
3810 готовых работ по английскому языку

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Обучающие тесты ИРНИТУ для заочников 2 курс (6 тестов)


1. Обучающий тест "Трудовая деятельность (описание профессий)"

Вопрос 1

Study the Glossary. Then look at the list of different jobs in the boxes below, and match each one with the person who is speaking in 1 – 15.

1. Hello. Welcome to Wy-T Computers. Have you got an appointment? Good. Take a seat and I'll call up to her office. Would you like a coffee while you wait?

2. Good morning. My name is Angela Ranscombe, and I am responsible for my company's productive use of its workforce.

3. Hello. I'm Hilary Hannah. I type letters, file documents, arrange meetings and so on, for the various people in my office.

4. Hi. My name's Sue Smith. I do a lot of small jobs in and around the office. If you want some filing done, some mail posted, or if you just want a cup of tea, I'm the one to ask!

5. Hello. My name's Adam Dent. I help customers who are having problems with our products. I spend most of my day on the phone.

6. I'm Anne Langsdale, and I've been appointed by the shareholders to help run the company.

7. Hello there. Don Brown. Nice to meet you. I make sure that the company is being run efficiently and effectively.

8. My name's Liz Hamley, and I suppose I'm the big cheese around here. Basically I'm the most important director in charge of the company.

9. I'm Judy Briers. I work directly for Liz Hamley, and for her alone. I perform various secretarial and administrative duties for her.

10. I'm Laurence Woodham. I'm a senior employee here, with director status and administrative and legal authority. This is a legal requirement for all limited companies in the UK.

11. Good morning. I'm Peter Feltham, and I preside over the company's board meetings.

12. And I'm Helen Brown. I attend board meetings, but only to listen and give advice. I cannot usually make decisions on behalf of the company.

13. Hi there. My name's Mark Searle, and I supervise the production process.

14. And I'm Bob Wheatley. I help Mark Searle.

15. My name's Ryan Briggs. I'm responsible for developing our employees' potential through courses and other staff development programmes.

Вопрос 2

Study the Glossary. Then look at the list of different jobs in the boxes below, and match each one with the person who is speaking in 1 – 15.

1. My name's Ryan Briggs. I'm responsible for developing our employees' potential through courses and other staff development programmes.

2. Good morning. I'm Edward Saville. I control the company finances. Can't stop to talk: I need to get these tax forms completed.

3. I'm Don Prescott. I've been hired by the company's head office to check Mr Saville's figures. We're not sure that everything adds up.

4. My name's Mary Myers. I actually work in the company's other office in Birmingham, and am responsible for the company's operations there.

5. I'm Sarah Keats. I'm responsible for planning and controlling our marketing activities and budgets.

6. I'm Richard Giddings. It's my job to make sure consumers know all about our latest range of products.

7. Hello. I'm Bill Kennedy. I visit clients around the country and talk to them directly about our products.

8. Morning. Barry Ramp. I'm highly skilled, I'm told, so I've been put in charge of all the workers on the factory floor.

9. Andy Kelly. Hi. I'm just an ordinary worker on the factory floor, but I represent the workers in discussions with the managers about things like wages and conditions of employment.

10. My name's Jennie Bryant. I don't actually work for the company, but there's currently a dispute going on between the workers and the management regarding pay, so I've been brought in to try to sort things out.

11. I'm Joy Bell. I don't work for the company either, but I might be officially appointed to sort out the dispute mentioned above, and make a binding decision. This will only happen if Jennie Bryant is unable to resolve it.

12. Hello. I'm Tabitha Sutcliffe. I finished university last month, and I'm here to learn a bit about the company and how it operates. I'm hoping that they'll offer me a job.

13. I'm Sam Michaud. Has your hard-drive crashed? Is your printer jammed? Can't get on line? Don't worry, I'll get it sorted out.

14. Hi. I'm Naomi Yarnton. I'm in charge of the team who contact potential clients on the phone.

15. My name's Eddie Jobsworth. Have you got ID? Sorry, can't let you go any further here without ID. You're going to have to leave. Now, please.

Вопрос 3

The right job for you. Study Grammar and put the verbs in the gerund (e.g. working) ot the infinitive (e.g. to work)

1. I am good at (listen) listening people.

2. I enjoy (help)

other people.

3. I don't mind (earn)

not a very large salary.

4. I would like (work)

as a part of a team.

If you have most ticks in 1-4, the best job for you would be in 'caring professions'. If you are good at science, you may think of medicine, for example a doctor or a nurse. Teaching or social work would also suit your personality

5. I am good at (make)

quick decisions.

6. (take)

risks doesn't stress me.

7. I don't find it difficult (work)

by myself.

8. I am not afraid of (manage)

large amounts of money.

If you have most ticks in 5-8, you should consider a job in the world of business, for example sales or marketing. Other possibilities include accountancy, or working in the stock market.

9. I am good at (express)


10. I always try (follow)

my instincts.

11. It's important for me (be)


12. I enjoy (improvise)

. If you have most ticks in 9-12, you need a creative job. Depending on your specific talents, you might enjoy the work in the field of music, art or literature. Areas that would suit you include publising, journalism, graphic design, fashion or music industry.

13. (do)

complex calculations is not difficult for me.

14. I enjoy (solve)

logical problems.

15. I find it easy (understand)

theoretical principles.

16. I am able (calculate)

space and distance.

If you have most ticks in 13-16, you have an analytical mind. A job in computer science or engineereing would suit you. Architecture and relarted jobs are another possibility.

Вопрос 4

Read the text about three famous people’s first jobs and for questions 1 to 6, choose the correct answer.

Famous people’s first jobs

Not all famous people were born into famous families. A lot of them had normal lives before becoming famous. They also had jobs like the rest of us. Here are just a few:

Former President Obama worked at an ice-cream parlour selling ice-cream cones. He was in high school in Honolulu, Hawaii and said it was quite hard. He also said that the job taught him about responsibility, hard work and how to spend time with work, friends and family.

Brad Pitt had a weird job when he was younger. He worked as a chicken! That’s right. He worked at a restaurant called El Pollo Loco in Hollywood, and his job was to dress up like a chicken and wave at the cars on the road. In fact, if you go on a “See the Stars” tour in Hollywood, many of them will take you past the same restaurant where Brad used to work.

Maybe the strangest path in life was that of Pope Francis. When he was young in Argentina, he worked several jobs before joining the Jesuits and dedicating his life to religion. He worked as a cleaner sweeping floors, a chemical tester at a laboratory and as a bouncer at a bar! Yes, the pope was the person responsible for security at a bar in case anything wrong happened. Can you imagine?!

1. Who helped protect people?

a. President Obama

b. Brad Pitt

c. Pope Francis

2. Who pretended to be an animal?

a. President Obama

b. Brad Pitt

c. Pope Francis

3. Who learned a lot from their first job?

a. President Obama

b. Brad Pitt

c. Pope Francis

4. Who worked in advertising?

a. President Obama

b. Brad Pitt

c. Pope Francis

5. Who thought the job was difficult?

a. President Obama

b. Brad Pitt

c. Pope Francis

6. Who had a couple of different jobs?

a. President Obama

b. Brad Pitt

c. Pope Francis

Вопрос 5

Listen to Marta talking about her apprenticeship. For questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

1. What did Marta do after leaving school?

a. She got a job.

b. She went to university.

c. She started her apprenticeship.

2. How did she find out about the apprenticeship?

a. from a friend

b. from a university jobcentre

c. from a magazine

3. How many departments does she work in each year?

a. three

b. four

c. five

4. Which department is she working in at the moment?

a. administration

b. services

c. environment

5. How often does she attend lectures?

a. one day a week

b. two days a week

c. three days a week

6. How many apprentices attend her lectures?

a. four

b. twelve

c. fifty

7. Which sentence is NOT true about her plans for after the apprenticeship?

a. She must work for the company for four years.

b. She is interested in working in planning.

c. She would like to work in Indonesia.

2. Обучающий тест "Устройство на работу"

Вопрос 1

Study the glossary. Complete the conversation with words or expressions from the boxes below.

Sandra: What are you reading?

Terry: I'm looking at the jobs pages in the paper, There's something here I like the sound of. Modus International, a l supplier of car parts, has a for the of Sales Manager in their Brighton office.

Sandra: That sounds like your kind of job. When does it begin?

Terry: Let me see. Er, April 1st, it says here, That's in three weeks' time.

Sandra: You'd better get your in, if you're interested. What else does it say about the job?

Terry: It says that the successful should be suitably and should have had extensive sales management.

Sandra: That sounds perfect. You've got a University degree in Business Management, and you've been working in sales for more than five years.

Terry: I suppose so. It also says that he or she should be able to work as part of a, and should have and the ability to and inspire his or her.

Sandra: Well, that's great! You've always got on with the people you work with, and everyone is always saying how you're able to encourage people to work harder.

Terry: That's true It also says that the include liaising with colleagues around the country, training new staff and presenting a full report to the board of directors twice a year.

Sandra: It all sounds quite good, What's the company offering in return?

Terry: The they're offering looks very attractive. It includes a of E25000 per annum…

Sandra: What does that mean?

Terry: Well, that's the minimum amount of money that you can earn during the year. In addition to that, they're offering 10% on all sales made.

Sandra: Well, that's a good. The more you work, the more you sell. And the more you sell, the more money you'll make!

Terry: Exactiy. There's also a guaranteed annual of E1500, and a of E2500.

Sandra: What's that for?

Terry: To pay me for moving to the area, finding somewhere to live, and so on. Oh, and there are other, such as a company car, free medical and dental insurance and free meals in the canteen. It also says that there is room to, so I might end up with an even better job within the company.

Sandra: So what should you do if you're interested in applying for the job?

Terry: It says I should send my, together with a, to their head office in Sheffield, If the company is interested, they'll contact me to arrange an at one of their offices nearer home.

Вопрос 2 Балл: 16,00

Study Grammar here and do the tasks:

Choose the best option:

1. My friend works in the most company of the world.

2. I'm really with the prospects of working abroad.

3. The job advertisement will usually ask people in the post to send their CV.

4. His job is very

5. The instructions to the test are very

6. The CEO was bored because the task was

7. The situation was and we were depressed

Choose the adjective that suits the best:

1. Helen's boss was with her work.

2. My sons are not in politics.

3. The music was so that George fell asleep in a few minutes.

4. The atmosphere in the company was really

5. I was to hear the news about his proposal.

6. She felt before the interview.

7. You look very. Why don't you go home?

Вопрос 3

Read the text and for questions 1-6 choose the correct option a), b) or c).

Curriculum Vitaes: Tips that can Help

Six out of ten CV's which are prepared by information Technology professionals fail to meet the basic standards and are turned down without even being read fully, according to a recruitment company. As a consequence, thousands of candidates are excluding themselves from attractive job opportunities.

Although the company handles over 60,000 CV's per year, it estimates that at least 60% would not be admitted if they were sent directly to potential clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said, "Sadly it's often the most highly qualitied candidates whose CV's are so poorly constructed that they are literally dead on arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the IT industry often generate intense competition and there is often little to choose between the candidates".

"Advice on the presentation format of CV's in relation to the requirements that they are being submitted for should be an Industry standard so as to add real value to the candidates that you are representing and indeed to fulfil your professional obligations to your clients".

Writing a CV can be extremely difficult and too often a CV turns out to be a generic overview including a lot of information that is irrelevant. People should remember that an employer typically spends between 15 and 30 seconds scanning each CV and you have that one chance to make an impression",

"A good CV is more than just documentation of your career path; it is a marketing tool designed to present your professional career experience according to the new job specification. It should also include details of past professional successes that effectively demonstrate your ability to undertake the job responsibilities outlined".

1. Recruitment companies say that potential clients …

a. make basic mistakes

b. only get 60% of CV's

c. reject CV's with mistakes

2. The Marketing Director said that the best candidates …

a. are the most affected

b. do not send CV's

c. write the best CV's

3. The Marketing Director suggests that candidates ought to pay attention to …

a. CV's presentation

b. other companies

c. other competitors

4. The Marketing Director says that very often CV's include …

a. necessary details

b. unimportant information

c. very little information

5. Candidates should remember that employers …

a. are typical people

b. are very busy people

c. make an impression on people

6. A good curriculum should show …

a. the new job specifications

b. your marketing tools

t. your overall skills

Вопрос 4

1. Daniel has worked from home longer than Kate.



2. Kate started working from home after her son was born.



3. Kate used to be a teacher.



4. Kate's work writing a geography book was very well-paid.



5. Daniel started working from home after losing his job.



6. Daniel doesn't enjoy working from home because it isn't sociable.



7. Daniel used to play badminton and cards with his colleagues.



8. Daniel has recently made friends with a new colleague.



9. Kate didn't use to socialise with colleagues because she was too tired.



10. Kate spends time with some friends from her art class.



3. Обучающий тест "Работа в международной компании"

Вопрос 1

Study the Glossary. Complete each part with the words and expressions in the boxes below:

Many employers in international companies use a … when they recruit for a new post. They look at different aspects of the applicant to decide whether or not s/he has the correct … for the job. These include physical … (for example, is the applicant smart and well-presented?), educational qualifications, general … , special … , hobbies and outside … , mental and emotional … and family … .

If a candidate gets through the above stages, s/he will be asked to provide … from people who know him / her, and if these are positive, s/he is then … the post. Before s/he actually starts working, s/he may go through an … to learn more about the company and the post. Sometimes, s/he may be given a … contract and have to complete a … period, where the employers make sure that s/he is suitable for the job before being offered an … or … contract. After s/he has been with the company for a while, there might be a … session, to assess how s/he is getting on in the post.

Вопрос 2

Read about conditional sentences here and do the exercises:

1. Identify the type of the conditional sentence (0 or 1).

1. If I wake up late, I’m late for work.

2. If I speak to John, he gets annoyed.

3. My daughter will pass her exams if she works hard.

4. If you mix water and electricity, you will get a shock.

5. I cycle to work if the weather is fine.

6. If Andy doesn't go to bed early, he won't be able to wake up early.

2. Supply the suitable forms of the verbs in brackets. No contracted (=don't, doesn't, won't) forms!!! only do not, does not, will not, etc.

1. My grandma

(get) so sad if we

(not/call) her on Sunday morning. - Zero Conditional

2. My grandma

(get) so sad if we

(not/call) her on Sunday morning. - First Conditional

3. If the kids

(behave) badly, we

(not/give) them dessert. - Zero Conditional

4. If the kids

(behave) badly, we

(not/give) them dessert. - First Conditional

5. The printer always

(break) if I

(need) to print something quickly. - Zero Conditional

6. If I

(see) him, I

(give) him a lift. - First Conditional

7. She

(be) absolutely furious if she

(hear) about this. - Zero Conditional

8. She

(be) absolutely furious if she

(hear) about this. - First Conditional

9. If you

(be) in love with someone, everything

(be) different. - Zero Conditional

10. If you

(be) in love with someone, everything

(be) different. - First Conditional

Вопрос 3

Read an article about the different cultural expectations of a leader. Are the sentences below true or false?

Gabriela worked for a multinational company as a successful project manager in Brazil and was transferred to manage a team in Sweden. She was excited about her new role but soon realised that managing her new team would be a challenge.

Despite their friendliness, Gabriela didn't feel respected as a leader. Her new staff would question her proposals openly in meetings, and when she gave them instructions on how to carry out a task, they would often go about it in their own way without checking with her. When she announced her decisions on the project, they would continue giving their opinions as if it was still up for discussion.

After weeks of frustration, Gabriela emailed her Swedish manager about the issues she was facing with her team. Her manager simply asked her if she felt her team was still performing, and what she thought would help her better collaborate with her team members. Gabriela found her manager vague and didn't feel as if he was managing the situation satisfactorily.

What Gabriela was experiencing was a cultural clash in expectations. She was used to a more hierarchical framework where the team leader and manager took control and gave specific instructions on how things were to be done. This more directive management style worked well for her and her team in Brazil but did not transfer well to her new team in Sweden, who were more used to a flatter hierarchy where decision making was more democratic. When Gabriela took the issue to her Swedish manager, rather than stepping in with directions about what to do, her manager took on the role of coach and focused on getting her to come up with her own solutions instead.

Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede uses the concept of 'power distance' to describe how power is distributed and how hierarchy is perceived in different cultures. In her previous work environment, Gabriela was used to a high power distance culture where power and authority are respected and everyone has their rightful place. In such a culture, leaders make the big decisions and are not often challenged. Her Swedish team, however, were used to working in a low power distance culture where subordinates often work together with their bosses to find solutions and make decisions. Here, leaders act as coaches or mentors who encourage independent thought and expect to be challenged.

When Gabriela became aware of the cultural differences between her and her team, she took the initiative to have an open conversation with them about their feelings about her leadership. Pleased to be asked for their thoughts, Gabriela's team openly expressed that they were not used to being told what to do. They enjoyed having more room for initiative and creative freedom. When she told her team exactly what she needed them to do, they felt that she didn't trust them to do their job well. They realised that Gabriela was taking it personally when they tried to challenge or make changes to her decisions, and were able to explain that it was how they'd always worked.

