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Автор работы


400 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

Necessity of research of a problem of development of a technogenic civilisation in the conditions of globalisation it is bound also to that fact that at the present stage of development of a science new senses of development of the technogenic civilisation, moving of an axis «the person - ecology» in more complex system «ecology - a society - culture» are displayed. Thereupon more and more actual there is a consideration of a technogenic civilisation not only in a traditional ekologo-anthropological key, but also with attraction of the concept of a microcosm and the quantum mechanics.
The technogenic civilisation has arisen long before computers, and even long before a steam-engine. Its preconditions have been put by the two first cultural-historical phylums of rationality - antique and medieval.

Own development of a technogenic civilisation begins With a XVII-th century. It passes three stages: at first - preindustrial (17-18 centuries), then - industrial (19-20 centuries) and at last - postindustrial (the end 20 - the beginning 21 centuries). Development of technics, technology, and not only by spontaneously proceeding innovations in sphere of the production, but also at the expense of generation all new scientific knowledge and their introduction in tehniko-technological processes becomes the major basis of its ability to live, first of all. So there is the phylum of development based on accelerated change of environment, the subject world in which there lives the person.

In traditional culture we will not meet similar representations about ecology. The ecology is perceived here as an alive organism which the person, but not as the depersonalized subject field operated objective laws is built organically in. The concept of the law of nature which is distinct from laws which control social life, was alien to traditional cultures. Characteristic for a technogenic civilisation pathos of conquest of the nature and world transformation generated the special attitude to ideas of domination of force and the power.

A series of the largest technical achievements of the present are based, as a matter of fact, on specific laws of quantum mechanics. For example, kvantovo-mechanical laws underlie work of nuclear reactors, cause possibility of realisation of thermonuclear reactions in terrestrial conditions, are observed in a number of the phenomena in metals and semiconductors etc. the Theory of kvantovo-mechanical radiance compounds the base of quantum electronics. Laws of quantum mechanics are used by purposeful search and building of new stuffs (magnetic, semi-conductor, superconducting and others).

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Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Заказать Эссе», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.

Фрагменты работ

Necessity of research of a problem of development of a technogenic civilisation in the conditions of globalisation it is bound also to that fact that at the present stage of development of a science new senses of development of the technogenic civilisation, moving of an axis «the person - ecology» in more complex system «ecology - a society - culture» are displayed. Thereupon more and more actual there is a consideration of a technogenic civilisation not only in a traditional ekologo-anthropological key, but also with attraction of the concept of a microcosm and the quantum mechanics.
The technogenic civilisation has arisen long before computers, and even long before a steam-engine. Its preconditions have been put by the two first cultural-historical phylums of rationality - antique and medieval.

Own development of a technogenic civilisation begins With a XVII-th century. It passes three stages: at first - preindustrial (17-18 centuries), then - industrial (19-20 centuries) and at last - postindustrial (the end 20 - the beginning 21 centuries). Development of technics, technology, and not only by spontaneously proceeding innovations in sphere of the production, but also at the expense of generation all new scientific knowledge and their introduction in tehniko-technological processes becomes the major basis of its ability to live, first of all. So there is the phylum of development based on accelerated change of environment, the subject world in which there lives the person.

In traditional culture we will not meet similar representations about ecology. The ecology is perceived here as an alive organism which the person, but not as the depersonalized subject field operated objective laws is built organically in. The concept of the law of nature which is distinct from laws which control social life, was alien to traditional cultures. Characteristic for a technogenic civilisation pathos of conquest of the nature and world transformation generated the special attitude to ideas of domination of force and the power.

A series of the largest technical achievements of the present are based, as a matter of fact, on specific laws of quantum mechanics. For example, kvantovo-mechanical laws underlie work of nuclear reactors, cause possibility of realisation of thermonuclear reactions in terrestrial conditions, are observed in a number of the phenomena in metals and semiconductors etc. the Theory of kvantovo-mechanical radiance compounds the base of quantum electronics. Laws of quantum mechanics are used by purposeful search and building of new stuffs (magnetic, semi-conductor, superconducting and others).

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5 Похожих работ

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Фантазерка об авторе Haram 2014-12-17

Работа выполнена очень хорошо и гораздо раньше срока. Автор отличный!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв ttt2121 об авторе Haram 2016-04-24

Заказывал дважды у автора! Все отлично!

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Отзыв Елена Гринева1 об авторе Haram 2016-03-09

Все хорошо. Спасибо!

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Отзыв lasimma об авторе Haram 2014-05-29


Общая оценка 5

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