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Marketing strategies for business development of Huawei Co.

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  • 2017 год
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Фрагменты работ

Introduction 3
1. The role of marketing strategy for business development 5
1.1 Marketing strategy overview 5
1.2 Classification of marketing strategies 9
1.3 Marketing information 15
1.4 Marketing Mix 19
1.5 SWOT analysis 21
2. Industry overview and description 23
2.1 Operation system of UzNet 23
2.2 Mobile industry in Uzbekistan 25
3. „HUAWEI DEVICE” description 26
2.1 Huawei Device Uzbekistan 27
2.2 Product and services 27
2.3 SWOT analysis 28
2.4 Marketing Mix 30
4 Research result 32
4.1 Methodology 32
4.1 Result of quantitative research 32
4.2 Result of interview 37
4.3 Proposal of new marketing strategy of Huawei Device 38
Conclusion 39
Recommendation 40
Bibliography 41
Appendix 42

1. The role of marketing strategy for business development
In the term of informational revolution, marketing become integral part of modern business. These days, the whole business is to hold onto marketing, regardless, a big business is either small and cannot function and achieve success without developing a marketing strategy.In this regard, there should be a specific marketing plan to attract long-term relationships with its customers. The main goal of marketing is correctly choose the target market, to attract, save and increase the number of consumers by creating the buyer's confidence that it represents the highest value for the company. The aim of marketing "maximizing the quality of life" is widely believed to be a noble goal, but at the same time this quality is difficult to measure, therefore contradictions are sometimes born. The availability of an assortment of goods favorably affects its quality, quantity, availability, cost, i.e.

1.1 Marketing strategy overview

In order to understand what a marketing strategy is, let author define for began that is a strategy in general. F. Kotler believes that for every one the direction of its activities the company must develop a separate plan, ensuring its achievement of selected long-term goals - this is the strategy. Moreover, there is no single strategy that is optimal for all competitors, operating in one business. Each company must determine what is for it most preferably in terms of its position in the industry, its objectives, opportunities and available resources. (Kotler, 80 concepts every manager needs to know , 2003) R.A. Fatkhutdinov gives the following definition; the strategy is a long-term plan of the organization's actions that determines the priorities of strategic tasks, resources and the sequence of steps to achieve set goals. In essence, this is how a firm competes in the market. (Р.А, 2005).

1.2 Classification of marketing strategies

Classification of marketing strategies by M. Porter
According to M. Porter, the marketing strategy of competition is offensive or defensive actions aimed at achieving sustainable positions in one or another area of ​​activity, to successfully overcome competitive forces and thereby increasing the income from investments. Although Porter did not denies that companies have demonstrated many different ways to achieve this goal, he persistently insists that it is possible to surpass competing firms using only three consistent internal and successful strategies(Porter, 1998)
• Minimization of costs;
• Differentiation;
• Concentration
In most companies, managers pay a lot of attention to cost management. Despite neglect of the emerging problems of quality, service and other necessary things, the main strategy of such companies will be the minimization of costs.

1.3 Marketing information
All data on market conditions come from two types of sources: primary and secondary. Primary data is the data for your own (researched) enterprise. Secondary data are data based on already available information. Secondary research on its content is an analysis of available sources about the problem being investigated in the marketing system. (Г.Л, 2010)
Secondary data is very important. Sometimes they give all the necessary answers to start a business, produce goods, and provide a service. Nevertheless, in most cases they save money, help to correct the hypothesis and shorten the list of questions when it will be necessary to start primary research. Often the required information is already exists in the form of secondary information or data collected earlier for other purposes.

1.4 Marketing Mix
The concept of "Marketing Mix" was revealed in the sixties of the last century, published by Neil Borden in the article "The Concept of Marketing Mix". Marketing mix is ​​a set of tools, parameters, manipulating which marketers are trying to best satisfy customers, and also used by the company to solve marketing problems in the target market.
Initially, the combination of the Neil Borden Marketing Mix tool consisted of a huge number of elements: pricing, branding, distribution, personal sales, advertising, promo events and so on. Subsequently, Jerome McCarthy proposed to classify marketing tools in four ways: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion."A marketing mix is one of the key concepts of modern marketing theory and practice.

