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Профессиональный английский язык 1 Росдистант Ответы Part 1. Research Your Future Employer Part 2. Resume Part 3. Grammar Point

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Choose the correct answer.
To design and/or create something that has never been made before - ... .
to promote
to invent
to maintain
to arrange
to deal with

A person or organization that employs people - ... .
an employee
an employer
a customer
a maintain

The process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them - ... .
a flagship
a manufacturing
assembly lines

Match the departments with their responsibilities.
arranges artwork
promotes products or services
maintains the company’s computer systems
makes products
deals with the company’s accounts
buys products or services for the company
sells to customers
hires new employees and organizes training
invents and develops new products
executive / general director
Human Resources (HR)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Research and Development (R&D)

Department which hires new employees and organizes training - ... .
Research and Development (R&D)
Human Resources (HR)

Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text.
The site included its own hotels and test track.
The factory was built in less than fifty years by over 85,000 workers.
The factory was estimated cost equivalent to 820 million British pounds.
From 12.1999 to 08.2020, AvtoVAZ sold Niva cars with Chevrolet branding.
AvtoVAZ is Russia's largest carmaker that has got 90 miles assembly lines.
In 1966 the new AvtoVAZ car factory was built on both banks of the Volga River.
AvtoVAZ has got and a shop floor area of 22 million square feet.
R&D department of AVTOVAZ allows to carry out a complete development of the car.

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
The company's simple strategy is to focus on ... .
I'm very lucky - I love my job and my chief is the ideal ... .
If any ... needs to take time off, he should contact the Human Resource Department.
the customer

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
... hires new employees and organizes training.
"What ... did you do at York?" - "Geography."
... is English, and he is an Englishman.
Human Resource Department
His mother language

To have control or responsibility for someone or something - ... .
to take on
to begin to have
to be in charge of
to be required to
to deal with
to handle

Suitable in amount or quality compared to something else - ... .
to seek
to commensurate
to provide
to submit
to cater for

To be engaged - ... .
to pursue
to launch
to be in charge of
to be involved

Choose the correct order of the missing words.
1. The Company seeks ... with ... (preferably ...), who is willing ... , can ... communicating with people, ready to make major contributions to the organization. The Company is now opening a new ... .
missing words
1. a master's degree 2. be in charge of 3. a university degree
4. a creative person 5. subsidiary 6. to take on challenging tasks
4, 3, 1, 6, 2, 5
4, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5
1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5
1, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5

Choose the correct order of the missing words.
2. The person will ... extensively all over the country and ... various kinds of situations. Salary ... with ability and experience. ... essential. ... should be submitted to the Company Cambridge.
missing words
1. commensurate 2. handle 3. driving license
4. application and resume 5. be required to travel
5, 2, 1, 3, 4
3, 2, 1, 5, 4
5, 1, 2, 3, 4
5, 2, 1, 4, 3

Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
responsibilities, hardworking, available, promotion, the experience, schedule, an application form, on-the-job, charge, abilities.
1. She takes her ... as a top manager very seriously.
2. We like our employees to have a broad range of ... , not just good qualifications.
3. I don't think she has ... for the job (= enough knowledge and skill for it).
4. His boss asked him to take ... of the office for a few days while she was away.
5. Bill is a ... employee.
6. No formal qualifications are required for the work - you'll get ... training.
7. Sometimes you will be required to fill in ... which will be used to select candidates for interview.
8. With this ... , Jorge’s responsibilities will be increased.
9. What's our ... for this morning?
10. We will let you know about any ... jobs at the branch.

Exercise 1
1. Match between a sentence from the interview and a missing word or expression
Now Lada’s … is an Englishman Steve Johnson.
We met him at the recent … where Lada XRAY was the star of the show.
Can you please ... , about your background.
Yeah, sure, and I ... at Coventry University automotive design, back in the mid-80s.
From there I ... where I spent nearly 18 years designing cars for them.
tell us about yourself briefly
design director
moved on to Mercedes-Benz
Moscow automotive exhibition

2. Match between a sentence from the interview and a missing word or expression
Then back in 2005 I moved to Sweden ... the role as Volvo's design director.
And last year in October I ... now to Russia.
I came here ... AVTO VAZ and the LADA brand as their design director.
I try to help turn around ... .
came here
to take over
the Russian car industry
to work for

Exercise 2
Decide if the statements about Johnson are true or false.
Johnson studied at the philological faculty of Moscow State University.
Johnson joined the Volvo, where he served as the design director.
During the MIAS AvtoVAZ presented the new SUV Lada Xray designed by Johnson.
Johnson wants to develop the Russian car industry.
Johnson is from Poland.
In November Johnson came to Russia to work for AVTO VAZ.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct answer for each question.
What’s Johnson’s nationality?

Where does the interview take place?
Product exhibition
Automotive exhibition

What’s Johnson’s role at the exhibition?
Lada’s design director
Lada’s marketing director
Lada’s production director

Where did Steve Johnson study?
At Cambridge University
At Coventry University
At Togliatti State University

What year did he graduate from the university?
In 2000
In the mid-80s
In the mid-90s

What was the company he started working for?
For Volkswagen
For Mercedes-Benz

How long did he continue designing cars for them?
Nearly 18 years
Nearly 28 years
Nearly 8 years

What country did Johnson move to in 2005?
To France
To Sweden

When did he move to Russia?
in October 3 year ago
last year in October
these year in October

What model did Steve Johnson design for AVTO VAZ according to the interview?
design director
production director
sales director

Sort the Johnson fact cards according to "Mentioned or Not Mentioned in the Video".
The name Lada XRAY has two meanings.
An Xray - is an abbreviation (X - crossover class, Recreation, Activity, Youth)
Now Steve Johnson is Vice- President of AVTOVAZ JSC for design.
Then Johnson joined Mercedes-Benz.
Steve Johnson studied automotive design at Coventry University in the mid 80s.
Johnson introduced the updated logo of "AvtoVAZ" at the "Auto World".
An Xray - a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Place information in the required fields of the form
Christopher Morgan
22 May 2002
177 Great Portland Street, London W5W 6PQ
Spanish – C2, Chinese – A1, German – A2
System analyst
Web Developer (2020 – present) Cooperate with designers to create clean interfaces
Manager (2015 – 2020)
Cambridge University; awarded a master's degree in 2015 –2021
Project management, Strong decision maker, Complex problem solver
References available on request
Position wanted
Work experience-2
Work experience-1
Additional skills
Date of birth

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
His boss asked him to ... of the office for a few days while she was away.
Sometimes you will be required ... an application.
Do you want me ... some coffee?
take charge
to make
to fill in

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
Past ... can be taken into account.
He ... a living as a self-employed consultant.
How much do you ... ?
work experience

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
He filled in the application form and ... an interview.
You should include employees in decision-making at ... .
It creates a very bad impression if you're late for ... .
every opportunity
went for
an interview

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
I'm ... a job which will enable me to develop my skills.
She is ... for a job with an insurance company.
Please ... in your name, age, and occupation.
looking for

Exercise 1
Match the verbs with their Past Simple forms.
was (were)

Exercise 2
Look at the sentence about Steve and make the questions.
Use When to ask a question about the highlighted text.
I moved to Sweden in 2005.
Use Who to ask a question about the highlighted text.
I worked for Volvo in 2010.
Use Who ... for? to ask a question about the highlighted text.
Last year in October I came to Russia to work for AVTO VAZ.
Use Why to ask a question about the highlighted text.
Last year in October I came to Russia to work there.
Use Did you to ask a question about the highlighted text.
I studied at Coventry University automotive design.

Exercise 3
Disagree with the sentences. Make the sentences negative.
e.g. Steve spent nearly 80 years designing cars. - Steve didn’t spend nearly 80 years designing cars.
Make the sentence negative.
Johnson was from Poland.
In October, 2011 he came to Germany to work for Volkswagen.
The man wanted to develop the Poland car industry.
He studied at the philological faculty of Moscow State University.
Steve joined the Honda, where he served as the design director.
In 2002 during the Moscow International Automobile Salon AvtoVAZ presented the new SUV Lada Xray designed by Steve.

