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Эссе на английском языке по заданию
1.The New Colonialists: China’s Hunger for Natural Resources is Causing More Problems at Home than Abroad // The Economist. 2008. March 15. P. 13; A Ravenous Dragon: A Special Report on China’s Quest for Resources // The Economist. 2008. March 15.
2.Broadman H.G. Africa’s Silk Road: China and India’s New Economic Frontier. The World Bank, 2006.
3.Upcoming Summit Highlights Africa’s Importance to China. The Power and Interest News Report. 2006. Nov. 3 (http://www.pinr.com/report. php?ac=view_report&report_id=578&language_id=1).
4.China’s Worldwide Quest for Energy Security. International Energy Agency, 2000;
5.Downs E S. China’s Quest for Energy Security. RAND Corporation, 2000. Taylor I. The ‘All-weather Friend’? Sino-African Interaction in the Twenty-first Century // Africa in International Politics: External Involvement on the Continent / Y. Taylor, P. Williams (eds.). Routledge, 2004. P. 92.
6.Downs E.S. The Fact and Fiction of Sino-African Energy Relations // China Security. 2007. Vol. 3. No Summer.
7.China’s New Role in Africa and the South: A Search for a New Perspective / D.-G.
8.Guerrero, F. Manji (eds). Fahamu and Focus on the Global South, 2008. Westad O.A. The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times. N.Y.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007. P. 161—165.
9.Kurlantzick J. Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World. Yale Univ. Press, 2007.
10.Emerging Chinese Communities in Africa //The China Monitor. 2008. Iss. 26. Feb. Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Stellenbosch, 2008. Africa in China’s Global Strategy / M. Kitissou (ed.). L.: Adonis & Abbey Publishers, 2007. P. 23—24.
11.Alden C. China in Africa. Zed Books, 2007.
12.China Returns to Africa: A Superpower and a Continent Embrace / C. Alden, D. Large, R. De Oliveira (eds). C Hurst & Co, 2008. P. 135—136.
13.Mutual convenience: Congo Has Something China Wants, and Vice Versa // The Economist. 2008.
14.Kurlantzick J. Beijing’s Safari: China’s Move into Africa and Its Implications for Aid, Development, and Governance // Policy Outlook. 2006. No. 29. Nov. (http://www.carnegieendowment.org/ files/kurlantzick_outlook_africa2.pdf).
15.Shinn D.H. Africa, China, the United States, and Oil. Online Africa Policy Forum. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2007. May 8. (http://forums.csis.org/africa).
16.Michel S. When China Met Africa // Foreign Policy. 2008. May/June. Besada H., Wang Y., Whalley J. China’s Growing Economic Activity in Africa. NBER Working Paper No 14024. 2008. May (http://www.nber.org/papers/ w14024.pdf).
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Эссе на английском языке по заданию
1.The New Colonialists: China’s Hunger for Natural Resources is Causing More Problems at Home than Abroad // The Economist. 2008. March 15. P. 13; A Ravenous Dragon: A Special Report on China’s Quest for Resources // The Economist. 2008. March 15.
2.Broadman H.G. Africa’s Silk Road: China and India’s New Economic Frontier. The World Bank, 2006.
3.Upcoming Summit Highlights Africa’s Importance to China. The Power and Interest News Report. 2006. Nov. 3 (http://www.pinr.com/report. php?ac=view_report&report_id=578&language_id=1).
4.China’s Worldwide Quest for Energy Security. International Energy Agency, 2000;
5.Downs E S. China’s Quest for Energy Security. RAND Corporation, 2000. Taylor I. The ‘All-weather Friend’? Sino-African Interaction in the Twenty-first Century // Africa in International Politics: External Involvement on the Continent / Y. Taylor, P. Williams (eds.). Routledge, 2004. P. 92.
6.Downs E.S. The Fact and Fiction of Sino-African Energy Relations // China Security. 2007. Vol. 3. No Summer.
7.China’s New Role in Africa and the South: A Search for a New Perspective / D.-G.
8.Guerrero, F. Manji (eds). Fahamu and Focus on the Global South, 2008. Westad O.A. The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times. N.Y.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007. P. 161—165.
9.Kurlantzick J. Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World. Yale Univ. Press, 2007.
10.Emerging Chinese Communities in Africa //The China Monitor. 2008. Iss. 26. Feb. Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Stellenbosch, 2008. Africa in China’s Global Strategy / M. Kitissou (ed.). L.: Adonis & Abbey Publishers, 2007. P. 23—24.
11.Alden C. China in Africa. Zed Books, 2007.
12.China Returns to Africa: A Superpower and a Continent Embrace / C. Alden, D. Large, R. De Oliveira (eds). C Hurst & Co, 2008. P. 135—136.
13.Mutual convenience: Congo Has Something China Wants, and Vice Versa // The Economist. 2008.
14.Kurlantzick J. Beijing’s Safari: China’s Move into Africa and Its Implications for Aid, Development, and Governance // Policy Outlook. 2006. No. 29. Nov. (http://www.carnegieendowment.org/ files/kurlantzick_outlook_africa2.pdf).
15.Shinn D.H. Africa, China, the United States, and Oil. Online Africa Policy Forum. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2007. May 8. (http://forums.csis.org/africa).
16.Michel S. When China Met Africa // Foreign Policy. 2008. May/June. Besada H., Wang Y., Whalley J. China’s Growing Economic Activity in Africa. NBER Working Paper No 14024. 2008. May (http://www.nber.org/papers/ w14024.pdf).
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