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In all the languages the term grammar is considered as a set of structural rules which govern the structure of clauses, phrases, and words in all free languages. Analysis of grammar rules is also defined as a part of grammar. Syntax, phonology, morphology including phonetics, semantics and pragmatics are the main subjects of grammar.
One of the main notions is that all the languages include grammar. Language is of great importance in the life of all human beings. Language can be considered as verbal, physical, biologically innate, and the main form of communication. People use language to transfer their inner thoughts and feelings, make sense of complex and abstract notions, to learn to connect with others, to fulfill their needs, as well as to form rules and maintain the culture.
The term "grammar" can also be used to represent the rules that direct the linguistic behavior of speakers. Accordingly, the term "English grammar" may receive several meanings. It may denote the entire English grammar; it means the grammar that is used by all the speakers of the English language. In this case, the term expresses many types of variation. As a matter of fact, the term may denote only what is typical to the grammars of all, or of the majority of the English speakers.
This paper analyses some aspects of the English grammar. It deals with the general peculiarities of the Infinitive, functions of the Infinitive in the English language and its double nature. It also examines the bare infinitive and split infinite in the English language. The differences between the complex sentences and the infinitive constructions. Language material studied in this paper is sentences of Modern English.
As a grammatical term Infinitive denotes particular forms of the verbs occurring in many languages of the world. In fact, no concrete definition is defined for describing infinitive according to the main linguistic concepts. The word is formed from Latin word infinitivus which means "infinite". Mainly, the infinitives are used as non-finite verbs.
Similar to all other finite forms of the verb, the infinitive also has two forms: passive and active. The infinitive denotes time as well. But generally, the finite forms of the verbs express time in an absolute form. That means the finite verbs express an action to the present tense, past tense and future tense. In most cases, continuous infinitive is applied to emphasize the concept of duration and process, and to make the sentence more real and emphatic.
As above noted, the Infinitive is a non-finite form of the verb and it has a double nature. We can observe that infinitive has both noun functions and verb functions. As a noun it may be used as subject, object and predicative. The Infinitive has also modal properties. The infinitive clauses have the syntactic position of Tense and Moods.
All these grammatical peculiarities of the infinitive will be closely examined in the main part of the given study.
The purpose of the actual study work is defined to be the analysis and research of the main peculiarities and characteristics of the infinitive, infinitive construction. Language material studied in this paper is sentences of Modern English.
The aim of this work is subjected to the below tasks:
- to do research in the field of the English grammar in order to analyze different linguistic approaches regarding to the notion of infinitive and infinitive forms.
- to submit linguistic research about the features of bare infinitive and split infinitive and provide information about the differences between them .
- to analyze all the functions of the infinitive in the English language.
The object of the research of the current paper is considered to be various grammatical resources of the English language, linguistic views of the linguists and grammarians including various scholars in the sphere of the English grammar.
The subject of the research is the infinitive, its forms and functions.
The practical value of this study is that it can be used as a manual for the learners of the English grammar and can be useful to differentiate the forms of infinitive and can help non-native speakers of the English language to get more information about the usage and transferring of the infinitive.
While doing the current research, we make references to the various grammarians and scholars such as I. P. Krylova & E. M. Gordon, R. S.Ginzburg, M. Vince, M. Hewings, O. Musayev, Michael Swan and others.

CHAPTER I. General characteristics of Infinitive-----------------------------------------------------------
1.1. Forms of infinitive--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2. The grammatical categories of the infinitive--------------------------------------------------------
1.3. Split infinitive vs. bare infinitive---------------------------------------------------------------------
CHAPTER II. Functions of the infinitive in the English language and its double nature---------------
2.1. Double nature of infinitive----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2. Infinitive constructions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Оригинальность 80% по атиплагиат.ру.

