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Errors and mistakes in teaching and learning foreign languages: their role and correction techniques

  • 54 страниц
  • 2017 год
  • 281 просмотр
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Фрагменты работ

The topic of this research paper is “Errors and mistakes in teaching and learning foreign languages: their role and correction techniques”.
Relevance: For many years this side of learning and teaching foreign languages was explored by various people: professors, teachers, trainers, scientists and the most famous of them are Jeremy Harmer, Jim Scrivener, H. Douglas Brown, etc.
The error analysis is essentially significant because, as Jack Richards refers to Corder’s observation: “Learner’s correct sentences do not necessarily give evidence of the rules of the new language and the rules he has developed at given stages of his language development”.

The teacher has to understand clearly, when he should correct students’ errors and when he should not, and when, and which effective correction techniques to use to make lessons more productive.
The objects of this research paper are: directly the mistakes and errors in learning foreign language process, and the correction techniques.
Subject: the study of the causes of errors and mistakes in teaching and learning foreign languages.
Goal: this research paper is intended to display, which errors and mistakes can be made by learners and teachers during the process of learning foreign languages, the role and causes of errors and mistakes, how teacher can correct them and when the correction is necessary.
• To distinguish the notions: error and mistake;
• To explain why do learners and teachers make mistakes;
• To display the classification of correction techniques;
• To clean up, in which moment of learning process it is important and relevant to correct errors and mistakes, and how the teacher should do it.
Hypothesis: if to use different correction techniques appropriately, the process of teaching and learning foreign languages will be more effective and productive.
Research methods:
• The analysis of methodological and scientific literature;
• The empirical method;
• The synthesis of chosen material.

Introduction 2
1. Errors and mistakes: general characteristics and their role 3
1.1 Types of errors 4
1.2 Causes of errors 6
1.3 Correction techniques 8
1.3.1 When should teacher correct the errors 10
1.3.2 How to avoid errors and mistakes in the process of learning foreign language 10
1.3.3 A well balanced usage of error correction 11
2. Classification of correction techniques 15
2.1 Types of corrective feedback 16
2.2 Oral correction techniques 19
2.3 Written correction techniques 22
3. Approbation 24
Conclusion 35
References 36

Introduction 2
1. Errors and mistakes: general characteristics and their role 3
1.1 Types of errors 4
1.2 Causes of errors 6
1.3 Correction techniques 8
1.3.1 When should teacher correct the errors 10
1.3.2 How to avoid errors and mistakes in the process of learning foreign language 10
1.3.3 A well balanced usage of error correction 11
2. Classification of correction techniques 15
2.1 Types of corrective feedback 16
2.2 Oral correction techniques 19
2.3 Written correction techniques 22
3. Approbation 24
Conclusion 35
References 36

1. http://slafrancois.blogspot.com/2013/02/whats-difference-between-mistake-and.html)
2. J. Harmer (2007) "The practice of English Language Teaching" 4th Edition. Pearson Longman, ch. 8, p. 137-138.
3. H. Douglas Brown (2000) "Principles of Language learning and Teaching" 4th Edition. Longman, ch. 8, p.171-172.
4. Neha Joshi (2009) "Significance of Error Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning" http://eltweekly.com/more/author/admin/page/50/
5. Hanna Y. Touchie (1986) "Second languages learning errors: Their types, causes, and treatment" p. 75-80. (http://jalt-publications.org/jj/articles/1571-second-language-learning-errors-their-types-causes-and-treatment)
6. http://www.iolpmezunu.com/f13/developmental-error-26138/ Haber Botu, 2009.
7. http://bathtubber.hubpages.com/hub/ESL-Coaching-Techniques-Error-Correction
8. http://www.teacherjoe.us/TeachersCorrection.html
9. http://www.usingenglish.com/articles/well-balanced-use-error-correction.html
10. http://www.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/best%20of%20bilash/error%20correction.html
11. Mikiko Suzuki "Corrective feedback and Learner Uptake in Adult ESL Classrooms" [text]: article. Teachers College, Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 2
12. http://esl.about.com/od/esleflteachingtechnique/i/i_correction.htm
13. B. Durgin. K. Yamamoto, M. Nguyen (2008) "Error correction techniques for English teachers". TESL Newsletter, p. 1-4
14. Catherine Van Beuningen (2010) Corrective Feedback in L2 Writing: Theoretical Perspectives, Empirical Insights, and Future Directions [text]: article, International Journal of English Studies
15. http://soadsaud.wordpress.com/2011/11/13/errors-in-the-esl-classroom/
16. http://jeremyharmer.wordpress.com/about/
17. http://www.teacherdevelopmentinteractivetdi.com/experts.php
18. Кудрицкая М.И. (2010) "First-aid kit for school practicum". КГПИ
19. http://www.englishclub.com/english-clubs/english-club-warm-up.htm
20. http://esl.about.com/od/intermediatepronunciation/a/id_experience.htm
21. http://busyteacher.org/7081-top-10-time-fillers-for-your-classroom.html
22. http://www.moralstories.org/having-a-best-friend/
23. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/listening/2L6-best-friends-transcript.php
24. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/listening/2L6-best-friends.php
25. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/pronunciation/pr1-which-word.php
26. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/hangman.php

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Фрагменты работ

The topic of this research paper is “Errors and mistakes in teaching and learning foreign languages: their role and correction techniques”.
Relevance: For many years this side of learning and teaching foreign languages was explored by various people: professors, teachers, trainers, scientists and the most famous of them are Jeremy Harmer, Jim Scrivener, H. Douglas Brown, etc.
The error analysis is essentially significant because, as Jack Richards refers to Corder’s observation: “Learner’s correct sentences do not necessarily give evidence of the rules of the new language and the rules he has developed at given stages of his language development”.