With a better understanding of the underlying reasons behind each other's behaviour, Gabriela and her team were able to adapt their way of working. Gabriela was then able to make adjustments to her management style so as to better fit the expectations of her team and more effectively motivate her team to achieve their goals.

1. Gabriela's management style worked well with her team in Brazil but not with her team in Sweden.



2. Gabriela's team questioned her proposals and her decisions because they didn't trust or respect her.



3. Gabriela was satisfied with her Swedish manager's way of dealing with her problem.



4. Gabriela found it helpful to talk openly with her team about the differences in their expectations.



5. Gabriela faced a problem with her Swedish team because her management style was old-fashioned and wrong for the modern world.



6. The author believes that people from high power distance cultures and low power distance cultures should never work together.



Вопрос 4

Listen to two people talking about the people in their office. Are the sentences below true or false?

1. Jani is new in the department.



2. Luciana has short, dark, hair.



3. The guy on the phone is called Ian.



4. Maria is responsible for the new orders.



5. Yuki should write everything down.



6. Sebastian works in communications.



4. Обучающий тест "Профессиональные мероприятия"

Вопрос 1

Look at this opening address from a company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and fill in the gaps with words from the box below. The first letter of each word is already in the text.

I'd like to this meeting by you all. It's good to see so many here today - in fact, this is probably the best we've had at a meeting for a long time - and I'd like to thank you all in advance for me.

Well, we've got a lot on the and I want to make as much as possible in the next two hours or so. If we stick to the main , we should everything and all of our and . I will the meeting, as usual, but I really hope that you will all have something to , and if anything needs , please don't hesitate to me (although not too often, I hope: the more we can today the better).

I'll be several important during the meeting, beginning with those that I feel should take , before the main and making . This will be followed by an session where you can give me your. And I'm sure you will all be delighted to hear that after the meeting , there will be drinks and snacks for everyone.

Вопрос 2

Study about Passive voice here. Do the task:

1. The table ... and the dishes ..., don’t worry. – Стол уберут и посуду помоют, не переживай.

will clean / will wash

will be cleaned / will be washed

will be cleaning / will be washing

2. The roads ... . – Дороги были заблокированы.

were blocked

have been blocked

have to be blocked

3. The building ... an unknown architect. – Здание было спроектировано неизвестным архитектором.

was designed by

was designed

was being designed by

4. Parking ... . – Парковаться запрещено.

will be prohibited

is prohibited

was prohibited

5. Как произносится это слово?

How is this word pronounced?

How are this word pronounced?

How this word is pronounced?

6. Французский язык здесь не преподается.

French doesn't taught here.

French isn't taught here.

French doesn't teach here.

7. Машину зарегистрируют на следующей неделе.

I will register the car next week

I will be registered the car next week.

The car will be registered next week.

8. Мне сказали, что все ушли.

I was told that everybody had gone.

I told that everybody had gone.

I were told that everybody had gone.

9. К середине XIX столетия было обнаружено около 60 различных элементов.

By the middle of the nineteenth century about sixty different elements had been discovered.

By the middle of the nineteenth century about sixty different elements have been discovered.

By the middle of the nineteenth century about sixty different elements were being discovered.

10. The delegates ... at the station. Делегатов встретят на вокзале.

will meet

will be meeted

will be met

Вопрос 3

Make a question:

• Were

• met

• the delegates

• ?

Вопрос 4

Make a question:

• are

• the tests

• written

• always

• in the language lab

• ?

Вопрос 5

Make a question:

• will

• my apology

• be

• accepted

• ?

Вопрос 6

Make a question:

• will

• computers

• be

• replaced

• by

• the workers

• ?

Вопрос 7

Make a question:

• where

• was

• the first undeground railway

• opened

• ?

Вопрос 8

Read the programme for a management conference. Are the sentences below true or false?

Morning programme

9.00–9.30 Conference opening

Dr Jon Martinez

9.30–10.45 Management styles

with Helena Clark

Consider the different management styles and how you can adapt yours to suit your team.

Giving feedback

with Amelia Novak

Explore the different ways to give feedback to maximise development.

Managing change

with Akira Yoshida

Help your employees deal with change and to see the positives change can bring.

10.45–11.15 Coffee break

11.15–12.30 Using storytelling in leadership communication

with Antoine Martin

Sometimes, the best way to communicate with your team is by telling stories. Find out how to do this in this workshop. Leading small businesses

with Cheng Wei

How is leading small businesses different and how can leaders of small businesses bring success to their team?

Leading in uncertain times

with Omar Abboud

Uncertainty can affect the success of your team. Learn to bring confidence to your team in a time of uncertainty.

Afternoon programme

12.30–2.00 Lunch

2.00–3.15 Managing international projects

with Alisa Petrov

Consider how to ensure successful intercultural communication in your international teams.

Developing creative thinking in your team

with Mariana Silva

How can you get your team to think more creatively? Explore the different ideas that can help your team see things in a new way. Conflict management

with Tracy Edwards

Conflict can create problems in your team, but managing conflict well can bring about development. Learn how to manage conflict in this workshop.

3.15–4.15 Group discussions

4.15–5.00 Conference closing

Dr Grace Moloney

1. Helena Clark thinks that we should know our own management style and not change it.



2. Amelia Novak believes that we should give feedback to help our employees get better at what they do.



3. Akira Yoshida will focus on the problems with change.



4. Cheng Wei believes that leading small businesses is different from leading big ones.



5. Omar Abboud thinks that when your team doesn't feel sure about the things happening around them, it can cause problems.



6. Tracy Edwards believes that conflict is bad and you should not let it happen in your team.



Вопрос 9

Listen to Jenny reporting to her boss about a business conference in London. Read her notes about the trip and complete each space with ONE word.




Hotel: It was too

during the night.


1. Terrible

. Even sending email was difficult.


speaker didn't come! We paid a lot for that.

3. Big confusion with the different

on the earphones.

Plus Points:


people there.

I ate a lot of

5. Обучающий тест "Наука и профессия"

Вопрос 1

Complete this article with appropriate words and expressions from the Glossary. You may need to change the form of some of the words.

“Science and technology have come a long way in the last 60 years, and our lives have become better as a result. Do you agree with this statement?”

The second half of the twentieth century saw more changes than in the previous two hundred years. Penicillin has already been

and used to treat infections; there have been many remarkable advances in medicine that have helped to increase our average

way beyond that of our ancestors. Incredible

(or innovations) such as television have changed the way we spend our leisure hours. Perhaps the most important

, however, has been the microchip. Nobody could have imagined, when it was first

, that within a matter of years, this tiny piece of silicon and circuitry would be found in almost every household object from the kettle to the DVD recorder. And nobody could have predicted the sudden proliferation of computers that would completely change our lives, allowing us to access information from the other side of the world via the Internet or send messages around the world by e-mail at the touch of a button. Meanwhile,

into other aspects of information technology is making it easier and cheaper for us to talk to friends and relations around the world. Good news for

who love modern technology, bad news for the

who would prefer to hide from these modern miracles.

But everything has a price. The development of

led to mass automation in factories, which in turn led to millions losing their jobs. The genius of Einstein led to the horrors of the atomic bomb and the dangerous uncertainties of

(we hear of accidents and mishaps at nuclear power stations around the world, where

to prevent accidents were inadequate). The relatively new science of

has been seen as a major step forward, but putting modified foods onto the market before scientists had properly

them was perhaps one of the most irresponsible decisions of the 1990s. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies continue to

on animals, a move that many consider to be cruel and unnecessary.

Of course we all rely on modern science and technology to improve our lives. However, we need to make sure that we

it rather than the other way round.

Вопрос 2

Read about Passive Voice with Modals here. Rewrite the sentences using passive voice. Use contracted forms (e.g. couldn't, mustn't) and by:

The students must do the test. - The test must be done by the students.

! Знаки препинания уже стоят, ставить в е не нужно !

1. She can answer the question..

2. He would bring the file. –.

3. They should open the window. –.

4. We might play chess. –.

5. You ought to wash the dishes. –.

6. I must fill in the questionnaire. –.

7. They don't need to buy milk. –.

8. She could not read the article. –.

9. Will the teacher test our vocabulary? –?

10. Could Nick lock the gate? –?

Вопрос 3

What is the future of artificial intelligence (AI)? Will it be possible for robots to be autonomous? If so, when will that happen and will it be a good thing? We asked four experts what they think. Read the questions and choose the correct expert (A–D).

Robots: friend or foe?


I would say that we are quite a long way off developing the computing power or the algorithms for fully autonomous AI, though I do think it will happen within the next thirty or forty years. We will probably remain in control of technology and it will help us solve many of the world’s problems. However, no one really knows what will happen if machines become more intelligent than humans. They may help us, ignore us or destroy us. I tend to believe AI will have a positive influence on our future lives, but whether that is true will be partly up to us.


I have to admit that the potential consequences of creating something that can match or surpass human intelligence frighten me. Even now, scientists are teaching computers how to learn on their own. At some point in the near future, their intelligence may well take off and develop at an ever-increasing speed. Human beings evolve biologically very slowly and we would be quickly superseded. In the short term, there is the danger that robots will take over millions of human jobs, creating a large underclass of unemployed people. This could mean large-scale poverty and social unrest. In the long term, machines might decide the world would be better without humans.


Personally, I think it’s fascinating to consider how we’ll speed up our evolution as a species by augmenting our bodies. Imagine if you could implant a computer inside our brain! Soon we’ll be able to do just that and enhance our mathematical ability, audiovisual perception and our memory, and this idea is only going to become more and more commonplace. AI is also popping up in the world around us. Recent developments include self-driving cars and drones carrying life-saving equipment to people at sea. Granted, there have been a few teething problems: one woman who was asleep on the floor had her hair eaten by her robot vacuum cleaner and there have been fatal accidents with self-driving cars. But progress always comes at a cost, and for me the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


I’m a member of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. Forget the movie image of a terrifying Terminator stamping on human skulls and think of what’s happening right now: military machines like drones, gun turrets and sentry robots are already being used to kill with very little human input. The next step will be autonomous ‘murderbots’, following orders but ultimately deciding who to kill on their own. It seems clear to me that this would be completely unethical and dangerous for humanity. We need to be very cautious indeed about what we ask machines to do.

1. Which expert has a different view from the others regarding the timescale of AI becoming much more autonomous?

Expert A

Expert B

Expert C

Expert D

2. Which expert has a similar view to A about the responsibility humans have for the future of AI?

Expert A

Expert B

Expert C

Expert D

3. Which expert agrees with B that the negative aspects of AI far outweigh the positive aspects?

Expert A

Expert B

Expert C

Expert D

4. Which expert seems to disagree with B about how fast humans can change?

Expert A

Expert B

Expert C

Expert D

5. Which expert gives their opinion about what will happen with the same level of certainty as D?

Expert A

Expert B

Expert C

Expert D

Вопрос 4

Watch a video about Albert Einstein. For questions 1 to 7, decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Albert Einstein invented lasers and satellites.



2. Albert Einstein was born in Munich in 1879.



3. After graduating, it was difficult for Einstein to find a job because of a recommendation letter.



4. Einstein's first job was in an office.



5. Einstein explained relativity comparing how fast or slow time seemed to pass in different situations.



6. Einstein's general theory of relativity was proven in 1915.



7. Einstein was offered to be president of Israel and didn't accept.



6. Обучающий тест "Компьютерные технологии в профессии"

Вопрос 1

Study the vocabulary here. Match the words in the boxes below to their definitions:

1. computer that sits on top of a table or desk ; 2. small computer which can be carried and held on your knees ; 3. parts ; 4. part of the computer that runs it and controls what it does ; 5. part that stores and controls the flow of information; 6. capacity for storing information ; 7. computer programs ; 8. writing, checking and changing texts; 9. calculating in columns of figures ; 10. producing texts and pictures ; 11. put in ; 12. sliding tray for carrying round, plastic, information-holding things; 13. hole for connecting computer parts to one another; 14. small plastic and metal object which can hold a lot of information; 15. screen that lets you see what your computer is doing ; 16. flat thing with the letters and numbers on it that let you control the computer ; 17. machine that lets you make copies of the documents that you create on your computer ; 18. device for making colour copies of photographs and other documents which you can put onto your computer ; 19. device that you hold in your hand and move across your desk to control the cursor . 20. network that links millions of computers from around the world ; 21. company that allows you access ; 22. program that finds information ; 23. transfer ; 24. special places where you can leave messages and get instant replies .25. special computer pages ; 26. turn the computer on, enter my code and access the computer system; 27. advertisement that suddenly appears on the computer screen; 28. program that helps you find the information you want; 29. most important or main words ; 30. connections ; 31. officially registered website address ; 32. front page ; 33. through the computer; 34. exit this site; 35. add it to the list of favourites. 36. a special electronic letter-sending facility ; 37. special word that allows me to enter the system; 38. unwanted advertising ; 39. remove; 40. document or file that has been sent with it ; 41. hidden routine placed in the program that destroys or corrupts files ; 42. shutting down our system ; 43. something on our computer that protects against this sort of thing; 44. bring it up to date.

Вопрос 2

Read about Second Conditional here and do the task:

1 I'd give you her number if I it.

2 If I won the lottery, I think I my job.

3 Who date if you could date anyone in the world?

4 If everybody in the world 1 dollar, we'd finish the world's problems.

5 If you my wife, I'd make you the happiest woman on earth.

6 If I ___ you, I wouldn't trust him.

a. was

b. were

c. did

7 You ______ healthier if you ______ a bit of weight.

a. felt / would lose

b. would feel / would lose

c. would feel / lost

8 If we sold the house we ______ much right now.

a. didn't get

b. wouldn't get

c. won't get

9 I ______ him if he _______ me to help him.

a. helped / would allow

b. would help / allowed

c. would help / allows

10 What kind of job ______ to have if you ______ a teacher?

a. would you like / weren't

b. would you like / wasn't

c. did you like / wouldn't be

Read about Third Conditional here and do the task:

1 If you had trained more, you so easily.

2 We wouldn't have spent all the money if you on going to that boutique.

3 If you had told me that you were having problems, I you.

4 If I that she was in town, I would have called her.

5 If she had offered a better price for the car, I it.

6 They ______ him if I ______ them the money.

a. would have killed / didn't give

b. would have killed / hadn't given

c .had killed him / wouldn't give

7 I ______ the exam even if ______ I harder.

a. wouldn't pass / studied

b. wouldn't have passed / had studied

c. hadn't passed / would have studied

8 If I ______ you the truth, you _____ me.

a. told / wouldn't have believed

b. would have told / wouldn't have believed

c. had told / wouldn't have believed

9 If I had been feeling well, I ______ the steak.

a. might ordered

b. would have ordered

c. will have ordered

10 If I ______ so hard all my life, I _____ more time with my kids.

a. hadn't worked / would have spent

b. wouldn't have worked / had spent

c. didn't work / would spent

Вопрос 3

Read an article about how people at different ages use computers and smartphones. Are the sentences below true or false?

Today's grandparents are joining their grandchildren on social media, but the different generations' online habits couldn't be more different. In the UK the over-55s are joining Facebook in increasing numbers, meaning that they will soon be the site's second biggest user group, with 3.5 million users aged 55–64 and 2.9 million over-65s.

Sheila, aged 59, says, 'I joined to see what my grandchildren are doing, as my daughter posts videos and photos of them. It's a much better way to see what they're doing than waiting for letters and photos in the post. That's how we did it when I was a child, but I think I'm lucky I get to see so much more of their lives than my grandparents did.'

Ironically, Sheila's grandchildren are less likely to use Facebook themselves. Children under 17 in the UK are leaving the site – only 2.2 million users are under 17 – but they're not going far from their smartphones. Chloe, aged 15, even sleeps with her phone. 'It's my alarm clock so I have to,' she says. 'I look at it before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up.'

Unlike her grandmother's generation, Chloe's age group is spending so much time on their phones at home that they are missing out on spending time with their friends in real life. Sheila, on the other hand, has made contact with old friends from school she hasn't heard from in forty years. 'We use Facebook to arrange to meet all over the country,' she says. 'It's changed my social life completely.'

Teenagers might have their parents to thank for their smartphone and social media addiction as their parents were the early adopters of the smartphone. Peter, 38 and father of two teenagers, reports that he used to be on his phone or laptop constantly. 'I was always connected and I felt like I was always working,' he says. 'How could I tell my kids to get off their phones if I was always in front of a screen myself?' So, in the evenings and at weekends, he takes his SIM card out of his smartphone and puts it into an old-style mobile phone that can only make calls and send text messages. 'I'm not completely cut off from the world in case of emergencies, but the important thing is I'm setting a better example to my kids and spending more quality time with them.'

Is it only a matter of time until the generation above and below Peter catches up with the new trend for a less digital life?