Exercise 4
Use Wh-question words to build the questions.
did Steve Johnson study?
did he get?
did he graduate from the university?
he started working for?
did he continue designing cars for them?
did Johnson move to in 2005?
was his job there?
did he move to Russia?
How long
What company
What year
What degree
What country

Exercise 2
Type the parts of the sentence in the correct order in the Passive form to build the sentences.
Jorge’s / With / will / responsibilities / increased/ this promotion, / be
will / an application / Sometimes / be / to fill in / you / required
In / was / on the left / car factory / the new / built / bank / of the Volga River / AVTOVaz / 1966
form / She / asked / questions / was / on her application / two
is / it / for its flagship / vehicles / known / Why / series / of Lada

Match the words and the meaning.
Having skill and knowledge because you have done something many times
Practical skill and knowledge
Be able to be trusted or believed
An amount of something that you do not use or spend (e.g. time, money, etc.)
Be able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
If someone is available, they are not busy and therefore able to do something
To test something in a formal way to discover how effective or suitable it is

Match the words and the meaning.
Job that takes a lot of your time
A job that continue a long time into the future
An advantage or something extra (money or goods), that you are given because of your job
An advantage (a sick pay), that employees receive from their employer in addition to money
The money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for the hours worked
A fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee (every month)
The act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old
Full-time job
Long-term job

Match the words and the meaning.
An agreement in which you pay a company money; they pay your costs if you have an accident
An injury that is caused by an accident at work
Time allowed away from work for holiday, etc. during which you receive your normal pay
Time away from work because of illness
One of a group of people who work together
Education below the level of a university degree for people who have left school
Something that is done in-house is done within an organization or business by its employee
Paid leave
Colleague / co-worker
In-house training
Further education
Sick leave
Industrial injury

Exercise 1
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. ... to develop and demonstrate my true potential.
qualifications and experience, enthusiastic or hard working, I’m looking for a chance, I'm so brilliant at
2. My ... speak for themselves.
3. ... whatever I do, they would be lucky to have me working in their company.
4. There may be people with better qualifications and experience, but no one is more ... than me.

Exercise 2
Match the words with the definitions.
always putting a lot of effort and care into your work
the duty that you have because of your job or position
a list of the times when events are planned to happen
the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things
the power or skill needed to do something
a schedule

Match the words with the definitions.
the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank
able to be obtained, used, or reached
to be responsible for controlling or caring for something
the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
a form that you complete in order to apply for a job, a place on a course, etc.
on-the-job training
an application form
to be in charge of

Exercise 1
Sort the cards by "True or False?" according to the above text.
A candidate should demonstrating all skills and experience they have
A cover letter should include the appropriate and very specific skills which
You should not show your resume to the interweaver as it is boring and is not
A candidate should not make mistakes on his application that is always viewed
Is it important for candidates to ask the interviewer questions related to an
A CV is more important than a cover letter to a recruiter because it actually
It is okay for candidates to ask about the salary or salary banding at the in

Exercise 2
Match the expression and its use.
to have enthusiasm for the role
to demonstrate experience relevant to the position
to talk about your background
to settle down quickly
to have an element of confidence
I am also looking for them ...
What is very important in a candidate for a job is ...
They're able ...
They're able ... around what they're talking
Some general questions allow the candidate to talk about themselves, ...

Match the expression and its use.
to be honest and realistic about expectations
to provide an overview of a candidate's background
to list skills in a covering letter ... to meet the criteria for the post
to be very specific about demonstrating skills
to demonstrate relevant experience
A covering letter allows ...
A covering letter allows a candidate ...
But a cover letter can be more important because that is where a candidate will ...
Candidates should ...
Cvs actually ..., their employment, what

Exercise 3
Match the words with the definitions.
Practical skill and knowledge
Time away from work because of illness
One of a group of people who work together
Job that takes a lot of your time
A job that continue a long time into the future
Colleague / co-worker
Long-term job
Full-time job
Sick leave

Match the words with the definitions.
Be able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
Be able to be trusted or believed
An advantage or something extra that you are given because of your job
A collection of non-wage compensation that supplements an employee’s salary
A fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee
Benefits package

Exercise 4
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. I`m a very ... manager.
benefits package, salary, insurance, flexible, know-how, in-house training, perk, retirement, experienced, sick leave
2. It is necessary to share knowledge through ... .
3. My schedule is ... .
4. I remember my first big ... for a job well-done.
5. The company offers a generous ... that includes private healthcare.
6. He has never demanded raise in ... or better working conditions.
7. What is the normal ... age in this country?
8. Nobody sells him ... first year.
9. Mark broke his leg yesterday, so he’s taken ... .
10. Our company has an ... scheme our employees.

Exercise 5
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. The most important thing which ... should know before joining a company or any industry is to go through the profile of the company or the job, known in & out of it, none of the stone should be left unturned.
a fresher, strong relationships, problem-solving skills, essential, strong interpersonal skills, transferable skills, acquired, to hone my communication skills, my abilities
2. During my time at The Charis Project, I had the opportunity ... to both internal and external stake holders.
3. I learned that communication skills, and they are ... in developing a successful organization.
4. I think I possess ....
5. I'm able to build ... with my clients which is eventually the turning point, in order to drive them hiring the right candidate.
6. However, I hone ... on a day-to-day basis.
7. I possess a wide range of excellent ... that I learned from my previous jobs.
8. I possess strong problem solving skill and a wide range of ... which I am able to applied to this new job.
9. I'm a fresher to the Company and I will try to apply the skill that I ... during my college days.

Exercise 6
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. I closed ... . They'll close the deal.
achieving, involves, a huge deal, achieve, our target, take, that risk, close, take, run
2. She decided to ... more direct measures.
3. Would you be willing to take ... ?
4. Look, it's my job to ... risks, but not yours.
5. He's always supported me in ... .
6. I closed a huge deal. They'll ... the deal.
7. Aren't you supposed to help me to ... my personal goals?
8. Okay, let's concentrate on ... .
9. I am trying to ... a company.
10. A good chief ... employees in activities where they interact with each other.

Exercise 7
Study the given expressions and sort them into blocks.
Talking about your abilities and skills
Skills development
Your job experience
Your company’s codes
In my first job I developed my computer skills.
I have to follow company's dress code.
I possess excellent communication skills.
I’m looking for a chance to develop and demonstrate my true potential.
I can develop my strong technical skills.
I believe that these skills are essential for leading teams.
I learned this skill during my studies.
In my first job at I was able to apply the skills I learned at university.
A job procedure tells employees how to deal with a situation and when.
I acquired excellent leadership skills, in my previous role.
I'm so brilliant at whatever I do.

Exercise 8
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. I believe that my extensive knowledge of the industry and my unique management style ... the other candidates
pride myself on, set me apart from, resolve, contribute substantially, was responsible for overseeing, increase, succeed in, initiate
2. I believe I have what it takes to ... this role.
3. I was able to quickly ... an emergency plan to deal with the crisis.
4. I managed to ... turnover by eight percent in my first three months in the role.
5. Another key strength of mine is my ability to quickly ... complex technical problems
6. I am convinced that I can ... the future success of your company.
7. I ... keeping my skills up to date and that's why I regularly take part in different training programs.
8. I ... the implementation of our new crm system.

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
Application and resume ... to the Company
She can ... of communicating with people
Salary ... with ability and experience
The Company seeks a creative person with a ...
They employed him because of his reputed skill ... with the press
My secretary will phone you to ... a meeting
I'm looking for a job which will enable me to ... my skills
be in charge
should be submitted
in dealing
university degree

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
We got two weeks of ... training on how to conduct interview.
Some of their employees do not have ... insurance
I ... several projects which helped the company to grow significantly
I was responsible for ... the implementation of our new product
I ... on my ability to adapt to new situations quickly
One of my main responsibilities was to ... a team of customer service representati
One thing that ... apart is my ability to quickly understand complex processes
sets me
pride myself

Match the words and expressions with their meaning.
line of business
to study or train in a specific field
to acquire new information or skill
a chance or possibility for progress or profit
to work jointly on an activity or project
to participate
to acquire
to major

Match the words and expressions with their meaning.
someone who is new to a task or activity, or has only recently started
having an obligation as part of one's role
to develop or perform work on something to improve it
capable of being transmitted from one place or person to another one
to proudly have or show off something
a fresher
to hone
to pride oneself on

Match the word/expression and its meaning.
working permanently in or committed to a particular profession
for a role performed as part of one's job
the process of moving an idea from concept to reality
to start, activate or put into action
having or showing ambition and a willingness to work hard towards achieving one's goals
For the position of
To initiate project

Match the word/expression and its meaning.
the process or activity of running a business, organization, etc
producing strong feelings and emotions
one's day-to-day plans or timetable
to look after and make decisions about, especially in a position of leadership
to motivate or animate, especially towards the accomplishment of a goal
To oversee
To inspire people

Exercise 1
Choose the correct answer.
Four years ago, Caroline worked ...
for a small HR services provider
in a marketing company
in both B2B and B2C sectors

Caroline majored in ...
graphic design

Caroline is a specialist in ...
capital management
the technology sector
conference diplomacy

Caroline has been at EDTech ...
for four years
for three years
for ten year

Exercise 2
Match the missing words with the sentences.
I started my ... at a marketing company.
I am ..., friendly and hardworking.
I am ... for a better opportunity.
What are your ...?
I am a ... the technology sector.
specialist in
professional skills

Match the missing words with the sentences.
I work with the ... and methods.
I take various online courses and ... in international conferences.
I was ... my technical skills.
I ... my skills up to date.
I believe that this role would give me the ... to fully utilize my skills.
able to hone
latest technologies
pride myself on keeping

Match the missing words with the sentences.
What is your ...?
I worked for 10 years at EDTech in international ....
In my previous role I ... excellent leadership skills.
One thing that ... is my ability to quickly understand complex processes.
Could you let us have your ...?
business development
past work experience
previous employer’s details
sets me apart

Exercise 3
Sort the sentences by type of preposition missing.
I possess a wide range of transferable skills, which can be applied ...this job
I would like to start... getting to know more about you.
Hello, I'm a manager, my name is Paige. Glad... meet you.
I worked... 10 years at EDTech in international business development.
Tell us a little... yourself.
I worked in a marketing company and now I am looking ... a better opportunity.

