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Taking the Plunge A Guide to Starting an Underwater Welding Career

  • 5 страниц
  • 2016 год
  • 427 просмотров
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Фрагменты работ

Taking the Plunge:
A Guide to Starting an Underwater Welding Career
The skills suggested for entering the field of underwater welding can best be defined by the following typical description of a welder-diver from the AWS D3.6 Standard. "Welder-diver: A certified welder who is also a commercial diver, capable of performing tasks associated with commercial subsea work, weld setup and preparation, and who has the ability to weld in accordance with the AWS D3.6." By description, an experienced welder-diver must possess: commercial diving skills (i.e., be familiar with the use of specialized commercial diving equipment, have an understanding of diving physiology, diving safety, rigging, the underwater environment, communication, etc.); weld setup and preparation skills (i.e., the ability to perform tasks typically assigned to a fitter or rigger, such as materials alignment and materials preparation including beveling, stripping of concrete, fitting a steel patch or repair plate, etc.,); and the ability to certify to a required underwater weld procedure.
The majority of work performed by an average welder-diver does not involve the welding operation itself, but rather executing the tasks that lead up to and follow the actual welding activities. Except under special circumstances, a welder-diver in most cases must posses both certified welder skills and commercial diving skills. It is suggested that if you have no prior commercial diving experience you should attend one of the recognized commercial diving schools. The candidate may be required to pass a diving physical prior to school acceptance and in some cases a written exam. It is suggested that a dive physical be taken regardless, to avoid going through the expense of training only to later find you have a disability that prevents your entering the profession.
The welding processes, classes of weld and qualification tests associated with underwater welding are described in ANSI/AWS D3.6. We recommend the specification as a reference for weld procedure and welder qualification. It is also a good source of other helpful information. If you are already certified as a "commercial diver" and work for a company that offers underwater welding services, it is recommended that you communicate to your company your career objectives and ask what welder skills they are looking for. If you are certified as a "scuba diver", it is suggested that you attend a commercial diving school. Sport dive training does not include the safe use of commercial diving equipment, offshore commercial work environment/safety, and other education. Underwater welding is a skill you also have to master once you obtain the basic commercial diving skills required.
There is no age restriction on commercial welder-divers. There are, however, physical requirements. It is recommended and generally required that all commercial divers pass an annual dive physical examination. The commercial diving profession is physical demanding. It is rare to see an active commercial welder-diver over the age of 50.
We know some welder-divers earn $15,000 per year while others earn in excess of $100,000. Because the majority of welder-divers are paid on a project-by-project basis, salaries are subject to the same variables as work availability. In addition, other factors such as depth, dive method and diving environment affect pay rates. The company with whom you gain employment should be able to tell you the salary range you can expect to earn.
There are a number of career opportunities for experienced welderdivers. Many go on to become engineers, instructors, and diving operations supervisors, fill management positions, qualify as AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), and serve as consultants for underwater welding operations and other related fields. Ideally, a career as a welder-diver should serve as a stepping stone to other opportunities for those who choose the profession. Industry has and will continue to demand higher quality standards for underwater welds and more certification of underwater welding systems and personnel.

