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В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (1) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• crossing
• crosses
• was crossing

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (2) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• steps
• stepped
• was stepping

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (3) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• was falling
• fell
• has fallen

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• was still lying
• still lied
• were still lying

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (5) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• was seeing
• sees
• saw

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (6) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• approached
• were approaching
• approaching

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (7) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• saw
• was seeing
• has seen

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• stop
• was stopped
• stopped

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (1) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• on
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (2) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• by
• in
• on

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (3) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• with
• after
• without

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• in
• on

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (5) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• in
• at
• on

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (6) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• in
• for

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (7) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• for
• on
• after

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• on
• by
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (9) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• after
• in
• at

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (10) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• to
• by
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (11) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• in
• by
• at

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (12) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• on
• for
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (13) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• in
• after
• at

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (14) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• for
• about
• after

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (15) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• near
• for

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (1) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• writes
• wrote
• writted

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (2) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was not able
• didn’t be able
• is able

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (3) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• sitted
• were sitting
• was sitting

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• didn’t have
• has
• had

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (5) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• went
• was going
• gone

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (6) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was leaving
• leaved
• left

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (7) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• brakes
• broke
• braked

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was reading
• read
• reads

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (9) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• leaved
• leaves
• left

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (10) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• don’t think
• am not think
• didn’t think

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (11) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• am not going
• didn’t go
• don’t go

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (12) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• studies
• was study
• studied

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (13) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• wrote
• writes
• is writing

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (14) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was
• is
• are

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (15) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• waited
• is waiting
• waits

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (16) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• went out
• going out
• goes out

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (17) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• leaving
• leaves
• left

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
He’d like to take a course ... economics next semester.
• about
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
I always go to the swimming pool … Sundays.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
It was very kind ... Judy to call the Embassy.
• of
• for
• with

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
Life today is very different ... life in the sixties.
• for
• at
• from

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
My grandmother was married ... a politician.
• for
• to
• with

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
There was a very interesting program ... TV last night.
• at
• on
• by

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
There were 20,000 people ... the football match last Sunday.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
Tom’s birthday is … May.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
Tom’s birthday is … the 5th of May.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
When I was a child, I was interested ... sports.
• about
• on
• in

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
I ... Mr. Harris’ number in the telephone book and gave the number to the operator.
• looked after
• looked up
• brushed up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
I don’t ... my mother-in-law very well. We often disagree.
• get along with
• take care
• give up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
It’s convenient to have an automatic cooker. It ... itself … and …
• brushes itself up
• turns itself on and off
• gives itself up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
She asked her secretary to ... the travel arrangements.
• get along with
• give up
• take care of

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
The doctor told him to ... alcohol.
• get along with
• turn off
• give up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
Who is going to ... your correspondence while you are away?
• get along with
• look after
• look through

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
You must ... your German if you are going to work in Germany.
• look after
• look through
• brush up

Закончите предложение. He can’t buy a newspaper, ... ? No, he hasn’t got any money.
• does he
• can he
• can’t he

Закончите предложение. Jane can’t drive a car, ... ? No, but she can take a taxi.
• isn’t she
• can she
• can’t she

Закончите предложение. The clock isn’t working, ... ? No, but it was O.K. this morning.
• is it
• aren’t it
• does it

Закончите предложение. The film wasn’t very good, ...? No, it was terrible.
• was it
• does it
• wasn’t it

Закончите предложение. This ring is gold, ...? Yes, it’s very beautiful.
• don’t it
• isn’t it
• does it

Закончите предложение. Tim smokes, ... ? Yes, but not often.
• don’t he
• doesn’t he
• is he

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
He’s been in China ... January.
• since
• for
• ago

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
I … for my things when I heard someone call my name.
• payed
• is paying
• was paying

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
I ... to buy a car, so I’m saving as much as I can.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже. It’s John’s birthday, so we ... to make him a cake.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
Tom ... to start his own business, and he needs some money.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
This is the first time I ... (to drive) a car.
• have driven
• drove
• has driven

Заполните пропуски артиклем, если это необходимо.
Every term parents go to … school to meet the teachers.
• the
• a/an
• –

Заполните пропуски артиклем, если это необходимо.
Excuse me, where is … university?
• the
• a/an
• –

Заполните пропуски. … a child, I was very good at games.
• Who
• That
• As

Заполните пропуски. … any cheese in the fridge.
• There aren’t
• It isn’t
• There isn’t

Заполните пропуски. ... a lot of mistakes in your report.
• It is
• There are
• There

Заполните пропуски. … he go for a walk every evening?
• Do
• Are
• Does

Заполните пропуски. … I open the window?
• May
• Must
• Could

Заполните пропуски. … it was only 6 o’clock, there were few people in the streets.
• When
• Though
• As