I am a specialist ...the technology sector.
I take various online courses and participate... international conferences.
One thing that sets me... is my ability to quickly understand complex processes
I pride myself... keeping my skills up to date.
I went to the University of California. And majored... graphic design.
And... my previous role I acquired excellent leadership skills.
I work ...the latest technologies and methods.
Well, in fact they are all included... my resume.

Exercise 4
Sort the sentences by "True or False?".
She loves creating and constantly improving new ideas and applications.
Her work contributed to the growth of the company's new e-commerce business.
She resolved an app defect and the team was not able to improve the app design.
Caroline will finish her last job by the two next weeks.
Her team was responsible for overseeing the implementation of a new crm system.
She left her last job under odd circumstances and don’t want to share the truth.
Caroline doesn’t want to share an office with other people.
The employer looking for a candidate for the position of Senior Manager.
She is looking for, part-time job.
Caroline is against to work at weekends.

Exercise 5
Match the missing words with the sentences.
What were your job responsibilities at your ...?
My team was responsible for ... of our new crm system.
I ... which helped the company to grow significantly.
I ... and in the process was able to improve the app design.
How did the final ...?
resolved an app defect
last job
product turn out
initiated several projects
overseeing the implementation

Match the missing words with the sentences.
My work ... the growth of the company's new e-commerce business.
We are currently looking for a candidate ... Senior Manager.
Third MatchI enjoy participating in day-to-day planning and ....
I ... a born leader.
I have the ability to direct, organize and ... .
contributed significantly to
inspire people
for the position of
consider myself

Match the missing words with the sentences.
I always ... before they happen and make changes or rotate when necessary.
I am very ... and full of ideas.
What kind of ... are you looking for, part-time or full-time, morning or evening?
Looking for a ....
I must say that your answers so far have been very ... to me.
identify any potential problems
full-time job
work schedule

Exercise 6
Decide if the statements about Johnson are true or false.
I enjoy participating... day-to- day planning and execution.
Could you start... two week's time?
My team was responsible... overseeing the implementation of our new crm system.
I always identify any potential problems... they happen.
Could you let me... soon as possible?
I resolved an app defect and. the process was able to improve the app design.
Thank you very much... your time.
We are currently looking... a candidate for the position of Senior Manager.

Hope to hear... you later.
I am very motivated and full... ideas.
Would you mind sharing an office... three other people?
Would you mind working... weekends?
My work contributed to the growth... the company's new e-commerce business.
What were your job responsibilities ...your last job?

Exercise 7
Put the words in the correct order to make typical interview questions.
about yourself / me / Tell / personality / your / Describe
mind telling / me more regarding / your qualifications / ? / Would you
employer’s details / ? / have your previous / let us / Could you
at your last job / ? / your job responsibilities / What were
your current / leaving / company / ? / Why are you
of a team / ? / work alone or as part / Would you prefer to
conclude this interview / ? / anything before we / Would you like to add

Exercise 12
Put the questions of the interview in the order as they appeared.
How did the final product turn out?
What were your job responsibilities at your last job?
Would you mind working at weekends?
Tell us a little about yourself.
Why did you leave your previous job?
Would you mind sharing an office with three other people?
What are your professional skills
Why should we choose you?
Could you let us have your previous employer’s details?
We are currently looking for a candidate for the position of Senior Manager.

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
I do have ... to detect and affect human emotion
If anyone in this group is ... , it's you
You're busy, and I can't change my ... either
He is a good man; he's doing a job of ...
... can be taken into account during the interview
work schedule
the ability
past work experience
a born leader
great responsibility

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
I ... myself a born leader
I initiated ... which helped the company to grow significantly
One thing that ... is my ability to quickly understand complex processes
I`m able to ... my technical skills
I left ... because I needed more hours
my last job
several projects
sets me apart

Match the term and the definition.
or CTC is the monthly or yearly salary without any deductions
the amount of the employee’s salary after deducting tax, known as “take-home salary”
amounts of money that are taken away from your salary
an amount deducted from your gross salary and paid into a pension plan
the amount you earn after tax; take-home pay
the whole salary for a 1-year period
Gross salary
Gross annual salary
Net pay
Net salary
Pension contributions

Match the term and the definition.
... - benefits, things that an employer offers in addition to salary to make them more attractive to potential employees (discounted memberships at local gyms, free healthy snacks on-site, child care, or different types of health insurance).
Pay rise (raise)

Exercise 1
Match the term and definition.
or CTC is the monthly or yearly salary without any deductions
are amounts of money that are taken away from your salary
… is the amount you earn after tax and deductions
is an amount deducted from your gross salary and paid into a pension plan
is a long-term savings plan for your retirement
A … helps people to save money for when they retire from work
… is the whole salary for a 1-year period
Net pay
Gross salary
Gross annual salary
Pension plan
Pension plan
Pension contributions

Match the term and definition.
… is take-home pay
a … is money that is usually paid to an employee monthly on a regular basis
Money that is removed from our earnings to pay for tax, etc, is called a …
Time for which work is paid at twice the normal rate is called …
… is another word for the money that people receive for working
… is an adjective used to describe an employee's earnings before tax have been removed
… is an adjective used to describe an employee's earnings after tax have been removed
Double time
Net pay

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
… is the amount that can be added to a salary
… is an extra amount added to your salary
… is benefits, things that an employer offers in addition to salary
... is performance appraisal
If an employee needs some of his wages paid before the usual pay day, he might ask for an
An extra payment made in addition to a normal payment is called a …
Performance review

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
… is an increase in your salary
When you want more money for the work you do, you might ask your boss for a …
… is a meeting you have with your boss to discuss your past performance and future goals
… is the time that you spend working at your job after you've worked the normal hours
… is time off for the extra hours you worked
… is you are not paid enough for the work you do
Performance appraisal
Pay rise (raise)
Rise (raise)
Time off in lieu

Match the short forms with the full ones.
As far as I know
As soon as possible
Bye for now
Be right back
By the way
For your information
In my humble opinion
Talk to you later
Thank you

Choose the correct answer.
To indicate that things need to be done really quickly is … .

Match the short forms with the full ones.
See you
Laughing out loud
Oh, I see
Roll on the floor laughing

Choose the correct answer.
What phrase introduces some new information, that maybe others need to know?

Match the short forms with the full ones.
Just kidding
Thanks in advance
Thank you very much
You are
You are welcome
Got to go

Choose the correct answer.
What is a way of ending a letter showing your respect for the recipient?

