 38
List of figures 39
На английском языке
1. Aircraft building. /Ser. Results of science and technology. - M.: VINITI, 1977, vol. 4, 222 p.
2. Antselovich D. Reliability, safety and survivability of aircraft: Textbook for students of high schools trained on a speciality “Aircraft construction”. - Moscow: Machine Building, 1985. - 296 p.
3. Andreev ia Combat aircraft / hood. Zakharov. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1981 – 128.
4. G. Bratukhin,The priorities of aviation technology: In 2 vol. ed. - Moscow: Publishing house MAI, 2004. kN. 2: 640 p.
5. Bogatinov Valery, “Supersonic aircraft in the world. The complete illustrated encyclopedia”
6. B.R. Wright, F. Bruckman and N.A. Radovcich, “Arrow Wings for Supersonic Cruise Aircraft,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 15, No12, Dec. 1978 pp. 829-836.
7. Courant, R., Friedrich, Supersonic flow and shock waves 1950.
8. Combat effectiveness and technical perfection of fighters//technical information TSAGI, 1983 - №2.
9. David C. Aronstein and Kurt L. Schuler, “Conceptual Design of a Sonic Boom Constrained Supersonic Business Jet,” AIAA Paper 2004-0697, Reno, NV, Jan. 2004
10. Dr. inz. EDMUND CICHOSZ Rozwuj samolotuw naddzwiekowych Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Lacznosci Warszawa 1980 - 424 p.
11. Green V., Cross, R. the Jet aircraft of the world. – M.: Foreign literature, 1957 – 284 C.
12. Kurziner P. I., Jet engines for high supersonic flight speeds. - M. Mechanical Engineering, 1977
13. Kurziner P. I., Jet engines for high supersonic flight speeds. Mechanical Engineering
14. Kotik M. G. Critical modes of supersonic aircraft Edition: mechanical engineering p. 228
15. Makarov O. “and again on supersonic” / Makarov O. “Popular mechanics” 2017 No. 5. - P. 41-45.
16. Morris D. Friedman, “Arrangement of Bodies of Revolution in Supersonic Flow to Reduce Wave Drag,” NACA RM A51I20, 1961
17. Max A. Heaslet and Harvard Lomax, “Supersonic and Transonic Small Perturbation Theory,” in General Theory of High Speed Aerodynamics, W.R. Sear, Ed., Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1954, pg. 240-249.
18. Ponomarev A. N. Aviation of the present and future. M.: Voenizdat, 1984 – 256 C. B. C. Pyshnov mechanical engineering, 1984. - 96 p.
19. Philippe Poisson-Quinton, “First Generation Supersonic Transport,” Princeton University Conference Mtg. On the Future of Aeronautical Transportation, Nov. 10-11, 1975
20. Robert T. Jones and Doris Cohen, High Speed Wing Theory, Princeton Aeronautical Paperbacks, Princeton, 1960
21. Roy V. Haris, Jr., “An Analysis and Correlation of Aircraft Wave Drag,” NASA TM X-947, 1964
22. R. I. Vinogradov, A. N. Ponomarev,Development of the world's aircraft/ M.: machine building, 1991 -384 p.
23. Sargsyan S. A. Minaev E. S. Economic evaluation of aircraft. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1972
24. Sklyarsky F. I.: Control of supersonic aircraft. - M.: Engineering, 1964
25. S. M. Yeager, V. A. Gilewski, J. P. Strukov, E. P. Tolstobrov, A. M. Shevchenko,Aircraft building. Aircraft abroad. Volume 9 (Results of science and technology, VINITI an SSSR)/ M.: VINITI, 1986.-268 p.
26. Theodore von Karman, “Supersonic Aerodynamics - Principles and Applications,” Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 14, No 7, July 1947, pp. 373-402.
27. Vasin S. I., Egorov V. I., Murav'ev, G. G., Aerodynamics of the aircraft Il-76T/ edited by G. V. Novozhilov. – M.: Transport, 1983 - 165 C.
28. V. F. Bolkhovitinov ways of development of aircraft M: Oborongiz, 1962 - 132 C.
29. Wei-Lin Li and Eli Livne, “Design-Oriented Leading-Edge Thrust Force Prediction for Supersonic Lifting Surfaces,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 34, No. 4, July-Aug. 1997, pp. 457-464.
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