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Problems of formation and development of civil society is fundamentally interrelated with the social policies of the state. The state often acts as a tool to regulate the quality of life of civil society.
Launched in early 90-ies of transformation now embraced the social sphere. Reform, of course, is necessary – if only because the Soviet legacy of social mechanisms do not meet they which are intensively market-capitalist relations.
As you know, in the latest strategic installations are primarily accelerated GDP growth and poverty reduction. It appears, however, that these are, indeed, relevant tasks should be specified.
Given the unprecedented post-Soviet slump, "doubling the GDP" in a relatively short time, of course, necessary but not in itself and in unity with positive structural shifts in the economy [3].
Poverty reduction is also an important task. However hard her accent to some extent disorienting in relation to the main direction of growth of welfare of citizens. As is known, to reduce poverty and the increase in benefits and compensation, that is, of course, you must do so, for both those, and others are at a low enough level. But the main thing is different – the creation of employment and increase the incomes of the working population, to strengthen the incentives for productivity growth and production in General.

However, it is important to recognize that in the considered setting two priority national tasks, the solution of which will certainly impact on the social well-being, recognizes the conjugation of organic production growth and welfare improvement.
State regulation in any sphere of the economy as a starting point involves the formulation of objectives, development objectives and means of achieving them.
The main purpose of State regulation of quality of life is to provide a process of forming the optimal structure of needs, promote self-development, the preservation of health, the spiritual development of man, and in the creation of organizational, legal and financial conditions for their satisfaction, which is directly used in the formation of civic consciousness.
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) is a General term for a variety of public associations of citizens on the basis of common interest in various spheres of public life [1].
The role of NGOs is not limited to participation in the solution of internal problems of the country. NGOs are part of international cooperation. In accordance with the Oxford encyclopedia under a non-governmental organization or NGO (NGO) at the international level refers to the organization, "consisting of non-official representatives of States that distinguishes them from international governmental organizations" [2]. Researchers refer to such organizations patterns of interstate cooperation in various fields, such as religious organizations, scientists, legal, youth, sports organizations and non-Governmental organizations etc. have different objectives. The most powerful of them — the major trade Union Federation, world Federation of trade unions, international Confederation of free trade unions, international Confederation of Christian trade unions. Non-profit organization within the individual States "form a separate sector called "third sector". "The third sector" is a concept generalizing the entire range of existing non-profit organizations. In some countries they are called non-governmental, other public, in the third, voluntary, charitable, non-profit. The "sector model" of society comes from the economic criteria and divides all entities that participate in the creation of gross national product, into four categories. The criterion is the main source of income for the organization's development: the first sector — government organizations. The primary source of funds for development — taxes; the second sector is the business. The primary source of funds for the development profits.
Third sector — non-profits non-profit organization. The primary source of funds for development — donations; the fourth sector of the household. The primary source of funds for the development of self — exploitation of family members.

Indicators of formation of civil society in modern Russia-based initiatives "from below", is the composition of non-profit organizations (NPOs), the degree of integration of the population around their activities, the scope and nature of social capital NCOs.
In the article the analysis of problems of social integration in modern Russia, examines its structural characteristics. With the author's positions, the role of nonprofit organizations in fostering social integration of the population.
Keywords: non-profit organizations, social integration of the population, civil society, citizenship and patriotism.

1. Hajiyev, K. C. Civil society. World experience and problems of Russia /K. S. Gadzhiev. – M.: Sign, 2008. – 176 p.
2. Krasin Yu. a. Development of civil society. Russian puzzle / Krasin Yu. a.// Polis.- 2012. - No. 2. Pp. 36-39.
3. Spencer, G. Basic principles / G. Spencer. – SPb. - 1898. – 707 p.
4. Giddens, A. Central problems in social theory: Action, structure and contradiction in social analysis / A. Giddens. – L.: Macmillan Press, 1979. – 294 p.
5. Sorokin, P. A. Social Analytics. The analysis of the elements of interaction / P. A. Sorokin // Theoretical sociology: an anthology: at 2 PM: [per. s angl.,FR., it., it.]/ comp. and ed. by S. P. the Bankovskaya. – M.: publishing house "University", 2002. – Part 2. – P. 136-155.
6. Bourdieu, P. the Experience of reflexive sociology / P. Bourdieu // Theoretical sociology: an anthology: at 2 PM: [per. s angl., FR., it., it.] / comp. and ed. by S. P. the Bankovskaya. – M: publishing house "University", 2002. – Part 2. – S. 373-429.
7. Parsons, T. Functional measurement theory / T. Parsons // American sociological thought, V. I., ed Dobrenkov. – M.: Publishing house of Mubi, 1996. – S. 474-476.
8. Social policy in modern Russia: a sociological analysis of the trends of inclusion: Monogr. / M. V. Aleshin, I. V. Babayan, D. V. Zaitsev and others; ed. by D. V. Zaitsev, V. N. Yarskaya. – M.: SSTU, 2010. – 132 p.
9. Durkheim, E. Suicide / E. Durkheim. – M.:Thought, 1994. – 399 p.
10. Roik, V. towards social cohesion: a New compass for social policy / V. Roik //Social partnership. – 2009. – No. 3. URL: http://www.oilru.com/sp/24/999/.