Type in the missing word
1. Technological advances, such as Instant messaging (or IM) can help to ... productivity and collaboration at work.
increase cutting-edge rudeness and incompetence
respond disconnected chat tools refer to
2. Users have to look through the ..., so as not to bother colleagues with annoying requests.
3. When remote employees are a part of lively discussions full of relevantly emotional messages, they stop feeling isolated or … from the office life.
4. Even if you are aware of all the basic etiquette rules, it doesn’t mean that all of your colleagues are. So, sometimes you have to deal with … . The task here is not to lose face and stay professional anyway.
5. Respect your co-worker’s time, so you can always … your business hours as well, by texting “I see your request, I will deal with it first thing in the morning.”
6. If it’s a voice message, for instance, but you are not available to listen to it – identify the time, when you will do it and … .
7. Only knowing and implementing the ground etiquette rules will always help you to get the most of this … dynamic technology.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, why should users of work chats look through their tools before using them?
In order only to know how to search the chat information.
In order not to ask irritating questions concerning the chat usage.
In order not to delete information for everyone.
In order only to know how to send files.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, which is correct:
If you know the chat rules, you will not deal with rude incompetent work chat users.
You shouldn’t be quick and on time at replying to colleagues’ messages.
All chat users from work might not know all the basic etiquette rules.
You don’t need to be professional when dealing with rude work chat users.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, how should you behave, when you get a message without a question, but with some information that you should know?
You should send a voice message.
Don’t leave it without your reaction.
You should ask questions.
Just read it.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, what does stick to the work hours mean?
Always check if the colleague, you want to contact, is available.
Use traditional work day time to communicate with your colleagues on business.
Always check if the colleague, you want to contact, is online.
To deal with work problems in the morning.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, how does having lively work chats help remote employees?
Remote employees learn what tone and style to use.
Remote employees can send only work-related messages.
Remote employees can send not only work-related messages.
Remote employees feel as if they are a part of the office life.

Match the sentences with the missing words or phrases.
We ________ delivering the order at our expense.
I will appreciate having all the necessary delivery information ____________.
I have to ___________ about bad quality of the phone cases we ordered.
I have __________ in a PDF file.
Would you _________ to deposit on arrival?
Unfortunately, I am able ________ only the opening session of the conference.
I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that we haven’t __________ our order for 40 of
Do you mind __________ us for those 40 office chairs, we want to order.
I need to _____________ with the team lead for the next week.
allow us
arrange a meeting
in advance
attached the invoice
to attend

Choose the correct answer.
When you do something before the important event to have more time on hands is … .
In advance

Match the halves.
confirm the date of my arrival – 7th July.
your quick reply.
for any inconvenience we have caused.
to have sent us a wrong order.
contact me if you have any questions.
yet how many items we need.
of the fact that our postal address has changed?
20 tickets for the marketing session of the conference.
a search for companies that manufacture double-glazed windows.
Don’t hesitate to
Are you aware
We apologize
I’d like to
I’ve been doing
We appreciate
We need to book
You appear
We haven’t decided

Choose the correct answer.
To tell someone, that what was arranged is going to happen is … .
Be aware of
Do a search

Match the halves.
to your reply.
confused our order. When can you correct this mistake?
us. We want 20 chairs, not 22.
the delivery service for free.
a favour by sending your price list in English and French.
the attached agreement.
Mr. White, since he is away
our business by entering the European market.
for a designer to refurbish our office.
I represent
Could you do us
You appear to have overcharged
We are looking forward
We are looking
You appear to have
Our company wants to expand
We don’t provide
Please, sign

Choose the correct answer.
To speak or act on behalf of another person or organization is … .
Look for
Do someone a favor
Look forward to

1. Match the parts, so as to make up the email.
Outsourcing software support
Dear Mr Black,
Thank you for your letter about outsourcing your software support.
Could you send us your contract terms and specifications. Which software are you using?
I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely,
Mark Owen
Message (main body)
Message (introduction)
Subject line
Signature block

2. Match the halves to make sentences.
sending us the specification.
to your email dated 5th April …
to inform you that …
receive a global price for …
behalf of Bermuda Company.
for your e-mail dated 5th April.
interested in.
to send us your specification?
would be very helpful.
if you could send information about your product.
Having the information before next Wednesday
I am writing on
We wish
Thank you for
Thank you
I was wondering
In reply
Would you be able
We would like to
You manufacture cars that we would be

3. Match the halves to make sentences.
for your offer …
appreciate your quick reply.
in finding out more about your location.
to your letter of 1st of February …
us know about …
to send us your pricelist?
concerning the meeting …
if your company provides the requested service.
invoice us for transportation?
the invoice.
Please let us know,
Would it be possible
With reference
We would
We are obliged
Would you please let
Please, acknowledge
I am interested
As for our arrangement
Could you

4. Match the halves to make sentences.
to call.
pleased to be at your service.
hearing from you soon.
hear from you soon.
to receiving your reply.
forward to meeting you soon.
We hope to
We look forward
We are
Don’t hesitate
We look
Thank you in
We look forward to

5. Match the sentences with their improved versions, appropriate for business writing
We would appreciate it, if you could answer us in working hours today.
Would you be able to send us the pricelist?
We would like to have more details.
Before confirming whether we could go ahead, we need more information about the terms.
Would it be possible to send the specifications, as well as the order terms?
Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions about the order.
Would you mind sending this information in a PDF file?
Would it be possible for you to provide the service?
Look forward to hearing from you.
I was wondering if you could offer us a discount this time?
We need a PDF.
We wait for your reply.
Send us the pricelist, please.
We will not confirm our business relations, before we get more info about the terms.
Answer us today, please.
Can you offer us a discount?
Give us more details.
Send us the specifications and the order terms.
Ask me any questions about the order.
Can you provide the service?

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, when is it appropriate to stop using greetings?
in the first email
in a chain of emails regarding one business question
in all emails regarding different business questions
in all emails

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, what indicates your high level of professionalism and readiness to discuss anything?
Rambling thoughts
Spelling errors
Accuracy and absence of grammar and spelling mistakes
Absence of attached files when you mention, that you have attached some

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, what kind of subject lines impedes fast correspondence and makes it inefficient?

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, why is it important to think carefully in advance what information you are consequently looking for while writing an email?
To know how to use bullet points
To organize your writing in a better logical way
To use correct grammar
To attach files

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, what should you do if you are not able to write concise efficient email?
Give up
Develop this skill, it’s possible
Delegate this responsibility
Do not click SEND

Sort the cards.
First Conditional
NOT First Conditional
If you fire an employee, you must be polite.
I might take a course in engineering, if I fail this one.
If he does well on his probation period, he would go on working for the company.
If we ordered the product, we'd keep the discount.
We'll ask for a better condition, if the delivery is late.

Sort the cards.
Second Conditional
NOT Second Conditional
If I were satisfied with my salary, I wouldn’t apply for another job.
I will complain to the manager If I were you.
If we need this service, we’ll order it.
I could have a company car, if I needed.
I might study management, if I worked in HR department.

Choose the third conditional sentences.
If it had been the final sale, we would have ordered more.
If my husband hadn’t worked for the company, we wouldn’t have met.
If we hadn’t ordered the paper last month, it wouldn’t have been delivered last week.
What would we done, if we hadn’t got the delivery on time?
If our HR Manager were in the office today, she would interviewed all the candidates.

Match the halves, so as to make up sentences.
we wouldn’t have got to the conference on time.
we won’t get to the conference on time.
we will repair them.
we would repair them.
she would have booked 2 tables.
she would book 2 tables.
we would have already started the business project.
we will start the business project as soon as possible.
If our HR Manager had known about your availability then,
If we had signed the contract then,
If the offices are in bad condition,
If we had missed the plane,
If we sign the contract,
If we miss the plane,
If the offices were in bad condition,
If our HR Manager knew about your availability,

В файле представлены ответы на:
Part 1. Research Your Future Employer
Part 2. Resume
Part 3. Grammar Point
Part 1. Preparing for an Interview
Part 2. Mock Interview
Part 3. Negotiate Your Salary
Part 1. Instant Messaging At Work
Part 2. Email Communication At Work
Part 3. Grammar Point

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После оплаты вы сможете скачать файл с ответами. Все вопросы из файла указаны ниже в содержании.

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Module 1. Job-Hunting

Part 1. Research Your Future Employer

Part 2. Resume

Part 3. Grammar Point

Module 2. Job Interview

Part 1. Preparing for an Interview

Part 2. Mock Interview

Part 3. Negotiate Your Salary

Module 3. Writting In Business Communication

Part 1. Instant Messaging At Work

Part 2. Email Communication At Work

Part 3. Grammar Point

Форма заказа новой работы

Не подошла эта работа?

Закажи новую работу, сделанную по твоим требованиям

Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Заказать Ответы на вопросы», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.

Фрагменты работ

Choose the correct answer.
To design and/or create something that has never been made before - ... .
to promote
to invent
to maintain
to arrange
to deal with

A person or organization that employs people - ... .
an employee
an employer
a customer
a maintain

The process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them - ... .
a flagship
a manufacturing
assembly lines

Match the departments with their responsibilities.
arranges artwork
promotes products or services
maintains the company’s computer systems
makes products
deals with the company’s accounts
buys products or services for the company
sells to customers
hires new employees and organizes training
invents and develops new products
executive / general director
Human Resources (HR)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Research and Development (R&D)

Department which hires new employees and organizes training - ... .
Research and Development (R&D)
Human Resources (HR)

Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text.
The site included its own hotels and test track.
The factory was built in less than fifty years by over 85,000 workers.
The factory was estimated cost equivalent to 820 million British pounds.
From 12.1999 to 08.2020, AvtoVAZ sold Niva cars with Chevrolet branding.
AvtoVAZ is Russia's largest carmaker that has got 90 miles assembly lines.
In 1966 the new AvtoVAZ car factory was built on both banks of the Volga River.
AvtoVAZ has got and a shop floor area of 22 million square feet.
R&D department of AVTOVAZ allows to carry out a complete development of the car.

