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Functional Sentence Perspective is a significant concepts in the functional theory of modern linguistics. The theory of FSP was first developed by Velim Mathesius who gave the ‘order of ideas’ the name of FSP or theme/rheme structure and dubbed what comes first in the sentence the starting point, point of departure, theme or topic; and the idea that follows it the nucleus, rheme, comment, focus, i.e. The essence of this conception is that every act of communication is structured in two different ways: the grammatical pattern of the sentence, and the information-bearing structure of the utterance. In English, the theme – rheme sequence is the normal, unmarked word order while the rheme – theme sequence is the marked word order.
It seems reasonable to distinguish rhemes and themes in this paragraph by comparing them:
1) I (theme) + bad (rheme);
2) something (theme) + made (rheme), last leaf (theme) + stay (rheme), I (theme) + wicked (rheme);
3) sin (rheme) + it (theme);
4) now (rheme), milk (rheme), hand-mirror (rheme), pack (rheme), sit up and watch (rheme).
We have named only rhemes in the last sentence in order to create a more clear representation of pragmatic use of rheme in a sentence. In this case, rheme creates a flow of tokens which interact by changing each other.
Introduction 2
Part 1 Functional Sentence Perspective in modern linguistics 4
1.1 Historical position of studying of Functional Sentence Perspective 4
1.2 Systemic Functional Linguistics in Halliday’s Works 7
1.3 Vilém Mathesius’ Approach 8
1.4 Functional Sentence Perspective of Jan Firbas and Brno School 10
1.5 Topic-Focus Articulation of Petr Sgall and Prague School 11
1.6 Schematic Comparison of Three Czech Approaches to Information Structure of Sentence 15
Part 2 Functional Sentence Perspective Exemplified by ‘The Last Leaf’ by O. Henry 18
Conclusion 29
Bibliography 31
1 Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. - Л.: Просвещение, 1981.
2 Богуславский А.К. К вопросу о вторичном обозначении определенного содержания в русском связном тексте // Научные доклады высшей школы: филологические науки. - 1969. № 6.
3 Гусева С.И. Коммуникативная перспектива высказывания и реализация сегментных единиц: экспериментально-фонетическое исследование на материале немецкого языка. Дисс. … докт. Филол. наук 10.02.19. – СПб., 2001.
4 Ильиш Б.А. Об актуальном членении предложения. Вопросы теории английского и немецкого языков // Учен. зап. ЛГПИ. - 1969.
5 Лосев А.Ф. Языковая структура: Учебное пособие. М., 1983.
6 Маслов Ю.С. Введение в языкознание: Учеб. для филол. спец. ...... .Издательство «Высшая школа», 1987.
7 Николаева Т.М. Актуальное членение – категория грамматики текста // Вопросы язы-кознания. 1972. № 2.
8 Николаева Т.М. О функциональных категориях линейной грамматики // Синтаксис текста. - М.: Наука, 1982.
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Functional Sentence Perspective is a significant concepts in the functional theory of modern linguistics. The theory of FSP was first developed by Velim Mathesius who gave the ‘order of ideas’ the name of FSP or theme/rheme structure and dubbed what comes first in the sentence the starting point, point of departure, theme or topic; and the idea that follows it the nucleus, rheme, comment, focus, i.e. The essence of this conception is that every act of communication is structured in two different ways: the grammatical pattern of the sentence, and the information-bearing structure of the utterance. In English, the theme – rheme sequence is the normal, unmarked word order while the rheme – theme sequence is the marked word order.
It seems reasonable to distinguish rhemes and themes in this paragraph by comparing them:
1) I (theme) + bad (rheme);
2) something (theme) + made (rheme), last leaf (theme) + stay (rheme), I (theme) + wicked (rheme);
3) sin (rheme) + it (theme);
4) now (rheme), milk (rheme), hand-mirror (rheme), pack (rheme), sit up and watch (rheme).
We have named only rhemes in the last sentence in order to create a more clear representation of pragmatic use of rheme in a sentence. In this case, rheme creates a flow of tokens which interact by changing each other.
Introduction 2
Part 1 Functional Sentence Perspective in modern linguistics 4
1.1 Historical position of studying of Functional Sentence Perspective 4
1.2 Systemic Functional Linguistics in Halliday’s Works 7
1.3 Vilém Mathesius’ Approach 8
1.4 Functional Sentence Perspective of Jan Firbas and Brno School 10
1.5 Topic-Focus Articulation of Petr Sgall and Prague School 11
1.6 Schematic Comparison of Three Czech Approaches to Information Structure of Sentence 15
Part 2 Functional Sentence Perspective Exemplified by ‘The Last Leaf’ by O. Henry 18
Conclusion 29
Bibliography 31
1 Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. - Л.: Просвещение, 1981.
2 Богуславский А.К. К вопросу о вторичном обозначении определенного содержания в русском связном тексте // Научные доклады высшей школы: филологические науки. - 1969. № 6.
3 Гусева С.И. Коммуникативная перспектива высказывания и реализация сегментных единиц: экспериментально-фонетическое исследование на материале немецкого языка. Дисс. … докт. Филол. наук 10.02.19. – СПб., 2001.
4 Ильиш Б.А. Об актуальном членении предложения. Вопросы теории английского и немецкого языков // Учен. зап. ЛГПИ. - 1969.
5 Лосев А.Ф. Языковая структура: Учебное пособие. М., 1983.
6 Маслов Ю.С. Введение в языкознание: Учеб. для филол. спец. ...... .Издательство «Высшая школа», 1987.
7 Николаева Т.М. Актуальное членение – категория грамматики текста // Вопросы язы-кознания. 1972. № 2.
8 Николаева Т.М. О функциональных категориях линейной грамматики // Синтаксис текста. - М.: Наука, 1982.
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