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A. Christie "Nemesis" (отрывок из произведения)

  • 1 страниц
  • 2018 год
  • 58 просмотров
  • 0 покупок
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100 ₽

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In the afternoon it was the custom of Miss Jane Marple to unfold her second newspaper. Two newspapers were delivered at her house every morning. The first one Miss Marple read while sipping her early morning tea, that is, if it was delivered in time. The boy who delivered the papers was notably erratic in his management of time. Frequently, too, there was either a new boy or a boy who was acting temporarily as a stand-in for the first one. And each one would have ideas of his own as to the geographical route that he should take in delivering. Perhaps it varied monotony for him. But those customers who were used to reading their papers early so that they could snap up the more saucy items in the day's news before departing for their bus, train or other means of progress to the day's work were annoyed if the papers were late, though the middle-aged and elderly ladies who resided peacefully in St Mary Mead often preferred to read a newspaper propped up on their breakfast table.

Today, Miss Marple had absorbed the front page and a few other items in the daily paper that she had nicknamed "the Daily All-Sorts", this being a slightly satirical allusion to the fact that her paper, the Daily News giver, owing to a change of proprietor, to her own and to other of her friends' annoyance, now provided articles on men's tailoring, women's dress, female heart-throbs, competitions for chil¬dren, and complaining letters from women and had managed pretty well to shove any real news off any part of it but the front page, or to some obscure corner where it was impossible to find it. Miss Marple, being old-fashioned, preferred her newspapers to be newspapers and give you news.

In the afternoon, having finished her luncheon, treated herself to twenty minutes' nap in a specially purchased, upright armchair which catered for the demands of her rheumatic back, she had opened The Times which lent itself still to a more leisurely perusal. Not that The Times was what it used to be. The maddening thing about The Times was that you couldn't find anything any more. Instead of going through from the front page and knowing where everything else was so that you passed easily to any special articles on subjects in which you were interested, there were now interruptions to this time-honoured programme...Miss Marple gave her attention first to the main news on the front page.


Собственный учебный перевод (с английского на русский) по предмету "теория и практика перевода", оценен преподавателем "excellent ".


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Фрагменты работ

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In the afternoon it was the custom of Miss Jane Marple to unfold her second newspaper. Two newspapers were delivered at her house every morning. The first one Miss Marple read while sipping her early morning tea, that is, if it was delivered in time. The boy who delivered the papers was notably erratic in his management of time. Frequently, too, there was either a new boy or a boy who was acting temporarily as a stand-in for the first one. And each one would have ideas of his own as to the geographical route that he should take in delivering. Perhaps it varied monotony for him. But those customers who were used to reading their papers early so that they could snap up the more saucy items in the day's news before departing for their bus, train or other means of progress to the day's work were annoyed if the papers were late, though the middle-aged and elderly ladies who resided peacefully in St Mary Mead often preferred to read a newspaper propped up on their breakfast table.

Today, Miss Marple had absorbed the front page and a few other items in the daily paper that she had nicknamed "the Daily All-Sorts", this being a slightly satirical allusion to the fact that her paper, the Daily News giver, owing to a change of proprietor, to her own and to other of her friends' annoyance, now provided articles on men's tailoring, women's dress, female heart-throbs, competitions for chil¬dren, and complaining letters from women and had managed pretty well to shove any real news off any part of it but the front page, or to some obscure corner where it was impossible to find it. Miss Marple, being old-fashioned, preferred her newspapers to be newspapers and give you news.

In the afternoon, having finished her luncheon, treated herself to twenty minutes' nap in a specially purchased, upright armchair which catered for the demands of her rheumatic back, she had opened The Times which lent itself still to a more leisurely perusal. Not that The Times was what it used to be. The maddening thing about The Times was that you couldn't find anything any more. Instead of going through from the front page and knowing where everything else was so that you passed easily to any special articles on subjects in which you were interested, there were now interruptions to this time-honoured programme...Miss Marple gave her attention first to the main news on the front page.


Собственный учебный перевод (с английского на русский) по предмету "теория и практика перевода", оценен преподавателем "excellent ".


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A. Christie "Nemesis" (отрывок из произведения)

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5 Похожих работ


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Уникальность: от 40%
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150 ₽

Отзывы студентов

Отзыв Max1212 об авторе lisaviolet.b 2018-02-20

Очень хорошая работа!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Алекс Кривошеинко об авторе lisaviolet.b 2015-01-14


Общая оценка 5
Отзыв Алексей Ерасов об авторе lisaviolet.b 2016-05-17

Отличный автор!

Общая оценка 5
Отзыв ЦГиТН об авторе lisaviolet.b 2017-04-18

Очень хорошо делает перевод, но со сроками подводит! Если не горит - заказывайте смело, если же сроками ограничены - пропустите данного автора.

Общая оценка 5

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