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
The company's simple strategy is to focus on ... .
I'm very lucky - I love my job and my chief is the ideal ... .
If any ... needs to take time off, he should contact the Human Resource Department.
the customer

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
... hires new employees and organizes training.
"What ... did you do at York?" - "Geography."
... is English, and he is an Englishman.
Human Resource Department
His mother language

To have control or responsibility for someone or something - ... .
to take on
to begin to have
to be in charge of
to be required to
to deal with
to handle

Suitable in amount or quality compared to something else - ... .
to seek
to commensurate
to provide
to submit
to cater for

To be engaged - ... .
to pursue
to launch
to be in charge of
to be involved

Choose the correct order of the missing words.
1. The Company seeks ... with ... (preferably ...), who is willing ... , can ... communicating with people, ready to make major contributions to the organization. The Company is now opening a new ... .
missing words
1. a master's degree 2. be in charge of 3. a university degree
4. a creative person 5. subsidiary 6. to take on challenging tasks
4, 3, 1, 6, 2, 5
4, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5
1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5
1, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5

Choose the correct order of the missing words.
2. The person will ... extensively all over the country and ... various kinds of situations. Salary ... with ability and experience. ... essential. ... should be submitted to the Company Cambridge.
missing words
1. commensurate 2. handle 3. driving license
4. application and resume 5. be required to travel
5, 2, 1, 3, 4
3, 2, 1, 5, 4
5, 1, 2, 3, 4
5, 2, 1, 4, 3

Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
responsibilities, hardworking, available, promotion, the experience, schedule, an application form, on-the-job, charge, abilities.
1. She takes her ... as a top manager very seriously.
2. We like our employees to have a broad range of ... , not just good qualifications.
3. I don't think she has ... for the job (= enough knowledge and skill for it).
4. His boss asked him to take ... of the office for a few days while she was away.
5. Bill is a ... employee.
6. No formal qualifications are required for the work - you'll get ... training.
7. Sometimes you will be required to fill in ... which will be used to select candidates for interview.
8. With this ... , Jorge’s responsibilities will be increased.
9. What's our ... for this morning?
10. We will let you know about any ... jobs at the branch.

Exercise 1
1. Match between a sentence from the interview and a missing word or expression
Now Lada’s … is an Englishman Steve Johnson.
We met him at the recent … where Lada XRAY was the star of the show.
Can you please ... , about your background.
Yeah, sure, and I ... at Coventry University automotive design, back in the mid-80s.
From there I ... where I spent nearly 18 years designing cars for them.
tell us about yourself briefly
design director
moved on to Mercedes-Benz
Moscow automotive exhibition

2. Match between a sentence from the interview and a missing word or expression
Then back in 2005 I moved to Sweden ... the role as Volvo's design director.
And last year in October I ... now to Russia.
I came here ... AVTO VAZ and the LADA brand as their design director.
I try to help turn around ... .
came here
to take over
the Russian car industry
to work for

Exercise 2
Decide if the statements about Johnson are true or false.
Johnson studied at the philological faculty of Moscow State University.
Johnson joined the Volvo, where he served as the design director.
During the MIAS AvtoVAZ presented the new SUV Lada Xray designed by Johnson.
Johnson wants to develop the Russian car industry.
Johnson is from Poland.
In November Johnson came to Russia to work for AVTO VAZ.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct answer for each question.
What’s Johnson’s nationality?

Where does the interview take place?
Product exhibition
Automotive exhibition

What’s Johnson’s role at the exhibition?
Lada’s design director
Lada’s marketing director
Lada’s production director

Where did Steve Johnson study?
At Cambridge University
At Coventry University
At Togliatti State University

What year did he graduate from the university?
In 2000
In the mid-80s
In the mid-90s

What was the company he started working for?
For Volkswagen
For Mercedes-Benz

How long did he continue designing cars for them?
Nearly 18 years
Nearly 28 years
Nearly 8 years

What country did Johnson move to in 2005?
To France
To Sweden

When did he move to Russia?
in October 3 year ago
last year in October
these year in October

What model did Steve Johnson design for AVTO VAZ according to the interview?
design director
production director
sales director

Sort the Johnson fact cards according to "Mentioned or Not Mentioned in the Video".
The name Lada XRAY has two meanings.
An Xray - is an abbreviation (X - crossover class, Recreation, Activity, Youth)
Now Steve Johnson is Vice- President of AVTOVAZ JSC for design.
Then Johnson joined Mercedes-Benz.
Steve Johnson studied automotive design at Coventry University in the mid 80s.
Johnson introduced the updated logo of "AvtoVAZ" at the "Auto World".
An Xray - a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Place information in the required fields of the form
Christopher Morgan
22 May 2002
177 Great Portland Street, London W5W 6PQ
Spanish – C2, Chinese – A1, German – A2
System analyst
Web Developer (2020 – present) Cooperate with designers to create clean interfaces
Manager (2015 – 2020)
Cambridge University; awarded a master's degree in 2015 –2021
Project management, Strong decision maker, Complex problem solver
References available on request
Position wanted
Work experience-2
Work experience-1
Additional skills
Date of birth

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
His boss asked him to ... of the office for a few days while she was away.
Sometimes you will be required ... an application.
Do you want me ... some coffee?
take charge
to make
to fill in

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
Past ... can be taken into account.
He ... a living as a self-employed consultant.
How much do you ... ?
work experience

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
He filled in the application form and ... an interview.
You should include employees in decision-making at ... .
It creates a very bad impression if you're late for ... .
every opportunity
went for
an interview

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
I'm ... a job which will enable me to develop my skills.
She is ... for a job with an insurance company.
Please ... in your name, age, and occupation.
looking for

Exercise 1
Match the verbs with their Past Simple forms.
was (were)

Exercise 2
Look at the sentence about Steve and make the questions.
Use When to ask a question about the highlighted text.
I moved to Sweden in 2005.
Use Who to ask a question about the highlighted text.
I worked for Volvo in 2010.
Use Who ... for? to ask a question about the highlighted text.
Last year in October I came to Russia to work for AVTO VAZ.
Use Why to ask a question about the highlighted text.
Last year in October I came to Russia to work there.
Use Did you to ask a question about the highlighted text.
I studied at Coventry University automotive design.

Exercise 3
Disagree with the sentences. Make the sentences negative.
e.g. Steve spent nearly 80 years designing cars. - Steve didn’t spend nearly 80 years designing cars.
Make the sentence negative.
Johnson was from Poland.
In October, 2011 he came to Germany to work for Volkswagen.
The man wanted to develop the Poland car industry.
He studied at the philological faculty of Moscow State University.
Steve joined the Honda, where he served as the design director.
In 2002 during the Moscow International Automobile Salon AvtoVAZ presented the new SUV Lada Xray designed by Steve.

Exercise 4
Use Wh-question words to build the questions.
did Steve Johnson study?
did he get?
did he graduate from the university?
he started working for?
did he continue designing cars for them?
did Johnson move to in 2005?
was his job there?
did he move to Russia?
How long
What company
What year
What degree
What country

Exercise 2
Type the parts of the sentence in the correct order in the Passive form to build the sentences.
Jorge’s / With / will / responsibilities / increased/ this promotion, / be
will / an application / Sometimes / be / to fill in / you / required
In / was / on the left / car factory / the new / built / bank / of the Volga River / AVTOVaz / 1966
form / She / asked / questions / was / on her application / two
is / it / for its flagship / vehicles / known / Why / series / of Lada

Match the words and the meaning.
Having skill and knowledge because you have done something many times
Practical skill and knowledge
Be able to be trusted or believed
An amount of something that you do not use or spend (e.g. time, money, etc.)
Be able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
If someone is available, they are not busy and therefore able to do something
To test something in a formal way to discover how effective or suitable it is

Match the words and the meaning.
Job that takes a lot of your time
A job that continue a long time into the future
An advantage or something extra (money or goods), that you are given because of your job
An advantage (a sick pay), that employees receive from their employer in addition to money
The money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for the hours worked
A fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee (every month)
The act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old
Full-time job
Long-term job

Match the words and the meaning.
An agreement in which you pay a company money; they pay your costs if you have an accident
An injury that is caused by an accident at work
Time allowed away from work for holiday, etc. during which you receive your normal pay
Time away from work because of illness
One of a group of people who work together
Education below the level of a university degree for people who have left school
Something that is done in-house is done within an organization or business by its employee
Paid leave
Colleague / co-worker
In-house training
Further education
Sick leave
Industrial injury

Exercise 1
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. ... to develop and demonstrate my true potential.
qualifications and experience, enthusiastic or hard working, I’m looking for a chance, I'm so brilliant at
2. My ... speak for themselves.
3. ... whatever I do, they would be lucky to have me working in their company.
4. There may be people with better qualifications and experience, but no one is more ... than me.