Заполните пропуски. … some apples in the plastic bag.
• It is
• There is
• There are

Заполните пропуски. “… the magazine?” “Yes, you can take it”.
• Did you read
• Have you read
• Do you read

Заполните пропуски. … they live near us, we see them quite often.
• Though
• When
• As

Заполните пропуски. … you play chess?
• Have
• Can
• Know

Заполните пропуски. … yesterday was a public holiday, all the shops were closed.
• Because
• As
• While

Заполните пропуски. Adam is a famous writer. Last year he … two books.
• write
• wrote
• writed

Заполните пропуски. Do you like … there?
• work
• working
• worked

Заполните пропуски. Don’t forget to signal … turning right.
• as
• while
• because

Заполните пропуски. He … like basketball.
• don’t
• doesn’t
• isn’t

Заполните пропуски. How long ... in America?
• you stayed
• you did stay
• did you stay

Заполните пропуски. How many plays ... ?
• did Shakespeare write
• Shakespeare did write
• Shakespeare wrote
• Shakespeare writed

Заполните пропуски. I work in hospital so I … uniform.
• may wear
• have to wear
• can wear

Заполните пропуски. I've been working for "Mr. Z and Co" … last summer.
• from
• since
• until
• for

Заполните пропуски. I … a newspaper last night when my friend rang.
• was reading
• have been reading
• have read

Заполните пропуски. I … a teacher.
• am
• is
• are
• be

Заполните пропуски. I … him at work yesterday.
• see
• saw
• have seen

Заполните пропуски. I … in my city for 5 years
• live
• have lived
• was living

Заполните пропуски. I … never ... to Japan.
• have … been
• has … been
• is … being

Заполните пропуски. I … on this project for two months.
• am working
• have been working
• was working

Заполните пропуски. I … the report, so I can go home now.
• have finished
• finished
• is finishing

Заполните пропуски. I … to Ann’s party last week.
• went
• go
• was
• gone

Заполните пропуски. I ... Tom since I finished school.
• didn’t see
• haven’t seen
• don’t see

Заполните пропуски. I think you … smoke. Smoking is bad for your health.
• shouldn’t
• can’t
• don’t have to

Заполните пропуски. I’d like to spend my holiday … I can swim.
• because
• where
• as

Заполните пропуски. I’m reading. What … doing?
• are you
• are
• you are

Заполните пропуски. It was the … book I’ve ever read.
• worst
• worse
• good

Заполните пропуски. Jill … in Paris for 5 years but then she moved to London.
• lived
• have lived
• was living

Заполните пропуски. My father, … is an old sailor, often tells me stories about the sea.
• who
• when
• though

Заполните пропуски. Please, take an umbrella. It … to rain soon.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуски. She … two sons.
• have
• has
• get

Заполните пропуски. The building … you can see over there is very old.
• that
• as
• where

Заполните пропуски. The weather is great and ... a lot of people in the street.
• it is
• there are
• there is

Заполните пропуски. There isn't … fruit in the shop.
• some
• any
• the

Заполните пропуски. There isn’t … rice in the cupboard.
• any
• some
• many

Заполните пропуски. This is the … city in the world.
• noisier
• noisiest
• more noisy

Заполните пропуски. We … never win the lottery.
• won’t
• will
• can’t

Заполните пропуски. We … see a film because there isn’t a cinema here.
• can’t
• can
• should

Заполните пропуски. What are they …
• do?
• done?
• doing?

Заполните пропуски. What are you doing now? I … a letter.
• writing
• am writing
• be writing
• is writing

Заполните пропуски. While I was walking down the street yesterday, I stepped on banana skin and …
• fell
• falled
• felled

Заполните пропуски. When I … yesterday, my Mum called me.
• cooked
• was cooking
• have cooked

Заполните пропуски. When I was driving home, I … a friend at the bus stop.
• saw
• was seeing
• have seen

Заполните пропуски. When she was young, she … in Wales.
• has lived
• is living
• lived

Заполните пропуски. “Where is John? Is he in the office?” “No, he…”
• has already left
• have already left
• already left

Заполните пропуски. “Why can’t I go?” “… you’re too young”.
• Because
• When
• Though

Заполните пропуски. Why … late yesterday?
• you was late
• you lated
• were you
• you were

Заполните пропуски. Yesterday I … a pair of gloves in the shop.
• buy
• buyed
• bought

Заполните пропуски. Yesterday I ... late to work.
• came
• come
• have come

Заполните пропуски. Yesterday I felt sick and … to the swimming pool
• don’t go
• didn’t go
• didn’t went