1. More people aged 55 or more use Facebook than people aged 65 or more.



2. Grandparents typically use Facebook less than their grandchildren.



3. Sheila feels grateful to social media.



4. Peter found his own smartphone use affected how he felt about how much his children used their phones.



5. Peter has changed how much he uses his phone during the working day.



6. Peter feels that the changes make him a better parent.



Вопрос 4

Watch a video about cyberchondria. For questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

a. tries to find what illness they have on the Internet

b. reads a lot about medicine

c. writes online diagnoses to try to help other people

2 Doctor David Hilden thinks people ...

a. look for symptoms on the Internet too often

b. often reach erroneous conclusions about their symptoms

c. are sometimes sicker than they may think

3 Doctor David Hilden ...

a. has been an expert on cyberchondria for a long time

b. has known about cyberchondria only for a short time

c. thinks that cyberchondria is becoming less prevalent

4 He says that cyberchondria causes people ...

a. to ask for medicines they don’t need

b. to panic and visit their doctor too often

c. to be distressed and ask doctors for unnecessary tests

5 He spends a considerable amount of time ...

a. telling patients that they don’t have the illness they think they have

b. making sure patients don’t pay attention to the internet

c. telling patients which websites they can visit

6 According to the doctor, the Internet is beneficial because ...

a. people get an idea of what illness they have

b. people learn about how healthy food, and lifestyle

c. people learn about what symptoms they should be worried about

7 Hilden says the Internet can also ...

a. be a substitute for going to the doctor

b. help prevent illnesses

c. provide information about medicines...

Автор работы Разместил эксперт elena70, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 10 раз

Решение задач Английский язык

ИРНИТУ Итоговый тест по английскому языку для заочников 2 курс


Вопрос 1 Бал: 7,00

Complete each sentence with the words and expressions in the boxes:

1. When a company or organisation has a for a job, and it needs to recruit a new member of staff, it usually advertises the

2. A job advertisement has to give an accurate description of the job and what it requires from the (the people who are interested in the post),

3. These requirements might include (academic, vocational and professional), work in similar lines of work, and certain personal qualities (for example, it might say that you need to be practical, professional and have a sense of humour).

4. The advertisement will also specify what (basic salary, commission, regular etc) and benefits (paid leave, free medical insurance, company car, etc) the company can offer in return.

Вопрос 2 Бал: 5,00

Identify who is speaking, Choose the best option:

1. My name's Eddie Jobsworth. Have you got ID? Sorry, can’t let you go any further here without ID. You're going to have to leave, Now, please.


Security Guard


2. I'm Don Prescott, I've been hired by the company's head office to check Mr Saville's figures. We're not sure that everything adds up.

External Auditor

Non-executive Director

Official Mediator

3. Andy Kelly. Hi. I'm just an ordinary worker on the factory floor, but I represent the workers in discussions with the managers about things like wages and conditions of employment.

Trade Union Representative


Graduate Trainee

4. Hello, I'm Hillary Hannah, I type letters, file documents, arrange meetings and so on, for the various people in my office.

Girl Friday

Company Secretary


5. My name's Liz Hamley, and I suppose I'm the big cheese around here. Basically I'm the most important director in charge of the company.

Company Director

Chief Executive Officer

Managing Director

Вопрос 3

Read this (not very technical) description and replace the underlined expressions with a more appropriate word or expression from the Glossary.

This is my new 1. computer that sits on top of a table or desk (I've also got a 2. small computer which can be carried and held on your knees.) As you can see, there are six main 3. parts to it. The first is the 4. part of the computer that runs it and controls what it does (=central processing unit), and this is the most important bit, It carries the 5, part that stores and controls the flow of information including the hard disk. Mine has a particularly high 6. capacity for storing information which means that it's much faster than most. It came with its own 7. computer programs package (including one for 8. writing, checking and changing texts, one for 9. calculating in columns of figures and one for 10 producing texts and pictures (desktop publishing) for magazines). You can also 11. put in other programs using the 12. sliding tray for carrying round, plastic information-holding things drive, or the 13. hole for connecting computer parts to one another (into which you can put a 14. small plastic and metal object which can hold a lot of information).

The other five parts of the computer are the 15. screen that lets you see what your computer is doing. the 16. flat thing with the letters and numbers on it that let you control the computer, the 17 machine that lets you make copies of the documents that you create on your computer the 18. device for making colour copies of photographs and other documents which you can put onto your computer and last but not least, the 19. device that you hold in your hand and move across your desk to control the cursor.

In my opinion, the best thing about modern information technology is the 20. network that links millions of computers from around the world Once you've got yourself a 21. company that allows you access and a 22. program that finds information

you can start using this, It's especially useful if you want to get information about something, go shopping or 23. transfer information, games, music, etc, onto your own computer. You can even 'talk to other computer users in 24. special places where

you can leave messages and get instant replies. If you have a particular interest in something, you can also visit newsgroups where you can 'talk' to other people with the same interest.

Most companies have their own 25. special computer pages which you can look at. Let me 26. tur the computer on, enter my code and access the computer system, and I'll show you ours. OK, here we go. Oh no, another 27 advertisement that suddenly appears on the computer screen. How annoying. Let me just remove it That's better.

Now, I can never remember the exact address of our company, so first of all I'll type it into the 28. program that helps you find the information you want. OK, A and C Black Publishing The computer identifies the 29, most important or main words and then gives me 30. connections to a list of possible sites. This one looks right: ' www.acblack.com ', That's the company's 31, officially registered website address (name): I'll click on that.

Bingo! Here's our 32 front page You can use this to find the different books that we publish, and if you want you can even buy them 33. through the computer. Hmm, this book looks good: 'Check your English Vocabulary for Business and Administration'. Now, before 34, exit this site I'll just 35. add it to my list of favourites so that I can find it more quickly next time.

Perhaps the most important thing, however, is 36. a special electronic letter-sending facility, which allows you to communicate with people around the world in an instant. Let me quickly check mine. First of all, I need to enter my 37. special word that allows me to enter the system. That's it. Oh dear, nothing very interesting. Mainly a load of 38. unwanted advertising I'll just 39 remove it I don't particularly want to have a new home extension, pass my bank details to a "solicitor" in Nigeria or buy a pill that's guaranteed to improve my love life.

There's something here from one of our suppliers with a / an 40 document or file that has been sent with it. You have to be careful with these: sometimes they contain a 41. hidden routine placed in the program that destroys or corrupts files. If you open it, it can do all sorts of horrible things to your computer. We had one last week that kept 42 shutting down our system. We do have 43. something on our computer that protects this sort of thing , but it's a bit out of date, we really ought to 44. bring it up to date.

Вопрос 4 Бал: 15,00

Complete definitions 1 - 15 with words and expressions from the boxes below.

1. is the practice or science of changing the genes of a living thing, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose.

2. is a rule, law, or plan that protects people or something from harm or problems

3. is the study of living things.

4. is someone who does not like, trust, or want to use technology, especially computers.

5. is a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work.

6. is the study or use of computers and electronic systems for storing and using information.

7. If something is____ it is changed slightly in order to improve it.

8. is a scientist who studies or works in genetics.

9. is the use of technology to make copies of natural things (for example, artificial body parts).

10. is a scientist or other technical expert with a high position in industry or government.

11. … is the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts.

12 is the science that studies the effects of low temperatures, especially the use of low temperatures for preserving the bodies of dead people.

13. An____ is a scientific test to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions.

14 is the length of time that someone is likely to live.

15 is the invention or use of new ideas, methods, equipment, etc.

Вопрос 5 Бал: 9,00

Complete the sentences with work / to work / working :

1. I spent all weekend on the computer.

2. I have decided online next week.

3. You must harder, if you want to be promoted.

4. My boss often makes me late.

5. He isn't very good at in a team.

6. I don't mind on Saturdays.

7. He has gone to the UK in his uncle's shop.

8. with members of your family can be quite difficult.

9. My husband promised not on my birthday.

Вопрос 6 Бал: 10,00

Translate the highlighted words from Russian into English:

1. I became more when he mentioned her name. Я стaл более заинтересован, когда он упомянул ее имя.

2. The film was less than I thought. - Фильм был менее увлекательным, чем я думал.

3. These were the most words I've ever heard, Это были самые вдохновляющие (=обнадёживающие) слова, которые когда либо слышал.

4. He was the least person in the room. - Он был наименее раздраженным человеком в комнатe.

5. This book is very - Эта книга очень интересная

6. She finds her job Она считает свою работу изнурительной (утомительной)

7. It was an experience for her. - Это был увлекательный опыт для неe.

8. I'm in landscape design. - Я интересуюсь ландшафтным дизайном.

9. At the end of the day she is often - Часто в конце рабочего дня она утомлена.

10. She is about going to Portugal- Она в восторгe (=взволнована) от поездки в Португалию

Вопрос 7 Балл: 24,00

Open the brackets. No contracted forms = don't isn't.!!!! Zero Conditionals

Complete the zero conditional sentences.

If you (not/like) the meat, you (not/have) to eat it.

If you (heat) water, it (boil)

My dog (get) hyperactive if (not/walk) her twice a day.

First Conditionals

Complete the first conditional sentences.

If it (rain), we (not/go) for a walk.

If he (not/know) the way, I (pick) him up.

I (bake) a cake if your friend (come) to see us.

Second Conditionals

Complete the second conditional sentences.

If you (study) harder, you (get) better marks in your tests.

if (be) rich, I (travel) around the world.

She (come) to the cinema with us if she (not/have) to work.

Third Conditionals

Complete the third conditional sentences.

If you (help) us, we (finish) the work in half the time.

I (call) you earlier if I (not/lose) your phone number.

They (not/drive to the theatre if they (know) about the snow.

Вопрос 8 Балл: 5,00

Change these sentences from active to passive. 'By' is necessary in all sentences except the first one.

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.

2. My grandfather built this house in 1943.

3. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy. -

4. Might James cook dinner?

5. Picasso wasn't painting Guernica at that time.

Вопрос 9 Балл: 10,00

You are going to read an article about what NOT TO DO when starting a new job. The title of each of the paragraphs has been removed from the article. Choose from the titles (a-k) the one which best fits each gap (1-10). Use each letter only ONCE. There is ONE extra title you DO NOT need to use.

10 things you should never do when starting a new job

Congratulations! You've finally secured a new job, and now you want to start off on the right foot. You want to be careful not to make any career ending mistakes So, what should you NEVER do when starting a new job?

You learned this in first grade, when the teacher began keeping track of tardies: Being on time matters. Factor in extra time if there's traffic. construction, or other reasons to expect a delay,

Before starting your job, talk with the hiring manager or human resources professional to make sure you understand what constitutes acceptable outfit for your new workplace. There's nothing more embarrassing than showing up wearing something that doesn't fly with your supervisors.

Many companies require new employees to go through a training process before starting a new position While it may be tempting to skip these sessions or treat them lightly, don't do it, Even if your training managers won't be your direct supervisors, they are watching you.

No matter where you’re working, there are certain processes, tools, and forms that make up the standard operating procedures of your company You may have been introduced to these through a very organized, systematic orientation, or you may feel like you’re expected to absorb them by osmosis, if you were formally informed, consider yourself fortunate, if not, don t feel shortchanged or frustrated, Instead, take initiative and master the basics on your own.

It's understandable that you may need help or guidance during your first few weeks at a new job, and asking co workers for assistance or just to answer questions can be perfectly acceptable. But remember, you were hired because managers believed in your ability to get the job done. Ask for help if you need it, but believe in yourself and prove that you can do the work yourself.

Your employer isn't paying you to chat with your girlfriend or even your kids' babysitter. Make a personal policy of limiting personal phone calls and texts to your lunch break, except for emergencies.

Most likely, you and your employer agreed to a certain salary during the hiring process. So don't change your mind before you even show up at work. Don't expect more money until you've worked long enough to prove your value to the employer.

Of course you want to make a good impression as soon as you arrive at a new job, and show your new employer they made the right choice in hiring you, However, be cautious of suggesting new policies or strategies during your first few weeks, as it may not be the best way to demonstrate you are a team player. At first, take time to really understand and learn your job, then over time, you can make suggestions and changes as situations arise, and as your input and expertise is called upon.

In a new job, there will always be a learning curve, and effective supervisors understand that. Inevitably, you’ll be asked to do something or expected to know something that you don’t yet know or know how to do. Rather than saying you can complete the task on your own, tell the truth and “don’t be afraid to say, ‘I don’t know,’

You may be so eager to start your new job that you don’t want to stop and ask questions. But by skipping even the most basic questions, you are setting yourself up for failure.

1. Susan got her first job as a voice actress…

a. through a friend.

b. after an audition.

by accident.

2. After that first job as a voice actress…

a, she has perfected her accent.

b. she has always worked as a voice actress.

c. she has worked as a voice coach.

3. Tillie the All-Time Teller was…

a. a character in a cartoon…

b. the voice that Susan recorded for a bank.

c. a popular children's song…

4. Susan found out that she was Siri…

a. when a friend called her.

b. through a colleague.

c, through a friend's iPhone.

5. How did Susan feel when she learned that she was Siri?

a. She had some doubts.

b. She was incredibly excited.

c. She was angry,

6. For Susan, …

a. it's cool to be on people's phones.

b. being Siri has damaged her professional career.

c. it wasn't easy to accept that she was Siri.

7. Susan says that…

a. Siri has been more negative than positive.

b. her role as Siri has made her lose many jobs.

c. she gets a lot of work thanks to Siri....

Автор работы Разместил эксперт elena70, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 3 раза

Решение задач Английский язык

Росдистант Иностранный язык 1 (Претест, Юнит 1-2, Итоговый тест) 161 вопрос


Вопрос 1


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

If we get up in time, _____ the train.

Выберите один ответ:

we'll catch

we catch

we caught

we had caught

Вопрос 2


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

He said that most problems _____ by teenagers.

Выберите один ответ:

were causing



were caused

Вопрос 3


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, _____

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 4


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

Can you tell me the way _____?

Выберите один ответ:

of the bank

to the bank

is the bank

where is bank

Вопрос 5


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

The train was cancelled, so we _____.

Выберите один ответ:

couldn't go

didn't went

wasn't go

mustn't go

Вопрос 6


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

_____ does your boyfriend look like?

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 7


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

The phone's ringing: _____ answer it.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 8


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

We can _____ walk or go by car.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 9


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

This is _____ than I thought.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 10


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

Do you like the red _____?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 11


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

It _____ be possible some time in the future.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 12


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

We _____ them at eight o'clock.

Выберите один ответ:

're meeting

're met


Вопрос 13


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They won't come, _____ they?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 14


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

_____ he play tennis?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 15


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We'll have taken our exams _____ this time next month.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 16


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Have you _____ a car?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 17


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

_____ is very good exercise.

Выберите один ответ:



To swim

Вопрос 18


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ pay for the tickets.

Выберите один ответ:

don't have

haven't to

don't have to

Вопрос 19


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

She _____ what I had been doing for all that time.

Выберите один ответ:

asked me

asked with me

asked for me

asked to me

Вопрос 20


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I will do badly in my work, _____ try harder.

Выберите один ответ:

if I don't

if I wasn't

if I haven't

if I'm not

Вопрос 21


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ at home yesterday.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 22


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I _____ I had been able to meet her.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 23


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Peter _____ at seven o'clock.

Выберите один ответ:

gets up

goes up


Вопрос 24


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Текст вопроса

Your work is _____ better.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 25


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

It was a difficult journey, but I _____ get home.

Выберите один ответ:

at last



managed to

Вопрос 26


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

He _____ to help me with the decorating.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 27


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ come to the cinema with us.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 28


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Stephen _____ to visit his parents.

Выберите один ответ:

is going



Вопрос 29


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

He didn't _____ glasses.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 30


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Have you ever _____ in a jazz band?

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 31


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

_____ old is their car?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 32


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We don't have _____ butter.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 33


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Have you _____ been on a winter sports holiday?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 34


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Are you _____ for one or two weeks?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 35


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I think it ____be sunny tomorrow.

Выберите один ответ:

will to

will probably



Вопрос 36


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

She's got _____ hair.

Выберите один ответ:

dark long

long dark

long and dark

Вопрос 37


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We _____ work in that factory.

Выберите один ответ:

use to


used to


Вопрос 38


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

He _____ like his brother.

Выберите один ответ:

can look

isn't look



Вопрос 39


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We had not _____ heard the news.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 40


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The _____ have seen it before.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 41


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We _____ got a garage.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 42


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I'm working _____ to pass my exam.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 43


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

He _____ to Brazil on business.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 44


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I _____ in an armchair at the moment.

Выберите один ответ:



'm sitting

Вопрос 45


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Choose the best answer. If you do not know the answer, leave it blank.They are going _____ in America next month.

Выберите один ответ:



to be

will be

Вопрос 46


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ from Spain.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 47


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

It _____ correctly.

Выберите один ответ:

hasn't been do

not been done

hasn't been done

hasn't done

Вопрос 48


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We _____ lunch when you telephoned.

