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если делать работу, то делать ее только качественно

210 ₽

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Фрагменты работ

V. Match the words with the definitions
1. Recruit A To give part of your power or work to someone in lower position than you.
2. Achieve В To appear from or out of a situation, event, etc
3. Delegate C To have the qualities that are suitable for a particular job, occasion, purpose, etc
4. Involve D To find new people to work in a company, do a job, join an organization, etc
5. Carryout E To do smth. such as a piece of work, a duty or a ceremony
6. Fit in (with) F To include something as a necessary part or result
7. Arise G To succeed in doing smth. good or getting the result you wanted, after trying hard for a long time
8. Perform H To do something that needs to be organized and planned
VI. Make up sentences using the words given below
1. Performance, might, for, line, planning, who, be, managers, will, done, responsible, will, by. 2. Company, is, delivered, of, time, quality, goal, to, goods, be, on, manufacturing, produce, to, the, a, customers, to. 3. Employees, fits, measure, make, of, their, plans, to, correct, the, in, sure, and, performance, that, with, activities, managers.

VII. Complete the following sentences, using suitable words and phrases given below:
1. Authority needs to be ... to line managers. 2. Planning involves and strategies for achieving them. 3. The term manager may ... to a number of different people within a business. 4. This theorist.,, a lot of functions or elements of management. 5. This company sets long term... to capture new markets in Europe. decide, setting programmes, objectives, delegated, correct, refer, listed, performed
VIII.Переведите на русский язык.
1. There is no need for the steamer to call at Tuapse. 2. It was necessary for him to return immediately. 3. There is no reason for us to change the terms of payment. 4. There was no time for them to examine the goods that day. 5. Itistoolateforyoutogothere.
IX.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя оборот «объектный падеж с инфинитивом» ( ComplexObject)
6. Он хочет, чтобы вы пришли к нему сегодня. 7. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал врачом. 8. Она хочет, чтобы ее пригласили на вечер. 9. Хотите ли вы, чтобы я вас помог? 10.Она любит, чтобы обед был вовремя. 11.Он не любит, когда его прерывают. 12.Он не любит, чтобы ему задавали вопросы. 13.Я хочу, чтобы его статья была опубликована.

Лексико-грамматическийанализтекста MANAGEMENT
I. Read the text and get ready to discuss it (перевести)
A. What Is Management?
Managers are an important group involved in business activity. It is difficult to define exactly what is meant by ‘management’. However, many agree that managers are responsible for 'getting things done' -usually through other people. The term 'manager' may refer to a number of different people within a business. Some job titles include the word 'manager’ , such as 'personnel manager' or 'managing director'. Other job holders may also be managers, even though their titles do not say it. It could be argued that managers: • act on behalf of the owners - in a company senior management are accountable to the shareholders; • set objectives for the organisation, for example, they may decide that a long term objective is to have a greater market share than all of the company's competitors; • make sure mat a business achieves its objectives by managing others; • ensure that corporate values (the values of the organisation) are maintained in dealings with other businesses, customers, employees and general public.
B. The Functions of Management Henri Fayol, the French management theorist working in the early part of last century, listed a number of functions or elements of management.
This involves setting objectives and also the strategies, policies, programmes and procedures for achieving them. Planning might be done by line managers, who will be responsible for performance. However, advice on planning may also come from staff management who might have expertise in that area, even if they have no line authority. For example, a production manager may carry out human, resource planning in the production department, but use the skills of the personnel manager in planning recruitment for vacancies that may arise.
Managers set tasks which need to be performed if the business is to achieve its objectives. Jobs nerd to be organised within sections or departments and authority needs to be delegated so that jobs are carried out. For example, the goal of a manufacturing company may be to produce quality goods that will be delivered to customers on time. The tasks, such as manufacturing, packaging, administration, etc, that are part of producing and distributing the goods, need to be organised to achieve this goal.
This involves giving instructions to subordinates to carry out tasks. The manager has the authority to make decisions and the responsibility to see tasks are carried out.
This is the bringing together of the activities of people within the business. Individuals and groups will have their own goals, which may be different to those of the business and each other. Management must make sure that there is a common approach, so that the company's goals are achieved.
Managers measure and correct the activities of individuals and groups to make sure that their performance fits in with plans. (Dave Kail, Rob Jones, Carlo Raffo. Business Studies.Изд-во Causeway Press, 1994)