2. Industry overview and description
In early 2017, Cisko predicted that by the end of 2017, the volume of global traffic of the World Wide Web would reach its maximum value in its history - 1.4 zetta-bytes, which corresponds to 1 billion terabytes. (Cisco, n.d.) The 2-zetta-byte boundary will be overcame by 2019 already. Such a rapid increase for information transmitted by experts is associated with the rapid growth of the popularity of mobile devices. This will lead to the fact that in 2019 personal computers will generate less than half of the total data flow, although as early as 2014 they accounted for 60%.
In Uzbekistan, smartphones already play a dominant role in providing access to the Internet. Currently, almost 60% of Uznet's operating systems are mobile. (UZINFOCOM, 2017)

2.1 Operation system of UzNet

Figure 1: Mobile communication users in Uzbekistan in 2014 compare to 2015

According to Uzdaily, the number of mobile communication users in Uzbekistan as of the end of 2015 amounted to 22.9 million subscribers, which is 10.62% more compared to 2014. This information was concluded by OlimjonUmarov, head of the ICT department of the Ministry of Information Technologies Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.(UzDaily, 2016)

Figure 2: Share of smarthphones

The share of smartphones in the total number of mobile devices increased from 33% in 2012 to 61% in 2015. If we keep such rates, and also taking into account the rapidly decreasing price of smartphones, we can expect that by 2020 the share of smartphones will reach 93% of all connections in the republic. The total number of cellular subscribers is likely to fluctuate between 24 and 26 million people, which will generate from 34 to 36.5 PB of mobile traffic.(система, 2015).

3. „HUAWEI DEVICE” description
Brief Introduction about Huawei Device
Huawei Device Co., Ltd. Is a part of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.And one of the four divisions of the Huawei holding. By focusing on consumers, Huawei Device aims to create the most intelligent gadgets, providing convenient mobile Internet.
Huawei Device has opened nine research centers and five product planning centers based on customer needs in many countries and regions, including the US, Western Europe, India, Japan and China. Their company sells and provides service on all continents, due to which they have the potential to perform fast and efficient operations to serve customers around the world. Huawei Device has partnered with more than 500 telecom operators, and provides its products to customers in more than 140 countries.

2.2 Product and services
As it was mentioned before, that the organization offers and gives benefits on all mainland, because they can possibly can perform quick and effective operations to serve clients around the globe. In addition, it can be say without doubt, that Uzbekistan is no exception for that fact. These days, company provides opportunity to purchase high-quality mobile phones and tablets at affordable prices. The main task of the company is to attract new customers, using and improving marketing strategies.
Mobile phones
These days, Huawei Device Uzbekistan provides its customers with more than 30 types of mobile phones of different characteristics. In addition, it should be noted that the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) annually selects the best products in the field of consumer electronics.
The best smartphone for a wide range of consumers, Europeans recognized the brainchild of the Chinese giant Huawei - smartphone P8.

1.4 Marketing Mix
The concept of "Marketing Mix" was revealed in the sixties of the last century, published by Neil Borden in the article "The Concept of Marketing Mix". Marketing mix is ​​a set of tools, parameters, manipulating which marketers are trying to best satisfy customers, and also used by the company to solve marketing problems in the target market.
Initially, the combination of the Neil Borden Marketing Mix tool consisted of a huge number of elements: pricing, branding, distribution, personal sales, advertising, promo events and so on. Subsequently, Jerome McCarthy proposed to classify marketing tools in four ways: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion."A marketing mix is one of the key concepts of modern marketing theory and practice.