Exercise 2
Match the words with the definitions.
always putting a lot of effort and care into your work
the duty that you have because of your job or position
a list of the times when events are planned to happen
the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things
the power or skill needed to do something
a schedule

Match the words with the definitions.
the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank
able to be obtained, used, or reached
to be responsible for controlling or caring for something
the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
a form that you complete in order to apply for a job, a place on a course, etc.
on-the-job training
an application form
to be in charge of

Exercise 1
Sort the cards by "True or False?" according to the above text.
A candidate should demonstrating all skills and experience they have
A cover letter should include the appropriate and very specific skills which
You should not show your resume to the interweaver as it is boring and is not
A candidate should not make mistakes on his application that is always viewed
Is it important for candidates to ask the interviewer questions related to an
A CV is more important than a cover letter to a recruiter because it actually
It is okay for candidates to ask about the salary or salary banding at the in

Exercise 2
Match the expression and its use.
to have enthusiasm for the role
to demonstrate experience relevant to the position
to talk about your background
to settle down quickly
to have an element of confidence
I am also looking for them ...
What is very important in a candidate for a job is ...
They're able ...
They're able ... around what they're talking
Some general questions allow the candidate to talk about themselves, ...

Match the expression and its use.
to be honest and realistic about expectations
to provide an overview of a candidate's background
to list skills in a covering letter ... to meet the criteria for the post
to be very specific about demonstrating skills
to demonstrate relevant experience
A covering letter allows ...
A covering letter allows a candidate ...
But a cover letter can be more important because that is where a candidate will ...
Candidates should ...
Cvs actually ..., their employment, what

Exercise 3
Match the words with the definitions.
Practical skill and knowledge
Time away from work because of illness
One of a group of people who work together
Job that takes a lot of your time
A job that continue a long time into the future
Colleague / co-worker
Long-term job
Full-time job
Sick leave

Match the words with the definitions.
Be able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
Be able to be trusted or believed
An advantage or something extra that you are given because of your job
A collection of non-wage compensation that supplements an employee’s salary
A fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee
Benefits package

Exercise 4
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. I`m a very ... manager.
benefits package, salary, insurance, flexible, know-how, in-house training, perk, retirement, experienced, sick leave
2. It is necessary to share knowledge through ... .
3. My schedule is ... .
4. I remember my first big ... for a job well-done.
5. The company offers a generous ... that includes private healthcare.
6. He has never demanded raise in ... or better working conditions.
7. What is the normal ... age in this country?
8. Nobody sells him ... first year.
9. Mark broke his leg yesterday, so he’s taken ... .
10. Our company has an ... scheme our employees.

Exercise 5
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. The most important thing which ... should know before joining a company or any industry is to go through the profile of the company or the job, known in & out of it, none of the stone should be left unturned.
a fresher, strong relationships, problem-solving skills, essential, strong interpersonal skills, transferable skills, acquired, to hone my communication skills, my abilities
2. During my time at The Charis Project, I had the opportunity ... to both internal and external stake holders.
3. I learned that communication skills, and they are ... in developing a successful organization.
4. I think I possess ....
5. I'm able to build ... with my clients which is eventually the turning point, in order to drive them hiring the right candidate.
6. However, I hone ... on a day-to-day basis.
7. I possess a wide range of excellent ... that I learned from my previous jobs.
8. I possess strong problem solving skill and a wide range of ... which I am able to applied to this new job.
9. I'm a fresher to the Company and I will try to apply the skill that I ... during my college days.

Exercise 6
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. I closed ... . They'll close the deal.
achieving, involves, a huge deal, achieve, our target, take, that risk, close, take, run
2. She decided to ... more direct measures.
3. Would you be willing to take ... ?
4. Look, it's my job to ... risks, but not yours.
5. He's always supported me in ... .
6. I closed a huge deal. They'll ... the deal.
7. Aren't you supposed to help me to ... my personal goals?
8. Okay, let's concentrate on ... .
9. I am trying to ... a company.
10. A good chief ... employees in activities where they interact with each other.

Exercise 7
Study the given expressions and sort them into blocks.
Talking about your abilities and skills
Skills development
Your job experience
Your company’s codes
In my first job I developed my computer skills.
I have to follow company's dress code.
I possess excellent communication skills.
I’m looking for a chance to develop and demonstrate my true potential.
I can develop my strong technical skills.
I believe that these skills are essential for leading teams.
I learned this skill during my studies.
In my first job at I was able to apply the skills I learned at university.
A job procedure tells employees how to deal with a situation and when.
I acquired excellent leadership skills, in my previous role.
I'm so brilliant at whatever I do.

Exercise 8
Read the sentences and type in a word or expression from the list.
1. I believe that my extensive knowledge of the industry and my unique management style ... the other candidates
pride myself on, set me apart from, resolve, contribute substantially, was responsible for overseeing, increase, succeed in, initiate
2. I believe I have what it takes to ... this role.
3. I was able to quickly ... an emergency plan to deal with the crisis.
4. I managed to ... turnover by eight percent in my first three months in the role.
5. Another key strength of mine is my ability to quickly ... complex technical problems
6. I am convinced that I can ... the future success of your company.
7. I ... keeping my skills up to date and that's why I regularly take part in different training programs.
8. I ... the implementation of our new crm system.

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
Application and resume ... to the Company
She can ... of communicating with people
Salary ... with ability and experience
The Company seeks a creative person with a ...
They employed him because of his reputed skill ... with the press
My secretary will phone you to ... a meeting
I'm looking for a job which will enable me to ... my skills
be in charge
should be submitted
in dealing
university degree

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
We got two weeks of ... training on how to conduct interview.
Some of their employees do not have ... insurance
I ... several projects which helped the company to grow significantly
I was responsible for ... the implementation of our new product
I ... on my ability to adapt to new situations quickly
One of my main responsibilities was to ... a team of customer service representati
One thing that ... apart is my ability to quickly understand complex processes
sets me
pride myself

Match the words and expressions with their meaning.
line of business
to study or train in a specific field
to acquire new information or skill
a chance or possibility for progress or profit
to work jointly on an activity or project
to participate
to acquire
to major

Match the words and expressions with their meaning.
someone who is new to a task or activity, or has only recently started
having an obligation as part of one's role
to develop or perform work on something to improve it
capable of being transmitted from one place or person to another one
to proudly have or show off something
a fresher
to hone
to pride oneself on

Match the word/expression and its meaning.
working permanently in or committed to a particular profession
for a role performed as part of one's job
the process of moving an idea from concept to reality
to start, activate or put into action
having or showing ambition and a willingness to work hard towards achieving one's goals
For the position of
To initiate project

Match the word/expression and its meaning.
the process or activity of running a business, organization, etc
producing strong feelings and emotions
one's day-to-day plans or timetable
to look after and make decisions about, especially in a position of leadership
to motivate or animate, especially towards the accomplishment of a goal
To oversee
To inspire people

Exercise 1
Choose the correct answer.
Four years ago, Caroline worked ...
for a small HR services provider
in a marketing company
in both B2B and B2C sectors

Caroline majored in ...
graphic design

Caroline is a specialist in ...
capital management
the technology sector
conference diplomacy

Caroline has been at EDTech ...
for four years
for three years
for ten year

Exercise 2
Match the missing words with the sentences.
I started my ... at a marketing company.
I am ..., friendly and hardworking.
I am ... for a better opportunity.
What are your ...?
I am a ... the technology sector.
specialist in
professional skills

Match the missing words with the sentences.
I work with the ... and methods.
I take various online courses and ... in international conferences.
I was ... my technical skills.
I ... my skills up to date.
I believe that this role would give me the ... to fully utilize my skills.
able to hone
latest technologies
pride myself on keeping

Match the missing words with the sentences.
What is your ...?
I worked for 10 years at EDTech in international ....
In my previous role I ... excellent leadership skills.
One thing that ... is my ability to quickly understand complex processes.
Could you let us have your ...?
business development
past work experience
previous employer’s details
sets me apart

Exercise 3
Sort the sentences by type of preposition missing.
I possess a wide range of transferable skills, which can be applied ...this job
I would like to start... getting to know more about you.
Hello, I'm a manager, my name is Paige. Glad... meet you.
I worked... 10 years at EDTech in international business development.
Tell us a little... yourself.
I worked in a marketing company and now I am looking ... a better opportunity.

