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J. H. B. Peel "Who Are English?" (отрывок из статьи)

  • 1 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 91 просмотр
  • 2 покупки
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Who are English? They are the descendants of Celts, Romans, Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Vikings, Normans; that being more or less the sequence of invaders who left their indelible mark upon roads, fields, buildings, dialects, and place-names of England. Why were these hybrid people called English? The answer to that question is complex because the word England is a corruption of Engle-land, the land of the Engle or Angles. Why then did these Engle give their name to their new home? Nobody knows. The Engle themselves came from Slesvig in Germany. They were neither more numerous nor more gifted than any other of the permanent settlers. And yet, for reasons unknown to us, the land was named after them. As early as the year 897 the word English was used both of the people and of their language. Mourning the decay of scholarship in a country harried by warfare, King Alfred reported that few men south of Lincolnshire could translate a Latin letter into English (of Laedene on Englisc).

Even today an Englishman is surprised – and overseas visitors bewildered – by the variety of English dialects; but in Chaucer’s time a Kentish man would have sounded almost unintelligible to a Cumbrian, and each would have failed to understand a Devonian. Nor was this Babel based solely on differences in pronunciation; many of the commonest words varied with the regions. Cornwall, indeed, spoke its own Celtic language, and continued to speak it until the eighteenth century.

Both Scotland and Wales had their regionalism, but it was simple and clear-cut, being between the north and the south of those two countries. Moreover the regionalism was curbed by the need to unite against England. The English, by contrast, had no such permanent stimulus, at any rate after the Norman conquest.


Собственный учебный перевод (с английского на русский) по предмету "теория и практика перевода", оценен преподавателем "very good".


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Who are English? They are the descendants of Celts, Romans, Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Vikings, Normans; that being more or less the sequence of invaders who left their indelible mark upon roads, fields, buildings, dialects, and place-names of England. Why were these hybrid people called English? The answer to that question is complex because the word England is a corruption of Engle-land, the land of the Engle or Angles. Why then did these Engle give their name to their new home? Nobody knows. The Engle themselves came from Slesvig in Germany. They were neither more numerous nor more gifted than any other of the permanent settlers. And yet, for reasons unknown to us, the land was named after them. As early as the year 897 the word English was used both of the people and of their language. Mourning the decay of scholarship in a country harried by warfare, King Alfred reported that few men south of Lincolnshire could translate a Latin letter into English (of Laedene on Englisc).

Even today an Englishman is surprised – and overseas visitors bewildered – by the variety of English dialects; but in Chaucer’s time a Kentish man would have sounded almost unintelligible to a Cumbrian, and each would have failed to understand a Devonian. Nor was this Babel based solely on differences in pronunciation; many of the commonest words varied with the regions. Cornwall, indeed, spoke its own Celtic language, and continued to speak it until the eighteenth century.

Both Scotland and Wales had their regionalism, but it was simple and clear-cut, being between the north and the south of those two countries. Moreover the regionalism was curbed by the need to unite against England. The English, by contrast, had no such permanent stimulus, at any rate after the Norman conquest.


Собственный учебный перевод (с английского на русский) по предмету "теория и практика перевода", оценен преподавателем "very good".


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Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Max1212 об авторе lisaviolet.b 2018-02-20

Очень хорошая работа!

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Отзыв Алекс Кривошеинко об авторе lisaviolet.b 2015-01-14


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Отзыв Алексей Ерасов об авторе lisaviolet.b 2016-05-17

Отличный автор!

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Отзыв ЦГиТН об авторе lisaviolet.b 2017-04-18

Очень хорошо делает перевод, но со сроками подводит! Если не горит - заказывайте смело, если же сроками ограничены - пропустите данного автора.

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