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Italian and German cultural backgrounds: comparative analysis

  • 7 страниц
  • 2019 год
  • 48 просмотров
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There are a lot of countries in the world and each of them has its own and imitable culture peculiarities. Sure, there is the fact that witnesses so called cultural exchange of features, but it doesn’t change the mean core of the one. Well, nowadays many people face difficult decision and different feelings inside when they try to compare two or more cultures belonging to different countries. In an effort of avoiding it let’s analyze Italy and Germany and their cultures separately before making a comparison of them. It gives us important material to use for our essay’s objective.

Italy is one of the most gorgeous and beautiful countries in Europe. The complicated process of formatting Italian culture and centuries-old politic confrontation and disunity of separate parts of the country became the start of creating many ethnic groups of Italian nation like Piedimonts, Campanians, Venetians, Sicilia, etc. However, by degrees, especially after the reunification of Italy, the differences in way of life and culture of the population in separate parts of Italy sufficiently become smooth...

Germany is one of the most interesting and amazing countries of Europe. It impresses every one with its lifestyle and population culture, with its customs and traditions.
Germany is also famous for their traditional dishes and drinks. German food generally consists of meat, potatoes or vegetables with gravy and salads.
And now let’s observe the culture of Germany. What peculiarities it has? How do German people live in this country?...

There is a description of Italian and Germany cultural peculiarities, with detailed information of their cuisines, traditions, way of life, etc.

1. Bithell, Jethro, ed. Germany: A Companion to German Studies (5th ed. 1955), 578pp; essays on German literature, music, philosophy, art and, especially, history. online edition
2. Detwiler, Donald S. Germany: A Short History (3rd ed. 1999) 341pp;
3. "Italian Republic." Culture Grams World Edition (2003).
4. Maehl, William Harvey. Germany in Western Civilization (1979), Shankland, Hugh. Customs & Etiquette of Italy. 4th ed. London: Simple Guides, 2005. 7-104.
5. 833pp
6. "Chronology of Italy’s History." All About Italy. 2006. Arcaini. 11 Sept.2007

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Фрагменты работ

There are a lot of countries in the world and each of them has its own and imitable culture peculiarities. Sure, there is the fact that witnesses so called cultural exchange of features, but it doesn’t change the mean core of the one. Well, nowadays many people face difficult decision and different feelings inside when they try to compare two or more cultures belonging to different countries. In an effort of avoiding it let’s analyze Italy and Germany and their cultures separately before making a comparison of them. It gives us important material to use for our essay’s objective.

Italy is one of the most gorgeous and beautiful countries in Europe. The complicated process of formatting Italian culture and centuries-old politic confrontation and disunity of separate parts of the country became the start of creating many ethnic groups of Italian nation like Piedimonts, Campanians, Venetians, Sicilia, etc. However, by degrees, especially after the reunification of Italy, the differences in way of life and culture of the population in separate parts of Italy sufficiently become smooth...

Germany is one of the most interesting and amazing countries of Europe. It impresses every one with its lifestyle and population culture, with its customs and traditions.
Germany is also famous for their traditional dishes and drinks. German food generally consists of meat, potatoes or vegetables with gravy and salads.
And now let’s observe the culture of Germany. What peculiarities it has? How do German people live in this country?...

There is a description of Italian and Germany cultural peculiarities, with detailed information of their cuisines, traditions, way of life, etc.

1. Bithell, Jethro, ed. Germany: A Companion to German Studies (5th ed. 1955), 578pp; essays on German literature, music, philosophy, art and, especially, history. online edition
2. Detwiler, Donald S. Germany: A Short History (3rd ed. 1999) 341pp;
3. "Italian Republic." Culture Grams World Edition (2003).
4. Maehl, William Harvey. Germany in Western Civilization (1979), Shankland, Hugh. Customs & Etiquette of Italy. 4th ed. London: Simple Guides, 2005. 7-104.
5. 833pp
6. "Chronology of Italy’s History." All About Italy. 2006. Arcaini. 11 Sept.2007

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Italian and German cultural backgrounds: comparative analysis

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