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Фрагменты работ

Problems of formation and development of civil society is fundamentally interrelated with the social policies of the state. The state often acts as a tool to regulate the quality of life of civil society.
Launched in early 90-ies of transformation now embraced the social sphere. Reform, of course, is necessary – if only because the Soviet legacy of social mechanisms do not meet they which are intensively market-capitalist relations.
As you know, in the latest strategic installations are primarily accelerated GDP growth and poverty reduction. It appears, however, that these are, indeed, relevant tasks should be specified.
Given the unprecedented post-Soviet slump, "doubling the GDP" in a relatively short time, of course, necessary but not in itself and in unity with positive structural shifts in the economy [3].
Poverty reduction is also an important task. However hard her accent to some extent disorienting in relation to the main direction of growth of welfare of citizens. As is known, to reduce poverty and the increase in benefits and compensation, that is, of course, you must do so, for both those, and others are at a low enough level. But the main thing is different – the creation of employment and increase the incomes of the working population, to strengthen the incentives for productivity growth and production in General.

However, it is important to recognize that in the considered setting two priority national tasks, the solution of which will certainly impact on the social well-being, recognizes the conjugation of organic production growth and welfare improvement.
State regulation in any sphere of the economy as a starting point involves the formulation of objectives, development objectives and means of achieving them.
The main purpose of State regulation of quality of life is to provide a process of forming the optimal structure of needs, promote self-development, the preservation of health, the spiritual development of man, and in the creation of organizational, legal and financial conditions for their satisfaction, which is directly used in the formation of civic consciousness.
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) is a General term for a variety of public associations of citizens on the basis of common interest in various spheres of public life [1].
The role of NGOs is not limited to participation in the solution of internal problems of the country. NGOs are part of international cooperation. In accordance with the Oxford encyclopedia under a non-governmental organization or NGO (NGO) at the international level refers to the organization, "consisting of non-official representatives of States that distinguishes them from international governmental organizations" [2]. Researchers refer to such organizations patterns of interstate cooperation in various fields, such as religious organizations, scientists, legal, youth, sports organizations and non-Governmental organizations etc. have different objectives. The most powerful of them — the major trade Union Federation, world Federation of trade unions, international Confederation of free trade unions, international Confederation of Christian trade unions. Non-profit organization within the individual States "form a separate sector called "third sector". "The third sector" is a concept generalizing the entire range of existing non-profit organizations. In some countries they are called non-governmental, other public, in the third, voluntary, charitable, non-profit. The "sector model" of society comes from the economic criteria and divides all entities that participate in the creation of gross national product, into four categories. The criterion is the main source of income for the organization's development: the first sector — government organizations. The primary source of funds for development — taxes; the second sector is the business. The primary source of funds for the development profits.
Third sector — non-profits non-profit organization. The primary source of funds for development — donations; the fourth sector of the household. The primary source of funds for the development of self — exploitation of family members.

Indicators of formation of civil society in modern Russia-based initiatives "from below", is the composition of non-profit organizations (NPOs), the degree of integration of the population around their activities, the scope and nature of social capital NCOs.
In the article the analysis of problems of social integration in modern Russia, examines its structural characteristics. With the author's positions, the role of nonprofit organizations in fostering social integration of the population.
Keywords: non-profit organizations, social integration of the population, civil society, citizenship and patriotism.

1. Hajiyev, K. C. Civil society. World experience and problems of Russia /K. S. Gadzhiev. – M.: Sign, 2008. – 176 p.
2. Krasin Yu. a. Development of civil society. Russian puzzle / Krasin Yu. a.// Polis.- 2012. - No. 2. Pp. 36-39.
3. Spencer, G. Basic principles / G. Spencer. – SPb. - 1898. – 707 p.
4. Giddens, A. Central problems in social theory: Action, structure and contradiction in social analysis / A. Giddens. – L.: Macmillan Press, 1979. – 294 p.
5. Sorokin, P. A. Social Analytics. The analysis of the elements of interaction / P. A. Sorokin // Theoretical sociology: an anthology: at 2 PM: [per. s angl.,FR., it., it.]/ comp. and ed. by S. P. the Bankovskaya. – M.: publishing house "University", 2002. – Part 2. – P. 136-155.
6. Bourdieu, P. the Experience of reflexive sociology / P. Bourdieu // Theoretical sociology: an anthology: at 2 PM: [per. s angl., FR., it., it.] / comp. and ed. by S. P. the Bankovskaya. – M: publishing house "University", 2002. – Part 2. – S. 373-429.
7. Parsons, T. Functional measurement theory / T. Parsons // American sociological thought, V. I., ed Dobrenkov. – M.: Publishing house of Mubi, 1996. – S. 474-476.
8. Social policy in modern Russia: a sociological analysis of the trends of inclusion: Monogr. / M. V. Aleshin, I. V. Babayan, D. V. Zaitsev and others; ed. by D. V. Zaitsev, V. N. Yarskaya. – M.: SSTU, 2010. – 132 p.
9. Durkheim, E. Suicide / E. Durkheim. – M.:Thought, 1994. – 399 p.
10. Roik, V. towards social cohesion: a New compass for social policy / V. Roik //Social partnership. – 2009. – No. 3. URL: http://www.oilru.com/sp/24/999/.

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Отзыв Мария об авторе Haram 2018-11-14

Автор за символическую стоимость (ради получения отзыва) красиво и качественно выполнил творческую работу по экономике для уровня магистратуры... Ну что сказать - огромное спасибо! Впредь буду обращаться только к вам, даже если вы наберете уже кучу положительных отзывов и повысите цены...

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Отличная работа))спасибо большое)

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работу первый раз выполнили не по всем правилам и не до конца, второй раз все хорошо, но про аннотацию постоянно забывалось, пришлось раз 5 напоминать, в целом довольна

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