I am a specialist ...the technology sector.
I take various online courses and participate... international conferences.
One thing that sets me... is my ability to quickly understand complex processes
I pride myself... keeping my skills up to date.
I went to the University of California. And majored... graphic design.
And... my previous role I acquired excellent leadership skills.
I work ...the latest technologies and methods.
Well, in fact they are all included... my resume.

Exercise 4
Sort the sentences by "True or False?".
She loves creating and constantly improving new ideas and applications.
Her work contributed to the growth of the company's new e-commerce business.
She resolved an app defect and the team was not able to improve the app design.
Caroline will finish her last job by the two next weeks.
Her team was responsible for overseeing the implementation of a new crm system.
She left her last job under odd circumstances and don’t want to share the truth.
Caroline doesn’t want to share an office with other people.
The employer looking for a candidate for the position of Senior Manager.
She is looking for, part-time job.
Caroline is against to work at weekends.

Exercise 5
Match the missing words with the sentences.
What were your job responsibilities at your ...?
My team was responsible for ... of our new crm system.
I ... which helped the company to grow significantly.
I ... and in the process was able to improve the app design.
How did the final ...?
resolved an app defect
last job
product turn out
initiated several projects
overseeing the implementation

Match the missing words with the sentences.
My work ... the growth of the company's new e-commerce business.
We are currently looking for a candidate ... Senior Manager.
Third MatchI enjoy participating in day-to-day planning and ....
I ... a born leader.
I have the ability to direct, organize and ... .
contributed significantly to
inspire people
for the position of
consider myself

Match the missing words with the sentences.
I always ... before they happen and make changes or rotate when necessary.
I am very ... and full of ideas.
What kind of ... are you looking for, part-time or full-time, morning or evening?
Looking for a ....
I must say that your answers so far have been very ... to me.
identify any potential problems
full-time job
work schedule

Exercise 6
Decide if the statements about Johnson are true or false.
I enjoy participating... day-to- day planning and execution.
Could you start... two week's time?
My team was responsible... overseeing the implementation of our new crm system.
I always identify any potential problems... they happen.
Could you let me... soon as possible?
I resolved an app defect and. the process was able to improve the app design.
Thank you very much... your time.
We are currently looking... a candidate for the position of Senior Manager.

Hope to hear... you later.
I am very motivated and full... ideas.
Would you mind sharing an office... three other people?
Would you mind working... weekends?
My work contributed to the growth... the company's new e-commerce business.
What were your job responsibilities ...your last job?

Exercise 7
Put the words in the correct order to make typical interview questions.
about yourself / me / Tell / personality / your / Describe
mind telling / me more regarding / your qualifications / ? / Would you
employer’s details / ? / have your previous / let us / Could you
at your last job / ? / your job responsibilities / What were
your current / leaving / company / ? / Why are you
of a team / ? / work alone or as part / Would you prefer to
conclude this interview / ? / anything before we / Would you like to add

Exercise 12
Put the questions of the interview in the order as they appeared.
How did the final product turn out?
What were your job responsibilities at your last job?
Would you mind working at weekends?
Tell us a little about yourself.
Why did you leave your previous job?
Would you mind sharing an office with three other people?
What are your professional skills
Why should we choose you?
Could you let us have your previous employer’s details?
We are currently looking for a candidate for the position of Senior Manager.

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
I do have ... to detect and affect human emotion
If anyone in this group is ... , it's you
You're busy, and I can't change my ... either
He is a good man; he's doing a job of ...
... can be taken into account during the interview
work schedule
the ability
past work experience
a born leader
great responsibility

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
I ... myself a born leader
I initiated ... which helped the company to grow significantly
One thing that ... is my ability to quickly understand complex processes
I`m able to ... my technical skills
I left ... because I needed more hours
my last job
several projects
sets me apart

Match the term and the definition.
or CTC is the monthly or yearly salary without any deductions
the amount of the employee’s salary after deducting tax, known as “take-home salary”
amounts of money that are taken away from your salary
an amount deducted from your gross salary and paid into a pension plan
the amount you earn after tax; take-home pay
the whole salary for a 1-year period
Gross salary
Gross annual salary
Net pay
Net salary
Pension contributions

Match the term and the definition.
... - benefits, things that an employer offers in addition to salary to make them more attractive to potential employees (discounted memberships at local gyms, free healthy snacks on-site, child care, or different types of health insurance).
Pay rise (raise)

Exercise 1
Match the term and definition.
or CTC is the monthly or yearly salary without any deductions
are amounts of money that are taken away from your salary
… is the amount you earn after tax and deductions
is an amount deducted from your gross salary and paid into a pension plan
is a long-term savings plan for your retirement
A … helps people to save money for when they retire from work
… is the whole salary for a 1-year period
Net pay
Gross salary
Gross annual salary
Pension plan
Pension plan
Pension contributions

Match the term and definition.
… is take-home pay
a … is money that is usually paid to an employee monthly on a regular basis
Money that is removed from our earnings to pay for tax, etc, is called a …
Time for which work is paid at twice the normal rate is called …
… is another word for the money that people receive for working
… is an adjective used to describe an employee's earnings before tax have been removed
… is an adjective used to describe an employee's earnings after tax have been removed
Double time
Net pay

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
… is the amount that can be added to a salary
… is an extra amount added to your salary
… is benefits, things that an employer offers in addition to salary
... is performance appraisal
If an employee needs some of his wages paid before the usual pay day, he might ask for an
An extra payment made in addition to a normal payment is called a …
Performance review

Match between a sentence and a missing word or expression.
… is an increase in your salary
When you want more money for the work you do, you might ask your boss for a …
… is a meeting you have with your boss to discuss your past performance and future goals
… is the time that you spend working at your job after you've worked the normal hours
… is time off for the extra hours you worked
… is you are not paid enough for the work you do
Performance appraisal
Pay rise (raise)
Rise (raise)
Time off in lieu

Match the short forms with the full ones.
As far as I know
As soon as possible
Bye for now
Be right back
By the way
For your information
In my humble opinion
Talk to you later
Thank you

Choose the correct answer.
To indicate that things need to be done really quickly is … .

Match the short forms with the full ones.
See you
Laughing out loud
Oh, I see
Roll on the floor laughing

Choose the correct answer.
What phrase introduces some new information, that maybe others need to know?

Match the short forms with the full ones.
Just kidding
Thanks in advance
Thank you very much
You are
You are welcome
Got to go

Choose the correct answer.
What is a way of ending a letter showing your respect for the recipient?

Type in the missing word
1. Technological advances, such as Instant messaging (or IM) can help to ... productivity and collaboration at work.
increase cutting-edge rudeness and incompetence
respond disconnected chat tools refer to
2. Users have to look through the ..., so as not to bother colleagues with annoying requests.
3. When remote employees are a part of lively discussions full of relevantly emotional messages, they stop feeling isolated or … from the office life.
4. Even if you are aware of all the basic etiquette rules, it doesn’t mean that all of your colleagues are. So, sometimes you have to deal with … . The task here is not to lose face and stay professional anyway.
5. Respect your co-worker’s time, so you can always … your business hours as well, by texting “I see your request, I will deal with it first thing in the morning.”
6. If it’s a voice message, for instance, but you are not available to listen to it – identify the time, when you will do it and … .
7. Only knowing and implementing the ground etiquette rules will always help you to get the most of this … dynamic technology.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, why should users of work chats look through their tools before using them?
In order only to know how to search the chat information.
In order not to ask irritating questions concerning the chat usage.
In order not to delete information for everyone.
In order only to know how to send files.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, which is correct:
If you know the chat rules, you will not deal with rude incompetent work chat users.
You shouldn’t be quick and on time at replying to colleagues’ messages.
All chat users from work might not know all the basic etiquette rules.
You don’t need to be professional when dealing with rude work chat users.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, how should you behave, when you get a message without a question, but with some information that you should know?
You should send a voice message.
Don’t leave it without your reaction.
You should ask questions.
Just read it.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, what does stick to the work hours mean?
Always check if the colleague, you want to contact, is available.
Use traditional work day time to communicate with your colleagues on business.
Always check if the colleague, you want to contact, is online.
To deal with work problems in the morning.