4.3 Result of interview
Demand is completely focused on the consumer. But to conduct dialogue with buyers is in most cases very heavy and rather expensive task on means and time. However for this purpose there is a mass of alternative options, one of which – questioning. In this article there is a wish to give an example of questionnaires for polls which can be used for studying of consumer interest in this or that production or even the company.
Purposes of carrying out questioning:
• To record recognition of the company and a brand of production in the studied markets.
• Identification potrebitelstkikh of preferences and factors of decision-making.
• Definition of a circle of the main competitors.
• Definition of the main sources of information on production.
• Preparation of the plan of a complex of actions for increase in recognition and loyalty for the company and brand (plan of marketing and advertizing).

Having studied this structure of the enterprise it is possible to tell that the Huawei company is the leading world supplier of decisions in the sphere of the information and communication technologies (ICT). Thanks to responsible business, continuous introduction of innovations and openness to cooperation, the company it was succeeded to build a competitive portfolio of complex decisions in the field of telecommunications, corporate networks, the equipment and cloud computing. Decisions, products and the services Huawei are used more than in 170 countries and regions of the world. With their help access to ICT is got by more than a third of the population of the globe. All 170 000 employees of the company work on creation of information society of the future and the world of communications without borders.
This company promptly develops, and nominates the new technologies to the market.

1. Ahmed, R. &. (2001). customer etention and marketing management strategy . jurnal of strategic marketing , 29-46.
2. Bruhn, M. ( 2003). Relationship marketing. Management of customers’ relationships. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
3. Egan, J. (2008). Relationship marketing. Exploring relational strategies in marketing. Third. London: Pearson Education Limited.
4. Hennig-Thurau, T. G. (2002). Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes. Journal of Service Research, 230-247.
5. Ryals, l. (2005). making customer relationship marketing work. j.marketing .
6. Shugan, s. M. (2005). Brand loyalty programs : are they shams? marketing sci.
Internet source:
1. http://www.huawei.com/ru/about-huawei
2. http://www.marketch.ru/marketing_dictionary/k/marketing_mix/

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Фрагменты работ

Introduction 3
1. The role of marketing strategy for business development 5
1.1 Marketing strategy overview 5
1.2 Classification of marketing strategies 9
1.3 Marketing information 15
1.4 Marketing Mix 19
1.5 SWOT analysis 21
2. Industry overview and description 23
2.1 Operation system of UzNet 23
2.2 Mobile industry in Uzbekistan 25
3. „HUAWEI DEVICE” description 26
2.1 Huawei Device Uzbekistan 27
2.2 Product and services 27
2.3 SWOT analysis 28
2.4 Marketing Mix 30
4 Research result 32
4.1 Methodology 32
4.1 Result of quantitative research 32
4.2 Result of interview 37
4.3 Proposal of new marketing strategy of Huawei Device 38
Conclusion 39
Recommendation 40
Bibliography 41
Appendix 42

1. The role of marketing strategy for business development
In the term of informational revolution, marketing become integral part of modern business. These days, the whole business is to hold onto marketing, regardless, a big business is either small and cannot function and achieve success without developing a marketing strategy.In this regard, there should be a specific marketing plan to attract long-term relationships with its customers. The main goal of marketing is correctly choose the target market, to attract, save and increase the number of consumers by creating the buyer's confidence that it represents the highest value for the company. The aim of marketing "maximizing the quality of life" is widely believed to be a noble goal, but at the same time this quality is difficult to measure, therefore contradictions are sometimes born. The availability of an assortment of goods favorably affects its quality, quantity, availability, cost, i.e.

1.1 Marketing strategy overview

In order to understand what a marketing strategy is, let author define for began that is a strategy in general. F. Kotler believes that for every one the direction of its activities the company must develop a separate plan, ensuring its achievement of selected long-term goals - this is the strategy. Moreover, there is no single strategy that is optimal for all competitors, operating in one business. Each company must determine what is for it most preferably in terms of its position in the industry, its objectives, opportunities and available resources. (Kotler, 80 concepts every manager needs to know , 2003) R.A. Fatkhutdinov gives the following definition; the strategy is a long-term plan of the organization's actions that determines the priorities of strategic tasks, resources and the sequence of steps to achieve set goals. In essence, this is how a firm competes in the market. (Р.А, 2005).

