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Перевод статьи, название: The challenge of conflict

  • 2 страниц
  • 2021 год
  • 0 просмотров
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Переводчик, репетитор английского языка, экономист

59 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

Пример перевода первого предложения:
Стефан Стерн
Роберт МакГенри, исполнительный директор OPP, оксфордской консалтинговой компании по психологии бизнеса, сообщает, что некоторые организации могут скрывать конфликты, которые должны быть открыты к обсуждению.

By Stefan Stern
Robert McHenry, chief executive of OPP, the Oxford-based business psychology consultancy, says that some organisations may be hiding conflicts that should be out in the open. "Clients sometimes tell us that their biggest problem is the lack of conflict in their organisations." he says. “They say that senior leaders create a culture where people prefer to 'keep their head down' and not offer feedback or ideas: conflict damages performance."
OPP recently surveyed 5.000 employees in Europe and America to find out about their experience of conflict at work. They found that, on average, each employee spends 2.1 hours a week-roughly one day a month- dealing with conflict in some way. Most managers find this difficult to manage. Some, but not enough, receive training in the kind of communication skills that can help to resolve conflict.
It's not all bad news. According to another piece of research, conflict might offer the chance to improve your company's performance. Early results from the research point to the role of successfully managed conflict in the development of effective corporate strategy. In their work with international businesses, the London-based consultancy Cognosis has found that managers who deal with conflict successfully will get better performance from their staff.
How can you benefit from disagreement? Conflict should be managed, Cognosis has found. In open corporate cultures, employees feel able to challenge senior managers. Indeed, managers will actively ask them for their views. "One of the characteristics of effective leaders is their ability to both challenge others and be challenged themselves in a positive way,” says Richard Brown, managing partner at Cognosis.

Перевод данной статьи под названием "The challenge of conflict" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Фрагменты работ

Пример перевода первого предложения:
Стефан Стерн
Роберт МакГенри, исполнительный директор OPP, оксфордской консалтинговой компании по психологии бизнеса, сообщает, что некоторые организации могут скрывать конфликты, которые должны быть открыты к обсуждению.

By Stefan Stern
Robert McHenry, chief executive of OPP, the Oxford-based business psychology consultancy, says that some organisations may be hiding conflicts that should be out in the open. "Clients sometimes tell us that their biggest problem is the lack of conflict in their organisations." he says. “They say that senior leaders create a culture where people prefer to 'keep their head down' and not offer feedback or ideas: conflict damages performance."
OPP recently surveyed 5.000 employees in Europe and America to find out about their experience of conflict at work. They found that, on average, each employee spends 2.1 hours a week-roughly one day a month- dealing with conflict in some way. Most managers find this difficult to manage. Some, but not enough, receive training in the kind of communication skills that can help to resolve conflict.
It's not all bad news. According to another piece of research, conflict might offer the chance to improve your company's performance. Early results from the research point to the role of successfully managed conflict in the development of effective corporate strategy. In their work with international businesses, the London-based consultancy Cognosis has found that managers who deal with conflict successfully will get better performance from their staff.
How can you benefit from disagreement? Conflict should be managed, Cognosis has found. In open corporate cultures, employees feel able to challenge senior managers. Indeed, managers will actively ask them for their views. "One of the characteristics of effective leaders is their ability to both challenge others and be challenged themselves in a positive way,” says Richard Brown, managing partner at Cognosis.

Перевод данной статьи под названием "The challenge of conflict" был выполнен квалифицированным и дипломированным переводчиком в 2021 году.

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Отзыв ttt2121 об авторе Noitanicks 2019-03-15

Переводом доволен. Автор знает свое дело

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Отзыв ЦГиТН об авторе Noitanicks 2017-09-28

все отлично!

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Спасибо за работу, очень довольна. Очень быстро и качественно. Всем советую этого автора. Еще раз спасибо.

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