Taking the Plunge:
A Guide to Starting an Underwater Welding Career
The skills suggested for entering the field of underwater welding can best be defined by the following typical description of a welder-diver from the AWS D3.6 Standard. "Welder-diver: A certified welder who is also a commercial diver, capable of performing tasks associated with commercial subsea work, weld setup and preparation, and who has the ability to weld in accordance with the AWS D3.6." By description, an experienced welder-diver must possess: commercial diving skills (i.e., be familiar with the use of specialized commercial diving equipment, have an understanding of diving physiology, diving safety, rigging, the underwater environment, communication, etc.); weld setup and preparation skills (i.e., the ability to perform tasks typically assigned to a fitter or rigger, such as materials alignment and materials preparation including beveling, stripping of concrete, fitting a steel patch or repair plate, etc.,); and the ability to certify to a required underwater weld procedure.
The majority of work performed by an average welder-diver does not involve the welding operation itself, but rather executing the tasks that lead up to and follow the actual welding activities. Except under special circumstances, a welder-diver in most cases must posses both certified welder skills and commercial diving skills. It is suggested that if you have no prior commercial diving experience you should attend one of the recognized commercial diving schools. The candidate may be required to pass a diving physical prior to school acceptance and in some cases a written exam. It is suggested that a dive physical be taken regardless, to avoid going through the expense of training only to later find you have a disability that prevents your entering the profession.
The welding processes, classes of weld and qualification tests associated with underwater welding are described in ANSI/AWS D3.6. We recommend the specification as a reference for weld procedure and welder qualification. It is also a good source of other helpful information. If you are already certified as a "commercial diver" and work for a company that offers underwater welding services, it is recommended that you communicate to your company your career objectives and ask what welder skills they are looking for. If you are certified as a "scuba diver", it is suggested that you attend a commercial diving school. Sport dive training does not include the safe use of commercial diving equipment, offshore commercial work environment/safety, and other education. Underwater welding is a skill you also have to master once you obtain the basic commercial diving skills required.
There is no age restriction on commercial welder-divers. There are, however, physical requirements. It is recommended and generally required that all commercial divers pass an annual dive physical examination. The commercial diving profession is physical demanding. It is rare to see an active commercial welder-diver over the age of 50.
We know some welder-divers earn $15,000 per year while others earn in excess of $100,000. Because the majority of welder-divers are paid on a project-by-project basis, salaries are subject to the same variables as work availability. In addition, other factors such as depth, dive method and diving environment affect pay rates. The company with whom you gain employment should be able to tell you the salary range you can expect to earn.
There are a number of career opportunities for experienced welderdivers. Many go on to become engineers, instructors, and diving operations supervisors, fill management positions, qualify as AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), and serve as consultants for underwater welding operations and other related fields. Ideally, a career as a welder-diver should serve as a stepping stone to other opportunities for those who choose the profession. Industry has and will continue to demand higher quality standards for underwater welds and more certification of underwater welding systems and personnel.

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Фрагменты работ

Taking the Plunge:
A Guide to Starting an Underwater Welding Career
The skills suggested for entering the field of underwater welding can best be defined by the following typical description of a welder-diver from the AWS D3.6 Standard. "Welder-diver: A certified welder who is also a commercial diver, capable of performing tasks associated with commercial subsea work, weld setup and preparation, and who has the ability to weld in accordance with the AWS D3.6." By description, an experienced welder-diver must possess: commercial diving skills (i.e., be familiar with the use of specialized commercial diving equipment, have an understanding of diving physiology, diving safety, rigging, the underwater environment, communication, etc.); weld setup and preparation skills (i.e., the ability to perform tasks typically assigned to a fitter or rigger, such as materials alignment and materials preparation including beveling, stripping of concrete, fitting a steel patch or repair plate, etc.,); and the ability to certify to a required underwater weld procedure.
The majority of work performed by an average welder-diver does not involve the welding operation itself, but rather executing the tasks that lead up to and follow the actual welding activities. Except under special circumstances, a welder-diver in most cases must posses both certified welder skills and commercial diving skills. It is suggested that if you have no prior commercial diving experience you should attend one of the recognized commercial diving schools. The candidate may be required to pass a diving physical prior to school acceptance and in some cases a written exam. It is suggested that a dive physical be taken regardless, to avoid going through the expense of training only to later find you have a disability that prevents your entering the profession.
The welding processes, classes of weld and qualification tests associated with underwater welding are described in ANSI/AWS D3.6. We recommend the specification as a reference for weld procedure and welder qualification. It is also a good source of other helpful information. If you are already certified as a "commercial diver" and work for a company that offers underwater welding services, it is recommended that you communicate to your company your career objectives and ask what welder skills they are looking for. If you are certified as a "scuba diver", it is suggested that you attend a commercial diving school. Sport dive training does not include the safe use of commercial diving equipment, offshore commercial work environment/safety, and other education. Underwater welding is a skill you also have to master once you obtain the basic commercial diving skills required.
There is no age restriction on commercial welder-divers. There are, however, physical requirements. It is recommended and generally required that all commercial divers pass an annual dive physical examination. The commercial diving profession is physical demanding. It is rare to see an active commercial welder-diver over the age of 50.
We know some welder-divers earn $15,000 per year while others earn in excess of $100,000. Because the majority of welder-divers are paid on a project-by-project basis, salaries are subject to the same variables as work availability. In addition, other factors such as depth, dive method and diving environment affect pay rates. The company with whom you gain employment should be able to tell you the salary range you can expect to earn.
There are a number of career opportunities for experienced welderdivers. Many go on to become engineers, instructors, and diving operations supervisors, fill management positions, qualify as AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), and serve as consultants for underwater welding operations and other related fields. Ideally, a career as a welder-diver should serve as a stepping stone to other opportunities for those who choose the profession. Industry has and will continue to demand higher quality standards for underwater welds and more certification of underwater welding systems and personnel.

