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Exercise 1. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to ending –s. Define what part of speech it is:
a) Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular);
b) Noun plural form;
c) Noun in Possessive Case.
1. Wireless communications allow people greater flexibility while communicating. - Беспроводная связь обеспечивает людям большую гибкость при общении.
communications - Noun plural form
2. A microphone converts messages, like sounds or other data, into electronic impulses. - Микрофон преобразует сообщения, такие как звуки или другая информация, в электронные импульсы.
converts - Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular)
messages - Noun plural form
sounds - Noun plural form
impulses - Noun plural form
3. All wireless communication devices use radio waves to transmit and receive signals. - Все устройства беспроводной связи используют радиоволны для передачи и приема сигналов.
devices - Noun plural form
waves - Noun plural form
signals - Noun plural form
4. The transmitter uses an oscillator to generate radio waves. - Передатчик использует осциллятор, чтобы генерировать радиоволны.
uses - Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular)
waves - Noun plural form
5. Construction and utility workers often use hand-held radios for short-range communication and coordination. - Строители и работники коммунальных служб часто используют портативные радиостанции для ближней связи и координации.
workers - Noun plural form
radios - Noun plural form
Exercise 1. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to ending –s. Define what part of speech it is:
a) Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular);
b) Noun plural form;
c) Noun in Possessive Case.
Exercise 2. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, define the tense (Present simple, etc.).
Exercise 3. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, define the degree of comparison (positive, comparative, superlative) of adjectives.
Exercise 4. Read the text and translate it into Russian.
Exercise 5. Make and write the plan of the text.
Exercise 6. Put five questions to the text.
Exercise 7. Do the test
Exercise 8. Arrange the following words into pairs of synonyms.
выполнена контрольная работа по английскому языку № 1 (вариант 1), состоящая из 8 заданий, среди которых текст на перевод Wireless Communications
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Exercise 1. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to ending –s. Define what part of speech it is:
a) Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular);
b) Noun plural form;
c) Noun in Possessive Case.
1. Wireless communications allow people greater flexibility while communicating. - Беспроводная связь обеспечивает людям большую гибкость при общении.
communications - Noun plural form
2. A microphone converts messages, like sounds or other data, into electronic impulses. - Микрофон преобразует сообщения, такие как звуки или другая информация, в электронные импульсы.
converts - Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular)
messages - Noun plural form
sounds - Noun plural form
impulses - Noun plural form
3. All wireless communication devices use radio waves to transmit and receive signals. - Все устройства беспроводной связи используют радиоволны для передачи и приема сигналов.
devices - Noun plural form
waves - Noun plural form
signals - Noun plural form
4. The transmitter uses an oscillator to generate radio waves. - Передатчик использует осциллятор, чтобы генерировать радиоволны.
uses - Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular)
waves - Noun plural form
5. Construction and utility workers often use hand-held radios for short-range communication and coordination. - Строители и работники коммунальных служб часто используют портативные радиостанции для ближней связи и координации.
workers - Noun plural form
radios - Noun plural form
Exercise 1. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to ending –s. Define what part of speech it is:
a) Verb in Present Simple (3 pronoun, singular);
b) Noun plural form;
c) Noun in Possessive Case.
Exercise 2. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, define the tense (Present simple, etc.).
Exercise 3. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, define the degree of comparison (positive, comparative, superlative) of adjectives.
Exercise 4. Read the text and translate it into Russian.
Exercise 5. Make and write the plan of the text.
Exercise 6. Put five questions to the text.
Exercise 7. Do the test
Exercise 8. Arrange the following words into pairs of synonyms.
выполнена контрольная работа по английскому языку № 1 (вариант 1), состоящая из 8 заданий, среди которых текст на перевод Wireless Communications
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