Выберите один ответ:

are having

was having

were having


Вопрос 49


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I'm _____ when I'm with you.

Выберите один ответ:


happier than

the happy


Вопрос 50


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ ever check their emails.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 51


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I'm writing _____ ask you to explain.

Выберите один ответ:

in order to

because of



Вопрос 52


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Do you know what _____?

Выберите один ответ:

time is it

time is

time it is

time is now

Вопрос 53


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

How did you manage to cook _____ a good meal?

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 54


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

It was difficult at first, but I soon got _____ it.

Выберите один ответ:

get used to

got used to

used to

changed to

Вопрос 55


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I don't _____ getting up early.

Выберите один ответ:


not like


Вопрос 56


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

My brother is older _____ me.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 57


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Choose the best answer. If you do not know the answer, leave it blank._____ name is Robert.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 58


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Carla _____ to the radio all morning.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 59


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We _____ live in a flat.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 60


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I like this song. _____ do I.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 61


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

It is a busy, _____ city.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 62


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

It's the _____ interesting of his films.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 63


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

She could play the piano _____ she could walk.

Выберите один ответ:


as well



Вопрос 64


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We _____ like to see the mountains.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 65


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Have you got a pen? Yes, I _____.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 66


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I've never met an actor _____.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 67


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We arrived at the station, but the bus _____ earlier.

Выберите один ответ:

had left

had leave

has leave

has left

Вопрос 68


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The restaurant was _____ busy.

Выберите один ответ:


a lot


Вопрос 69


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Do you _____ classical or rock music?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 70


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Were you _____ to open the door?

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 71


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I _____ there for a long time.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 72


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

He _____ know how to spell it.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 73


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ an old photograph of the place.

Выберите один ответ:

came up

came across

came after

came into

Вопрос 74


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Their car is _____ biggest on the road.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 75


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Those shoes are very _____.

Выберите один ответ:

a lot



Вопрос 76


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ heard us coming, we were making a lot of noise.

Выберите один ответ:


must have



Вопрос 77


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

He has _____ breakfast.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 78


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Who was _____ the door?

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 79


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Schools then _____ having more children in the class.

Выберите один ответ:

were used to

were use to

was used to

was use to

Вопрос 80


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The problem was _____ solved

Выберите один ответ:


an easy


easy to

Вопрос 81


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The accident wouldn't have happened, if you had been more _____.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 82


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

_____ are you from?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 83


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

What do you do? I'm _____ student.

Выберите один ответ:



Вопрос 84


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Football _____ in most countries.

Выберите один ответ:

is playing



is played

Вопрос 85


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

They _____ to go to France for a year.

Выберите один ответ:



to decide


Вопрос 86


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

_____ some money here.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 87


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I _____ wasted my time when I was at university.

Выберите один ответ:

shouldn't have


ought not to


Вопрос 88


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Tom has lived in this town _____ three years.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 89


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

If I _____ enough money, I'd buy a new car.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 90


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

This is the cinema _____ we saw the film.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 91


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Everybody _____ wear a seat belt in the car.

Выберите один ответ:

doesn't have to


don't have to


Вопрос 92


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The solution had been found, _____ we hadn't realised it.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 93


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I've got _____ many problems.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 94


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I _____ play football at the weekend.

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 95


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Yesterday was the _____ of April.

Выберите один ответ:


day three


Вопрос 96


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

What _____ to do at the weekend?

Выберите один ответ:

are you liking

have you like

is you like

do you like

Вопрос 97


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

This is going to be my chance to _____ any difficulties.

Выберите один ответ:




sort out

Вопрос 98


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

_____ you like this DVD?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 99


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

I can't _____ another language.

Выберите один ответ:

to speak



Вопрос 100


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

We _____ to go to work at six in the morning.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 1


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Match the numbers to the letters

avoid accident избежать аварии

highway большая дорога, магистраль

computing power вычислительная мощность

fuel consumption расход горючего

gadget приспособление, наворот

bullet train сверхскоростной пассажирский экспресс

traffic jam пробка на дороге

avoid collision избежать столкновения

braking system тормозная система

vehicle транспортное средство

Вопрос 2


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Match the numbers to the letters.

booster · стартовый ускоритель

borrowing · заимствование

capsule · отсек

agreement · соглашение

debris · осколки, обломки

brisk · живой, оживленный

accurate · правильный, точный

consciously · сознательно

crew · экипаж

axis · ось

Вопрос 3


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

A company that went bankrupt…

Выберите один ответ:

changed its name

went out of business

became famous

Вопрос 4


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

These statements come from the readings "The World of World Music" and "J-Ball". Read each statement and then answer the questions that follow. A generic name is a …

Выберите один ответ:

name that is hard to forget

general name

new name

Вопрос 5


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The word warped means …

Выберите один ответ:

informed and precise

cold and unemotional

distorted and inaccurate

Вопрос 6


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Match the numbers to the letters.

on the other hand · с другой стороны, зато

global integration · всемирное объединение

stumbling block · камень преткновения

precise definition · точное определение

retraining program · программа переподготовки

borderless world · мир, не имеющий границ

prosperity · процветание

disrupt · разрывать,разрушать

oppose · быть против, возражать

keep in mind · иметь в виду

Вопрос 7


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Another term for meltdowns is …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 8


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

What kind of car is a high-end car?

Выберите один ответ:

one with large rear wheels

an expensive, luxury model

a fast, sporty car

Вопрос 9


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

If the use of something is mushrooming, it

Выберите один ответ:

has roots in the past

has become stable

is growing rapidly

Вопрос 10


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

A hostile world is…

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 11


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

When someone is chastised, he or she is…

Выберите один ответ:

made famous



Вопрос 12


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Haunting music is …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 13


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

A word with the same meaning as fusing is…

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 14


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Lax laws are …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 15


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

If one country edged out another country, it …

Выберите один ответ:

replaced the other country at the top of the list

was ranked almost as high as the other country

had good relations with the other country

Вопрос 16


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Another word for upkeep is…

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 17


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

A rival league is …

Выберите один ответ:

a successful one

a competing one

an older one

Вопрос 18


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Match the numbers to the letters.

amateur player· любитель, непрофессионал

impact on· повлиять на что-л.

near retirement· близко к пенсии

martial art· боевое искусство

catch on· завоевать популярность; привиться

diplomatic feat · дипломатическое искусство

lured by lucrative contract · завлеченный прибыльным контрактом

mend relations between · улучшать взаимоотношения между

borrow from · заимствовать, перенимать

competitive against · соперничающий против

Вопрос 19


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Match the numbers to the letters.

go bankrupt · обанкротиться

according to в соответствии с; согласно

decide on · принимать решение

continued appearance · непрерывное появление

global market · мировой рынок

full-time crew · рабочий экипаж

designed by · сконструированный кем-либо

anticipated lifetime · ожидаемый срок службы

famed entrepreneur · известный предприниматель

company lawyer · юрисконсульт компании

Вопрос 20


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Monitoring means …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 21


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

When technology is state-of-the-art, it is …

Выберите один ответ:


hard to handle

out of order

Вопрос 22


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

If a person writes tersely, he or she writes …

Выберите один ответ:


with grammatical and spelling mistakes

in an educated style

Вопрос 23


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

These statements come from the readings "Vanishing Languages" and "Internet Milestones". Read each statement and then answer the questions that follow. A visionary scientist is one who…

Выберите один ответ:

has had many successes

studies human eyesight

foresees the future

Вопрос 24


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

A skit is a…

Выберите один ответ:

group of comedic actors

short, funny act

related group of songs

Вопрос 25


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

A lucrative contract is a …

Выберите один ответ:

profitable one

long-term one

complicated one

Вопрос 26


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The Giants won nine consecutive series. This means that …

Выберите один ответ:

the Giants won nine series in a row

all of the series were very exciting

the Giants won all of the series quite easily

Вопрос 27


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

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Текст вопроса

The stations would contain residential, industrial, and agricultural zones. This statement tells us that the stations would have areas used for...

Выберите один ответ:

recreation, education, and energy production

housing, manufacturing, and farming

communication, navigation, and control

Вопрос 28


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Текст вопроса

Curtailed means …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 29


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Текст вопроса

Another way to say resurrected is…

Выберите один ответ:

well documented

brought back to life

completely forgotten

Вопрос 30

To keep track of a project is to…

Выберите один ответ:

begin it

monitor it

simplify it

Вопрос 31

If a name is catchy, it is…

Выберите один ответ:

easy to remember

highly unusual


Вопрос 32


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Текст вопроса

Match the numbers to the letters.

diversity · многообразие

extraterrestrial · внеземной

boost · поддержка; рекламирование

chant · песнопение; хорал

dedicate · посвящать

empress· императрица

blend · смешивать

cosmopolitan · многонациональный

establish · учреждать

folk · народный

Вопрос 33


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Текст вопроса

The phrase on the heels of is another way to say …

Выберите один ответ:

in spite of

because of

just after

Вопрос 34


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Текст вопроса

A best-case scenario is…

Выберите один ответ:

the most likely outcome

the most optimistic prediction

a prediction that everything will turn out well

Вопрос 35


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Текст вопроса

The word prosperity means …

Выберите один ответ:

excellence and good training

wealth and good economic conditions

power and prestige

Вопрос 36


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Текст вопроса

Diverse is close in meaning to the word …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 37

The severity of an impact refers to its …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 38

If an airbag deploys too vigorously, it opens …

Выберите один ответ:


with too much force

too slowly

Вопрос 39


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Текст вопроса

The word cosmopolitan has about the same meaning as …

Выберите один ответ:



well known

Вопрос 40


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Текст вопроса

These statements come from the reading "Oases in Space" and "The Name Game". Read each statement and then answer the questions that follow. If something happens harmlessly, it happens…

Выберите один ответ:

without causing any damage

in a spectacular way

very rapidly

Вопрос 1


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

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Текст вопроса

A synonym of mend is …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 2


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

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Текст вопроса

Unambiguous is closest in meaning to...

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 3


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Текст вопроса

A keystone is…

Выберите один ответ:

a record

a critical part

an ancestor

Вопрос 4


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Текст вопроса

Something has taken root when it …

Выберите один ответ:

first appears

has become less popular

has become established

Вопрос 5


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Текст вопроса

A proverb is…

Выберите один ответ:

a wise person

an old saying

a song

Вопрос 6


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Текст вопроса

If something is defunct, it is …

Выберите один ответ:

no longer in existence

not as important as it used to be

ompletely forgotten

Вопрос 7


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Текст вопроса

If something is annoying, it is…

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 8


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Текст вопроса

If something is fictional, it…

Выберите один ответ:

is described in detail

is strange and wonderful

doesn't really exist

Вопрос 9


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Текст вопроса

A synonym for urgent is…

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 10


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Текст вопроса

A blueprint is a…

Выберите один ответ:

carefully designed plan

design for a house


Вопрос 11


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Текст вопроса

A word that could be used in place of evenly without changing the meaning of the statement is …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 12


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Текст вопроса

A word with the same meaning as stumbling blocks is …

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 13


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Текст вопроса

The name Dainty is the name of a type of soap, but the word dainty really means...

Выберите один ответ:

sweet smelling

fragile, gentle

superior to all others

Вопрос 14


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Текст вопроса

These statements come from the readings "Smart Cars, Intelligent Highways" and "Globalization and Antiglobalization". Read each statement and then answer the questions that follow. The increasing integration of economies means that economies are …

Выберите один ответ:

growing rapidly in size and strength

becoming more unified and dependent on one another

becoming more complicated and less controllable

Вопрос 15


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Текст вопроса

If a problem such as traffic jams is chronic, it …

Выберите один ответ:

can never be fixed

is serious for a short time

occurs again and again

Вопрос 16


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Текст вопроса

Match the numbers to the letters.

chorus · хор, певческий коллектив

junkmail· спам, почтовый мусор

blueprint· план

astonishing· изумительный

filter out· не обращать внимания

evolve· эволюционировать

come true· осуществляться

hook up· подключать(свет, газ)

instantaneously· мгновенно

chastise· подвергать наказанию

Вопрос 17


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Текст вопроса

The word aloof is often used to describe a person. A person who is aloof is ...

Выберите один ответ:

not very smart

distant and unfriendly

silly, funny

Вопрос 18


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

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Текст вопроса

A synonym for astonishing is…

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 19


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

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Текст вопроса

Have you _____ been on a winter sports holiday?

Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 20


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

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Текст вопроса

If artists have gotten a boost from Western musicians, they have …

Выберите один ответ:

worked closely with those musicians

received support from those musicians

been strongly influenced by those musicians

Вопрос 21


Баллов: 1,0 из 1,0

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Текст вопроса

A revered player is …

Выберите один ответ:

greatly admired

very well-paid

tremendously talented...

Автор работы Разместил эксперт elena70, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 0 раз

Контрольная работа Английский язык

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 1 по иностранному языку (английский язык) ВАРИАНТ 1 (А-З) 2 семестр


2.1.3.Определите, являются ли утверждения, данные ниже, правдивыми – соответствуют тексту (True) или ложными – не соответствуют тексту (False).
1. A siding is a long track alongside a main or branch line to which one of two meeting trains is switched until the other train passes.
2. The cross-sectional area of a rail looks like letter "X" or letter "V".
3. Only trains carry heavier cargoes for longer distances.
4. Almost every country has at least one railroad.
5. Main-line routes link small cities; branch lines extend between main lines and various places not served by main lines.
6. The central government owns all or most of the railroad lines.
7. But railways do not own a certain amount of land on both sides of the road-way.
8. The web is the middle part between the head and the foot.

2.1.4. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. What kinds of loads do railroads carry?
2. Why are railroads considered the most important and universal mode of transport?
3. What is the longest railroad line in the world?
4. Who controls most railroad lines in many countries?
5. What are the basic elements of the track?
6. What building materials are used to make rails, crossties and ballast?
7. What parts do rails consist of?
8. What is the role of the fishplate?
9. What rails are called continuous welded rails?
10. What do they ensure?
2.2. Vocabulary

2.2.1. Замените подчеркнутые слова синонимами из текста.

1. Railroads are and have always been the most important mode of transport.
2. Some trains carry people; others transport various cargoes.
3. Almost every country has a railway.
4. The longest rail line extends for more than 9,000 km.
5. This railroad joins the capital of Russia and Vladivostok.
6. Most railroads all over the world are controlled by the state.
7. The railroad track consists of two parallel steel rails joined to timber or concrete sleepers.
8. Rails are made up of 3 parts: the lower part, the upper part and the middle part.

2.2.2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям.
- важный и наиболее универсальный вид транспорта
- скоростные пассажирские поезда
- управлять железными дорогами
- строительство, ремонт, эксплуатация
- возрастающая конкуренция
- двигаться одновременно в противоположных направлениях
- железнодорожные сооружения: мосты и тоннели
- высококачественная сталь для рельсов

2.3. Grammar

2.3.1. Выпишите из текста 2 предложения, в которых имена прилагатель-ные стоят в сравнительной степени, и 3 предложения, в которых имена прила-гательные стоят в превосходной степени сравнения. Переведите все предложе-ния на русский язык.

2.3.2. Выпишите из текста 4 предложения, выделенные курсивом, и пере-ведите на русский язык. Поставьте их во времена Past Simple Passive и Future Simple Passive.
Heavy cargoes are carried by ships. – Тяжелые грузы перевозятся кораблями.
1) Heavy cargoes were carried by ships.
2) Heavy cargoes will be carried by ships.
2.3.3. Замените предложения в действительном залоге (Active Voice) пред-ложениями в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice), используя выделенные курси-вом слова в качестве подлежащего.
Ships carry heavy cargoes.
Heavy cargoes are carried by ships.

1. The railroad engineers installed high-quality steel rails and concrete crossties on this line.
2. Railroad builders use steel fishplates to join rails end-to-end.
3. Workers weld together standard rails to make continuous welded rails.
4. Engineers used crushed stone and gravel to make good ballast.
5. Engineers employ special equipment to make the land for the roadbed smooth and level.
6. Railroad engineers planned the route for the future railroad line with the least possible grades and curves.
7. Steep grades limit both the speeds of trains and the loads carried.
8. Engineers often design railroad bridges and tunnels along the route.

2.3.4. Выберите из 5 подчеркнутых в тексте предложений только те, ко-торые соответствуют конструкции Perfect Tenses (Active Voice, Passive Voice). Выпишите их и переведите на русский язык.

2.3.5. Что происходит в данный момент. Напишите правдивые предложе-ния.
1) I / wash / my hair.
2) It / snow.
3) I / sit / on a chair.
4) I / eat.
5) It / rain.
6) I / learn English.
7) I / listen to music.
8) The sun / shine.
9) I / wear shoes.
10) I / read the newspaper.

2.3.6. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму the Past Continuous или the Past Simple.

1) When I … (come) home, my little sister … (sleep).
2) When I … (see) my friends yesterday morning, they … (play) football.
3) Tom … (slip) and … (fall) down when he … (cross) the road.

