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“Creative advertising” in urban environment: trends and issues

  • 9 страниц
  • 2014 год
  • 189 просмотров
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Cities have historically provided important spaces for advertising –“advertising began outdoors” . Through different forms of outdoor advertising, advertisers try to capture the attention of people. However, over the last decade or two, there have been significant changes in both the quantity and formof urban advertising.
The topicality of the research stems from the frequent exposure of modern society to advertisements and the need to analyze the way certain trends are used to influence the buyer’s behaviour. If the product is advertised and promoted in proper way, customers will pay more attention and will want to buy it.
The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that creativity in urban advertising is quite a new area of research in advertising and marketing in general, and in relation to the market perception of non-standard solutions.
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising.To achieve this goal the following tasks should be done: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The subject of the study is the forms of modern urban advertising. The object of the thesis is the trends which make advertisements creative and which are widely used in modern advertising.
The theoretical and practical value of the research presupposes further improvement in the creation of urban advertisements. Various factors should be taken into consideration while creating the advertisement. This study is also useful for the customers who want to be aware of the techniques used on them in order to avoid the purchase of unnecessary goods.
This research tests the hypothesis that knowing main types of urban advertising and following certain trends which will make the advertisements creative, it is possible to achieve success in advertising business nowadays.


Introduction 3
Main types of urban advertising and trends in creative advertising 4
Conclusion 9
Bibliography 10


Results anticipated.The conducted research shows that nowadays there is nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. While promoting some product or service, it is necessary to consider specific features of urban advertising. While creating urban advertising it is necessary to follow some trends to achieve success and to gain customer’s attention.
Prospects of the research.Nowadays more and more importance is given to the use of scientific approaches to creative solutions, because the success of an advertising campaign depends largely on the quality of promotional materials. Following the results of this research is very useful when you plan to launch new products and when you want to inform consumers about existing products. The diversity of various forms of outdoor media (from commercial advertisements through to posters, notices, signs, stencils, stickers, and graffiti) reflects the fact that the outdoor media landscape is used to address a range of publics – from mainstream publics who are addressed by approved government notices and corporate advertisers, to counter - publics who are addressed by those who often appropriate urban surfaces for their own purposes. This co-existence is not necessarily peaceful, and the outdoor media landscape will inevitably be an object of contestation among a variety of interest parties including regulators, advertisers, artists and activists.Public advertising in urban infrastructure such as bus shelters, street signs and public telephones has grown as a result of structural changes in the advertising industry and shifts towards neoliberal urban forms.


1. Baker, L. E. "Public Sites Versus Public Sights: The Progressive Response to Outdoor Advertising and the Commercialization of Public Space" in American Quarterly, 59(4): 1187-1213, 2007.
2. Bernstein, D. Advertising Outdoors: Watch This Space!: London and New York, Phaidon, 1997.
3. Carr, S. City, Sights and Lights. Cambridge MIT, 1973.
4. Cronin, A. "Advertising and the metabolism of the city: urban space,
commodity rhythms" in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 24(4):
615-632, 2006.
5. Cronin, A. M. "Urban Space and Entrepreneurial Property Relations:
Resistance and the Vernacular of Outdoor Advertising and Graffiti" in A. M. Cronin and K. Hetherington (Eds.) Consuming the entrepreneurial city: image, memory, spectacle New York, Routledge, 2008.
6. Hall, E. "London bus ads change as locations do" in Advertising Age, 77(34): 12, 2006.
7. Hampp, A. "What are online giants doing in out-of-home? Microsoft, Google dabble in technology to better target, automate outdoor" in Advertising Age, 78(5):30, 2007.
8. JCDecaux2005 Annual Report: Neully-sur-Seine, JC Decaux, 2006.
9. Klaassen, A. "Let's Take It Outside" in Advertising Age, 77(40): 12, 2006.
10. Maskulka, J. M. The “Brand” Communication Medium of the 21th Century. USA: Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 1999.
11. Passini, R. Way finding in Architecture. New York, USA, 1984.
12. People's Daily Online "Outdoor advertising expanding, still vulnerable" in People's Daily Online, December 3, 2005.
13. The Oxford English Dictionary Online (2000), 3d edn, edited by J.A.Simpson, Oxford: http://www.oed.com
14. Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage (1989), edited by E.M. Gilman, Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster.
15. York, E. B. "Need a Pothole Filled in Your City? Call KFC" in Advertising Age, March 25, 2009.