The teacher has to understand clearly, when he should correct students’ errors and when he should not, and when, and which effective correction techniques to use to make lessons more productive.
The objects of this research paper are: directly the mistakes and errors in learning foreign language process, and the correction techniques.
Subject: the study of the causes of errors and mistakes in teaching and learning foreign languages.
Goal: this research paper is intended to display, which errors and mistakes can be made by learners and teachers during the process of learning foreign languages, the role and causes of errors and mistakes, how teacher can correct them and when the correction is necessary.
• To distinguish the notions: error and mistake;
• To explain why do learners and teachers make mistakes;
• To display the classification of correction techniques;
• To clean up, in which moment of learning process it is important and relevant to correct errors and mistakes, and how the teacher should do it.
Hypothesis: if to use different correction techniques appropriately, the process of teaching and learning foreign languages will be more effective and productive.
Research methods:
• The analysis of methodological and scientific literature;
• The empirical method;
• The synthesis of chosen material.

Introduction 2
1. Errors and mistakes: general characteristics and their role 3
1.1 Types of errors 4
1.2 Causes of errors 6
1.3 Correction techniques 8
1.3.1 When should teacher correct the errors 10
1.3.2 How to avoid errors and mistakes in the process of learning foreign language 10
1.3.3 A well balanced usage of error correction 11
2. Classification of correction techniques 15
2.1 Types of corrective feedback 16
2.2 Oral correction techniques 19
2.3 Written correction techniques 22
3. Approbation 24
Conclusion 35
References 36

Introduction 2
1. Errors and mistakes: general characteristics and their role 3
1.1 Types of errors 4
1.2 Causes of errors 6
1.3 Correction techniques 8
1.3.1 When should teacher correct the errors 10
1.3.2 How to avoid errors and mistakes in the process of learning foreign language 10
1.3.3 A well balanced usage of error correction 11
2. Classification of correction techniques 15
2.1 Types of corrective feedback 16
2.2 Oral correction techniques 19
2.3 Written correction techniques 22
3. Approbation 24
Conclusion 35
References 36

1. http://slafrancois.blogspot.com/2013/02/whats-difference-between-mistake-and.html)
2. J. Harmer (2007) "The practice of English Language Teaching" 4th Edition. Pearson Longman, ch. 8, p. 137-138.
3. H. Douglas Brown (2000) "Principles of Language learning and Teaching" 4th Edition. Longman, ch. 8, p.171-172.
4. Neha Joshi (2009) "Significance of Error Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning" http://eltweekly.com/more/author/admin/page/50/
5. Hanna Y. Touchie (1986) "Second languages learning errors: Their types, causes, and treatment" p. 75-80. (http://jalt-publications.org/jj/articles/1571-second-language-learning-errors-their-types-causes-and-treatment)
6. http://www.iolpmezunu.com/f13/developmental-error-26138/ Haber Botu, 2009.
7. http://bathtubber.hubpages.com/hub/ESL-Coaching-Techniques-Error-Correction
8. http://www.teacherjoe.us/TeachersCorrection.html
9. http://www.usingenglish.com/articles/well-balanced-use-error-correction.html
10. http://www.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/best%20of%20bilash/error%20correction.html
11. Mikiko Suzuki "Corrective feedback and Learner Uptake in Adult ESL Classrooms" [text]: article. Teachers College, Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 2
12. http://esl.about.com/od/esleflteachingtechnique/i/i_correction.htm
13. B. Durgin. K. Yamamoto, M. Nguyen (2008) "Error correction techniques for English teachers". TESL Newsletter, p. 1-4
14. Catherine Van Beuningen (2010) Corrective Feedback in L2 Writing: Theoretical Perspectives, Empirical Insights, and Future Directions [text]: article, International Journal of English Studies
15. http://soadsaud.wordpress.com/2011/11/13/errors-in-the-esl-classroom/
16. http://jeremyharmer.wordpress.com/about/
17. http://www.teacherdevelopmentinteractivetdi.com/experts.php
18. Кудрицкая М.И. (2010) "First-aid kit for school practicum". КГПИ
19. http://www.englishclub.com/english-clubs/english-club-warm-up.htm
20. http://esl.about.com/od/intermediatepronunciation/a/id_experience.htm
21. http://busyteacher.org/7081-top-10-time-fillers-for-your-classroom.html
22. http://www.moralstories.org/having-a-best-friend/
23. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/listening/2L6-best-friends-transcript.php
24. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/listening/2L6-best-friends.php
25. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/pronunciation/pr1-which-word.php
26. http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/hangman.php

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