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На тему Сократа.Сократ чемпион стправедливости
It is generally assumed that if one wishes to work and fight for justice, then one should be active in politics. However, Socrates says, “ the true champion of justice, even if he wishes to survive for a short time, must necessarily confine himself to private life and leave politics alone.” Discuss this statement with reference to the life of Socrates. In what sense is he a champion of justice?
1.Coppens, Philip, (2008) Socrates, that’s the question, Feature Articles - Biographies.
2.Levinson, Paul (2007). The Plot to Save Socrates. New York: Tor Books
3.Luce, J.V. (1992). An Introduction to Greek Philosophy, Thames & Hudson, NY.
4.Maritain, J. (1930, 1991). Introduction to Philosophy, Christian Classics, Inc., Westminster, MD.
5.Taylor, C.C.W. , Hare, R.M. & Barnes, J. (1998). Greek Philosophers — Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Oxford University Press, NY.
6.Taylor, C.C.W. (2001). Socrates: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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На тему Сократа.Сократ чемпион стправедливости
It is generally assumed that if one wishes to work and fight for justice, then one should be active in politics. However, Socrates says, “ the true champion of justice, even if he wishes to survive for a short time, must necessarily confine himself to private life and leave politics alone.” Discuss this statement with reference to the life of Socrates. In what sense is he a champion of justice?
1.Coppens, Philip, (2008) Socrates, that’s the question, Feature Articles - Biographies.
2.Levinson, Paul (2007). The Plot to Save Socrates. New York: Tor Books
3.Luce, J.V. (1992). An Introduction to Greek Philosophy, Thames & Hudson, NY.
4.Maritain, J. (1930, 1991). Introduction to Philosophy, Christian Classics, Inc., Westminster, MD.
5.Taylor, C.C.W. , Hare, R.M. & Barnes, J. (1998). Greek Philosophers — Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Oxford University Press, NY.
6.Taylor, C.C.W. (2001). Socrates: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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