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Фрагменты работ

Cities have historically provided important spaces for advertising –“advertising began outdoors” . Through different forms of outdoor advertising, advertisers try to capture the attention of people. However, over the last decade or two, there have been significant changes in both the quantity and formof urban advertising.
The topicality of the research stems from the frequent exposure of modern society to advertisements and the need to analyze the way certain trends are used to influence the buyer’s behaviour. If the product is advertised and promoted in proper way, customers will pay more attention and will want to buy it.
The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that creativity in urban advertising is quite a new area of research in advertising and marketing in general, and in relation to the market perception of non-standard solutions.
The objective of the research is to study the main trends and issues used when creating urban advertising.To achieve this goal the following tasks should be done: 1) to analyze main types of urban advertising; 2) to consider its specifics; 3) to review the notion of creativity; 4) to examine trends and issues in creative advertising.
The subject of the study is the forms of modern urban advertising. The object of the thesis is the trends which make advertisements creative and which are widely used in modern advertising.
The theoretical and practical value of the research presupposes further improvement in the creation of urban advertisements. Various factors should be taken into consideration while creating the advertisement. This study is also useful for the customers who want to be aware of the techniques used on them in order to avoid the purchase of unnecessary goods.
This research tests the hypothesis that knowing main types of urban advertising and following certain trends which will make the advertisements creative, it is possible to achieve success in advertising business nowadays.


Introduction 3
Main types of urban advertising and trends in creative advertising 4
Conclusion 9
Bibliography 10


Results anticipated.The conducted research shows that nowadays there is nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. While promoting some product or service, it is necessary to consider specific features of urban advertising. While creating urban advertising it is necessary to follow some trends to achieve success and to gain customer’s attention.
Prospects of the research.Nowadays more and more importance is given to the use of scientific approaches to creative solutions, because the success of an advertising campaign depends largely on the quality of promotional materials. Following the results of this research is very useful when you plan to launch new products and when you want to inform consumers about existing products. The diversity of various forms of outdoor media (from commercial advertisements through to posters, notices, signs, stencils, stickers, and graffiti) reflects the fact that the outdoor media landscape is used to address a range of publics – from mainstream publics who are addressed by approved government notices and corporate advertisers, to counter - publics who are addressed by those who often appropriate urban surfaces for their own purposes. This co-existence is not necessarily peaceful, and the outdoor media landscape will inevitably be an object of contestation among a variety of interest parties including regulators, advertisers, artists and activists.Public advertising in urban infrastructure such as bus shelters, street signs and public telephones has grown as a result of structural changes in the advertising industry and shifts towards neoliberal urban forms.


1. Baker, L. E. "Public Sites Versus Public Sights: The Progressive Response to Outdoor Advertising and the Commercialization of Public Space" in American Quarterly, 59(4): 1187-1213, 2007.
2. Bernstein, D. Advertising Outdoors: Watch This Space!: London and New York, Phaidon, 1997.
3. Carr, S. City, Sights and Lights. Cambridge MIT, 1973.
4. Cronin, A. "Advertising and the metabolism of the city: urban space,
commodity rhythms" in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 24(4):
615-632, 2006.
5. Cronin, A. M. "Urban Space and Entrepreneurial Property Relations:
Resistance and the Vernacular of Outdoor Advertising and Graffiti" in A. M. Cronin and K. Hetherington (Eds.) Consuming the entrepreneurial city: image, memory, spectacle New York, Routledge, 2008.
6. Hall, E. "London bus ads change as locations do" in Advertising Age, 77(34): 12, 2006.
7. Hampp, A. "What are online giants doing in out-of-home? Microsoft, Google dabble in technology to better target, automate outdoor" in Advertising Age, 78(5):30, 2007.
8. JCDecaux2005 Annual Report: Neully-sur-Seine, JC Decaux, 2006.
9. Klaassen, A. "Let's Take It Outside" in Advertising Age, 77(40): 12, 2006.
10. Maskulka, J. M. The “Brand” Communication Medium of the 21th Century. USA: Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 1999.
11. Passini, R. Way finding in Architecture. New York, USA, 1984.
12. People's Daily Online "Outdoor advertising expanding, still vulnerable" in People's Daily Online, December 3, 2005.
13. The Oxford English Dictionary Online (2000), 3d edn, edited by J.A.Simpson, Oxford: http://www.oed.com
14. Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage (1989), edited by E.M. Gilman, Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster.
15. York, E. B. "Need a Pothole Filled in Your City? Call KFC" in Advertising Age, March 25, 2009.

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