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Перевод статьи, название: Share the power

  • 4 страниц
  • 2021 год
  • 1 просмотр
  • 0 покупок
Автор работы


Переводчик, репетитор английского языка, экономист

59 ₽

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Гарантия сервиса Автор24

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Фрагменты работ

Пример перевода первого абзаца:
Стефан Стерн
Теория X рассматривает природу человека в довольно негативном ключе. Согласно данной теории, люди, по своей сути, ленивы. Им не по себе от мысли о том, что придется нести слишком большую ответственность за что-либо. Они приходят на работу только для того, чтобы получить за нее плату. С сотрудниками нужно обращаться строго, иначе они не будут выполнять свою работу.

By Stefan Stern
Theory X is based on a fairly negative view of human nature. It says that people are essentially lazy and uncomfortable with the idea of having too much responsibility for anything. They only turn up to work for the pay. Employees have to be managed in a strict way, otherwise nothing will get done.
Theory Y, on the other hand, suggests people may be capable of something more positive – that they will seek out responsibility and try to get better at their jobs, from which they can get significant personal satisfaction. Theory Y managers have high expectations of their people. They are also much more likely to develop a truly motivated workforce.
What does employee engagement look like in practice? John Smythe, from the Engage for Change consultancy, offers two scenarios to illustrate it.
Imagine two different employees, called Ruby and Geraldine, who work for different businesses. In the first situation, Ruby is invited to attend a morning meeting titled “Help our recovery”.
“The invitation states that all parts of the company have performed badly, and that its parent company is unable to provide more cash for investment. It says that fast action must be taken to stabilize the situation. It says: ‘We want you to communicate openly. We also want you and your colleagues to take ownership with management to solve the crisis, recognising that unpleasant options will have to be on the table.’”
Ruby is both concerned and flattered. She arrives at the meeting feeling like a player rather than a spectator.
A two-month timetable is laid out in which she and her colleagues are invited to use their knowledge to find achievable cost savings without damaging key business areas.
In this process, Mr Smythe says, there are three good questions employees can be asked. What would they do if they:
had a free hand in their day job?
were a director of the company?
had to propose important changes?
In this way, employees can feel part of the decision that are necessary. They don’t become demotivated.
The alternative scenario, which concerns Geraldine, is less appealing. She is also invited to a meeting described as a “cascade briefing”. Rumours have been spreading, directors are hard to find, and there has been hardly any communication from the company.
“At the ‘cascade’, her fears are confirmed when, in a PowerPoint presentation, the full extent of the terrible state of the business is revealed for the first time,” Mr Smythe says. “Detailed management plans for restructuring and efficiencies are revealed. The focus is all on reduction, with no hint of new business opportunities. Geraldine feels less like a spectator and more like a victim. To varying degrees, her colleagues leave the meeting in shock.”
“When have you felt most engaged and most valued and in a successful project or period at work?” he asks. “Absolutely none of us is going to report that it was more like Geraldine’s experience.”

Перевод данной статьи под названием "Share the power" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Оставляя свои контактные данные и нажимая «Заказать Перевод», я соглашаюсь пройти процедуру регистрации на Платформе, принимаю условия Пользовательского соглашения и Политики конфиденциальности в целях заключения соглашения.

Фрагменты работ

Пример перевода первого абзаца:
Стефан Стерн
Теория X рассматривает природу человека в довольно негативном ключе. Согласно данной теории, люди, по своей сути, ленивы. Им не по себе от мысли о том, что придется нести слишком большую ответственность за что-либо. Они приходят на работу только для того, чтобы получить за нее плату. С сотрудниками нужно обращаться строго, иначе они не будут выполнять свою работу.

By Stefan Stern
Theory X is based on a fairly negative view of human nature. It says that people are essentially lazy and uncomfortable with the idea of having too much responsibility for anything. They only turn up to work for the pay. Employees have to be managed in a strict way, otherwise nothing will get done.
Theory Y, on the other hand, suggests people may be capable of something more positive – that they will seek out responsibility and try to get better at their jobs, from which they can get significant personal satisfaction. Theory Y managers have high expectations of their people. They are also much more likely to develop a truly motivated workforce.
What does employee engagement look like in practice? John Smythe, from the Engage for Change consultancy, offers two scenarios to illustrate it.
Imagine two different employees, called Ruby and Geraldine, who work for different businesses. In the first situation, Ruby is invited to attend a morning meeting titled “Help our recovery”.
“The invitation states that all parts of the company have performed badly, and that its parent company is unable to provide more cash for investment. It says that fast action must be taken to stabilize the situation. It says: ‘We want you to communicate openly. We also want you and your colleagues to take ownership with management to solve the crisis, recognising that unpleasant options will have to be on the table.’”
Ruby is both concerned and flattered. She arrives at the meeting feeling like a player rather than a spectator.
A two-month timetable is laid out in which she and her colleagues are invited to use their knowledge to find achievable cost savings without damaging key business areas.
In this process, Mr Smythe says, there are three good questions employees can be asked. What would they do if they:
had a free hand in their day job?
were a director of the company?
had to propose important changes?
In this way, employees can feel part of the decision that are necessary. They don’t become demotivated.
The alternative scenario, which concerns Geraldine, is less appealing. She is also invited to a meeting described as a “cascade briefing”. Rumours have been spreading, directors are hard to find, and there has been hardly any communication from the company.
“At the ‘cascade’, her fears are confirmed when, in a PowerPoint presentation, the full extent of the terrible state of the business is revealed for the first time,” Mr Smythe says. “Detailed management plans for restructuring and efficiencies are revealed. The focus is all on reduction, with no hint of new business opportunities. Geraldine feels less like a spectator and more like a victim. To varying degrees, her colleagues leave the meeting in shock.”
“When have you felt most engaged and most valued and in a successful project or period at work?” he asks. “Absolutely none of us is going to report that it was more like Geraldine’s experience.”

Перевод данной статьи под названием "Share the power" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Перевод статьи, название: Share the power

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Переводчик, репетитор английского языка, экономист
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Уникальность Выполняется индивидуально
Сразу в личном кабинете Доступность Срок 1—3 дня
59 ₽ Цена от 200 ₽

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Отзыв ttt2121 об авторе Noitanicks 2019-03-15

Переводом доволен. Автор знает свое дело

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все отлично!

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Спасибо за работу, очень довольна. Очень быстро и качественно. Всем советую этого автора. Еще раз спасибо.

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