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Ответы на вопросы по Фонетике английского языка (на английском)

  • 18 страниц
  • 2017 год
  • 348 просмотров
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Фрагменты работ



1. Mechanism of Syllable Division as treated by Representatives of Various Approaches.
2. Identifying Characteristics of General American.
3. Semi-Vowel as a phonetic phenomenon. Reasons for including semi-vowels into Sound Classification.
4. Mechanisms of Vowel Production and Mechanisms of Consonant Production.
5. Sound, Phoneme, Allophone as Objects of Study.
6. Different Approaches to Intonation as a Phonetic Phenomenon.
7. Rhythm as a Means of Sound Arrangement and as the Main Component of Intonation.
8. Intonation as a Hierarchy of its Components.
9. Aspects of Speech Sound Study: articulatory, acoustic, auditory, functional.
10. Role of Pitch in rendering Emotions.
11. Articulatory Simplification in Cockney
12. Methods of Phonological Analysis in Defining Phonemes and Allophones.
13. Types of Phonological Oppositions: Quantative and Qualitative Classifications of Oppositions.
14. Criteria for Revealing the Status of Affricates in Phonetic System of Consonant Sounds.
15. Criteria for Revealing the Status of Diphthongs in Phonetic System of Vowel Sounds.
16. Principles of Consonant Classification.
17. Principles of Vowel Classification.
18. Functions of Intonation in Speech.
19. Essence of Coarticulation or Modification of Consonants and Vowels in Speech.
20. Phonetics as dependant on other Branches of Linguistics.
21. Word Stress in English as distinguished from Phrase and Sentence Stress.
22. Scottish as a Non~RP Accent of English & its Specific Features.
23. Welsh and Irish as a Non~RP Accent of English & its Specific Features.
24. Dialectology as a Branch of Phonetics.
25. Structure and Functions of Syllables in English.
26. Quantative and Qualitative Properties of Speech Sounds.
27. Types of Allophones. Distinctive and Non-distinctive Features of
28. Articulatory Basis of English as compared to Articulatory Basis of Russian.
29. The notion of Phonostylistics as the Reflection of the connection between phonetics, phonology and stylistics.
30. Rhythmical pattern of speech. Formal and informal speech. Rhythm of Prose and Poetry.


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Фрагменты работ



1. Mechanism of Syllable Division as treated by Representatives of Various Approaches.
2. Identifying Characteristics of General American.
3. Semi-Vowel as a phonetic phenomenon. Reasons for including semi-vowels into Sound Classification.
4. Mechanisms of Vowel Production and Mechanisms of Consonant Production.
5. Sound, Phoneme, Allophone as Objects of Study.
6. Different Approaches to Intonation as a Phonetic Phenomenon.
7. Rhythm as a Means of Sound Arrangement and as the Main Component of Intonation.
8. Intonation as a Hierarchy of its Components.
9. Aspects of Speech Sound Study: articulatory, acoustic, auditory, functional.
10. Role of Pitch in rendering Emotions.
11. Articulatory Simplification in Cockney
12. Methods of Phonological Analysis in Defining Phonemes and Allophones.
13. Types of Phonological Oppositions: Quantative and Qualitative Classifications of Oppositions.
14. Criteria for Revealing the Status of Affricates in Phonetic System of Consonant Sounds.
15. Criteria for Revealing the Status of Diphthongs in Phonetic System of Vowel Sounds.
16. Principles of Consonant Classification.
17. Principles of Vowel Classification.
18. Functions of Intonation in Speech.
19. Essence of Coarticulation or Modification of Consonants and Vowels in Speech.
20. Phonetics as dependant on other Branches of Linguistics.
21. Word Stress in English as distinguished from Phrase and Sentence Stress.
22. Scottish as a Non~RP Accent of English & its Specific Features.
23. Welsh and Irish as a Non~RP Accent of English & its Specific Features.
24. Dialectology as a Branch of Phonetics.
25. Structure and Functions of Syllables in English.
26. Quantative and Qualitative Properties of Speech Sounds.
27. Types of Allophones. Distinctive and Non-distinctive Features of
28. Articulatory Basis of English as compared to Articulatory Basis of Russian.
29. The notion of Phonostylistics as the Reflection of the connection between phonetics, phonology and stylistics.
30. Rhythmical pattern of speech. Formal and informal speech. Rhythm of Prose and Poetry.


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