2.3.7 Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Past Simple.
1) A: Where … (be / you) yesterday?
B: I … (be) at home the whole day.
A: How strange. I … (ring) you up at 2 o'clock, but nobody … (answer).
B: Oh, I … (be) in the garden. I … (read) the book and … (not / hear) the phone. Was there anything urgent?
2) Listen! Somebody … (play) the piano.
3) I … (like) music very much.

2.3.8. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя указанное время и залог.

Simple tenses (Present/Past/Future). Passive Voice.
1) Торт будет испечен шеф-поваром.
2) Эта книга была написана известным писателем.
3) Машина была отремонтирована профессиональным механиком.
4) В прошлом году концерт посетили тысячи поклонников.
5) Эту ошибку часто совершают студенты первого курса.

Continuous tenses (Present/Past/Future). Passive Voice.
6) В данный момент речь произносит политик.
7) На этой неделе предложение рассматривается комитетом.
8) Прямо сейчас студент исправляет ошибку.
9) На этой неделе проект завершается командой.
10) Сейчас посылку доставляет наш почтальон.

Perfect tenses (Present/Past/Future). Passive Voice.
11) Дом был построен известной строительной компанией в этом году.
12) На этой неделе фильм посмотрели миллионы людей.
13) Сегодня тест был сдан студентами с очень хорошими результатами.
14) Песня была написана малоизвестным музыкантом.
15) Письмо было только что написано вашим секретарем.

2.3.9. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Our house is … than that house.
A) big B) the biggest C) bigger D) biggest E) a big

2. … expensive the hotel, … the service.
A The more / the better
B The most / the best
C More / best
D More / the better
E The more / the best

3. It’s … today than yesterday. It isn’t … cold today … it was yesterday.
A warmer / as / than
B warm / as / as
C warmer / as / as
D warmest / as / as
E the warmer / as / as

4. You are driving too … . Can you drive …?
A fast / a bit slowest
B fast / much slower
C fast / a bit more slowest
D fast / a bit slower
E fast / a bit more slowly

5. Why do you always come to see me at … moment? I am always busy!
A the worst possible
B the worse possible
C the better possibly
D the best possibly
E worst possible

6. – Who is … boy in your class? - Peter is. But I am … than he is.
A a cleverer / cleverer
B a clever / cleverest
C the cleverest / cleverer
D cleverest / more clever
E cleverest / most clever

7. The film is much … interesting than the one we saw last week. No doubt it is … film I’ve seen this year.

A) - / the better
B) less / a good
C) most / the best
D) more / the best
E) least / most worst

8. - We don’t have much time. - I’m hurrying … I can.
A faster than
B the fastest
C as fast as
D more fast than
E as faster as

9. Most towns in England are not … than four hours apart by train and many are much …
A) more / few
B) more / fewer
C) the most / fewer
D) many / fewer
E) most / fewer

10. Texas alone is … than France and Alaska is twice as … as Texas.

A) larger / big
B) large / bigger
C) large / big
D) largest / biggest
E) the largest / bigger

2.4. Speaking

2.4.1. Дайте краткий ответ.
1) Have you ever been to a concert before?
2) Have you finished your homework yet?
3) Have you met any famous people before?
4) Have you played any sports this week?
5) Have you learned any new skills in the past year?
6) Are you watching TV?
7) Are you wearing a watch?
8) Are you eating something?
9) Are you sitting on the floor?
10) Are you feeling well?


Автор работы Разместил эксперт Наст421, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 1 раз

Контрольная работа Английский язык

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 1 по иностранному языку (английский язык) ВАРИАНТ 1 (А-З)


2.1.3. Определите являются ли утверждения, данные ниже, правдивыми – соответствуют тексту про Великобританию (True) или ложными – не со-ответствуют тексту (False).

1) Officially the head of the state is the President.(False)
2) Great Britain is washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Irish Sea.
3) The UK consists of five main parts.
4) The Parliament of Great Britain consists of one House – the House of Commons.
5) The island of Great Britain is divided into two parts: mountainous and lowland.
6) The official name of Great Britain is the United States of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
7) Administratively Great Britain is divided into 75 counties.
8) There is only one important river in Great Britain, the Thames.
9) Great Britain is not a highly-developed industrial country.
10) Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.
11) There is no written constitution in Great Britain.
12) There are two main political parties: the Conservative Party and the Lib-eral Party.
2.2. Vocabulary

2.2.1. Соотнесите слова.

1) lowland
2) in addition to
3) due to
4) written guarantees
5) to appoint
6) a general election
7) as a rule
8) peninsula
9) mountainous
a) к тому же
b) горный
c) благодаря
d) как правило
e) письменные гарантии
f) всеобщие выборы
g) назначить
h) низменность
i) полуостров

2.2.2. Переведите слова и выражения на английский язык (воспользуй-тесь текстом про Великобританию).

1) тем не менеe
2) назначать
3) равнинный
4) насчитывать
5) как правило
6) главные отрасли
7) включать
8) благодаря
9) полуостров
10) начать свое существование
11) в дополнение к
12) различие

2.3. Grammar

2.3.1 Выпишите и переведите 5 предложений из текста про Великобри-танию, выделенные курсивом. Поставьте их во времена Past Simple и Future Simple. Например:

I am at home. – Я – дома.
1) I was at home.
2) I will be at home.

She likes sweets. – Она любит конфеты.
1) She liked sweets.
2) She will like sweets.

2.3.2. Выпишите и переведите 4 подчеркнутых предложения из текста про Великобританию. Поставьте их в отрицательную и вопросительную формы. Например:

I go to school every day. – Я хожу в школу каждый день.
1) I don’t go to school every day.
2) Do you go to school every day?

2.3.3. Поставьте следующие существительные в форму множественного числа. Обратите внимание на правописание и исключения. Например:
a ruler – rulers

a driver … a woman … criterion … a wolf …
a box … an arrow … a list … a branch …
a ray … thesis … a city … a sheep …

2.3.4. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильной временной форме Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1) Why are (to be) you angry with me?
2) I ... (to go / not) to the cinema every day.
3) Physics … (to be) my favourite subject.
4) They ... (to be) lucky.
5) He ... (to be) a pupil twenty years ago.
6) I ... (to go) to bed at 10 o'clock yesterday.
7) There … (to be) several bolts on the floor.
8) There …(to be) a saw on the workbench.
9) The data from his report … (to be) verified.
10) She ... (to go / not) to school tomorrow.
11) ... (to watch / you) TV yesterday?
12) ... (you / to be) at the University tomorrow? – Yes, I ... .
13) My sister ... (to be / not) at home in 3 days.

2.3.5. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) Tom … in the evenings.
a) doesn't work b) don't work c) is not working
2) Tomorrow I … my report.
a) finish b) will finish c) finished
3) Jane … for me when I arrived.
a) were waiting b) is waiting c) was waiting
4) Ann … to school by bus every day.
a) go b) goes c) is going
5) I … an interesting book at the moment.
a) read b) was reading c) am reading
6) When I came in, the phone … … .
a) was ring b) rang c) was ringing
7) They … at the cinema now.
a) don't be b) aren't c) isn't

2.4. Speaking

Ответьте письменно на вопросы.

1) What’s your name?
2) Where are you from?
3) How old are you?
4) What are your hobbies?
5) What sports do you like?
6) What’s your job?

Автор работы Разместил эксперт Наст421, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 5 раз

Ответы на вопросы Английский язык

Иностранный язык Английский язык Ответы на тесты 5-6 Витте МУИВ


Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «сколько», «как много», «в каком количестве»?

Укажите в каких случаях используются только сравнительная степень прилагательных?
well, the most enjoyable, cleaner, further
worse, less dangerous, happier, cleverer
thinner, latter, warmer, less important
better, more wonderful, colder, fatter

Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «каким образом»?

Укажите правильную последовательность прилагательных - А … table
scratched big round old brown
old big round scratched brown
big round scratched old brown
old brown big round scratched

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - She is … most beautiful girl in the group.

Укажите в каких случаях используются только превосходная степень прилагательных?
the least important, hottest, worst, best
third, further, serious, funniest
the most wonderful, coldest, best, nicest
warmer, fatter, good, well

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - The Nile is … than the Volga.
more longer
most longer
many longer
much longer

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – Today the weather is … than yesterday.
the worst

Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «где»?

Какие наречия отвечают на вопрос «где»?

Установите соответствие между английским и русским переводом:
дорогой, дорогостоящий
сложный, трудный

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – I work … .
the hardly

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - He is … than his brother.
the shortest

Заполнить пропуски в предложении –. Listening to music is ….. as reading for me.
as more interesting
as interesting
as the most interesting

Установите соответствие между английским и русским переводом:

Укажите правильный порядок слов в английском словосочетании:

Укажите правильный порядок слов в английском словосочетании:
a difficult
are doing

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - Mary is … girl in the group.
the tallest
the most tall
a tallest

The cost of living is also high. The price of real estate in Moscow continues to rise. Some city residents have tried to cope with the cost of living by renting out their apartments while staying in country houses outside the city. In 2007, 2008, Moscow ranked top on the list of most ____________ cities in the world. For instance, living in a Moscow hotel is 40 percent more expensive than staying in a similar class hotel in London.
Guess which word is missing:

Moscow is a city of students. There are over 80 higher __________ institutions in it, including several universities. Lomonosov Moscow State University is probably the most famous and it offers a wide range of modern occupations.
Guess which word is missing:

Укажите правильное грамматическое время в предложении: There were some students in the classroom.
Past Perfect
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Present Simple

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - … you in London two weeks ago?

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – …. there anything in the wallet?

Укажите правильное грамматическое время в предложении: Nine islands of Tuvalu make up the fifth smallest independent nation.
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Continuous
Present Simple

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – There … a laptop, four chairs and five desks in our classroom.
have been

Укажите правильное грамматическое время в предложении – They will be working from nine till twelve.
Future in the Past
Future Simple
Future Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - He … for Minsk next week.
will be leaving
is leaving
was leaving

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – At 9 o’clock, Tom …. working.

Заполнить пропуски в предложении – Where is Jane? She …. a shower.
are having
will be having
was having
is having

Заполнить пропуски в предложении - She … shopping at the weekend.
doesn’t goes
don’t go

Present Continuous употребляют…:
чтобы подчеркнуть сообщение о действиях, запланированных на ближайшее будущее
чтобы подчеркнуть непрерывность действия
чтобы подчеркнуть то, что было в прошлом
чтобы подчеркнуть действия, носящие постоянный характер

Установите соответствие между формами глаголов и названиями времен:
He is writing.
he has done it
There is a document on the desk.
He said he would go
I have been waiting.
future in the past
present continuous
present perfect
present perfect continuous
present simple

Установите правильную последовательность между первой и второй формой неправильных глаголов:

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Present Simple?
The Browns like going to the cinema at the weekend.
Her daughters did not go to school last week.
Jane is writing a letter at the moment.
There is an application form on your desk.

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Simple?
What were they doing at 6 p.m. yesterday?
Jim has been waiting for 2 hours.
There were many shops in the mall.
My parents were in Berlin last month.

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Сontinuous?
There was a beautiful park near my house.
She said they would arrive at 7 p.m.
What were you doing at 6.30 yesterday?
He was going to the beach

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Сontinuous?
What were Jack and Bob doing from 6 to 8 yesterday?
She said her husband would come at 8 p.m.
There were different museums in my town.
My sun was going to the party.

Установите правильную последовательность между второй и третьей формой неправильных глаголов:

In Madame Tussauds Museum visitors will meet face to face with hundreds of ___________: from Shakespeare to Lady Gaga because it’s an amazing collection of wax figures.
Guess which word is missing:

The climate of the British Isles is mild the whole year round. The winters are not severely cold, while summers are rarely hot. The British Isles are well-watered throughout the year. The cloudiness is rather dense. The __________ of London with city smoke have a worldwide reputation.
Guess which word is missing:

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Past Simple?
What were they doing at 6 p.m. yesterday?
Did you visit that place?
I was there yesterday
Jim is waiting

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Present Continuous?
They are having breakfast.
John is not fond of travelling.
What are you doing?
We were swimming while Jack was watching TV.

Установите соответствие между формами глаголов и названиями времен:
was playing
doesn’t like
is sitting
will go
future simple
past continuous
past simple
present continuous
present simple

Установите правильную последовательность между первой и второй формой неправильных глаголов:

Установите соответствие между формами глаголов и названиями времен:
I will do that
He will have been going
They were in the park.
He had been going.
They had done it.
future perfect continuous
future simple
past perfect continuous
past perfect
past simple

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Future Continuous?
They will come tomorrow
We will be working all day tomorrow.
There will be two pens on the table
What will you be doing tomorrow at 7 p.m.

The United Kingdom was formed in 1707 when England and Scotland were united. Later in 1800 Ireland merged in the union. But in XX century a part of Ireland separated and became an independent country and now when we say Great Britain we mean England, Wales, Scotland and ____________.
Guess which word is missing:
Northern Ireland
Irish Republic

The type of politico-institutional organization of Great Britain is monarchy. The King Charles III is the Head of the State. The parliament has the main legislative authority. The interesting thing is that up till today there’s no unifying _________ in the country.
Guess which word is missing:

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Present Continuous?
Where are you going?
She is having a shower.
I am keen of reading
We were playing football while Jack was watching TV.

Укажите в каких предложениях используется время Present Simple?
I am writing a letter now.
They prefer doing homework in the evening.
Tom doesn’t like eating chocolate ice-cream.
What is the weather like today?


Автор работы Разместил эксперт AleksandrChernyshev, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 1 раз

Курсовая работа Английский язык

Специфика перевода фразеологизмов с именами собственными с английского языка на русский -1



Глава 1. Фразеология как наука…………………………………………………….5
1.1. Основные положения о фразеологии и фразеологизмах…………………..5
1.2. Имена собственные в составе фразеологизмов…………………………....10
1.3. Особенности и основные способы перевода фразеологических единиц…12
Глава 2. Анализ фразеологизмов английского языка с именами собственными и их эквивалентов в русском языке.…………………………………………………16
2.1. Фразеологические единицы с именем собственным в английском языке….16
2.2. Сравнительный анализ закономерностей перевода имен собственных в составе фразеологических единиц……………………………………………...…19

Автор работы Разместил эксперт Неназванный, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 0 раз

Ответы на вопросы Английский язык

Иностранный язык 2 семестр Английский язык.dor_СПО_ОУД(2/2) Колледж Синергия МТИ МОСАП Ответы на промежуточные тесты, итоговый и компетентностный тест


… abroad will give me the opportunity to get a better job
To study
To studying

… allow such terrible actions to happen again
Never again we will
No way will
Under no circumstances will we
Little will we

… book it this one? It is yours?

… break the law, but they also put themselves and others in unnecessary danger.
Not only they
Not only have they
Not only did they

… has been my obsession since childhood
Will sing
Was sing

… I bring you some coffee?
Ought to

… know how widely diffused his tweet would become
Little he
Little he did
Little did he
Little he has

… my daughter leave earlier today?
Has to
Have to

… of the clients are satisfied with our help, we did a good job

… of the peaches are good enough to be used, they’re spoiled

… people aren’t happy because of their jobs

… people don’t see the difference between us

… started the discussion when a group of hooligans arrived and started shouting slogans.
Barely had they
No sooner had they
Barely they had
No sooner had they

… we take specific actions immediately can we hope to stop climate change in some way.
Rarely when
If only
Only if

… you know that we’re engaged?

… you mad at me for yelling at you?

Add the missing word in sentence: “… order to come there on time, we need to hurry”

Add the missing word in sentence: “He was expelled … to the fact that he didn’t attend classes”

Add the missing word in sentence: “I painted my wall so … not to feel bored”

Add the missing word in sentence: “Never put … such important things, delaying them is always a mistake!”

Add the missing word in sentence: “She is working a lot … as not to be poor”

Add the missing word in sentence: “That’s the cat … owner treats it badly!”

Add the missing word in sentence: “We need to come there earlier so … to help them prepare”

Add the missing word in sentence: “We were late … of the fact that we got into a traffic jam”

After a year of arguing, we decided … a divorce
to getting
to get

At the moment Jason … with Ann
is arguing

At the moment my computer …
is repaired
is being repaired
is repairing

At the moment she … her teacher
is calling
are calling

Benedict Cumberbatch … a talented actor

By the time I am 19 I … to thirty countries
will travel
will be travelling
am going to travel
will have traveled

Can you … what is written on the board?

Did she … you where you were?

Faster! Put your clothes … and let’s go!