1.2 Classification of marketing strategies

Classification of marketing strategies by M. Porter
According to M. Porter, the marketing strategy of competition is offensive or defensive actions aimed at achieving sustainable positions in one or another area of ​​activity, to successfully overcome competitive forces and thereby increasing the income from investments. Although Porter did not denies that companies have demonstrated many different ways to achieve this goal, he persistently insists that it is possible to surpass competing firms using only three consistent internal and successful strategies(Porter, 1998)
• Minimization of costs;
• Differentiation;
• Concentration
In most companies, managers pay a lot of attention to cost management. Despite neglect of the emerging problems of quality, service and other necessary things, the main strategy of such companies will be the minimization of costs.

1.3 Marketing information
All data on market conditions come from two types of sources: primary and secondary. Primary data is the data for your own (researched) enterprise. Secondary data are data based on already available information. Secondary research on its content is an analysis of available sources about the problem being investigated in the marketing system. (Г.Л, 2010)
Secondary data is very important. Sometimes they give all the necessary answers to start a business, produce goods, and provide a service. Nevertheless, in most cases they save money, help to correct the hypothesis and shorten the list of questions when it will be necessary to start primary research. Often the required information is already exists in the form of secondary information or data collected earlier for other purposes.

1.4 Marketing Mix
The concept of "Marketing Mix" was revealed in the sixties of the last century, published by Neil Borden in the article "The Concept of Marketing Mix". Marketing mix is ​​a set of tools, parameters, manipulating which marketers are trying to best satisfy customers, and also used by the company to solve marketing problems in the target market.
Initially, the combination of the Neil Borden Marketing Mix tool consisted of a huge number of elements: pricing, branding, distribution, personal sales, advertising, promo events and so on. Subsequently, Jerome McCarthy proposed to classify marketing tools in four ways: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion."A marketing mix is one of the key concepts of modern marketing theory and practice.

2. Industry overview and description
In early 2017, Cisko predicted that by the end of 2017, the volume of global traffic of the World Wide Web would reach its maximum value in its history - 1.4 zetta-bytes, which corresponds to 1 billion terabytes. (Cisco, n.d.) The 2-zetta-byte boundary will be overcame by 2019 already. Such a rapid increase for information transmitted by experts is associated with the rapid growth of the popularity of mobile devices. This will lead to the fact that in 2019 personal computers will generate less than half of the total data flow, although as early as 2014 they accounted for 60%.
In Uzbekistan, smartphones already play a dominant role in providing access to the Internet. Currently, almost 60% of Uznet's operating systems are mobile. (UZINFOCOM, 2017)

2.1 Operation system of UzNet

Figure 1: Mobile communication users in Uzbekistan in 2014 compare to 2015

According to Uzdaily, the number of mobile communication users in Uzbekistan as of the end of 2015 amounted to 22.9 million subscribers, which is 10.62% more compared to 2014. This information was concluded by OlimjonUmarov, head of the ICT department of the Ministry of Information Technologies Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.(UzDaily, 2016)

Figure 2: Share of smarthphones

The share of smartphones in the total number of mobile devices increased from 33% in 2012 to 61% in 2015. If we keep such rates, and also taking into account the rapidly decreasing price of smartphones, we can expect that by 2020 the share of smartphones will reach 93% of all connections in the republic. The total number of cellular subscribers is likely to fluctuate between 24 and 26 million people, which will generate from 34 to 36.5 PB of mobile traffic.(система, 2015).