1. Audrey Jean Thomson, A.V. Martinet A Practical English Grammar(Oxford University Press, USA, 4th edition, 2001) 212
2. Blokh, M. Y. A course in theoretical English grammar. Moscow: Vyssaja Skola, 2006
3. Bowen, Elizabeth The Death of the Heart (Anchor books, 2000), Chapter 10,
4. Close, R. A. English as a foreign language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1963
5. Crystal, David The Cambrigde Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge University Press, 1997
6. Fodor, Janet Dean. Semantics: Theories of meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1980
7. Ganshina, A. & Vasilevskaya, N. M. English grammar. Moscow: Vyssaja Skola, 1964
8. Thomson, Audrey Jean, A.V. Martinet A Practical English Grammar (Oxford University Press, 1986),
9. Hewings, Martin, Advaned Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1999
10. Irtenyeva, N. F., Barsova, O. M., Blokh, M. Y. & Shapkin, A. P. A theoretical English grammar (Syntax). Moscow: Higher School Publishing House, 1969
11. Ilyish, B. A. The structure of Modern English. Moscow: Prosvesenie, 1965
12. Jespersen, Otto. A Modern English Grammar on historical principles. Part III Syntax. Second Volume. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1954
13. Krylova, I. P. & Gordon, E. M. A Grammar of present-day English practical course. Moscow: Universitet Knijniy Dom, 2006
14. Leech, Geoffrey & Svartvik, Jan. A communicative grammar of English. London: Longman, 2002
15. Morokhovskaya, E. J. Fundamentals of theoretical English grammar. Kiyev: Vissaja skola, 1984
16. Review of Giorgi & Pianesi, Tense, aspect and syntax (1997), 15
17. Stephan Leacock, The Cave-Man as He is, (Freinzied Fiction,1918),Chapter 7,129
18. Turksever (Musayev) Orudj Ibrahimoghlu. A Practical Grammar of Contemporary English. Baku, 2009
19. Каушанcкая, В. Л., Ковнер Р. Л., Кожевникова, О. Н., Прокофьева, Е. В., Райнеc, З. М.,
Cквирcкая, C. Е. Грамматика английcкого языка. Баку, 2004
20. Кобрина Н.А., Корнеева Е.А Грамматика английcкого языка. Морфология Cинтакcиc (Cанкт- Петербург, 2008)
Internet resources
21. https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org
22. http://www.englishgrammar.org
23. http://www.edufind.com

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Фрагменты работ


In all the languages the term grammar is considered as a set of structural rules which govern the structure of clauses, phrases, and words in all free languages. Analysis of grammar rules is also defined as a part of grammar. Syntax, phonology, morphology including phonetics, semantics and pragmatics are the main subjects of grammar.
One of the main notions is that all the languages include grammar. Language is of great importance in the life of all human beings. Language can be considered as verbal, physical, biologically innate, and the main form of communication. People use language to transfer their inner thoughts and feelings, make sense of complex and abstract notions, to learn to connect with others, to fulfill their needs, as well as to form rules and maintain the culture.
The term "grammar" can also be used to represent the rules that direct the linguistic behavior of speakers. Accordingly, the term "English grammar" may receive several meanings. It may denote the entire English grammar; it means the grammar that is used by all the speakers of the English language. In this case, the term expresses many types of variation. As a matter of fact, the term may denote only what is typical to the grammars of all, or of the majority of the English speakers.
This paper analyses some aspects of the English grammar. It deals with the general peculiarities of the Infinitive, functions of the Infinitive in the English language and its double nature. It also examines the bare infinitive and split infinite in the English language. The differences between the complex sentences and the infinitive constructions. Language material studied in this paper is sentences of Modern English.
As a grammatical term Infinitive denotes particular forms of the verbs occurring in many languages of the world. In fact, no concrete definition is defined for describing infinitive according to the main linguistic concepts. The word is formed from Latin word infinitivus which means "infinite". Mainly, the infinitives are used as non-finite verbs.
Similar to all other finite forms of the verb, the infinitive also has two forms: passive and active. The infinitive denotes time as well. But generally, the finite forms of the verbs express time in an absolute form. That means the finite verbs express an action to the present tense, past tense and future tense. In most cases, continuous infinitive is applied to emphasize the concept of duration and process, and to make the sentence more real and emphatic.
As above noted, the Infinitive is a non-finite form of the verb and it has a double nature. We can observe that infinitive has both noun functions and verb functions. As a noun it may be used as subject, object and predicative. The Infinitive has also modal properties. The infinitive clauses have the syntactic position of Tense and Moods.
All these grammatical peculiarities of the infinitive will be closely examined in the main part of the given study.
The purpose of the actual study work is defined to be the analysis and research of the main peculiarities and characteristics of the infinitive, infinitive construction. Language material studied in this paper is sentences of Modern English.
The aim of this work is subjected to the below tasks:
- to do research in the field of the English grammar in order to analyze different linguistic approaches regarding to the notion of infinitive and infinitive forms.
- to submit linguistic research about the features of bare infinitive and split infinitive and provide information about the differences between them .
- to analyze all the functions of the infinitive in the English language.
The object of the research of the current paper is considered to be various grammatical resources of the English language, linguistic views of the linguists and grammarians including various scholars in the sphere of the English grammar.
The subject of the research is the infinitive, its forms and functions.
The practical value of this study is that it can be used as a manual for the learners of the English grammar and can be useful to differentiate the forms of infinitive and can help non-native speakers of the English language to get more information about the usage and transferring of the infinitive.
While doing the current research, we make references to the various grammarians and scholars such as I. P. Krylova & E. M. Gordon, R. S.Ginzburg, M. Vince, M. Hewings, O. Musayev, Michael Swan and others.