Taking the Plunge:
A Guide to Starting an Underwater Welding Career
The skills suggested for entering the field of underwater welding can best be defined by the following typical description of a welder-diver from the AWS D3.6 Standard. "Welder-diver: A certified welder who is also a commercial diver, capable of performing tasks associated with commercial subsea work, weld setup and preparation, and who has the ability to weld in accordance with the AWS D3.6." By description, an experienced welder-diver must possess: commercial diving skills (i.e., be familiar with the use of specialized commercial diving equipment, have an understanding of diving physiology, diving safety, rigging, the underwater environment, communication, etc.); weld setup and preparation skills (i.e., the ability to perform tasks typically assigned to a fitter or rigger, such as materials alignment and materials preparation including beveling, stripping of concrete, fitting a steel patch or repair plate, etc.,); and the ability to certify to a required underwater weld procedure.
The majority of work performed by an average welder-diver does not involve the welding operation itself, but rather executing the tasks that lead up to and follow the actual welding activities. Except under special circumstances, a welder-diver in most cases must posses both certified welder skills and commercial diving skills. It is suggested that if you have no prior commercial diving experience you should attend one of the recognized commercial diving schools. The candidate may be required to pass a diving physical prior to school acceptance and in some cases a written exam. It is suggested that a dive physical be taken regardless, to avoid going through the expense of training only to later find you have a disability that prevents your entering the profession.
The welding processes, classes of weld and qualification tests associated with underwater welding are described in ANSI/AWS D3.6. We recommend the specification as a reference for weld procedure and welder qualification. It is also a good source of other helpful information. If you are already certified as a "commercial diver" and work for a company that offers underwater welding services, it is recommended that you communicate to your company your career objectives and ask what welder skills they are looking for. If you are certified as a "scuba diver", it is suggested that you attend a commercial diving school. Sport dive training does not include the safe use of commercial diving equipment, offshore commercial work environment/safety, and other education. Underwater welding is a skill you also have to master once you obtain the basic commercial diving skills required.
There is no age restriction on commercial welder-divers. There are, however, physical requirements. It is recommended and generally required that all commercial divers pass an annual dive physical examination. The commercial diving profession is physical demanding. It is rare to see an active commercial welder-diver over the age of 50.
We know some welder-divers earn $15,000 per year while others earn in excess of $100,000. Because the majority of welder-divers are paid on a project-by-project basis, salaries are subject to the same variables as work availability. In addition, other factors such as depth, dive method and diving environment affect pay rates. The company with whom you gain employment should be able to tell you the salary range you can expect to earn.
There are a number of career opportunities for experienced welderdivers. Many go on to become engineers, instructors, and diving operations supervisors, fill management positions, qualify as AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), and serve as consultants for underwater welding operations and other related fields. Ideally, a career as a welder-diver should serve as a stepping stone to other opportunities for those who choose the profession. Industry has and will continue to demand higher quality standards for underwater welds and more certification of underwater welding systems and personnel.

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