Firstly, I want you all to introduce …

Gregory is highly enthusiastic … completing the tests

He … he wanted to close his cafe
was saying

He (to begin) … to sleep well this summer
will get
have been
will do
will begin

He asked me if I … to have a cup of coffee
had wanted

He chose … to the cinema with us
not going
to not going
not to go
to not go

He opened the door … to let her in
in order

He ordered us … of the house
getting out
got out
to get out
get out

He said he … smoking one year ago
is quitting

He should … the doctor before it’s too late
to visit

He told me he … for half an hour before he left
had been waiting
has been waiting
is waiting

I … about buying a new phone
am thinking

I … be able to help you, but I’m not sure yet
have to

I … handle this any longer. I quit
can not
may not

I … the door long before we came in.
will close
had closed

I hope … this year successfully
to finish
to finishing

I left my jewelry … a week ago
be cleaned
to clean
to be cleaned

I need to start listening to …

I need you to let me … that!
to do
to doing

I quit University … the fact that I needed to study
due to
so that
in case

I think she … the story a little bit yesterday
had exaggerated

I would wash the dishes if it … my turn
had been

I’m so hungry. I … get something to eat
would go
will go

I’m so sorry, I … that immediately!
am going to clean
will clean
will have cleaned

I’m sorry … this, but I quit
to say
to saying

If I had had enough money, I … that ring
would buy
would have bought
would had bought

If she doesn’t return the money on time, I … her
would call
will call
will have called
was calling

If she had asked me that question, I … to her more
will talk
would talked
would have talked

If she tells you the truth, … me immediately
will call
would call

If you … all the water we had, I wouldn’t have been thirsty
wouldn’t drink
didn’t drink
hadn’t drank
hadn’t drunk

If you … on time, she would have come to the party
had called
would call
could have called

If you … your bag here, our maid will replace it when she comes

If you feel depressed, you … better visit the doctor
have to

If you hadn’t moved the keys to another place, I … them
will find
would have found
would find
have find

If you need some extra information, you … contact our help center
have to

If you scream long enough, someone … you
will hear probably
will probably hear
probably hears
hears probably

If you touch hot water, you … a burn
would get
would have got
will be getting

If you were a singer, I … all of your concerts
would visit
will visit
will have visited
would have visited

In … to stay fit you need to exercise more.

It was … task of all
the harder
the most hardest
the hardest

It’s easy … when you’re alone
to talking
to talk

It’s so late, our neighbors … make so much noise!
don’t have to
doesn’t have to

Kate always … funny jokes
is telling

Last night she wrote two articles, sent two letters and … to bed
had gone
was going

Last Tuesday my teacher … me off for being late
had told
had been telling

Lions and tigers can … in zoos
be seen
be seed
are seen

Little did he … about the situation

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I know only one thing: I need
B. Do you want
C. I’ll never forget
D. Are we rich enough
E. to feed my cat!
F. to stay with us tonight?
G. meeting you for the first time
H. to buy a house?

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. If I were you, I
B. If you had left sooner, you
C. If you leave now, you
D. If you are nice to people, they
E. wouldn’t tell him the truth
F. would have been at my place on time
G. will be at my place on time
H. treat you the same

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I wish I
B. If only she hadn’t
C. If I had more money, I
D. If she had known more about the situation, she
E. were as good a dancer as you
F. been so naïve
G. would by a flat
H. wouldn’t be so naïve

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. We will fix the car
B. They are going to
C. This time tomorrow
D. By tomorrow
E. if you pay us on time
F. France this summer.
G. she will be typing the message.
H. we will have done all the work.

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. At this time on Tuesday
B. By this time on Tuesday
C. Next week
D. At this time every day
E. he will be sunbathing
F. he will have finished sunbathing
G. he is going to sunbathe
H. the train to Dijon leaves

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Rarely does
B. Little did
C. Under no circumstances
D. Scarcely had Kate arrived in Moscow when she
E. she has her flowers watered
F. she does to save me
G. should she put herself in danger
H. was arrested

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Never has she
B. Not only has she played the violin, but she also
C. Seldom does she
D. In no other way
E. been in so much trouble before
F. sang well
G. have any rest
H. could the situation be explained

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. We need to go to the shop as we ran
B. If to compare myself with a machine, I run
C. Last week I ran
D. We are doing everything in our powers to run
E. out of milk
F. on positive emotions and coffee, otherwise I hardly function
G. into our furious headmaster
H. away from negative feelings

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He isn’t at home. He
E. If you need help, you
F. We’re on a playground, you
G. If you are no longer thirsty, you
E. must be on his way to work
F. can always rely on me
G. mustn’t smoke here
H. don’t have to finish your coffee

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He was playing with his cat when
B. You were chopping the vegetables while
C. Did you know
D. Were you talking on the phone with someone else when
E. it bit him
F. I was making coffee
G. they were getting married?
H. I called you?

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. At this time last night he
B. Last night
C. She had learned 4 languages before she
D. We were playing a game while
E. was preparing to go out
F. we had so much fun!
G. entered the University
H. James was approaching the building

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Unless you get an education,
B. Unless you bake a cake,
C. Unless you fix the TV,
D. Unless you buy a new smartphone,
E. you won’t find a good job
F. we won’t be able to start a party
G. we won’t be able to watch it
H. you won’t be able to contact me

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I leave my car to
B. The cat is usually
C. The window was
D. My heart was
E. be cleaned twice a month
F. fed three times a day
G. broken by a ball yesterday
H. broken when you told me you didn’t love me

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. It’s late, I need to turn the music
B. Before the flight you should turn your phone
C. I would like to read, I need to turn the light
D. I can’t reach the book, I need you to turn the page
E. down
F. off
G. on
H. over

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He said he
B. She asked me if
C. We were wondering if
D. She asked me
E. wanted to quit his job.
F. I had finished my work
G. she wanted to come with us
H. to keep working

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I think my flat was broken
B. I wanted her to bring my phone
C. The lack of positive emotions can bring
D. At first, I need to bring
E. into
F. back
G. on depression
H. up my child

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. We usually
B. Last night we
C. We have just started
D. Tomorrow we
E. go to the theatre on Mondays
F. stayed up late
G. completing the exercise
H. will go to the club

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. It looks like he’s come down with
B. After my aunt died, my sister came into
C. Last night she came up with
D. A week ago I came across
E. flu
F. a huge sum of money
G. a brilliant idea
H. an interesting article in a newspaper

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. That was so rude from her, never put
B. If you put your clothes
C. That’s so rude, don’t put people
D. I would like to put
E. up with such offensive statements
F. on faster, we won’t be late
G. down like that
H. off our meeting, I’m in trouble

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. We are working faster these days so
B. She was late because
C. I can come in order
D. He stayed up late due
E. as to finish the work on time
F. of the weather
G. to help you
H. to the weather conditions

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. She expects him
B. He’ll never forget
C. He is not used
D. It’s nice
E. to understand
F. meeting me
G. to studying so long
H. to meet you

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. You should keep away
B. I believe in you, keep
C. The class is getting further, you should keep up
D. I think she is keeping something
E. from the wild animals
F. on working!
G. with them
H. from me

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. The house
B. We
C. Dinner
D. My child
E. was built last summer
F. were not invited to the wedding
G. was prepared on time
H. was brought up well

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. The cars
B. My cat
C. She
D. Our neighbours
E. were moved to the parking lot
F. was fed twice yesterday
G. was taught English well
H. were asked to be quieter

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I can
B. I’m sorry wasn’t able
C. She could
D. I should have
E. make some tea if you want
F. to help you that day
G. work better a year ago
H. stopped her last night

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He should have
B. My mother has always been able
C. My friend can
D. Jake could
E. stayed out of our fight
F. to contact me at any time
G. make great jokes
H. cook well when he was a chef

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. My teacher always
B. I am preparing
C. She is studying
D. They never
E. gives me extra homework
F. for my exams now
G. abroad at the moment
H. go to school together

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Haley always
B. She is at home, she is
C. I’m thinking about
D. They never
E. prepares breakfast for our family
F. watching TV with her dad
G. going shopping tomorrow
H. come to the meetings on time

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. She ordered me not
B. My neighbours asked me if
C. She told me she
D. My mother suggested
E. to eat anything before the guests come
F. they were bothering me during the night
G. hadn’t texted him
H. talking to her

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I asked her if she
B. She suggested
C. I told you I
D. They said they
E. had visited that gallery before
F. staying at home because it was too cold outside
G. was home that day
H. were about to leave

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. They adore
B. She wants
C. I am afraid
D. He is sorry for
E. riding bicycles in the evenings
F. to study with her sister
G. to control my own thoughts
H. staying at home that day

Match the words with the prefixes used with them:
A. milti-
B. co-
C. semi-
D. under-
E. lingual
F. operate
G. final
H. estimate

My bag with all the money … last night
is stolen
was stolen
had stolen

My brother usually … home late after work
is coming

My cousin wants … a dog next year
to have
to having

My dad asked me if I … anything to say
was having

My dad said he … the tickets on his own the following day
will buy
would buy
is going to buy

My doctor advised me … a rest
to have
to had

My favourite restaurant … now
is closed
was closed

My flowers … by Ann every day
will watered
are watered
were watered
is watered

My house … ten years ago
was built
will build
were build
were built

My sister told me she … to Italy before
has never been
never has been
had never been
never had been

Nancy … thirty emails by tomorrow
will be sending
will have sent
will send
is going to send

New technologies were brought … to change men's life

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “George and I are best friends” – he said. He said he and George (to be) … best friends”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I am watching a show” – he said. He said he (to watch) … a show”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I will be very rich!” – he said. He boasted that he (to be) … very rich”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I will go to the party” – he said. He said he (to go) … to the party”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I work in a bank” – she said. She said she (to work) … in a bank”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I work in Paris!” – Mary said. Mary said she (to work) … in Paris”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I’m going to France this summer” – she told us. She told us she (to go) … to France that summer”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “A lot of different movies (to direct) … by Steven Spielberg”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “A lot of rice (to eat) … in Asia every year”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Alex said he (to buy) … a new phone before he had broken his old one”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Ann is interested in (to protect) … the environment”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Dynamite (to invent) … by Alfred Bernhard Nobel”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Everything (to explain) … to us tomorrow”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Hardly (to be) … the park finished when we came there”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He asked if I (to dance) … with him the next day”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He asked me (to control) … my anger”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He couldn’t (to cheat) … on the exam, he didn’t have his phone with him”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He expects (to be) … rich one day”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He often (to listen) … to sad music”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He should (to cut) … down on drinking so much sweetened tea”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He told me he (to shut) … the door before we had come”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (can) … play the guitar two years ago”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to be) … so curious 2 years ago”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to buy) … a new computer before I broke the old one”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to give) … you my number, I thought you might call”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to lose) … my phone if you hadn’t stopped the robber”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to stop) … you if I had known you were mad at her”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to wait) … for you if you hurry up”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to want) … to go home now”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I always forget (to turn) … the light off when I leave”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I cannot imagine ever (to become) … a teacher”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I couldn’t use my car last week, it (to repair) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I don’t remember (to water) … the flowers this morning”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I have just (to run) … two kilometers”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I usually write books, but this week I (to write) … an article”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I want to (to leave) … alone”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I was looking out the window when I (to see) … my dog running away”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I was reading a book when I (to find) … out it was about my dad”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I would have known more if you (to be) … a better teacher”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I would rather (to stay) … at home”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I’d like (to have) … some tea now”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I’m sorry I (to yell) … at you last night”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If I study hard, I (to get) … a good job”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to close) … the door, our cat wouldn’t have run away”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to give) … it to me now, I won’t take it away from you”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to know) … French better, we would feel more comfortable here”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to marry) … me, we would be so happy”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to play) … the guitar, we would have a better evening”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to read) … the article sooner, you would have stayed at home”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to scratch) … your wound, it’ll hurt more”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to tell) … this secret to me, we would no longer have trust issues”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you were more attentive, you (to notice) … that I wasn’t even at the party”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Is it really worth (to spend) … so much money on it?”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “It’s impossible to eat so many eggs in one day, she must (to leave) … some for us, let’s see”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Jakob is not used to (to get) … up so late”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Lily never takes her cat to school, but today she (to take) … it with her to show it during biology class”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Lucy always (to correct) … me when I’m wrong, it’s very nice of her”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “May I (to bring) … you some water?”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My best student never (to skip) … my classes”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My dad was able (to buy) … the house, but he didn’t”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My grandmother always (to collect) … something”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My mother came here (to meet) … me”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Never come here without (to say) … hello”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Not since last year has anybody (to win) … the competition”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Not until you (to grow) … up will we consider taking you with us”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Nothing had he (to do) … by the time we came to look at the results”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Nothing has he (to do) … to solve the case”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Oh no, I think I have a toothache! I (to go) … to the doctor tomorrow then”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Only after the job was finished was she (to allow) … to have a rest”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Our house (to destroy) … by the fire a long time ago”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Our names (to mention) … in the titles, the director did it yesterday”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Our order (to deliver) … tomorrow”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Our teacher told us that the thunder (to occur) … after the lightning”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Rachel (to make) … a dress for the meeting by this evening”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Seldom does she (to help) … other people”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She (to do) … three tasks by the time we come”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She adores (to play) … board games”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She appears (to blink) … faster than usual”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She asked me if I (to want) … a new phone”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She couldn’t (to believe) … you, she has never trusted you!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She doesn’t have (to thank) … me for being nice to her”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She is afraid of (to go) … skiing”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She never (to complete) … her work on time”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She wants to know when my coat (to buy) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Stacy asked me (to stay) … away from her”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Stop (to make) … that noise!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “That man (to follow) … me while I was going home”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The book (to complete) … by next week”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The doctor advised me (to eat) … more vegetables”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The job (to offer) … to Ann”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The music could (to hear) … far away”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The news (to announce) … yesterday”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The package (to deliver) … by tomorrow”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The painting should (to do) … as soon as possible”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The teacher couldn’t (to interrupt) … us during the last lesson, he’s so calm”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The teams (to form) … yesterday by the judges”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “These days he (to start) … to think more about his future”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “They (to read) … 23 books by the end of the year”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “This time next week we (to design) … new clothes”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “This time tomorrow our teacher (to paint) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Three participants (to eliminate) … at the end of the game by the jury”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Under no circumstances should she (to sign) … the papers she was given”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Unless you (to finish) … your work today, we won’t go out”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Unless you (to open) … the window, it will get really hot”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Unless you want to be expelled, you have (to attend) … classes”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We (to change) … the password before you tried to enter”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We (to sell) … our house three years ago”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We (to walk) … outside when we heard a loud scream”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “What would you do if you (to forget) … about all your problems?”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “When I was a child, I used (to swim) … more often”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “When you finish, I (to look) … at your work”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You can (to do) … whatever you want, I don’t care”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You can (to trust) … me, that’s for sure”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You have (to go) …, it’s late”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “I can’t swim” – Kate said. Kate told us she (can) … not swim”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “I don’t remember where my glasses are. I think I could (to put) … them on the dining table”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “I don’t think she wrote this on her own. She must (to use) … the translator”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “Look! The ice (to crack) …!”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “That can’t (to be) … her! She looks differently”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I'm so tired. I've been working for 12 hours in a row!
2 Oh, poor you. You really need a rest
3 Sure I do! The only rest I get is sleep!
4 I think you should go out more often. Sleeping is good, but you hardly get any fresh air!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Who was responsible for cleaning the flat yesterday?
2 I was, mom. Why do you ask?
3 The living room is a mess! What were you doing the whole day?
4 I'm sorry, but I forgot about it and left for school!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Can you turn on the TV?
2 Actually, I was just about to start working. Maybe a little bit later?
3 How long are you planning to work?
4 For about an hour or so

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Can you say you prefer e-books to traditional ones?
2 Absolutely! It's very beneficial
3 In what way?
4 An e-book is easier to carry around, as well as being cheaper than buying lots of traditional books

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Would you mind answering a couple of questions?
2 No, not at all. I have some time
3 Okay then, let's start. When was the last time you read a newspaper?
4 A long time ago, to be honest. I have never liked them

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What do you do for a living?
2 I’m an accountant, I work for my father
3 In this case you must really like your job!
4 Sure, I do, my dad is the best boss

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 How long have you been studying English?
2 For as long as I can remember myself, really
3 Are you enjoying studying it?
4 Absolutely, it’s extremely beautiful and useful

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 When was the last time you travelled abroad?
2 Never, to be honest. But I’m planning on it
3 And what will be the first country you visit?
4 I’ve always wanted to go to Germany. It attracts me for some reason

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What is your favourite holiday?
2 Christmas, I guess. I love when the whole family gathers in one place.
3 I agree, it has an amazing atmosphere. What about celebrating it together this year?
4 Sure, why not. I was planning to invite you over anyway!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Do you have any food allergies?
2 No, I’ve never had any. What about you?
3 As for me, I’m allergic to a bunch of dairy products and to some of the blooming flowers in Spring
4 That’s terrible! Not being able to enjoy this season is so sad

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Are you afraid of roller coasters?
2 Sure I am! I’ve been there once and I would never try it again
3 Why not? Was it so scary?
4 I hated the whole thing. I’m terribly afraid of heights

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 When did you buy a new phone?
2 Last week. There was a huge discount! Are you thinking about buying one too?
3 In fact, I am. I think I have enough money now
4 Then you should hurry up, because the sales are still ongoing!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What seems to be the problem?
2 There is something wrong with my phone, I cannot charge it
3 Have you tried rebooting it?
4 Yes, I have, and it didn’t work

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What’s your name?
2 I’m Ann, nice to meet you! Have we met?
3 Yes, we met last year at a conference. Don’t you remember me?
4 I thought your face was quite familiar!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What is it like to study so much? You barely get out of your house!
2 I love it so much I cannot do anything else. It really is good for me
3 But you hardly see your friends! That’s the first time I’ve seen you in two weeks
4 I do feel bad about not seeing my friends as much as they want to see me, but I'm working on it!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What are you doing tomorrow?
2 I’m staying at home, as I usually do on Sundays
3 Why is that?
4 I need to babysit my little sister

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 When was the last time you had a cold?
2 About a year ago, I think
3 That’s impressive. You must have a strong immune system then
4 I think I do. I eat healthy and I try to work out as much as possible

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Would you like to have dinner now or an hour later?
2 I’m not that hungry, I think I can wait. Why do you ask?
3 I’m cooking some pasta with cheese and I was wondering if you would like some
4 That sounds good, I’ll join you!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 When did you get such an amazing scarf? I love it!
2 Oh, it was a present from my grandmother for my birthday. She knit it herself!
3 She’s so good at it! I wish I had the talent to knit
4 It’s not as difficult as you think, you should try it!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Do you use any social networks?
2 Not really. I value real communication much more than texting
3 In this case, how do you keep in touch with all of your friends?
4 I call them all the time! And they’re always happy to hear me

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Do you think you’d be able to live without the Internet for a year?
2 Well, it’d be quite difficult, but I think I’d be able to handle it
3 You sound so reassured. What would be the most difficult thing?
4 I use the Internet a lot, especially for educational purposes. It’d be hard to walk away from such a convenience

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Are you planning to go anywhere this summer?
2 Sure I do! I'm thinking of going to Italy this time
3 Sounds great! How long will you be staying there?
4 For about 2 weeks, I guess. We'll see

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I've heard that you're a vegan. Is that true?
2 Yes, it is. Why do you ask?
3 I'm really interested in it these days. I'm thinking of going vegan too
4 That's great! I think you should start small. Try avoiding meat at first

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What is the most beautiful and clean place in your area?
2 I think it's our park. It's small and very popular
3 Are there any animals?
4 Yes, there are some ducks and you can feed them if you want!

