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The history of fashion in the Usa and the Great britain

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  • 2016 год
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Фрагменты работ

Fashion is one of the aspects of our lives that undergoes ongoing changes. One cannot name even two decades when fashion trends remain absolutely the same. One may wonder why fashion is so vulnerable to changes and cannot be called some stable social phenomenon.
The main aim of the work is to retrace how the fashion changed through decades of the 20th century and to prove that fashion trends reflect greatly important events in the social live.
American and British fashion was chosen as the object of the study as these countries have had the leading roles in the world's economic, political and social events of the 20th century.
The choice of this period of time is connected with the fact this time was indeed full of great changes and crisises all over the world.
The data of the study the references of how people were dressed like in different decades.

Table of contents
Introduction 2
1.1 The history of the fashion the USA and in Great Britain 4
1.1.2 Fashion trends of the 1920s 4
Fashion trends of the 1930s 6
1.1.3 Fashion trends of the 1940s 8
1.1.4 Fashion trends of the 1950s 10
1.1.5 Fashion trends of the 1960s 13
1.1.6 Fashion trends of the 1970s 15
1.1.7 Fashion trends of the 1980s 17
1.1.8 Fashion trends of the 1990s 19
1.1.9 Fashion trends of the 2000s 21
Conclusion 22
The list of figures 23
Reference list 26

Twentieth century was the time of great changes all over the world: World War I and World War II, various youth movement, changing of the women's role, Vietnam War - all of this left no chance for everyday life of people to remain the same. Fashion promptly reflected every transformation of social environment: simple, plain garments of war time, flowery outfits of hippie movement rejecting the war, bright and colourful disco dresses of the youth celebrating their lives, etc.
The fashion of the USA and Great Britain had a number of changes, especially in the beginning of the 20th century but with the expanding of globalization fashion trends
arising in one of the countries were inevitably caught by another one. By the end of the 20th century both the USA and Great Britain had become the world's fashion trends setters having lots of in common yet with their personal aspects of style. The greatest fashion designers of that time worked and lived in those countries creating brand new looks and making the rest of the world follow their trends.

Arnold, Janet: Patterns of Fashion 2: Englishwomen's Dresses and Their Construction C.1860–1940, Wace 1966, Macmillan 1972. Revised metric edition, Drama Books 1977.
2. Bigelow, Marybelle S. (1979). Fashion in History: Western Dress, Prehistoric to Present. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Burgess Publishing Company. p. 309.
3. Black, J. Anderson, and Madge Garland, A History of Fashion, New York, Morrow, 1975
4. Brockman, Helen, The Theory of Fashion Design, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 196
5. Fashion History Costume Trends and Eras, Trends Victorians - Haute Couture. (n.d.). Fashion History Costume Trends and Eras, Trends Victorians - Haute Couture. Retrieved February 15, 2011
6. Fashions and Clothes Styles from 50 years what do you remember. (n.d.). Where People, History and Memories Join Together from The People History Site. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/fashions.html
7. Hoobler, D., & Hoobler, T. (2000). Vanity rules: a history of American fashion and beauty. Brookfield, Conn.: Twenty-first Century Boosk. Scheips, C. (2007). American fashion.. New York: Assouline. Steele, V. (2001). The corset: a cultural history. New Haven: Yale University Press.
8. Russell, Douglas (1983). Costume History and Style. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. pp. 453–454.

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Фрагменты работ

Fashion is one of the aspects of our lives that undergoes ongoing changes. One cannot name even two decades when fashion trends remain absolutely the same. One may wonder why fashion is so vulnerable to changes and cannot be called some stable social phenomenon.
The main aim of the work is to retrace how the fashion changed through decades of the 20th century and to prove that fashion trends reflect greatly important events in the social live.
American and British fashion was chosen as the object of the study as these countries have had the leading roles in the world's economic, political and social events of the 20th century.
The choice of this period of time is connected with the fact this time was indeed full of great changes and crisises all over the world.
The data of the study the references of how people were dressed like in different decades.

Table of contents
Introduction 2
1.1 The history of the fashion the USA and in Great Britain 4
1.1.2 Fashion trends of the 1920s 4
Fashion trends of the 1930s 6
1.1.3 Fashion trends of the 1940s 8
1.1.4 Fashion trends of the 1950s 10
1.1.5 Fashion trends of the 1960s 13
1.1.6 Fashion trends of the 1970s 15
1.1.7 Fashion trends of the 1980s 17
1.1.8 Fashion trends of the 1990s 19
1.1.9 Fashion trends of the 2000s 21
Conclusion 22
The list of figures 23
Reference list 26

Twentieth century was the time of great changes all over the world: World War I and World War II, various youth movement, changing of the women's role, Vietnam War - all of this left no chance for everyday life of people to remain the same. Fashion promptly reflected every transformation of social environment: simple, plain garments of war time, flowery outfits of hippie movement rejecting the war, bright and colourful disco dresses of the youth celebrating their lives, etc.
The fashion of the USA and Great Britain had a number of changes, especially in the beginning of the 20th century but with the expanding of globalization fashion trends
arising in one of the countries were inevitably caught by another one. By the end of the 20th century both the USA and Great Britain had become the world's fashion trends setters having lots of in common yet with their personal aspects of style. The greatest fashion designers of that time worked and lived in those countries creating brand new looks and making the rest of the world follow their trends.

Arnold, Janet: Patterns of Fashion 2: Englishwomen's Dresses and Their Construction C.1860–1940, Wace 1966, Macmillan 1972. Revised metric edition, Drama Books 1977.
2. Bigelow, Marybelle S. (1979). Fashion in History: Western Dress, Prehistoric to Present. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Burgess Publishing Company. p. 309.
3. Black, J. Anderson, and Madge Garland, A History of Fashion, New York, Morrow, 1975
4. Brockman, Helen, The Theory of Fashion Design, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 196
5. Fashion History Costume Trends and Eras, Trends Victorians - Haute Couture. (n.d.). Fashion History Costume Trends and Eras, Trends Victorians - Haute Couture. Retrieved February 15, 2011
6. Fashions and Clothes Styles from 50 years what do you remember. (n.d.). Where People, History and Memories Join Together from The People History Site. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/fashions.html
7. Hoobler, D., & Hoobler, T. (2000). Vanity rules: a history of American fashion and beauty. Brookfield, Conn.: Twenty-first Century Boosk. Scheips, C. (2007). American fashion.. New York: Assouline. Steele, V. (2001). The corset: a cultural history. New Haven: Yale University Press.
8. Russell, Douglas (1983). Costume History and Style. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. pp. 453–454.

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