Choose the correct answer.
According to the video, how does having lively work chats help remote employees?
Remote employees learn what tone and style to use.
Remote employees can send only work-related messages.
Remote employees can send not only work-related messages.
Remote employees feel as if they are a part of the office life.

Match the sentences with the missing words or phrases.
We ________ delivering the order at our expense.
I will appreciate having all the necessary delivery information ____________.
I have to ___________ about bad quality of the phone cases we ordered.
I have __________ in a PDF file.
Would you _________ to deposit on arrival?
Unfortunately, I am able ________ only the opening session of the conference.
I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that we haven’t __________ our order for 40 of
Do you mind __________ us for those 40 office chairs, we want to order.
I need to _____________ with the team lead for the next week.
allow us
arrange a meeting
in advance
attached the invoice
to attend

Choose the correct answer.
When you do something before the important event to have more time on hands is … .
In advance

Match the halves.
confirm the date of my arrival – 7th July.
your quick reply.
for any inconvenience we have caused.
to have sent us a wrong order.
contact me if you have any questions.
yet how many items we need.
of the fact that our postal address has changed?
20 tickets for the marketing session of the conference.
a search for companies that manufacture double-glazed windows.
Don’t hesitate to
Are you aware
We apologize
I’d like to
I’ve been doing
We appreciate
We need to book
You appear
We haven’t decided

Choose the correct answer.
To tell someone, that what was arranged is going to happen is … .
Be aware of
Do a search

Match the halves.
to your reply.
confused our order. When can you correct this mistake?
us. We want 20 chairs, not 22.
the delivery service for free.
a favour by sending your price list in English and French.
the attached agreement.
Mr. White, since he is away
our business by entering the European market.
for a designer to refurbish our office.
I represent
Could you do us
You appear to have overcharged
We are looking forward
We are looking
You appear to have
Our company wants to expand
We don’t provide
Please, sign

Choose the correct answer.
To speak or act on behalf of another person or organization is … .
Look for
Do someone a favor
Look forward to

1. Match the parts, so as to make up the email.
Outsourcing software support
Dear Mr Black,
Thank you for your letter about outsourcing your software support.
Could you send us your contract terms and specifications. Which software are you using?
I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely,
Mark Owen
Message (main body)
Message (introduction)
Subject line
Signature block

2. Match the halves to make sentences.
sending us the specification.
to your email dated 5th April …
to inform you that …
receive a global price for …
behalf of Bermuda Company.
for your e-mail dated 5th April.
interested in.
to send us your specification?
would be very helpful.
if you could send information about your product.
Having the information before next Wednesday
I am writing on
We wish
Thank you for
Thank you
I was wondering
In reply
Would you be able
We would like to
You manufacture cars that we would be

3. Match the halves to make sentences.
for your offer …
appreciate your quick reply.
in finding out more about your location.
to your letter of 1st of February …
us know about …
to send us your pricelist?
concerning the meeting …
if your company provides the requested service.
invoice us for transportation?
the invoice.
Please let us know,
Would it be possible
With reference
We would
We are obliged
Would you please let
Please, acknowledge
I am interested
As for our arrangement
Could you

4. Match the halves to make sentences.
to call.
pleased to be at your service.
hearing from you soon.
hear from you soon.
to receiving your reply.
forward to meeting you soon.
We hope to
We look forward
We are
Don’t hesitate
We look
Thank you in
We look forward to

5. Match the sentences with their improved versions, appropriate for business writing
We would appreciate it, if you could answer us in working hours today.
Would you be able to send us the pricelist?
We would like to have more details.
Before confirming whether we could go ahead, we need more information about the terms.
Would it be possible to send the specifications, as well as the order terms?
Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions about the order.
Would you mind sending this information in a PDF file?
Would it be possible for you to provide the service?
Look forward to hearing from you.
I was wondering if you could offer us a discount this time?
We need a PDF.
We wait for your reply.
Send us the pricelist, please.
We will not confirm our business relations, before we get more info about the terms.
Answer us today, please.
Can you offer us a discount?
Give us more details.
Send us the specifications and the order terms.
Ask me any questions about the order.
Can you provide the service?

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, when is it appropriate to stop using greetings?
in the first email
in a chain of emails regarding one business question
in all emails regarding different business questions
in all emails

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, what indicates your high level of professionalism and readiness to discuss anything?
Rambling thoughts
Spelling errors
Accuracy and absence of grammar and spelling mistakes
Absence of attached files when you mention, that you have attached some

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, what kind of subject lines impedes fast correspondence and makes it inefficient?

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, why is it important to think carefully in advance what information you are consequently looking for while writing an email?
To know how to use bullet points
To organize your writing in a better logical way
To use correct grammar
To attach files

Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, what should you do if you are not able to write concise efficient email?
Give up
Develop this skill, it’s possible
Delegate this responsibility
Do not click SEND

Sort the cards.
First Conditional
NOT First Conditional
If you fire an employee, you must be polite.
I might take a course in engineering, if I fail this one.
If he does well on his probation period, he would go on working for the company.
If we ordered the product, we'd keep the discount.
We'll ask for a better condition, if the delivery is late.

Sort the cards.
Second Conditional
NOT Second Conditional
If I were satisfied with my salary, I wouldn’t apply for another job.
I will complain to the manager If I were you.
If we need this service, we’ll order it.
I could have a company car, if I needed.
I might study management, if I worked in HR department.

Choose the third conditional sentences.
If it had been the final sale, we would have ordered more.
If my husband hadn’t worked for the company, we wouldn’t have met.
If we hadn’t ordered the paper last month, it wouldn’t have been delivered last week.
What would we done, if we hadn’t got the delivery on time?
If our HR Manager were in the office today, she would interviewed all the candidates.

Match the halves, so as to make up sentences.
we wouldn’t have got to the conference on time.
we won’t get to the conference on time.
we will repair them.
we would repair them.
she would have booked 2 tables.
she would book 2 tables.
we would have already started the business project.
we will start the business project as soon as possible.
If our HR Manager had known about your availability then,
If we had signed the contract then,
If the offices are in bad condition,
If we had missed the plane,
If we sign the contract,
If we miss the plane,
If the offices were in bad condition,
If our HR Manager knew about your availability,

В файле представлены ответы на:
Part 1. Research Your Future Employer
Part 2. Resume
Part 3. Grammar Point
Part 1. Preparing for an Interview
Part 2. Mock Interview
Part 3. Negotiate Your Salary
Part 1. Instant Messaging At Work
Part 2. Email Communication At Work
Part 3. Grammar Point

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Module 1. Job-Hunting

Part 1. Research Your Future Employer

Part 2. Resume

Part 3. Grammar Point

Module 2. Job Interview

Part 1. Preparing for an Interview

Part 2. Mock Interview

Part 3. Negotiate Your Salary

Module 3. Writting In Business Communication

Part 1. Instant Messaging At Work

Part 2. Email Communication At Work

Part 3. Grammar Point

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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Марина [email protected] об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2017-11-15
Ответы на вопросы

все сдано на отлично! спасибо за помощь!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв mano об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2018-02-21
Ответы на вопросы

спасибо за качественно выполненный курс.

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв baumanec об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2018-11-05
Ответы на вопросы

лучший автор тут))

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Оксана об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2018-07-31
Ответы на вопросы

Работа выполнена на высоком уровне. Постоянно заказываю у данного автора. Спасибо!)

Общая оценка 5

другие учебные работы по предмету

Готовая работа

Концепт "помощь" в британской и американской культуре

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
500 ₽
Готовая работа

Climate Strategies of "Big Oil" Companies Under the Global Energy Transition

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
1500 ₽
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Реализация концепта «закон» в английских и русских юридических текстах

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2500 ₽
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Особенности перевода обращений (на материале текстов художественных произведений XVIII-ХХ веков)

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667 ₽
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Уникальность: от 40%
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2000 ₽
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Формирование иноязычных грамматических навыков с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий на среднем этапе общеобразовательной школы.

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Topic: Board of directors’ features that increase value of international M&A deals in beverage industry in 2010-2020. An example by Campari.

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2500 ₽
Готовая работа

Проблемы локализации англоязычных рекламных текстов для русскоязычной аудитории

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2000 ₽
Готовая работа

The Program for Optical Flow Estimation Based on Deep Learning Approaches

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2000 ₽
Готовая работа

Democracy, Income Inequality and the Resource Curse: Investigation of Causality

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2500 ₽