Rome … in one day
hadn’t built
weren’t built
didn’t build
wasn’t built

She … baseball when she was a child

She … call me if she doesn’t want to
doesn’t have to

She … German all her life

She advised me … smoking as soon as possible
to stop
to ask
to quit
to be

She always needs some company, she hates being by …

She didn’t feel good yesterday, she … eat anything
didn’t have to

She is … woman I know
the most beautiful
more beautiful
the beautifullest
most beautiful

She ordered me …
to not shout
not shouting
not shout
not to shout

She said she … me the day before at the restaurant
have had
had seen
had quit
had dance

She said she … my reaction to her statement last night
doesn’t like
don’t like
hasn’t liked
didn’t like

She said she … there at 10 o’clock
will meet
would meet
is meeting

She wants … home today
to staying
to stay

She was there at that time. She must … it, I’m sure
have stolen
has stolen
have stealing
is steal

Since when … you been so rude to me?

Some people don’t like … music at all

Stacy … to Spain this summer
will have travelled
will travel
is going to travel

Text him. He … be at work by now
has to
have to

That’s the wallet … owner we are searching for

The dinner … at 5 o’clock
always is served
is always serving
is always served
is served always

The one thing I know for sure is that he’s great at …
to teach
to teaching

The police informed that they … to catch the shoplifter
are wanting
were wanting

The question … last night by my family
was discussed
is discussed
was discussing

The walls … at the moment
were painted
are paint
are being painted

They … pretty tough times at school these days
are having
is having

This morning our boss said he would resign …
that day
a week ago

This time next week she … TV
will be watching
will watch
will have watched

Unless you … with us, we’ll leave right away
would go
will go

Unless you are dressed properly, you … able to enter the restaurant
won’t be
wouldn’t be
willn’t be

We did the project …

We don’t have … extra towels for the guests

We had to put … the meeting because we were late

We have … apples, that should be enough for the cake
a lot
a few

We looked at … in the mirror

We should get an umbrella … it rains, because it might
in case
due to

What … you usually read when you’re alone?

What would you do if you … a large sum of money?
will get
would get

When we arrived at the hotel, the maid … up in our room
were still cleaning up
still cleaned
was still cleaning
was cleaning still

When you … we were planning the wedding

While you … the eggs I was on my way home
were boiling
was boiling
will boiling
would boiling

You … bring your textbooks, you won’t probably need them
don’t have
do not have to

You … leave your car here, it’s forbidden
don’t have to

You … look at me when I’m talking to you

You … practice more to master this skill
don’t have to

You … touch that, it’s too hot!
don’t have to

You definitely take … your mother. You’re so similar!

You need … an education to apply for this job
to be
to go
to have
to write

You need … hard to get what you want
to work
to working

You were involved in … the article from the start
to writing
to write

You were the first one … that question
to ask
to asking

You will be rich if you … a rich man
will marry
would marry
will have married

1) … (you/read) the new Harry Potter book yet? 2) I … (read) it now actually. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.
1) Have you read; 2) am reading.
1) Had you read; 2) am read.
1) Нas you read; 2) am reading.

1) “Don’t do that again,” he … at me angrily. 2) “We’ve finished!” John … with relief. 3) She was so scared she could only … her name in a low voice. Fill in: snarl, stammer, whisper, sigh, groan.
1) snarled; 2) sighed; 3) whisper.
1) snarl; 2) sigh; 3) whisper.
1) groan; 2) whisper; 3) sigh.

1) “You can come with me,” Jake … me. 2) He … that he would be late. 3) “She’s leaving tomorrow,” Jamie …. Fill in: said or told.
1) told; 2) said; 3) said.
1) said; 2) said; 3) said.
1) told; 2) told; 3) said.

1) Before I bought my new computer I really put it under the …. 2) John wasn’t able to fix my computer so it’s back to the …. 3) I read in a computer magazine today that a new generation of software is in the …. Complete the idioms. Use some words from the list: works, drawing board, microscope, rocket, right.
1) microscope; 2) rocket; 3) drawing board.
1) microscope; 2) right; 3) drawing board.
1) microscope; 2) drawing board; 3) works.

1) Can you keep the noise …? I can’t hear myself speak! (cause to stay at lower level) 2) If you keep … missing classes, you won’t pass your exams. (continue) 3) She kept … some vital information from the police. (hide/conceal) Fill in: up with, back, on, down, away.
1) back; 2) on; 2) away.
1) down; 2) on; 3) back.
1) down; 2) on; 3) away.

1) Dad didn’t want to go … the details of his illness. (discuss in detail) 2) He went … two painful operations after the accident. (experience) 3) I wish this awful headache would go …! (disappear) 4) If you go … driving without wearing your glasses, you will have an accident. (continue) 5) Pat decided not to go … with the operation. (proceed)Fill in: on, away, into, through, ahead.
1) into; 2) through; 3) away; 4) on; 5) ahead.
1) on; 2) through; 3) away; 4) into; 5) ahead.
1) ahead; 2) through; 3) away; 4) on; 5) into.

1) Did Jack … at the concert in the end? 2) Let’s … the air conditioning. 3) It’s really hot. … the radio, Simon. It’s too loud. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) turned over; 2) turn down; 3) turn up.
1) turn over; 2) turned down; 3) turn up.
1) turn over; 2) turn down; 3) turn up.

1) Don’t tell me that the performance has been cancelled. I was really … it. 2) My grandmother … my baby brother while my mother works. 3) When you travel abroad, you should … pickpockets. 4) My sister is really arrogant. I hate the way she … everyone. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) look up; 2) look after; 3) look out for; 4) look down on.
1) looking forward to; 2) looks after; 3) look out for; 4) looks down on.
1) look forward to; 2) look after; 3) look out for; 4) look down on.

1) Fixing that sink has really done me …! (cause to become very tired) 2) We had to do … a washing machine at first. (manage despite the absence of) 3) I’m doing … an old cottage. (renovate) 4) Do … your shoe lace, Lize! (tie)Fill in: without, up, in.
1) in; 2) without; 3)up; 4) up.
1) up; 2) without; 3) in; 4) up.
1) without; 2) in; 3)up; 4) up.

1) Has … seen Mike? I’ve been looking for him … but he’s … to be found! 2) … knows me better than Any. Fill in the gaps with the compounds of some/any/no/every.
1) anybody/anyone, everywhere, nowhere; 2) nobody/no one.
1) nobody/no one, everywhere, nowhere; 2) anybody/anyone.
1) anybody, everywhere, nowhere; 2) nobody.

1) He … (not have) a headache if he had gone to bed earlier. 2) If they … (set out) earlier, they wouldn’t have missed the train. 3) I wouldn’t have found the injection painful if the nurse … (be) gentle. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1) would not have; 2) have set out; 3) have been.
1) would not have had; 2) have set out; 3) had been.
1) would not have had; 2) had set out; 3) had been.

1) He … all his books when he moved. 2) The eggs … a terrible smell. 3) She’s decided to … smoking! Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) gave away; 2) are giving off; 3) give up.
1) give back; 2) are giving off; 3) give up.
1) give back; 2) gave away; 3) give off.

1) He … the tools he had borrowed from me yesterday. 2) Recent advances in technology have … great changes in our lives. 3) I was … in Delaware in the USA. 4) You look upset – what … that …? Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) brought back; 2) brought about; 3) brought up; 4) brought … on.
1) bring back; 2) brought about; 3) bring up; 4) brought … on.
1) bring back; 2) bring about; 3) bring up; 4) bring … on.

1) He almost … the neighbor’s cat! 2) I hope we won’t … petrol before we get home! 3) I … Eddie in the supermarket yesterday. 4) Most cars … unleaded petrol. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) run over; 2) ran out of; 3) ran into; 4) run on.
1) ran over; 2) run out of; 3) ran into; 4) run on.
1) ran over; 2) run out; 3) run in; 4) ran on.

1) He put me … while I was in London. (offer hospitality) 2) Due to snow we put … our trip. (postpone) 3) Put … your jacket. It’s cold. (dress oneself) Fill in: off, on, up, down, up with.
1) up; 2) up with; 3) on.
1) up with; 2) down; 3) on.
1) up; 2) off; 3) on.

1) He’ll … the company when his mother retires. 2) I want to … football. Do you know where I can have lessons? 3) We’re going to … you … for your birthday, Lize! Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) take up; 2) take up; 3) take (you) out.
1) take over; 2) takes after; 3) take (you) out.
1) take over; 2) take up; 3) take (you) out.

1) I haven’t had much money since I lost my job, but I’m … 2) I must … now or I’ll miss my bus. 3) Does Tom … well with his sister? Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) getting by; 2) get off; 3) get on.
1) get off; 2) get in; 3) get on.
1) getting by; 2) get around; 3) get on.

1) I haven’t had much money since I lost my job, but I’m …. 2) I must … now or I’ll miss my bus. 3) Does Tom … well with his sister? Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) get off; 2) get in; 3) get on.
1) getting by; 2) get around; 3) get on.
1) getting by; 2) get off; 3) get on.

1) I was going to buy an expensive ring, but my mum talked me … it. (persuade sb not to do smth) 2) Sam treats me like a child. He always talks … to me. (petronise) 3) Tim was refusing to speak to me, but then I manage to talk him …. (make sb change their mind) Fill in: over, out, of, down, back, into, round.
1) out of; 2) back; 3) into.
1) out of; 2) down; 3) round.
1) out of; 2) down; 3) into.

1) I will … my little brother from school. 2) You shouldn’t … your food. 3) Some older schoolchildren … younger ones. 4) Can you help me … a dress for the party? Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1) pick up; 2) pick at; 3) pick on; 4) pick out.
1) pick up; 2) pick at; 3) pick up; 4) pick out.
1) pick out; 2) picked up; 3) pick at; 4) pick on.

1) Jo has been complaining … back pain. 2) She’s allergic … cats. 3) It took him ages to recover … the accident. Fill in: of, in, for, from, to.
1) of; 2) to; 3)from.
1) for; 2) to; 3) from.
1) of; 2) in; 3) for.

1) Kate is responsible … watering the plants every morning. 2) Littering is … the law in Singapore. 3) Jan was charged … dangerous driving. Complete the sentences with: against, for, into, with, of.
1) for; 2) against; 3) with.
1) of; 2) against; 3) with.
1) for; 2) against; 3) into.

1) Moscow is famous … its Bolshoi Theatre. 2) She impressed the audience … her performance. 3) They mistook him … Keanu Reeves and asked for his autograph. Fill in: with or for.
1) for; 2) with; 3) with.
1) with; 2) with; 3) for.
1) for; 2) with; 3) for.

1) Mr. Smith isn’t here. He checked … on Wednesday. 2) Have you checked … all the items on your list? 3) Frank checked … his work before giving it to the teacher. Fill in: in, on, out, over, off.
1) in; 2) over; 3) off.
1) out; 2) over; 3) off.
1) out; 2) off; 3) over.

1) My sister is … to be … to a wonderful man. 2) When she … from her husband, she moved to her parent’s house. 3) It’s difficult to be a … parent. Fill in: engaged, married, separated, single.
1) separated, single; 2) married; 3) single.
1) engaged, married; 2) separated; 3) single.
1) engaged, married; 2) separated; 3) separated.

1) The hotel was off the beaten … (track/road). 2) We left the island with a heavy … (head/heart). 3) Where’s our next … (port/stop) of call? Choose the correct word.
1) road; 2) heart; 3) port.
1) track; 2) head; 3) port.
1) track; 2) heart; 3) port.

1) The story made me … (cry). 2) Remind me … (see) to it tomorrow. 3) Would you like … (go) now? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1) cry; 2) see; 3) go.
1) cry; 2) to see; 3) to go.
1) cry; 2) to see; 3) going.

1) They were of great help. I don’t know what I … (do) if they hadn’t helped me. 2) If I could be anything I wanted, I … (be) an astronaut. 3) If he … (not/waste) time playing computer games, he would have been able to study more. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1) would have done; 2) would be; 3) hadn't wasted.
1) would have do; 2) would have been; 3) hadn't wasted.
1) have done; 2) would be; 3) would hadn't wasted.

1) Throwing waste in the sea can be harmful … marine life. 2) A lot of coral reefs are … threat due to rising sea temperatures. 3) More needs to be done to protect dolphins … getting caught in fishing nets. Fill in: of, from, to, under, about, in.
1) to; 2) under; 3) from.
1) of; 2) under; 3) from.
1) in; 2) under; 3) from.

1) Tim wasn’t prepared for the speech, but he managed to carry it …. (do successfully) 2) I told Kate to stop tapping her foot, but she carried … doing it. (continue) 3) We don’t know who carried … the attacks yet. (do) Fill in: through, off, out, on.
1) through; 2) out; 3) on.
1) off; 2) out; 3) through.
1) off; 2) on; 3) out.

1) We came … a beautiful antique table at the flea market. 2) Why don’t you come … tonight? We’re having pizza. 3) The symptoms show that you’re coming … the flu. Fill in: across, up with, down with, into, over.
1) across; 2) over; 3) down with.
1) over; 2) over; 3) down with.
1) across; 2) over; 3) up with.

1) You … stop at a red light. (necessity/strong obligation) 2) You … park on double yellow lines. (prohibition) 3) You … drive when there is a good public transport system. (lack of necessity) Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb in the appropriate form (must/have to, mustn’t/can’t, don’t have to/needn’t, should/ought to, can/may, could/might, can/could, will/should, can/would, can/shall.
1) must/have to; 2) mustn't/can't; 3) don't have to/needn't.
1) should/ought to; 2) can't; 3) can/could.
1) mustn't/can't; 2) must/have to; 3) can/could.

1) Weren't the ... (wedding / marriage) vows beautiful at Kate and Nick's ... (wedding /
marriage)? 2) There are just four people in my ... (extended / immediate) family, but more than twenty in my ... (extended / immediate) family. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
1) marriage, wedding; 2) immediate, extended.
1) wedding, marriage; 2) immediate, extended.
1) marriage, wedding; 2) extended, immediate.