Заполните пропуски. You … talk loudly in the library.
• mustn’t
• can’t
• don’t have to

Заполните пропуски. You … to wait here for the bus.
• have
• will
• can

Заполните пропуски. You … buy stamps in a pharmacy.
• can’t
• have to
• shouldn’t

Заполните пропуски. You … park here. It’s for taxis.
• can’t
• can
• should

Заполните пропуски. You … take the underground. It’ll be quicker than a taxi.
• might
• shouldn’t
• should

На оценку "Отлично". В зависимости от комбинации вопросов в вашем варианте теста возможна вариативность итогового балла в небольших пределах.
После оплаты вы сможете скачать файл с ответами. Все вопросы из файла указаны ниже в содержании.
Правильные ответы на вопросы выделены зеленым цветом.
Чтобы найти нужный вопрос в файле, необходимо нажать одновременно Ctrl+F. Становится активным окно поиска. Вводите несколько слов из интересующего вопроса. Нажимаете Enter. Система выдает результаты поиска и нужные слова выделяются цветом.

ВАЖНО: Вы покупаете готовую работу, а именно ответы на те вопросы, которые перечислены ниже. Перед покупкой убедитесь, что ваши вопросы совпадают с ними. Если вашего вопроса нет в этом списке, значит его нет и в файле с правильными ответами.

Lesson 8. Where would you like to eat?
Lesson 9. Work and leisure
Lesson 10. A business trip; let me remember; interview
Lesson 11. Enter the world of arts
Lesson 12. Too much traffic
Lesson 13. First impressions
Lesson 14. Brush up your English
Lesson 15. All we need is reason and tolerance; think global, act local

Форма заказа новой работы

Не подошла эта работа?

Закажи новую работу, сделанную по твоим требованиям

Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Заказать Ответы на вопросы», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.

Фрагменты работ

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (1) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• crossing
• crosses
• was crossing

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (2) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• steps
• stepped
• was stepping

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (3) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• was falling
• fell
• has fallen

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• was still lying
• still lied
• were still lying

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (5) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• was seeing
• sees
• saw

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (6) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• approached
• were approaching
• approaching

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (7) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• saw
• was seeing
• has seen

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить глагол ... As I 1) ... (to cross) the street I 2) … (to step) on a banana skin and ... (to fall) heavily. I 4) ... (to lie) on the road when I 5) ... (to see) a lorry 6)... (to approach). Luckily the driver 7) ... (to see) me and 8)... (to stop) the lorry in time.
• stop
• was stopped
• stopped

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (1) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• on
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (2) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• by
• in
• on

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (3) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• with
• after
• without

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• in
• on

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (5) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• in
• at
• on

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (6) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• in
• for

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (7) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• for
• on
• after

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• on
• by
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (9) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• after
• in
• at

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (10) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• to
• by
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (11) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• in
• by
• at

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (12) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• on
• for
• in

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (13) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• in
• after
• at

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (14) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• for
• about
• after

В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (15) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
• at
• near
• for

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (1) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• writes
• wrote
• writted

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (2) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was not able
• didn’t be able
• is able

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (3) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• sitted
• were sitting
• was sitting

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• didn’t have
• has
• had

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (5) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• went
• was going
• gone

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (6) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was leaving
• leaved
• left

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (7) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• brakes
• broke
• braked

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was reading
• read
• reads

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (9) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• leaved
• leaves
• left

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (10) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• don’t think
• am not think
• didn’t think

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (11) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• am not going
• didn’t go
• don’t go

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (12) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• studies
• was study
• studied

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (13) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• wrote
• writes
• is writing

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (14) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• was
• is
• are

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (15) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• waited
• is waiting
• waits

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (16) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• went out
• going out
• goes out

В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (17) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
• leaving
• leaves
• left

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
He’d like to take a course ... economics next semester.
• about
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
I always go to the swimming pool … Sundays.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
It was very kind ... Judy to call the Embassy.
• of
• for
• with

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
Life today is very different ... life in the sixties.
• for
• at
• from

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
My grandmother was married ... a politician.
• for
• to
• with

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
There was a very interesting program ... TV last night.
• at
• on
• by

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
There were 20,000 people ... the football match last Sunday.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
Tom’s birthday is … May.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
Tom’s birthday is … the 5th of May.
• on
• in
• at

Выберите верный предлог в предложении ниже.
When I was a child, I was interested ... sports.
• about
• on
• in

