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When a writer wants to make his language creative or inventive, she/he uses a language different from the conventional and everyday language of his day. Using unconventional or unusual language, he can give his readers unexpected surprise and make a strong impression on their mind. This kind of the creative use of language is technically called a linguistic deviation, by which he creates a language deviated from the norms of literary convention [12; 50].
The present study will concentrate on W. S. Maugham’s unique style; concentration will be on the grammatical deviation.
Deviation is a term used to describe spelling and pronunciation of a word or a sentence structure which does not conform to a norm [18; 79]. Deviation which is a linguistic phenomenon has an important psychological effect on the readers (or hearers). If a part of a poem is deviant, it becomes especially noticeable , or perceptually prominent. This is called "foregrounding" [19; 11]. There are many ways in which poets or writers can produce deviation and hence foregrounding.
The second half of the 20th century has seen the in-depth study of translation, which is sometimes called Theory of Translation, Science of Translation, Translation Linguistics, or even Translatology. It has been claimed abroad that translation studies began in 1972 with Holmes’s paper presented at the Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics, “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies” [11]. However, unfortunately, European and American scholars seemed to have been unaware of the achievements of the Russian school of translation studies. Works by V. Komissarov, A. Shveitser, A. Fedorov and many others confirmed the status of translation studies as a discipline of its own even in the 1950s [22].
The main concern of translation theory is to determine appropriate translation methods for the widest possible range of texts and to give insight into the translation process, into the relations between thought and language, culture and speech.
Source language and target language texts differ formally due to a number of reasons of both objective and subjective character. Objective reasons are caused by the divergence in the language systems and speech models. Subjective reasons can be attributed to the speaker’s choice of a language form.
Thus, systemic dissimilarity of forms takes place when one of the languages lacks some grammar category and, therefore, has no corresponding form. For example, English possesses the morphological categories of the article or the gerund lacking in the Russian language; whereas in Russian there is a category of adverbial participle (деепричастие) missing in the English language. To translate these forms, one has to compensate them or restructure the sentence. Unique categories in one of the languages can occur at the syntactic level as well. For example, English absolute constructions, complex object and complex subject (with the infinitive and participle), are alien to the Russian language. Therefore, they require special attention from students of English.
The subject of this paper is grammatical deviation as a linguistic phenomenon in poetry and literary texts, especially.
The object of this paper is methods of transferring grammatical deviations from W. S. Maugham’s novel «The Moon and sixpence».
The aim of this term paper is to show lexical problems of translation on the material of translation the novel “The Moon and Sixpence” by Somerset Maugham. In process of translation grammatical phenomena are taken in as inseparably connected. Only consisting of a sentence functions of a word are discovered and their particular meaning is determined. For this it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. To show in what way translation of the words that have (and don’t have) lexical correspondences in the Russian language is realized.
2. To analyse characteristics and methods of translation of English figurative phraseology.
3. To give a notion of lexical transformation and its kinds.
4. Describe methods of creation of contextual substitutes.
The structure of this paper consist of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography:
1. In the introduction the general information about deviations, the aims of investigation, and the structure of the paper are presented.
2. The first chapter takes up the theoretical framework of types of linguistic deviations, which includes the problems of terminology, definitions, and classifications of deviation.
3. The second chapter takes up the problem of the theory of translation from English into Russian.
4. The third chapter deals with transformations of grammatical deviations and includes such divisions: grammatical transformations (such as variability of tense, number, article, pronoun, and ways of conversion, passivization, and splitting).
5. The conclusion presents the overall view of the analysis of grammatical deviation transformations while translation.


CHAPTER 1. Language deviation…………………………………………………………………
1.1. Types of deviation………………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER 2. Theory of translation from English into Russian……………………………………
2.1. Methods of translation…………………………….……………………………………..
2.1.1. Classification criteria …………………………………………………………………
2.1.2. Machine translation……………………………………………………………………
2.1.3. Functional classification………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER 3. Methods of transferring grammatical deviations from W. S. Maugham’s novel «The Moon and sixpence»………………………………………………………………………….
3.1. Grammatical transformations in translation of the novel «The Moon and Sixpence» by Somerset Maugham….......................................................................................................................
3.1.1. Changeability of Grammatical Tense Form………………………..............................
3.1.2. The problem of pronoun changes……………………………………………………..
3.1.3. The ways of changing number………………………………………………………..
3.1.4. The ways of changing article………………………………………………………….
3.2. Analyze of the Russian translation of sentences in the novel «The Moon and Sixpence» by Somerset Maugham………………………………………………………………….

Оригинальность работы 75% по антиплагиат.ру.