A week ago I came ... an interesting idea that possessed my mind
up with
down with

I always … my car near the house
am parking

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I have never
B. I adore
C. I have just been cycling
D. Next week I’m going to
E. been in Italy before
F. studying Spanish
G. for 2 hours
H. go to Spain

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. While I was going to work
B. My sister has been in London
C. My brother was in Moscow
D. My family has never
E. my mother rang
F. three times this year
G. two times last year
H. been poor

My brother … about me! I hate it!
always complains
complains always
always is complaining
is always complaining

My mother came … a large sum of money when her dad passed
up with

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (never to lie) … to you”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to be) … surprised when you told me you were engaged”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I (to enjoy) … going shopping every week”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I really adore the way you (to smile) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Now that I know your situation, I think I (to share) … mine”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The factory (to produce) … pillows for the last 20 years”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The plane (to take) … off at 8 o’clock”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Unfortunately, I accidentally (to delete) … the documents from our computer”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “While my mother was cooking dinner, I (to do) … my homework”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 My name is Ann, I am your neighbor. How long have you lived here?
2 I’ve just moved in actually. Why are you asking?
3 I need your help with a man who lives on the 4th floor, just above us. He is always listening to music, it is so loud!
4 Okay, I’ll talk to him, no problem

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 So, how is Amsterdam?
2 It’s awesome! I totally adore my life here.
3 Is everything there as good as you say?
4 Well, there is one thing I don’t like. I wanted to have a cat, but my landlord won’t let me.

The gardener … the flowers at the moment
is watering

This time next week I … in Rome
will be
going to be
will have been
am being

Yesterday I came … an advertisement in a newspaper

1) I’m just sick and … of doing exams all the time! 2) I’m so fed up with the way I look. It’s really … me down. 3) I’m losing control. I can’t … it anymore! Fill in: take, tired, getting.
getting; 2) tired; 3) take.
tired; 2) getting; 3) take.
getting; 2) take; 3) tired.

Add the missing word in sentence: “… case of emergency, call the ambulance”

Add the missing word in sentence: “I cancelled our appointment … as not to feel bad there”

Add the missing word in sentence: “I got divorced in order … feel more freedom”

Add the missing word in sentence: “I quit my job due … the fact that it was too stressful”

Add the missing word in sentence: “Put your clothes … , we are about to go out”

Add the missing word in sentence: “That is the girl … mother is my teacher”

Add the missing word in sentence: “You are so unkind to your sister, why are you putting her … like that?”

Add the missing word in sentence: “You have to respect yourself, never put up … that!”

Add the missing word in sentence: “You should take this medicine twice a day … get better”

Don’t put anyone … for being different!
up with

He wanted to prevent the wedding … happening

I can no longer put … this
up with

I interrupted the meeting … the fact that I was late
due to

I wanted to talk to her … explain my behavior
in order
so as
with the aim to

I’m doing everything in my power to avoid … bored
to be

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. The man at the door
B. That is the teacher
C. That is the example
D. That is the book
E. is the one I told you about
F. whose children are scientists
G. that shows us how to use this word
H. of which the first page is missing

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. We need to start working in
B. She studied French
C. I try to avoid
D. We tried to prevent the accident
E. order to finish on time
F. to move to Europe
G. seeing my enemies every day
H. from happening, but we failed

Yesterday I cleaned my house … I could invite my friends over
in order to
so that
so as to
with the aim of

We usually travel … something new
to learn
to learning

1) Jake’s grandfather has just had a heart …. 2) Jake was … all night. He must have a stomach bug. 3) I feel … I think I’m going to faint. Fill in: attack, sore, blowing, vomiting, dizzy, hoarse, caught, breathing, running, aching, rash, allergic, wheeze, sneezing.
1) sneezing; 2) vomiting; 3) dizzy.
1) attack; 2) vomiting; 3) dizzy.
1) aching; 2) hoarse; 3) blowing.

I hate it when you call … stupid

I never go … on Fridays

I went … awfully difficult times

Jim, behave …!

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. As it was my parents’ anniversary, I couldn’t go
B. I never liked going
C. I know it’s been hard for you, but you need to go
D. I would never like to go
E. out with my friends
F. into details using text messages
G. on and start doing something
H. through that again

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I really hate
B. I wish you weren’t
C. You would never disrespect
D. He has never liked being
E. myself for not calling you that day
F. so hard on yourself
G. yourselves like that
H. by himself

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I need to have my hair (to cut) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Last night my phone (to steal) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My dog (to feed) … twice a day”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My father (to accuse) … of robbing a woman”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “They (to ask) … to leave by the host”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “This case is now being (to deal) … with in court”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “This water is so clean, I think it (to filter) … last night”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We (to make) … this decision yesterday”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You (to tell) … multiple times not to do that, but you are still taking my cup without permission!”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Please, be careful while crossing the road
2 Why are you telling me this now?
3 An accident happened yesterday, I would like you to be more cautious
4 Okay then. Thanks!

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What can I do for you?
2 My leg hurts. I think it might be broken
3 There doesn’t seem to be anything radically wrong with it, but let’s do a scan just to be sure
4 Good. Thank you, doctor!

She has never treated … well

The show must go …!

We would never do that to …

1) New York is a(n) … city because there are many factories and warehouses there. 2) York is a(n) … city because it dates from 71 AD. 3) Newcastle was a(n) … town in the 19th century because of the mining industry. Fill in: industrial, capital, cosmopolitan, overcrowded, historic, market, boom, shanty, new.
1) shanty; 2) new; 3) overcrowded.
1) cosmopolitan; 2) historic; 3) new.
1) industrial; 2) historic; 3) boom.

He … to visit his grandmother

I … help my mom with cooking
needs to

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Sooner or later this work is going to do me
B. There’s something wrong with this zipper. I can’t do it
C. My mother wants to do
D.I do
E. in
F. up
G. up the flat tomorrow
H. without milk pretty well

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I wasn’t available yesterday
B. May
C. You can’t
D. If you experience headaches
E.so I couldn’t have helped you
F. I close the door?
G. go out without your teacher’s permission
H. you should visit the doctor

My boyfriend … give me more presents!
need to
have to

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “(To be) … you able to sing when you were young?”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Could you (to move) … somewhere else, please?”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I got used to (to drink) … more water these days”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “This case is now being (to stay) … with in court”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You could (to leave) … if they hadn’t come in”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “You shouldn’t (to ask) … her about their relationship yesterday”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “I cannot find the cake. Our cat might (to eat) … it last night”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “Why are you doing all those exercises now? You could (to do) … them yesterday”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentences: “You can’t leave her alone. You need (to help) … her”

Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I’m thinking of redecorating our bathroom. Which color do you think suits our design?
2 I’ve always wanted to have a green one
3 That would be awesome! Should I order a green sink in this case?
4 Yes, sure! I’m looking forward to seeing it

You … not have said it, now she is mad at you!

You don’t … attend these classes if you don’t want to
must to
have to

… coffee in the morning makes me feel good
To drink
To drinking

1) A: Have you ever … the law? B: Well, I once had to … a fine for speeding! 2) A: Did the man … to the burglary? B: Yes, the police have … him and he’s … in court on Thursday. Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct from (arrest; appear; confess; pay; break).
1) broken, pay; 2) confess, arrested, appearing.
1) breaking, pay; 2) confess, arresting, appearing.
1) broken, pay; 2) confess, arrested, appeared.

I really need you … with me
to stay
stay to

I usually avoid … about bad things
to talk
to talking

It will take me weeks to keep … with the rest of the class!

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Would you mind
B. What do you like more:
C. Do you regret
D. What is something you hate
E. closing the door?
F. running or swimming?
G. talking to him last night?
H. speaking about the most?

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Do you fancy
B. He managed
C. I tend to
D. He avoids
E. going to the cinema tomorrow?
F. to finish the work on time
G. worry much about the consequences
H. talking to people in the mornings

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He denied (to be) … involved in the crime”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I came to London (to study) … English”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I drank a cup of coffee before (to leave) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I gave up (to smoke) … two years ago”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I have never been the first one (to answer) … the question”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “I was about (to go) … out, but my phone rang”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “It is difficult for me (to describe) … my feelings”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Look around before (to cross) … the street”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “To love is (to accept) … everything in one another”

Please, keep that … from me!

We need to work a lot to keep the prices …

We usually travel … something new
to learn
to learning

1) My favorite magazine … out once a month. 2) There are … news every hour on that radio station. 3) I bet there isn’t a … of truth in that article about Tom Cruise! 4) The health service has … the headlines again for the third time this year. Fill in: running, gutter, top, unfold, shred, broadcast, updates, hit, comes, developments.
1) broadcast; 2) top; 3) shred; 4) hit.
1) developments; 2) top; 3) shred; 4) hit.
1) comes; 2) updates; 3) shred; 4) hit.

A police officer told me the situation … under control
had been
is being

He also talked me … of studying

He said he wished he … a teacher
had been

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Anna told me
B. Miss Addams advised me
C. My doctor suggested
D. Our local postman said he wished he
E. she had finished completing the tests.
F. to stay out of it.
G. taking a break.
H. were an astronaut.

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. She inquired what
B. Her brother asked
C. I asked my cat if
D. He was wondering whether
E. I did for a living
F. if she needed anything
G. he was hungry
H. or not I could help him

My friend talked me … working with him

My mother told me she … cooking dinner
is finishing
had finished

My teacher told me he … English at school
does not study
had not studied
have not studied
not had studied

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He advised me (to be) … stronger”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Miss Garey said she (to meet) … me there at 3 o’clock”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “My mother ordered me not (to shout) …”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Our teachers said they wished they (to be) … film directors”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “She said she (to lose) … her wallet the day before”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “When I asked what he did for a living, my brother said he (to fix) … cars”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “When Jakon called I said we (to watch) … a film”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Your dad said that water (to freeze) … at 0 degrees”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: ”When I called she said she (to cook) … dinner”

She said that she … for 2 hours
is running
had been running

1) Jane managed to … many difficulties and became a successful businesswoman. 2) Keep on trying until you … your dream. 3) You may … many obstacles but don’t give up. Fill in: achieve, come up against, overcome, come, long to, make, take, move, face, reach, reject.
1) reach; 2) achieve; 3) come up against; 4) overcome.
1) overcome; 2) achieve; 3) come up against; 4) reach.
1) come; 2) reach; 3) come up against; 4) achieve.

I wish I … as good a singer as Mary
will be

I’m so happy I’ve carried … the recent situation

If I … you, I’d tell him
had been

If I study hard, I … my dream job
would get
will get

If you hadn’t come, I … the project on time
would finished
had finished
would have finished

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. If you want to reach your goal, you should carry
B. I wish you to carry the Olympiad
C. I really want this experiment to be carried
D. Trust me, as soon as you carry
E. on working for a little longer
F. of this year
G. out successfully, I’ve been working so hard on it!
H. through this life period, you’ll be happy

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I wish you
B. If I had slept more, I
C. If she were smarter, she
D. If you heat water to 100 degrees, it
E. wouldn't play your music so loud
F. would have felt better
G. would not be as happy
H. boils

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Even if I (to believe) … in your words, I wouldn’t trust you completely”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If I (to have) …, I would have paid”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If I could (to play) …, I would certainly beat you”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If I had more money, I (to open) … my own shop”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If it (to stop) … raining, we will go outside”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If she (to accuse) … of a crime, she would not have started working”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to have) … a cat, I would visit you more often”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “If you (to interest) … me well enough, I will keep on studying that”

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “We (to go) … out if my mother comes home early”

The research was carried … on a high level of quality

The water … at 100 degrees
had boiled
will boil

1) A: Hi! I heard you had a great time in America. B: Absolutely, but it took me a day or two to recover from the … lag. 2) A: Would you like a window seat? B: No, I’d like an … seat, please. 3) A: Did you manage to get a direct flight? B: No, but it’s only a … stopover, so I don’t mind. Fill in: aisle, boarding, cabin, hand, delayed, take-off, air traffic, jet, short, poor.
1) jet; 2) aisle; 3) short.
1) jet; 2) take-off; 3) poor.
1) jet; 2) cabin; 3) hand.

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Had I been there
B. Not for a moment I
C. Never have we witnessed such
D. Seldom
E. I’d definitely help you with the dishes
F. did think I would be offered the job
G. cruel behavior by one child to another
H. does one hear a politician say ‘sorry’

Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Trust me, there’s no need to check
B. You should check
C. If you want to take part in the play, check
D. You have to check
E. up on every move of mine
F. on her, we are all worried
G. off your name on this list of participants
H. in before the flight

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentence: “Are there … vacancies in the company?”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentence: “Can Anna have … flour to bake a cake?”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentence: “Do they have … postcards left?”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentence: “Is … left for me to do?”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentence: “There’s … petrol in my car”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentence: “Would you like … milk to drink?”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentences: “I have … money. I can’t buy a car”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentences: “I ran out of energy. I need to eat … food”

Use some/any/no or their compounds in sentences: “They have … to tell you. Don’t talk to them”

Very … see that type of heroism again
rarely will people
naber will people
rarely people will
little people will

We will need to be on sensible alert, but … allow fear to dictate the course of our lives.
never we must
on no account should we
no way we should
under no circumstances we should


Автор работы Разместил эксперт AleksandrChernyshev, в 2023

Уникальность: более 50%

Куплено: 6 раз

Гарантии Автор24

Отзывы от тех, кто уже покупал работу

Мария П ( 21, ГАСУ ) 23-07-2021

Отличная работа! Без вас я бы никогда не справилась! Я и глазом не успела моргнуть как после оплаты материал уже можно было скачать. Все качественно, правильно, в полном соответствии с заявленной темой. Замечаний от преподавателя не было, ему все понравилось, поэтому буду обращаться к вам всегда, когда сама не захочу морочиться с заданиями.

Общая оценка 4
Марк Ж ( 24, ГАСУ ) 02-07-2021

Все супер, благодарен вам очень. За работу получил 4, были некоторые замечания. Но это наверное и хорошо, если б получил отлично, то были бы сомнения у препода. Я не отличник. Все супер, я однозначно буду обращаться к вам еще.

Общая оценка 4
Иван Л ( 21, АГАУ ) 12-08-2021

Пользуюсь магазином давно, рассказала старшая сестра. Сперва думал развод какой то или она разводит. Все же настал тот день, когда срочно нужна была готовая работа, нашел сайт, сделал заказ, через час получил файл, и нет никаких проблем, супер.

Общая оценка 5
Юлия М ( 21, РГЭУ РИНХ ) 01-09-2021

Все супер, мне очень понравился этот магазин готовых работ. Если честно, то думала, что там инфа будет из инета, но я проверила текст по антиплагиату и он был уникален. Цена не высокая, оформление правильное. Притензий нет. Буду обращаться ещё к вам. Оценка 5 из 5

Общая оценка 5
Владислав Б ( 24, УжНУ ) 02-09-2021

Узнал про сайт от девушки, грит заказывает разные темы больше двух лет и нет никаких проблем. Нашел сайт, прочитал коменты и решил попробовать. Таки не прогадал и девушка была права. Все быстро, качественно, недорого, в сроки. Покупал работы по всем предметам во время сессии, а в конце курса отчет по практике. Вообще никаких проблем, замечаний нет. Рекомендую, советую всем студентам!

Общая оценка 5
Владимир Ж ( 24, ТЮИ МВД РФ ) 14-10-2021

Как всегда зашёл на сайт, чтоб в очередной раз заказать работу. И пока ждал, то решил прогуляться по сайту и зашёл в комменты. Решил тоже оставить один. Работаю с Автором уже почти четыре года, за все это время бывали разные ситуации. Бывало цена не подходила для меня, но все же заказывал. А бывало ждать приходилось долго или файл не мог скачать. Но все же всегда все заканчивалось хорошо. Очень благодарен за помощь за эти года

Общая оценка 4
Сергей В ( 21, СГАУ ) 31-07-2021

Учусь на первом курсе, нашел работу хорошую, не мог совмещать работу и время на проверочные задания во время сессии. Решил найти нормальный сайт, долго рыскал в инете, и тут подруга на потоке дала ссылочку. Работу я купил в магазине готовых заданий, что для меня вообще главное преимущество, так как ждать не нужно. Спасибо ей и вам, что делаете добро людям

Общая оценка 5
Фома Х ( 24, СПБГПУ ) 24-08-2021

Поступил на первый курс, аж страшно по началу было. Не знал как да что. Познакомился с студентами старших курсов, вот они и дали мне подсказку. Заказал даже и не думал, верил, что результат будет очень хороший. И правда, хорошо, что доверился друзьям, работа была просто на высоте и без всяких переживаний, теперь уже и не так страшно учиться

Общая оценка 4
Светлана А ( 24, НГУ ) 11-10-2021

Пользуюсь данным ресурсом более двух лет. Нет никаких проблем, никаких нареканий со стороны преподавателей. Последний раз заказывал задачи по математике, все как обычно прошло. Все очень быстро, качественно, удобно, а главное доступно. Много знакомых тоже уже пользуются и заказывают различные работы. Хорошо, что есть такие сайты решение проблем

Общая оценка 4
Стас С ( 24, Книту ) 30-10-2021

Искал доступный материал, по нормальным ценам и с быстрой подачей. Посоветовали обратиться в магазин готовых работ. Говорят, что цены доступные, материал четко сложен и все очень быстро. Недолго думая решил воспользоваться, все было очень просто, написал, что нужно, оговорили оплату и почти сразу же получил свою работу. Если бы я знал раньше, что есть подобные магазины, то пользовался бы с первого дня учебы. Теперь только у вас все буду заказывать, рекомендую.