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
I ... Mr. Harris’ number in the telephone book and gave the number to the operator.
• looked after
• looked up
• brushed up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
I don’t ... my mother-in-law very well. We often disagree.
• get along with
• take care
• give up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
It’s convenient to have an automatic cooker. It ... itself … and …
• brushes itself up
• turns itself on and off
• gives itself up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
She asked her secretary to ... the travel arrangements.
• get along with
• give up
• take care of

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
The doctor told him to ... alcohol.
• get along with
• turn off
• give up

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
Who is going to ... your correspondence while you are away?
• get along with
• look after
• look through

Выберите верный фразовый глагол в предложении ниже.
You must ... your German if you are going to work in Germany.
• look after
• look through
• brush up

Закончите предложение. He can’t buy a newspaper, ... ? No, he hasn’t got any money.
• does he
• can he
• can’t he

Закончите предложение. Jane can’t drive a car, ... ? No, but she can take a taxi.
• isn’t she
• can she
• can’t she

Закончите предложение. The clock isn’t working, ... ? No, but it was O.K. this morning.
• is it
• aren’t it
• does it

Закончите предложение. The film wasn’t very good, ...? No, it was terrible.
• was it
• does it
• wasn’t it

Закончите предложение. This ring is gold, ...? Yes, it’s very beautiful.
• don’t it
• isn’t it
• does it

Закончите предложение. Tim smokes, ... ? Yes, but not often.
• don’t he
• doesn’t he
• is he

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
He’s been in China ... January.
• since
• for
• ago

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
I … for my things when I heard someone call my name.
• payed
• is paying
• was paying

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
I ... to buy a car, so I’m saving as much as I can.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже. It’s John’s birthday, so we ... to make him a cake.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
Tom ... to start his own business, and he needs some money.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуск в предложении ниже.
This is the first time I ... (to drive) a car.
• have driven
• drove
• has driven

Заполните пропуски артиклем, если это необходимо.
Every term parents go to … school to meet the teachers.
• the
• a/an
• –

Заполните пропуски артиклем, если это необходимо.
Excuse me, where is … university?
• the
• a/an
• –

Заполните пропуски. … a child, I was very good at games.
• Who
• That
• As

Заполните пропуски. … any cheese in the fridge.
• There aren’t
• It isn’t
• There isn’t

Заполните пропуски. ... a lot of mistakes in your report.
• It is
• There are
• There

Заполните пропуски. … he go for a walk every evening?
• Do
• Are
• Does

Заполните пропуски. … I open the window?
• May
• Must
• Could

Заполните пропуски. … it was only 6 o’clock, there were few people in the streets.
• When
• Though
• As

Заполните пропуски. … some apples in the plastic bag.
• It is
• There is
• There are

Заполните пропуски. “… the magazine?” “Yes, you can take it”.
• Did you read
• Have you read
• Do you read

Заполните пропуски. … they live near us, we see them quite often.
• Though
• When
• As

Заполните пропуски. … you play chess?
• Have
• Can
• Know

Заполните пропуски. … yesterday was a public holiday, all the shops were closed.
• Because
• As
• While

Заполните пропуски. Adam is a famous writer. Last year he … two books.
• write
• wrote
• writed

Заполните пропуски. Do you like … there?
• work
• working
• worked

Заполните пропуски. Don’t forget to signal … turning right.
• as
• while
• because

Заполните пропуски. He … like basketball.
• don’t
• doesn’t
• isn’t

Заполните пропуски. How long ... in America?
• you stayed
• you did stay
• did you stay

Заполните пропуски. How many plays ... ?
• did Shakespeare write
• Shakespeare did write
• Shakespeare wrote
• Shakespeare writed

Заполните пропуски. I work in hospital so I … uniform.
• may wear
• have to wear
• can wear

Заполните пропуски. I've been working for "Mr. Z and Co" … last summer.
• from
• since
• until
• for

Заполните пропуски. I … a newspaper last night when my friend rang.
• was reading
• have been reading
• have read

Заполните пропуски. I … a teacher.
• am
• is
• are
• be

Заполните пропуски. I … him at work yesterday.
• see
• saw
• have seen

Заполните пропуски. I … in my city for 5 years
• live
• have lived
• was living

Заполните пропуски. I … never ... to Japan.
• have … been
• has … been
• is … being

Заполните пропуски. I … on this project for two months.
• am working
• have been working
• was working

Заполните пропуски. I … the report, so I can go home now.
• have finished
• finished
• is finishing

Заполните пропуски. I … to Ann’s party last week.
• went
• go
• was
• gone

Заполните пропуски. I ... Tom since I finished school.
• didn’t see
• haven’t seen
• don’t see

Заполните пропуски. I think you … smoke. Smoking is bad for your health.
• shouldn’t
• can’t
• don’t have to

