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Анализ текста на английском языке “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne

  • 10 страниц
  • 2015 год
  • 877 просмотров
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550 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

1.Write a one-page summury of the text “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne.

The extract from the book “One Stair Up” by C. Nairne depicts the man and woman who visited a cinema and had different views on the film that they had seen due to their diverse perception. There is also a description of the cinema-world as a pastime of the people from working class. The composition falls in three parts: the way to Rosa and Andrew’s dress circle as a plot, the common expression of the audience about the film and a comic performance as a sequence of events and the characters’ short discussion of the show as a denouement
The given extract is a description of the attendance of the cinema by two youngsters Rosa and Andrew. They are representatives of the working class. And they have different aims of visiting cinema that was the reason of developing of the conflict between them.

1.Write a one-page summury of the text “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne.

2.Select from the first three paragraphs sentences through which the author by implications introduces the reader into relations between Rose and Andrew. Explain what can be deduced about their relations.

3.Write about the effect of anaphora and cases of overstatement in description of the advertisement film

4. State the effect of non-personal direct speech in the description of the big picture.

5.What is the autor's attitude to both films.

6. what method of characterization does the author use

7. Express in a few well-motivated sentences your opinion of the extract.

8. Study the essential vocabulary: dim, to fold, to flash, to squeeze, obscure, risk, to tempt, to fancy, to turn, to dissolve, to smash, to fake. Compose 12 short situations using essential vocabulary.

9. Study the topical vocabulary on "Cinema: its Past, Present and Future".
Write a two-page composition on the topic "Video: is its blessing or a curse?"
Use the topical vocabulary.

10. Finde a critical review of a film in one of the latest issues of "The Moscow News". State the merits and the drawbacks of the film reviewed.

Анализ текста на английском языке “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne
по вопросам.
Творческая работа. 10 вопросов


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Фрагменты работ

1.Write a one-page summury of the text “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne.

The extract from the book “One Stair Up” by C. Nairne depicts the man and woman who visited a cinema and had different views on the film that they had seen due to their diverse perception. There is also a description of the cinema-world as a pastime of the people from working class. The composition falls in three parts: the way to Rosa and Andrew’s dress circle as a plot, the common expression of the audience about the film and a comic performance as a sequence of events and the characters’ short discussion of the show as a denouement
The given extract is a description of the attendance of the cinema by two youngsters Rosa and Andrew. They are representatives of the working class. And they have different aims of visiting cinema that was the reason of developing of the conflict between them.

1.Write a one-page summury of the text “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne.

2.Select from the first three paragraphs sentences through which the author by implications introduces the reader into relations between Rose and Andrew. Explain what can be deduced about their relations.

3.Write about the effect of anaphora and cases of overstatement in description of the advertisement film

4. State the effect of non-personal direct speech in the description of the big picture.

5.What is the autor's attitude to both films.

6. what method of characterization does the author use

7. Express in a few well-motivated sentences your opinion of the extract.

8. Study the essential vocabulary: dim, to fold, to flash, to squeeze, obscure, risk, to tempt, to fancy, to turn, to dissolve, to smash, to fake. Compose 12 short situations using essential vocabulary.

9. Study the topical vocabulary on "Cinema: its Past, Present and Future".
Write a two-page composition on the topic "Video: is its blessing or a curse?"
Use the topical vocabulary.

10. Finde a critical review of a film in one of the latest issues of "The Moscow News". State the merits and the drawbacks of the film reviewed.

Анализ текста на английском языке “One Stair Up” by Campbell Nairne
по вопросам.
Творческая работа. 10 вопросов


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Отзыв Вера302 об авторе user63481 2018-04-21
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Качественная и быстрая работа, впрочем как обычно ;) Спасибо!

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Отзыв SwagLatina об авторе user63481 2014-04-28
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Очень хорошая работа!!!Спасибо автору:))

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