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Therefore, the goal of the given research is to study theoretical material on parts of speech in the English grammatical system. In order to achieve it, the following targets are to be named:
1) To study the question of parts of speech, their derivation and actualization in English;
2) To specify the most significant aspects as well as features of parts of speech in English (verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, article, adverb and preposition).
It should be mentioned that the given paper is restricted by its size and does not provide deep research on every part of speech. On the contrary, the most significant and basic features of the above mentioned parts are to be looked at.
The traditional term “parts of speech” was developed in Ancient Greek linguistics and reflects the fact that at that time there was no difference between language as a system and speech, word as a part of an utterance and a part of lexis. The term “parts of speech” itself is established by linguistics as a conventional, or “non-explanatory” term to denote the lexico-grammatical classes of words which correlate with each other in the universal structure of language. The traditional term ‘parts of speech’ seems rather incorrect, because it is associated with the classification of words as units of language instead of speech. In this case, a less controversial term is viewed as grammatical classes of words.
Different researchers build their classifications on the basis of various signs or different combinations of these characteristics. As a result, different systems of parts of speech are obtained not only in different languages, but also in the same language. In the most common traditional classification created by ancient grammarians, each class is characterized by a set of the following three attributes: general meaning (semantics), ways of word change (morphology) and a function in the composition of the sentence (syntax).
The question of distribution and classification of parts of speech represent a deep and profound issue to the linguists as well as learners of the English language. Parts of speech are the most common classes of words, their lexico-grammatical categories, which differ from each other in grammatical meaning, morphological features (word forms and paradigms, word formation peculiarities) and syntactic functions. The doctrine of parts of speech presupposes a number of principles for the description of a part of speech and the application of these principles to the characterization of a single word as a representative of one or another part of speech.
1. Аракин В. Д. Сравнительная типология английского и русского языков. - М.1989
2. Арнольд И.В. Лексикологии современного английского языка. М., 1986.
3. Бархударов Л.С. Английская грамматика / Л.С. Бархударов. - 8-е изд. - М.: Либрес, 2006.
4. Бархударов Л. С. Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка: Учеб. пособие для студентов старших курсов институтов и факультетов иностр. яз. - М., 1975.
5. Биренбаум Я. Г. Система английского глагола. - Киров, 1993.
6. Бондарко А.В. Принципы функциональной грамматики и вопросы аспектологии / А.В. Бондаренко. - М.: ИмбЛик, 2002.
7. Блох М.Я. Теоретические основы грамматики. М., Высшая школа, 2002.
8. Бондарко А.В. Теория морфологических категорий / А.В. Бондарко. - М.: РусТек, 2005.
9. Вейхман Г.А. Новое в английской грамматике / Г.А. Вейхман - М.: ИнтерПресс, 2001.
10. Вейхман Г.А. Современный английский. Новейший справочник по грамматике. М., Астрель: АСТ, 2010.
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Therefore, the goal of the given research is to study theoretical material on parts of speech in the English grammatical system. In order to achieve it, the following targets are to be named:
1) To study the question of parts of speech, their derivation and actualization in English;
2) To specify the most significant aspects as well as features of parts of speech in English (verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, article, adverb and preposition).
It should be mentioned that the given paper is restricted by its size and does not provide deep research on every part of speech. On the contrary, the most significant and basic features of the above mentioned parts are to be looked at.
The traditional term “parts of speech” was developed in Ancient Greek linguistics and reflects the fact that at that time there was no difference between language as a system and speech, word as a part of an utterance and a part of lexis. The term “parts of speech” itself is established by linguistics as a conventional, or “non-explanatory” term to denote the lexico-grammatical classes of words which correlate with each other in the universal structure of language. The traditional term ‘parts of speech’ seems rather incorrect, because it is associated with the classification of words as units of language instead of speech. In this case, a less controversial term is viewed as grammatical classes of words.
Different researchers build their classifications on the basis of various signs or different combinations of these characteristics. As a result, different systems of parts of speech are obtained not only in different languages, but also in the same language. In the most common traditional classification created by ancient grammarians, each class is characterized by a set of the following three attributes: general meaning (semantics), ways of word change (morphology) and a function in the composition of the sentence (syntax).
The question of distribution and classification of parts of speech represent a deep and profound issue to the linguists as well as learners of the English language. Parts of speech are the most common classes of words, their lexico-grammatical categories, which differ from each other in grammatical meaning, morphological features (word forms and paradigms, word formation peculiarities) and syntactic functions. The doctrine of parts of speech presupposes a number of principles for the description of a part of speech and the application of these principles to the characterization of a single word as a representative of one or another part of speech.
1. Аракин В. Д. Сравнительная типология английского и русского языков. - М.1989
2. Арнольд И.В. Лексикологии современного английского языка. М., 1986.
3. Бархударов Л.С. Английская грамматика / Л.С. Бархударов. - 8-е изд. - М.: Либрес, 2006.
4. Бархударов Л. С. Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка: Учеб. пособие для студентов старших курсов институтов и факультетов иностр. яз. - М., 1975.
5. Биренбаум Я. Г. Система английского глагола. - Киров, 1993.
6. Бондарко А.В. Принципы функциональной грамматики и вопросы аспектологии / А.В. Бондаренко. - М.: ИмбЛик, 2002.
7. Блох М.Я. Теоретические основы грамматики. М., Высшая школа, 2002.
8. Бондарко А.В. Теория морфологических категорий / А.В. Бондарко. - М.: РусТек, 2005.
9. Вейхман Г.А. Новое в английской грамматике / Г.А. Вейхман - М.: ИнтерПресс, 2001.
10. Вейхман Г.А. Современный английский. Новейший справочник по грамматике. М., Астрель: АСТ, 2010.
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