Заполните пропуски. I’d like to spend my holiday … I can swim.
• because
• where
• as

Заполните пропуски. I’m reading. What … doing?
• are you
• are
• you are

Заполните пропуски. It was the … book I’ve ever read.
• worst
• worse
• good

Заполните пропуски. Jill … in Paris for 5 years but then she moved to London.
• lived
• have lived
• was living

Заполните пропуски. My father, … is an old sailor, often tells me stories about the sea.
• who
• when
• though

Заполните пропуски. Please, take an umbrella. It … to rain soon.
• is going
• are going
• am going

Заполните пропуски. She … two sons.
• have
• has
• get

Заполните пропуски. The building … you can see over there is very old.
• that
• as
• where

Заполните пропуски. The weather is great and ... a lot of people in the street.
• it is
• there are
• there is

Заполните пропуски. There isn't … fruit in the shop.
• some
• any
• the

Заполните пропуски. There isn’t … rice in the cupboard.
• any
• some
• many

Заполните пропуски. This is the … city in the world.
• noisier
• noisiest
• more noisy

Заполните пропуски. We … never win the lottery.
• won’t
• will
• can’t

Заполните пропуски. We … see a film because there isn’t a cinema here.
• can’t
• can
• should

Заполните пропуски. What are they …
• do?
• done?
• doing?

Заполните пропуски. What are you doing now? I … a letter.
• writing
• am writing
• be writing
• is writing

Заполните пропуски. While I was walking down the street yesterday, I stepped on banana skin and …
• fell
• falled
• felled

Заполните пропуски. When I … yesterday, my Mum called me.
• cooked
• was cooking
• have cooked

Заполните пропуски. When I was driving home, I … a friend at the bus stop.
• saw
• was seeing
• have seen

Заполните пропуски. When she was young, she … in Wales.
• has lived
• is living
• lived

Заполните пропуски. “Where is John? Is he in the office?” “No, he…”
• has already left
• have already left
• already left

Заполните пропуски. “Why can’t I go?” “… you’re too young”.
• Because
• When
• Though

Заполните пропуски. Why … late yesterday?
• you was late
• you lated
• were you
• you were

Заполните пропуски. Yesterday I … a pair of gloves in the shop.
• buy
• buyed
• bought

Заполните пропуски. Yesterday I ... late to work.
• came
• come
• have come

Заполните пропуски. Yesterday I felt sick and … to the swimming pool
• don’t go
• didn’t go
• didn’t went

Заполните пропуски. You … talk loudly in the library.
• mustn’t
• can’t
• don’t have to

Заполните пропуски. You … to wait here for the bus.
• have
• will
• can

Заполните пропуски. You … buy stamps in a pharmacy.
• can’t
• have to
• shouldn’t

Заполните пропуски. You … park here. It’s for taxis.
• can’t
• can
• should

Заполните пропуски. You … take the underground. It’ll be quicker than a taxi.
• might
• shouldn’t
• should

На оценку "Отлично". В зависимости от комбинации вопросов в вашем варианте теста возможна вариативность итогового балла в небольших пределах.
После оплаты вы сможете скачать файл с ответами. Все вопросы из файла указаны ниже в содержании.
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Чтобы найти нужный вопрос в файле, необходимо нажать одновременно Ctrl+F. Становится активным окно поиска. Вводите несколько слов из интересующего вопроса. Нажимаете Enter. Система выдает результаты поиска и нужные слова выделяются цветом.

ВАЖНО: Вы покупаете готовую работу, а именно ответы на те вопросы, которые перечислены ниже. Перед покупкой убедитесь, что ваши вопросы совпадают с ними. Если вашего вопроса нет в этом списке, значит его нет и в файле с правильными ответами.

Lesson 8. Where would you like to eat?
Lesson 9. Work and leisure
Lesson 10. A business trip; let me remember; interview
Lesson 11. Enter the world of arts
Lesson 12. Too much traffic
Lesson 13. First impressions
Lesson 14. Brush up your English
Lesson 15. All we need is reason and tolerance; think global, act local

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5 Похожих работ

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Марина [email protected] об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2017-11-15
Ответы на вопросы

все сдано на отлично! спасибо за помощь!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв mano об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2018-02-21
Ответы на вопросы

спасибо за качественно выполненный курс.

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв baumanec об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2018-11-05
Ответы на вопросы

лучший автор тут))

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Оксана об авторе AleksandrChernyshev 2018-07-31
Ответы на вопросы

Работа выполнена на высоком уровне. Постоянно заказываю у данного автора. Спасибо!)

Общая оценка 5

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Climate Strategies of "Big Oil" Companies Under the Global Energy Transition

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