3. „HUAWEI DEVICE” description
Brief Introduction about Huawei Device
Huawei Device Co., Ltd. Is a part of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.And one of the four divisions of the Huawei holding. By focusing on consumers, Huawei Device aims to create the most intelligent gadgets, providing convenient mobile Internet.
Huawei Device has opened nine research centers and five product planning centers based on customer needs in many countries and regions, including the US, Western Europe, India, Japan and China. Their company sells and provides service on all continents, due to which they have the potential to perform fast and efficient operations to serve customers around the world. Huawei Device has partnered with more than 500 telecom operators, and provides its products to customers in more than 140 countries.

2.2 Product and services
As it was mentioned before, that the organization offers and gives benefits on all mainland, because they can possibly can perform quick and effective operations to serve clients around the globe. In addition, it can be say without doubt, that Uzbekistan is no exception for that fact. These days, company provides opportunity to purchase high-quality mobile phones and tablets at affordable prices. The main task of the company is to attract new customers, using and improving marketing strategies.
Mobile phones
These days, Huawei Device Uzbekistan provides its customers with more than 30 types of mobile phones of different characteristics. In addition, it should be noted that the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) annually selects the best products in the field of consumer electronics.
The best smartphone for a wide range of consumers, Europeans recognized the brainchild of the Chinese giant Huawei - smartphone P8.

1.4 Marketing Mix
The concept of "Marketing Mix" was revealed in the sixties of the last century, published by Neil Borden in the article "The Concept of Marketing Mix". Marketing mix is ​​a set of tools, parameters, manipulating which marketers are trying to best satisfy customers, and also used by the company to solve marketing problems in the target market.
Initially, the combination of the Neil Borden Marketing Mix tool consisted of a huge number of elements: pricing, branding, distribution, personal sales, advertising, promo events and so on. Subsequently, Jerome McCarthy proposed to classify marketing tools in four ways: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion."A marketing mix is one of the key concepts of modern marketing theory and practice.

4.3 Result of interview
Demand is completely focused on the consumer. But to conduct dialogue with buyers is in most cases very heavy and rather expensive task on means and time. However for this purpose there is a mass of alternative options, one of which – questioning. In this article there is a wish to give an example of questionnaires for polls which can be used for studying of consumer interest in this or that production or even the company.
Purposes of carrying out questioning:
• To record recognition of the company and a brand of production in the studied markets.
• Identification potrebitelstkikh of preferences and factors of decision-making.
• Definition of a circle of the main competitors.
• Definition of the main sources of information on production.
• Preparation of the plan of a complex of actions for increase in recognition and loyalty for the company and brand (plan of marketing and advertizing).

Having studied this structure of the enterprise it is possible to tell that the Huawei company is the leading world supplier of decisions in the sphere of the information and communication technologies (ICT). Thanks to responsible business, continuous introduction of innovations and openness to cooperation, the company it was succeeded to build a competitive portfolio of complex decisions in the field of telecommunications, corporate networks, the equipment and cloud computing. Decisions, products and the services Huawei are used more than in 170 countries and regions of the world. With their help access to ICT is got by more than a third of the population of the globe. All 170 000 employees of the company work on creation of information society of the future and the world of communications without borders.
This company promptly develops, and nominates the new technologies to the market.

1. Ahmed, R. &. (2001). customer etention and marketing management strategy . jurnal of strategic marketing , 29-46.
2. Bruhn, M. ( 2003). Relationship marketing. Management of customers’ relationships. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
3. Egan, J. (2008). Relationship marketing. Exploring relational strategies in marketing. Third. London: Pearson Education Limited.
4. Hennig-Thurau, T. G. (2002). Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes. Journal of Service Research, 230-247.
5. Ryals, l. (2005). making customer relationship marketing work. j.marketing .
6. Shugan, s. M. (2005). Brand loyalty programs : are they shams? marketing sci.
Internet source:
1. http://www.huawei.com/ru/about-huawei
2. http://www.marketch.ru/marketing_dictionary/k/marketing_mix/

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великолепный автор! все оперативно, качественно и в срок.

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