I. Read the text and get ready to discuss it (перевод текста MANAGEMENT)
задания II-III отсутствуют, т.к. в них дана только лексика
IV. Give English equivalents
V. Match the words with the definitions
VI. Make up sentences using the words given below
VII. Complete the following sentences, using suitable words and phrases given below
VIII. Переведите на русский язык
IX. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя оборот «объектный падеж с инфинитивом» (Complex Object)

выполнено 6 упражнений по английскому языку и переведен текст MANAGEMENT


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Фрагменты работ

V. Match the words with the definitions
1. Recruit A To give part of your power or work to someone in lower position than you.
2. Achieve В To appear from or out of a situation, event, etc
3. Delegate C To have the qualities that are suitable for a particular job, occasion, purpose, etc
4. Involve D To find new people to work in a company, do a job, join an organization, etc
5. Carryout E To do smth. such as a piece of work, a duty or a ceremony
6. Fit in (with) F To include something as a necessary part or result
7. Arise G To succeed in doing smth. good or getting the result you wanted, after trying hard for a long time
8. Perform H To do something that needs to be organized and planned
VI. Make up sentences using the words given below
1. Performance, might, for, line, planning, who, be, managers, will, done, responsible, will, by. 2. Company, is, delivered, of, time, quality, goal, to, goods, be, on, manufacturing, produce, to, the, a, customers, to. 3. Employees, fits, measure, make, of, their, plans, to, correct, the, in, sure, and, performance, that, with, activities, managers.

VII. Complete the following sentences, using suitable words and phrases given below:
1. Authority needs to be ... to line managers. 2. Planning involves and strategies for achieving them. 3. The term manager may ... to a number of different people within a business. 4. This theorist.,, a lot of functions or elements of management. 5. This company sets long term... to capture new markets in Europe. decide, setting programmes, objectives, delegated, correct, refer, listed, performed
VIII.Переведите на русский язык.
1. There is no need for the steamer to call at Tuapse. 2. It was necessary for him to return immediately. 3. There is no reason for us to change the terms of payment. 4. There was no time for them to examine the goods that day. 5. Itistoolateforyoutogothere.
IX.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя оборот «объектный падеж с инфинитивом» ( ComplexObject)
6. Он хочет, чтобы вы пришли к нему сегодня. 7. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал врачом. 8. Она хочет, чтобы ее пригласили на вечер. 9. Хотите ли вы, чтобы я вас помог? 10.Она любит, чтобы обед был вовремя. 11.Он не любит, когда его прерывают. 12.Он не любит, чтобы ему задавали вопросы. 13.Я хочу, чтобы его статья была опубликована.