CHAPTER I. General characteristics of Infinitive-----------------------------------------------------------
1.1. Forms of infinitive--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2. The grammatical categories of the infinitive--------------------------------------------------------
1.3. Split infinitive vs. bare infinitive---------------------------------------------------------------------
CHAPTER II. Functions of the infinitive in the English language and its double nature---------------
2.1. Double nature of infinitive----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2. Infinitive constructions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Оригинальность 80% по атиплагиат.ру.

1. Audrey Jean Thomson, A.V. Martinet A Practical English Grammar(Oxford University Press, USA, 4th edition, 2001) 212
2. Blokh, M. Y. A course in theoretical English grammar. Moscow: Vyssaja Skola, 2006
3. Bowen, Elizabeth The Death of the Heart (Anchor books, 2000), Chapter 10,
4. Close, R. A. English as a foreign language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1963
5. Crystal, David The Cambrigde Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge University Press, 1997
6. Fodor, Janet Dean. Semantics: Theories of meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1980
7. Ganshina, A. & Vasilevskaya, N. M. English grammar. Moscow: Vyssaja Skola, 1964
8. Thomson, Audrey Jean, A.V. Martinet A Practical English Grammar (Oxford University Press, 1986),
9. Hewings, Martin, Advaned Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1999
10. Irtenyeva, N. F., Barsova, O. M., Blokh, M. Y. & Shapkin, A. P. A theoretical English grammar (Syntax). Moscow: Higher School Publishing House, 1969
11. Ilyish, B. A. The structure of Modern English. Moscow: Prosvesenie, 1965
12. Jespersen, Otto. A Modern English Grammar on historical principles. Part III Syntax. Second Volume. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1954
13. Krylova, I. P. & Gordon, E. M. A Grammar of present-day English practical course. Moscow: Universitet Knijniy Dom, 2006
14. Leech, Geoffrey & Svartvik, Jan. A communicative grammar of English. London: Longman, 2002
15. Morokhovskaya, E. J. Fundamentals of theoretical English grammar. Kiyev: Vissaja skola, 1984
16. Review of Giorgi & Pianesi, Tense, aspect and syntax (1997), 15
17. Stephan Leacock, The Cave-Man as He is, (Freinzied Fiction,1918),Chapter 7,129
18. Turksever (Musayev) Orudj Ibrahimoghlu. A Practical Grammar of Contemporary English. Baku, 2009
19. Каушанcкая, В. Л., Ковнер Р. Л., Кожевникова, О. Н., Прокофьева, Е. В., Райнеc, З. М.,
Cквирcкая, C. Е. Грамматика английcкого языка. Баку, 2004
20. Кобрина Н.А., Корнеева Е.А Грамматика английcкого языка. Морфология Cинтакcиc (Cанкт- Петербург, 2008)
Internet resources
21. https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org
22. http://www.englishgrammar.org
23. http://www.edufind.com

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