1. Bauer, L.(1983) English Word Formation Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Brook, G.L.(1970) The Language of Dickens, London : Andre Deutch.
3. Chapman, R. (1973) Linguistics and Literature London : Edward Arnold.
4. Clark, H. and Clark ,E.V. (1977) Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics New York :Harcourt Barce Jovanovich.
5. Crystal, David (1987) A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Oxford : Basil Blackwell.
6. Darbyshire, A.E. (1971) A Grammar of Style London :Andre Deutch Limited.
7. Fang Achilles and Others. On Translation. — New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. — P. 85.
8. Firth, J.R. (1972) The Tongues of Men and Speeches Oxford : Oxford University Press.10. Jones, D. (1969) An Outline of English Phonetics , Cambridge: Heffner and Sons Ltd.
9. Glucksberg S., Understanding figurative language: from metaphors to idioms, Oxford, OUP, 2001
10. Ginzburg R. S., A course in modern English lexicology, Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1966.
11. Holmes J. S. The Name and Nature of Translation Studies. 3d International Congress of Applied Linguistics: Abstracts. Copenhagen, 1972; H o l m e s J. S. The Name and Nature of Translation Studies. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, Department of General Studies, 1975.
12. Leech, G. (1969) A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry London: Longman.
13. Leech, G. and M. Short(1981) Style in fiction Harlow: Longman.
14. Makkai A., Ecolinguistics: towards a new paradigm of the science of language , London, Pinter Publishing, 1993.
15. Maugham W. S., The Moon and Sixpence Penguin Classics, London, 1993.
16. Maugham W. S. «A Writer's notebook» перевод с англиского Л. Г. Беспалова, 1999.
17. Newmark P. Approaches to Translation. – New York a.o.: Prentice Hall, 1988. – P. 19.
18. Richard, Jack and John Platt (1985) Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics London: Longman Group Ltd.
19. Short, Mick (1969) Exploring the Language of Poems ,Plays, and Prose Edinburgh : Pearson Education Ltd.
20. Stankiewcz, E (1969) " Linguistics and the Style of Poetic Language " in Style in Language by Thomas A. Sebeok , ed., Cambridge : M. I. Press.
21. Trudgill, Peter (2000) Sociolinguistics :An Introduction to Language and Society London :Penguin Brooks.
22. Комиссаров В. Н. Слово о переводе. – М., 1973; Швейцер А. Д. Перевод и лингвистика. – М., 1973; Федоров А. В. Введение в теорию перевода. – М. 1958.
23. Скороденко В. Современный русский язык — М. Высшая школа, 1979.
24. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм. Собрание сочинение. 1-том Москва 1991.

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Фрагменты работ


When a writer wants to make his language creative or inventive, she/he uses a language different from the conventional and everyday language of his day. Using unconventional or unusual language, he can give his readers unexpected surprise and make a strong impression on their mind. This kind of the creative use of language is technically called a linguistic deviation, by which he creates a language deviated from the norms of literary convention [12; 50].
The present study will concentrate on W. S. Maugham’s unique style; concentration will be on the grammatical deviation.
Deviation is a term used to describe spelling and pronunciation of a word or a sentence structure which does not conform to a norm [18; 79]. Deviation which is a linguistic phenomenon has an important psychological effect on the readers (or hearers). If a part of a poem is deviant, it becomes especially noticeable , or perceptually prominent. This is called "foregrounding" [19; 11]. There are many ways in which poets or writers can produce deviation and hence foregrounding.
The second half of the 20th century has seen the in-depth study of translation, which is sometimes called Theory of Translation, Science of Translation, Translation Linguistics, or even Translatology. It has been claimed abroad that translation studies began in 1972 with Holmes’s paper presented at the Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics, “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies” [11]. However, unfortunately, European and American scholars seemed to have been unaware of the achievements of the Russian school of translation studies. Works by V. Komissarov, A. Shveitser, A. Fedorov and many others confirmed the status of translation studies as a discipline of its own even in the 1950s [22].
The main concern of translation theory is to determine appropriate translation methods for the widest possible range of texts and to give insight into the translation process, into the relations between thought and language, culture and speech.
Source language and target language texts differ formally due to a number of reasons of both objective and subjective character. Objective reasons are caused by the divergence in the language systems and speech models. Subjective reasons can be attributed to the speaker’s choice of a language form.
Thus, systemic dissimilarity of forms takes place when one of the languages lacks some grammar category and, therefore, has no corresponding form. For example, English possesses the morphological categories of the article or the gerund lacking in the Russian language; whereas in Russian there is a category of adverbial participle (деепричастие) missing in the English language. To translate these forms, one has to compensate them or restructure the sentence. Unique categories in one of the languages can occur at the syntactic level as well. For example, English absolute constructions, complex object and complex subject (with the infinitive and participle), are alien to the Russian language. Therefore, they require special attention from students of English.
The subject of this paper is grammatical deviation as a linguistic phenomenon in poetry and literary texts, especially.
The object of this paper is methods of transferring grammatical deviations from W. S. Maugham’s novel «The Moon and sixpence».
The aim of this term paper is to show lexical problems of translation on the material of translation the novel “The Moon and Sixpence” by Somerset Maugham. In process of translation grammatical phenomena are taken in as inseparably connected. Only consisting of a sentence functions of a word are discovered and their particular meaning is determined. For this it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. To show in what way translation of the words that have (and don’t have) lexical correspondences in the Russian language is realized.
2. To analyse characteristics and methods of translation of English figurative phraseology.
3. To give a notion of lexical transformation and its kinds.
4. Describe methods of creation of contextual substitutes.
The structure of this paper consist of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography:
1. In the introduction the general information about deviations, the aims of investigation, and the structure of the paper are presented.
2. The first chapter takes up the theoretical framework of types of linguistic deviations, which includes the problems of terminology, definitions, and classifications of deviation.
3. The second chapter takes up the problem of the theory of translation from English into Russian.
4. The third chapter deals with transformations of grammatical deviations and includes such divisions: grammatical transformations (such as variability of tense, number, article, pronoun, and ways of conversion, passivization, and splitting).
5. The conclusion presents the overall view of the analysis of grammatical deviation transformations while translation.