Лексико-грамматическийанализтекста MANAGEMENT
I. Read the text and get ready to discuss it (перевести)
A. What Is Management?
Managers are an important group involved in business activity. It is difficult to define exactly what is meant by ‘management’. However, many agree that managers are responsible for 'getting things done' -usually through other people. The term 'manager' may refer to a number of different people within a business. Some job titles include the word 'manager’ , such as 'personnel manager' or 'managing director'. Other job holders may also be managers, even though their titles do not say it. It could be argued that managers: • act on behalf of the owners - in a company senior management are accountable to the shareholders; • set objectives for the organisation, for example, they may decide that a long term objective is to have a greater market share than all of the company's competitors; • make sure mat a business achieves its objectives by managing others; • ensure that corporate values (the values of the organisation) are maintained in dealings with other businesses, customers, employees and general public.
B. The Functions of Management Henri Fayol, the French management theorist working in the early part of last century, listed a number of functions or elements of management.
This involves setting objectives and also the strategies, policies, programmes and procedures for achieving them. Planning might be done by line managers, who will be responsible for performance. However, advice on planning may also come from staff management who might have expertise in that area, even if they have no line authority. For example, a production manager may carry out human, resource planning in the production department, but use the skills of the personnel manager in planning recruitment for vacancies that may arise.
Managers set tasks which need to be performed if the business is to achieve its objectives. Jobs nerd to be organised within sections or departments and authority needs to be delegated so that jobs are carried out. For example, the goal of a manufacturing company may be to produce quality goods that will be delivered to customers on time. The tasks, such as manufacturing, packaging, administration, etc, that are part of producing and distributing the goods, need to be organised to achieve this goal.
This involves giving instructions to subordinates to carry out tasks. The manager has the authority to make decisions and the responsibility to see tasks are carried out.
This is the bringing together of the activities of people within the business. Individuals and groups will have their own goals, which may be different to those of the business and each other. Management must make sure that there is a common approach, so that the company's goals are achieved.
Managers measure and correct the activities of individuals and groups to make sure that their performance fits in with plans. (Dave Kail, Rob Jones, Carlo Raffo. Business Studies.Изд-во Causeway Press, 1994)

I. Read the text and get ready to discuss it (перевод текста MANAGEMENT)
задания II-III отсутствуют, т.к. в них дана только лексика
IV. Give English equivalents
V. Match the words with the definitions
VI. Make up sentences using the words given below
VII. Complete the following sentences, using suitable words and phrases given below
VIII. Переведите на русский язык
IX. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя оборот «объектный падеж с инфинитивом» (Complex Object)

выполнено 6 упражнений по английскому языку и переведен текст MANAGEMENT


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22 января 2017 заказчик разместил работу

Выбранный эксперт:

Автор работы
если делать работу, то делать ее только качественно
Купить эту работу vs Заказать новую
5 раз Куплено Выполняется индивидуально
Не менее 40%
Исполнитель, загружая работу в «Банк готовых работ» подтверждает, что уровень оригинальности работы составляет не менее 40%
Уникальность Выполняется индивидуально
Сразу в личном кабинете Доступность Срок 1—5 дней
210 ₽ Цена от 200 ₽

5 Похожих работ

Контрольная работа

Глаголы стоящие в скобках поставить в Condizionale и перевести предложения 1 Oggi io vorrei andare i

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
110 ₽
Контрольная работа

Перевести на итальянский язык Обратить внимание на употребление условного наклонения

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
140 ₽
Контрольная работа

Перевести на итальянский язык используя лексику из словарей урока и правильно употребляя формы повел

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
150 ₽
Контрольная работа

Изменить действительный залог сказуемого на страдательный сохранив время глагола

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
140 ₽
Контрольная работа

Перевести предложения на русский язык Затем поменять страдательный залог на действительный и перевес

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
180 ₽

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Irina Andreeva об авторе invin 2016-04-08
Контрольная работа

Спасибо за работу. Ответственный автор, всем рекомендую)

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Raze об авторе invin 2015-10-27
Контрольная работа

Благодарю за контрольную по немецкому, выполнена в срок)

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Марина [email protected] об авторе invin 2016-02-05
Контрольная работа

все отлично, спасибо!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Татьяна_5085 об авторе invin 2017-09-20
Контрольная работа

работа выполнена молниеносно. Автора рекомендую.

Общая оценка 5

другие учебные работы по предмету

Готовая работа

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Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
1500 ₽
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Особенности перевода на русский язык оригинального английского текста

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
1890 ₽
Готовая работа

Прагматическая адаптация переводов в публицистических текстах

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
900 ₽
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Эмоциональный концепт

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2240 ₽
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Словосложение в английском языке

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2800 ₽
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диплом Концепт время

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2000 ₽
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Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
2500 ₽
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2800 ₽
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Проблемы перевода юридических текстов

Уникальность: от 40%
Доступность: сразу
400 ₽
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Английская и русская вежливости в контексте культурных традиций

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2800 ₽
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