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The importance of information technology IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING

  • 4 страниц
  • 2021 год
  • 8 просмотров
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Фрагменты работ

At the current stage of faculty education reforms, serious changes are related to the introduction of knowledge and communication technologies within the educational process.
In recent years, the problems of using new information technologies became more and more urgent. the utilization of recent information technologies in teaching foreign languages means not only the employment of recent technical means and technologies but also the utilization of recent forms and methods of teaching an overseas language and a replacement approach to the training process generally.
More recently, teaching a remote language was supported the normal approach, which consists of communicating the number of theoretical knowledge by the teacher and developing students' abilities and skills within the discipline being studied. within the conditions of the classroom type of training, the teacher doesn't always have the chance to pay due attention to every student. Therefore, many of them lose motivation to be told, which ends up in a big decrease within the level of their knowledge, skills, and talents. supported this, one amongst the most tasks of the teacher is to activate the activity of every student within the learning process, to form a situation for his or her creation. during this regard, the employment of a computer and multimedia helps to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provides individualization and differentiation, taking into consideration the characteristics of scholars, their level of information.

In English lessons, with the assistance of a computer, you'll solve variety of didactic tasks: to create skills and reading skills using materials from the world network; improve students' writing skills; replenish the vocabulary of students; to create students' steady motivation to be told English.
At present, a computer may be considered as a particular style of technical teaching aids, which, because of its technical capabilities, determines new prospects for improving the academic process. this kind of technical teaching aids makes it possible to adapt the academic material counting on the individual characteristics of scholars, to supply multi-terminality, that is, the simultaneous work of a gaggle of users, to hold out interactivity, and also to regulate the individual work of scholars outside the classroom. The introduction of a computer into the academic process gives it a brand new character: being individual and independent in form, it becomes essentially controllable and manageable. the pc also contributes to the buildup of statistical information during the tutorial process [3].

This article is describing the importance of information technology in foreign language education (English). The article was written during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and illustrates how online learning was proven to be essential.

1. Вильямс Р., Макли К. Компьютеры в школе. - М.: "Просвещение", 2003. – 336 c.
2. Полат Е.С. Интернет на уроках иностранного языка // ИЯШ, № 2,3 2001 – 13 c.
3. Полат Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка // ИЯШ № 2, 3, 2000 – 27 c.
4. Полилова Т.А., Пономарева В.В., Внедрение компьютерных технологий в преподавание иностранных языков. // ИЯШ, 2001 – 17 c.
5. Павлюк Н. А., Журавлев А.П. «Язык и компьютер». - М.: "Просвещение", 2000 – 159 c.

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Фрагменты работ

At the current stage of faculty education reforms, serious changes are related to the introduction of knowledge and communication technologies within the educational process.
In recent years, the problems of using new information technologies became more and more urgent. the utilization of recent information technologies in teaching foreign languages means not only the employment of recent technical means and technologies but also the utilization of recent forms and methods of teaching an overseas language and a replacement approach to the training process generally.
More recently, teaching a remote language was supported the normal approach, which consists of communicating the number of theoretical knowledge by the teacher and developing students' abilities and skills within the discipline being studied. within the conditions of the classroom type of training, the teacher doesn't always have the chance to pay due attention to every student. Therefore, many of them lose motivation to be told, which ends up in a big decrease within the level of their knowledge, skills, and talents. supported this, one amongst the most tasks of the teacher is to activate the activity of every student within the learning process, to form a situation for his or her creation. during this regard, the employment of a computer and multimedia helps to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provides individualization and differentiation, taking into consideration the characteristics of scholars, their level of information.

In English lessons, with the assistance of a computer, you'll solve variety of didactic tasks: to create skills and reading skills using materials from the world network; improve students' writing skills; replenish the vocabulary of students; to create students' steady motivation to be told English.
At present, a computer may be considered as a particular style of technical teaching aids, which, because of its technical capabilities, determines new prospects for improving the academic process. this kind of technical teaching aids makes it possible to adapt the academic material counting on the individual characteristics of scholars, to supply multi-terminality, that is, the simultaneous work of a gaggle of users, to hold out interactivity, and also to regulate the individual work of scholars outside the classroom. The introduction of a computer into the academic process gives it a brand new character: being individual and independent in form, it becomes essentially controllable and manageable. the pc also contributes to the buildup of statistical information during the tutorial process [3].

This article is describing the importance of information technology in foreign language education (English). The article was written during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and illustrates how online learning was proven to be essential.

1. Вильямс Р., Макли К. Компьютеры в школе. - М.: "Просвещение", 2003. – 336 c.
2. Полат Е.С. Интернет на уроках иностранного языка // ИЯШ, № 2,3 2001 – 13 c.
3. Полат Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка // ИЯШ № 2, 3, 2000 – 27 c.
4. Полилова Т.А., Пономарева В.В., Внедрение компьютерных технологий в преподавание иностранных языков. // ИЯШ, 2001 – 17 c.
5. Павлюк Н. А., Журавлев А.П. «Язык и компьютер». - М.: "Просвещение", 2000 – 159 c.

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The importance of information technology IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING

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Отзыв pushictic_7068 об авторе EasyEnglishAlice 2019-04-29

Автор сделал работу в тот же день. Работа соответствует всем требованиям.

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Отзыв Юлия80 об авторе EasyEnglishAlice 2015-03-10

Очень благодарна Ларисе Ивановне за её труд,за отзывчивость и добросовестность.Рекомендую автора.

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Отзыв irinazai об авторе EasyEnglishAlice 2017-10-31

Спасибо автору за работу, рекомендую обращаться.

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Отзыв Наталья Крафт об авторе EasyEnglishAlice 2017-01-18

Юля прекрасный специалист

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