CHAPTER 1. Language deviation…………………………………………………………………
1.1. Types of deviation………………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER 2. Theory of translation from English into Russian……………………………………
2.1. Methods of translation…………………………….……………………………………..
2.1.1. Classification criteria …………………………………………………………………
2.1.2. Machine translation……………………………………………………………………
2.1.3. Functional classification………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER 3. Methods of transferring grammatical deviations from W. S. Maugham’s novel «The Moon and sixpence»………………………………………………………………………….
3.1. Grammatical transformations in translation of the novel «The Moon and Sixpence» by Somerset Maugham….......................................................................................................................
3.1.1. Changeability of Grammatical Tense Form………………………..............................
3.1.2. The problem of pronoun changes……………………………………………………..
3.1.3. The ways of changing number………………………………………………………..
3.1.4. The ways of changing article………………………………………………………….
3.2. Analyze of the Russian translation of sentences in the novel «The Moon and Sixpence» by Somerset Maugham………………………………………………………………….

Оригинальность работы 75% по антиплагиат.ру.

1. Bauer, L.(1983) English Word Formation Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Brook, G.L.(1970) The Language of Dickens, London : Andre Deutch.
3. Chapman, R. (1973) Linguistics and Literature London : Edward Arnold.
4. Clark, H. and Clark ,E.V. (1977) Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics New York :Harcourt Barce Jovanovich.
5. Crystal, David (1987) A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Oxford : Basil Blackwell.
6. Darbyshire, A.E. (1971) A Grammar of Style London :Andre Deutch Limited.
7. Fang Achilles and Others. On Translation. — New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. — P. 85.
8. Firth, J.R. (1972) The Tongues of Men and Speeches Oxford : Oxford University Press.10. Jones, D. (1969) An Outline of English Phonetics , Cambridge: Heffner and Sons Ltd.
9. Glucksberg S., Understanding figurative language: from metaphors to idioms, Oxford, OUP, 2001
10. Ginzburg R. S., A course in modern English lexicology, Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1966.
11. Holmes J. S. The Name and Nature of Translation Studies. 3d International Congress of Applied Linguistics: Abstracts. Copenhagen, 1972; H o l m e s J. S. The Name and Nature of Translation Studies. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, Department of General Studies, 1975.
12. Leech, G. (1969) A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry London: Longman.
13. Leech, G. and M. Short(1981) Style in fiction Harlow: Longman.
14. Makkai A., Ecolinguistics: towards a new paradigm of the science of language , London, Pinter Publishing, 1993.
15. Maugham W. S., The Moon and Sixpence Penguin Classics, London, 1993.
16. Maugham W. S. «A Writer's notebook» перевод с англиского Л. Г. Беспалова, 1999.
17. Newmark P. Approaches to Translation. – New York a.o.: Prentice Hall, 1988. – P. 19.
18. Richard, Jack and John Platt (1985) Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics London: Longman Group Ltd.
19. Short, Mick (1969) Exploring the Language of Poems ,Plays, and Prose Edinburgh : Pearson Education Ltd.
20. Stankiewcz, E (1969) " Linguistics and the Style of Poetic Language " in Style in Language by Thomas A. Sebeok , ed., Cambridge : M. I. Press.
21. Trudgill, Peter (2000) Sociolinguistics :An Introduction to Language and Society London :Penguin Brooks.
22. Комиссаров В. Н. Слово о переводе. – М., 1973; Швейцер А. Д. Перевод и лингвистика. – М., 1973; Федоров А. В. Введение в теорию перевода. – М. 1958.
23. Скороденко В. Современный русский язык — М. Высшая школа, 1979.
24. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм. Собрание сочинение. 1-том Москва 1991.

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